
What is Unigames?

Unigames is UWA's traditional gaming club. That means that all types of non-video gaming (including tabletop RPGs, board games, wargames, card games, and more!) are covered under our umbrella. The club was formed in 1983, when two previous UWA clubs - the Wargaming club and the Simulations Society - merged to form one club. Since then, Unigames has only grown stronger. We pride ourselves on our inclusive and passionate member base, as well as our huge library that contains (almost) any game you could want to play!

What can I do at Unigames?

Play games!

There are many roleplaying campaigns in action at the moment, held either weekly or fortnightly. Popular roleplaying systems at the moment include D&D (5th, 4th and Pathfinder are most common), Dark Heresy (and family), nWoD, and Ad Eva 3.5 (giant robots!).

For the non-roleplayers, if you pick the right moment it's usually possible to tap the boundless energy of Unigames hordes for Dominion, Settlers of Catan, Root, Wingspan, Brass: Burmingham, Sky Team or any of our other dozens of boardgames. But if you get addicted, you may want to consider the statutory withdrawal dates for some or all of your units! It's a case of choosing your poison - the Unigames library has a plethora of weird and wonderful games in stock, some of which are used all the time, and some of which haven't been dusted off in a decade. Who knows what you could find?

How do I join Unigames?

If you wish to join Unigames, it's easy! Just head on down to the clubroom whenever it is open, say "I would like to join Unigames please!", and the Gatekeeper in the room will sign you up!

The Unigames membership fee is $5 if you are a UWA Student Guild Member, or $7 otherwise. We accept cash or bank transfer. This membership fee goes entirely towards the running of the club and buying more games for members to play.

Joining Unigames can only be done in person at the Unigames clubroom. If you don't know where the clubroom is, read on!

Where is the Unigames clubroom?

For a start, Unigames is located above the UWA Tavern (35 Stirling Hwy, Crawley). If you don't know where that is, just ask anyone you can find, wandering anywhere on campus. From standing in front of the Tavern, facing the Tavern, walk left and follow the Tavern's fence around the corner. Keep wandering around this wall of the Tavern until you hit an inset in the wall. The door facing away from the river is the entrance to all the higher parts of Cameron Hall.

If that doesn't help, you can also follow this video from Guild Village/Guild Student Centre or this video from The Ref/Tavern/Tutti Frutti from our 2023 President (Jackie) and Fresher Rep (Gen).

Once you've found the entrance to Cameron Hall, follow the stairs up to the second floor (i.e. two stories up), walk past whatever club currently inhabits the first room, take the big doors and go straight ahead. Ignore the glass doors to your right, and keep walking. Enter the first corridor on your right, and Unigames will be the club directly in front of you.

A map of the upper level of Cameron Hall, showing the location of Unigames
A map of the upper level of Cameron Hall!

When is Unigames open?

Unigames entrusts certain individuals, known as Gatekeepers, with the power and responsibility to open the clubroom. So the answer is: whenever you can grab one of the Gatekeepers by the arm and make them unlock the clubroom, which is more or less whenever you want it to be! We are blessed with Gatekeepers who have made Cameron Hall, the location of the Unigames clubroom, their surrogate home, and it's unlikely one of them won't be around at virtually any time you're likely to be. If you’d like to check the room’s status prior to coming to the clubroom, pop a question on our Facebook group/Discord server, check the #door-status channel on our Discord, or check if the room is open here!

Of course, if you do hang around more than they do (and run campaigns) you can apply to become a Gatekeeper - just ask a Committee Member or Gatekeeper for the form, or locate it on our Facebook and Discord Server..

Does joining Unigames grant me any benefits?

A Unigames membership grants the following benefits:

What’s the Library?

Located within our clubroom is Unigames’ pride and joy, the Library! Feel free to swing by and try out a new game, or introduce some friends to your favourite. Anyone (including non members) are able to visit and play any of our games within the clubroom. Along with the various games, we also have battemaps, dice, Magic: The Gathering & Pokemon club decks, and mini painting supplies available for use within the clubroom or via a short-term borrow.

Unigames members are able to short-term borrow library items within Cameron Hall for a period of fewer than 24 hours by giving their student card on an equivalent form of valid photo ID to a Committee Member or Gatekeeper. We’ll hold onto this until the resource is returned.

Additionally, members are also able to long-term borrow and take games out of Cameron Hall for a period of up to 2 weeks. Simply request to borrow from the library from a Committee Member or Gatekeeper and they’ll help you out, both with borrowing and returning. A fee may be imposed in cases of damages or items lost, or strikes in the case of late returns or minor damage.

Missing a game you think we should have? Unigames holds a Book Buy once a Semester, in the leadup to which we’ll put out a post asking for member suggestions and recommendations. The Committee will research, discuss and vote on the most suitable items to add to our library. Depending on our budget a Book Buy can result in anywhere from 4-10 new resources for the Library!

In the case of nicher games/supplies, splat books or expansions, we also allow Splat Buys - where member(s) may organise and contact the Committee with at least a 50% monetary pledge for a new item. Committee will then discuss and vote on this, and if successful, will work together with the members to acquire the new item, paying the difference. This allows us to provide our members with a broader range of resources without breaking the bank.

In addition, if you’re interested in donating something to our Library, please reach out to our Librarian or any Committee Member with the details, to allow for Committee to discuss and vote on donations and get back to you - before you trek up all those stairs with a heavy box. We will not accept donations if they are just left in our clubroom.

Theme Selector

Note: Themes are a WIP, and some elements may not render correctly in Dark Mode.

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