The Unigames Library

The pride and joy of Unigames, and also its greatest asset, the library contains our vast collection of board games, card games, RPG source books, and wargaming terrain.

See all: Library Items Tags

A fine addition to our collection

Unigames currently has:

  • 136 board games
  • 243 books
  • 62 card games
  • 7 other library items

and counting!

Both in the clubroom, and at home

All of the library items can be played, read, and used while in the clubroom, and members can also borrow the vast majority of items for use at events or their own RPG groups!

If you are a member and wish to borrow an item, swing by the clubroom when it's open and ask one of our friendly gatekeepers!

Other clubs are welcome too!

Unigames also allows other clubs, organisations and people to borrow items for their events. Whether you need one board game or several, Unigames is here to help!

Submit a request form with at least 2-3 weeks notice, and we'll get back to you!

External Borrowing Request Form

Featured Items:

6 nimmt!
6 nimmt!

Card Game




Card Game