Unigames Annual General Meeting 01/03/2024

by Joshua Annison 01/03/24

Unigames Annual General Meeting 01/03/2024

tags: committee meeting 2024


  • Jackie Shan
  • Ethan Gibson
  • Connor Brennan
  • Joshua Annison
  • Gen Allen
  • Chris Leak
  • Oscar Gates
  • Hannah Niklaus
  • Emerald Aindow
  • Xane Evans
  • Rondelyn Hanson
  • Pippa Sanderson
  • Joshua Lawton
  • Cooper Anderson
  • Alex J Slawinski
  • Harry Tolcher
  • Alexander Hall
  • Aryaman Bhoosready
  • Apollo Walters
  • Jeremy Butson
  • Everest White
  • Alistair Langton
  • Angus Prosser
  • Jack Bariss
  • Lexie O'Brien
  • Patrick McFerran
  • Patrick Burke
  • Michael Sidorenko
  • Ezran Bailey
  • Nene Fehlberg
  • Sven Skead
  • Sev Ellis-Smith
  • Diarmuid O'Connor

Meeting Scheduled: 1:00pm

Meeting Open: 1:11pm

<hr />


  • President's Report

    • hewwo friends!
    • it's me, jackie, your president for like 10 more minutes
    • apologise if this president report is a bit longer than usual
    • i took a year of approved leave last year to really focus hard on committee & related projects and i really enjoyed it while putting my heart and soul into this club (i love this club so much)
      • no seriously i only had like 10 hours maybe on steam the whole year i was unigames-brained the whole time
    • this has been my 5th year on committee (and yes, i still have 100% meeting attendance)
    • i got our 2019 sem 2 grant corrections back, which was an action item i got assigned at day 0 of my first term on committee in 2020, which was about $920.35
      • i also got $1000 of unpaid 2022 SPG money for us as well!
    • i worked my god damn ass off for unigames ball last year and was very very happy with how it turned out
      • we had 80 attendees! i wish i had more time to talk to the older members
    • continue to be graphic-design man
    • camp leader for both unigames camp (jocks & jokers) and joint camp (cerberus camp)
      • pulled off a last minute venue change for unigames camp somehow??
    • unigames got on the podium of top teams at relay!
    • attempted to improve committee to wargaming community communication and attempted to work on helping improve wargaming in unigames
    • successfully applied for continued sole tenancy within our current clubroom (CH184b)
    • and of course so much miscellaneous work that i cannot all remember like running events and helping with subcommittees and attending all our major events and mentoring and guiding committee members and gatekeepers
    • we had 317 members last year!!
    • i still have more unigames projects i really want to work on and complete, and i continue to be excited to work on them
    • unigames had a really strong last year, and i think the engagement from this year is looking incredible as well (75 people at the fresher welcome last night!!)
    • i'm very excited for the future of unigames, i think it's looking bright and i'm excited to watch it (and also stand right behind there ready to help whenever <3)
    • and a very very big thank you to my wonderful committee this year (including secret texas), you guys were all wonderful and i loved every bit of being on committee together - it was a fantastic year to be president and i had an incredible time
      • also thank you to all our lovely freshers from last year!!! it was wonderful to meet and befriend you all and you made unigames, unigames
  • Vice President's Report

    • Did magic stuff (not David)
    • Clubbed decks
    • uncharity vigil subbedcom
    • been the magic guy for most of the year
    • am retiring wahoo yippee
    • (someone should remind Jackie that letting go is a free action)
    • Thank you to the lovely members of this years committee
    • Best of luck to everyone running today
  • Treasurer's Report

    • Hi! I'm Connor, the (soon to be ex-) 2023 Unigames Treasurer!
    • A lot of my time this year was spent just managing my treasurer duties, but I did do some other things throughout the semester!
    • I ran Spaced Out Boardgames and the Unigames Dragon themed Painting Day
    • I helped out a lot on Unigames and Cerberus Camp
    • I helped out a lot on O'Day and Fresher Welcome
    • Now for some treasurer duties...
    • I helped out (and mostly drove) to 18 food runs, as well as helping out on the food runs for both camps
    • As a club, we got a bunch of shmoney from grants, with the details being outlined in the financial statement going around, but it was north of $7000 (ty W Soc Tres)
    • sigh, the deposit book I used throughout my term got eaten (aka it was lost to the void), and despite me searching every corner of everywhere I have been ever in my life, it has still been unfound
    • And finally, the account balance at the start of my term was $4,548.82, and at the time of reading this, the account balance is $14,925.51, which is over a $10k increase!
  • Secretary's Report

    • I had a lot of plans and ran a lot of things this year, including
      • Boardgame O'Day
      • Variety, Cyberpunk, Paranoia and L5R Oneshot Nights
      • Intro to Pokemon, Intro to Painting
      • A couple of warhammer tournaments
      • Unigames X Pride Boardgames
      • Prosh and Relay
    • I attempted to kickstart the return of Phoenix Magazine, which has been successful thus far and i hope the next committee continues this
    • I also began the fun process of backing up many a years previous minutes
    • I also completed my secretary duties, releasing more newsletters than the previous secretary
    • I want to thank the entirety of committee for being so strong and helpful to each other during a year that definitely had its ups and downs.
  • Librarian's Report [to be read by gibbi in the event of my absence. If he doesn't want to i think jackie should lmao]

    • Hey all, bureaucrat and bird-lover David reporting in, in spirit (I'm currently at work).

    • Looks like its the end of my tenure as librarian. In my time, I helped run:

      • 3 Board Game Nights, 2 TCG Events, 2 Wargaming Events
      • 2 Collaborative Events (Unigames x UWASCA Dice Bag Workshop, Unigames and UniSFA go to the DnD Movie)
      • 2 Major Events (Charity Vigil, Roleplay for Life)
    • In terms of librarian duties, I:

      • Reinforced and repaired most of our oldest board games and RPGs
      • Finished entering our library into the website database
      • Organised and ran our two yearly book buy meetings (including chairing one from overseas)
    • I also:

      • Helped out at camp (did dishes and moved the library both ways)
      • Plummeted further into the unfathomably deep hole of mtg
      • Subjected my fellow committee members to skibidi ohio rizz brainrot
    • Serving on committee for the last two years has been the highlight of my university experience, and I want to thank everyone I met along the way (in particular 2023 committee) for making my time here something to remember.

    • Goodbye, and Ca-Caw [make a bird noise]

  • Fresher Rep's Report

    • Heya everyone!
    • Frep duties
      • Organised fresher campaigns for both sem 1 and sem 2
      • Organised a re-fresher re-welcome as well as helped with organising our wonderful fresher welcome last night
      • Worked with other fresher reps to organise a fresher table for quiz night
    • Board game events
      • Redacted boardgames
      • A botc event
      • Little critter board games
      • C board games
    • RPG events
      • Call of Cthulhu
      • Cyberpunk
    • Bigger events
      • Roleplay for life
      • Joint camp
      • Uncharity vigil
    • Managed not to kill any freshers \:D (that we know of)
  • OCM's Reports

    • Chris // initiative: 2 of 6, 5 of 6
      • Hey! Ive had the pleasure of meeting a bunch of you over the past week, but for those I haven't met yet, I'm Chris!
      • Last year was my second year as OCM of Unigames, and I have continued to enjoy working with my fellow committee members, and also on occasion the other club committees.
      • Over the course of the year, I have organised a few oneshot and boardgames events such as the Boxed Board Games and the Heart One-Shot night.
      • I have also been on the subcommittee for the Joint Quiz night, and also helped run the Quiz on Unigames camp. Unfortunately, Covid got in the way of me helping run Larp at the joint camp.
      • Looking forward to another great year for Unigames and I wish luck to the next batch of OCMs. Y'all got this!
    • Hannah // initiative: 15 of 20
      • ran a few boardgames events such as ocean and yeehaw boardgames
      • was on subcom for dicebag workshop
      • also the person with the ball handover
      • thank you for 2 incredible years on committee
    • James // Initiative: 0 (dead)

      • Hi all, I'll keep this brief because 1. It's 3 am and about 3 degrees where I am in England so I'm sending this report in and 2. You all have better things to do than listen to my voice recording.
      • This year I've ran a whole host of boardgames events and boardgames days and in Sem 1 I did the DnD event. I helped run some wargaming events and did my best to support the return of wargaming to the club. Near the end of my term I ran a series of Blood on the Clocktower events as I believe it is the best game in the library and I also did miscellaneous committee things like food runs, lots of food runs.
    • Oscar // Initiative: 2 of 10, 8 of 10

      • Finally showed up to committee 2-and-a-half months late! (9th May)
      • Helped out at Unigames camp (30th June – 3rd of July)
        • Cooking/Cleaning, Site Visit
      • Ran Holiday Painting Day (21st of July)
      • Organised and ran Mothership RPG Oneshot Night (2nd of Aug)
      • Organised and ran Powered by the Apocalypse RPG Oneshot Night (30th Aug)
      • Subcommittee member along with Chris for Cameron Hall Quiz Night (15th Sep)
      • Helped out at Cerberus Camp (17th – 20th Nov)
      • Worked with Connor on administration for the Bloodbowl League run with Cam Locke and Lewis Graham (28th Jan(?) – ongoing)
      • Helped out at the Sem2 Club Carnival and 2024 O’Day
      • Went on a few food runs and helped out at busy bees

Immediate Past President's Report (Emerald):

  • Emerald has attended: ==17/52 Meetings
    • Committee camp chef
    • Proud of ball
    • Sorry I didn't come to meetings I was getting my degree

General Updates

  • Upcoming Events:
  • rpg week
    • variety one-shot and rpg oday
  • card games
    • intro to magic, intro to pokemon, another boardgame event
    • intro to wargaming week 4, prosh 4

Agenda Items

  • Motion for Dylan and Xane to RO
    • Motion Passes
  • Motion to remove seconding
    • Seconded by Alistair
    • Passes Unanimously
  • Motion to suspend Standing orders
    • Passes Unanimously

General Business

  • Committee Elections


  • Candidates
    • Joshua Annison
    • Connor Brennan
  • Connor Brennan Withdraws Nomination
  • Joshua Annison is elected President

Fresher Rep

  • Standing Nominations:
    • Katherine Norman-Murphy
    • Sev
    • Josh
    • Cooper
  • Cooper is elected Fresher Representative

Vice President

  • Standing Nominations:
    • Chris Leak
    • Connor Brennan
    • Oscar Gates
  • Connor is elected Vice President


  • Standing Nominations:
    • Jack Bariss
    • Apollo Walters
  • Chris is nominated
    • Declines
  • Oscar is nominated
    • Declines
  • Gen is nominated
    • Declines
  • Jackie is nominated
    • Declines
  • Nene is nominated
    • Declines
  • Apollo is nominated
    • Accepts
  • Jack Bariss is elected Treasurer


  • Standing Nominations:
    • Nene Fehlberg
    • Chris Leak
    • Angus Prosser
  • Chris is nominated
    • Accepted
  • Oscar is nominated
    • Declines
  • Angus is nominated
    • Accepted
  • Chris Leak is elected Secretary


  • Standing Nominations
    • Nene Fehlberg
    • Jeremy Butson
    • Gen Allen
    • Oscar Gates
    • Josh
  • Gen is nominated
    • Accepted
  • Jeremy is nominated
    • Accepted
  • Joshua L is nominated
    • Accepted
  • Gen Allen is elected Librarian

OCM x 4

  • Standing Nominations
    • Jeremy Butson
    • Oscar Gates
    • Nix Davis
    • Nene Fehlberg
    • Katherine Norman-Murphy
    • Everest White
    • Angus Prosser
    • Apollo Walters
    • Josh
  • Elected OCMs:
    • Jeremy
    • Oscar
    • Nene
    • Nix
  • Standing orders are reinstated

Appointment of IPP

  • Jackie Shan is IPP

Constitutional Amendment

  • Constitutional Amendment from Jackie Shan, Seconded by Joshua Annison

    • Original: 6.5.1) Be filled through appointment of an existing Committee Member by Committee, subject to review at the next General Meeting.

    • Amendment: 6.5.1) Be filled through appointment of an existing, consenting Committee Member by Committee, subject to review at the next General Meeting.

    • Original: 6.7) The President may appoint their predecessor to the non-voting, advisory Committee position of Immediate Past President for the duration of their term.

    • Amendment: 6.7) The President may appoint their predecessor with their consent to the non-voting, advisory Committee position of Immediate Past President for the duration of their term.

    • Regards to appointing IPP or OCMs to make sure people are consenting
    • Motion to Accept the Constitutional Amendments Proposed by Jackie
    • Passes unanimously

    General Business

    • Congrats on this year
    • best of luck to committee next year
    • Jackie encourages the committee to look into bank and a square reader

Meeting closed: 3:21pm