Unigames Annual General Meeting 26/02/2021

by Guinevere Sellner 26/02/21

Unigames Annual General Meeting

26th of February 2021


Elanor Leman Nina MJ Alex McKeon Keifer Dyson Jonathon Jarman Amber Cheung Lohrrin Foley TODO Vu Alex Bennett Andrew Gozzard James Arcus Jack Kay Dacy Jarosek Harrison Lee Kelly Ethan Gibson Christopher Leak Vikrun Sithambaram Colin Fielding Edward Kammann David Adams Robert Trainer Gavin Tay Fernandez Donald Sutherland Alice Rosario Emerald Aindow JAckie Shan Alistair Langton Taylor Home Autumn Brough Guinevere Sellner Josh Moncaster Ashleigh Saringer Alaura Evans Amelia Shepherdson Merlin Hoskins Jordan Meerwald Chase Houghton

Meeting Scheduled: 1:00PM Meeting Open: 1:12PM


President's Report - Alistair:

  • Hey everyone
  • It sure has been a year of putting one fire out after another but we managed to keep the club up and running
  • After endless shenanigans with lockdowns and the previous Tenancy committee we've finally settled into our new room, with a few more improvements to come
  • We ran a number of amazing events, from Roleplay for Life to Joint Camp with UniSFA and UCC, UnCharity Vigil and many others
  • We won Best SOC Club for 2020 and I'm hoping we can keep up that energy going forward into 2021
  • O Day was a massive success and we saw a lot of new faces at the Fresher Welcome last night which is always wonderful, good luck to any freshers running for next committee
  • Finally, I'd like to thank my amazing committee for all the work they did this year to help me keep the club up and running and to bring you a great Unigames experience. I love you all very much

Vice-President's Report - Taylor:

  • In the last 12 months I’ve seen Unigames go through more extreme highs and lows than in my previous 5 years on Committee combined. In the first month of this term we got a bad result from the Tenancy Reallocations, got sent into lockdown, had to cancel camp, and a whole bunch of other Bad Things™ which meant the Constitution needed significant rewrites. Since then we won Best Club, got allocated the biggest room with a ceiling we could possibly get, and had an enormous pile of money come in from Grants and Uncharity.
  • This year my job mostly consisted of going in to put out major fires so Alistair could actually run the club, doing mountains of bureaucracy, helping with interclub camp and then not actually going for health reasons, and making poor life choices for the benefit of the club coughuggtectcough.
  • I am so proud of everything this Committee has accomplished, especially under such exceptional circumstances and I’m so excited to see what this club can accomplish going forward. Hole react in chat.
  • WEBBED SITE (just remembered)

Treasurer's Report - Jackie:

  • hi guys! It’s me, jackie, your treasurer for the past year
  • boy have i done some things
  • (silence for the month straight i spent on halloween)
  • i applied for gate in 2019 when i was a fresher promising to offer my art skill to the club
  • and i’ve kept true to my word this year (2021 logo, fresher guide illustrations and maps, the window, junk art’s label)
  • other than that i’ve overlooked and helped manage events, and of course written grant applications for the club!
  • also suffered from the treasurer curse twice (immediately after getting elected, and after submitting our semester grant) which is an improvement from prior years and treasurers
  • was the designated money budget person for camp in 3d and also did many dishes and hosted LARP
  • attended all of our big events and participated in every overnight event from the start to the end
  • i’d list the events i helped with but i’m not kidding when i say i went to essentially every single big one (everything that wasn’t a fortnightly event) (not including magic ones sorry)
  • solved halloween!
  • and of course, i did a lot of holding the room open and studying/vibing in the room
  • i’ve absolutely loved every single second of my time on committee, this was my first year on committee and i haven’t regretted it at all 💜
  • anyway here's the 2020-2021 financial statement

Secretary's Report - Autumn:

  • i opened this year with the election promise that i would return to UWA in sem2 of 2020
  • That certainly didn't happen :)
  • But I'm back now!! And regardless, it sure didn't stopp me from being involved in the club plenty throughout the year
  • Unigames is a brilliant brilliant club
  • Throughout everything else swirling around, I'm so proud to have been a part of this
  • This year I've orchestrated plenty of events, in particular putting a lot of thought into adapting us for lockdown operations, running both online and offline RPGs, and helping invent the Charity Unvigil (a name i regret regularly)
  • I was lucky this year to hand over from Donald as our brilliant timeless past secretary. Donald's innovation of using the Markdown language for minutes has been a boon to the club, and I hope the incoming secretary will embrace the technology as well.

Librarian's Report - Emerald:

  • I like to think I have kept myself busy!
  • I began the year with a host of game repair
  • Ran Table Top Tuesday’s weekly, an online boardgames event, through covid
  • Helped run online rpg nights
  • Helped run Ghost Camp, in particular goose larp, our single longest running event ever at a time of multiple months
  • Bought us a whole bunch of new games for the club
  • Ran roleplay for life, where I shaved my head and the club raised record thousands of dollars!
  • Subcommittee of cam hall quiz night!
  • All around helping of all sorts of minor events
  • And the help in implementing our online library system!
  • Thank you for having me

Fresher Rep's Report - Alice:

  • This Year
  • I rewrote a fresher guide, with the help of other fresher committee members (thanks Keifer)
  • On the note of that, some cute new branding for Unigames. This here font on the guides and leaflets and things, Open Sans, is what I’ve been using as a unigames normal text font, and it’s beautiful. I spent a lot of time finding one, and this is amazing, please stand on the shoulders of your forebears, next committee, and keep using it.
  • I wrote brand new, better forms for the fresher campaigns, and have started working on these things for the next fresher rep so they can have an increased amount of support.
  • Fresher campaigns
  • I learned excel on the fly, and have a functional, (if cursed) way of making it work, which I’m pretty proud of
  • Note. also, my way of graphic designing
  • Lots during covid - online too, record numbers of retention, 80% (8/10) were still running at the very end of semester. (some have died since but they’re not really “freshers” anymore
  • I’ve been organising events
  • Including emergency online board games during quarantine
  • I wrote a handover for online events so next committee can slide into those easily with next quarantine
  • I’ve been organising PROSH and a bunch of events for the freshers - introduction to wargaming, painting and magic as opposed to just boardgames and dnd.
  • Very excited to meet and support our next fresher rep -

OCM's initiative order

Ash: 1 Josh: 5 Gwen: 9 Kyle: 0 (automatic)

OCM #1's Report - Ash:

  • it’s really been a year huh
  • Helped with running a board game event at the start of the year,
  • COVID 19 hit, and ran some board games events online with limited slow internet
  • was first aid for a day at camp, that was fun
  • We also got best club for 2020!!! woo!!!
  • I’ve really enjoyed my time on committee and wish everyone and Beenigames the best for 2021! ❤

OCM #2's Report - Gwen:

  • I've been your resident board game ish ocm who has now got into every facet of the club.
  • The year has been extremely intense with constant changes and confusion, but it's been a fun ride getting involved with unigames and helping out with covid struggles. And we won best club out of all of it which is amazing. My main thing was helping out with online stuff mainly board games but also rpg stuff. Haven't done much over the summer holidays cuz of farmer life.
  • Charity vigil board games (most money from an individual event I think?)
  • UWASCA + Unisfa dice bag making Collab
  • Online board games (making use of my knowledge of websites and premium bga account)
  • made a doc of GM tips for gming online to help our members and one shots
  • in person board games, bringing along my own board games to try out like roll for the galaxy and Salem which we them proceeded to purchase for the club
  • occasional other misc events like painting days and one shots
  • cleaned out paints near the beginning of the year

OCM #3's Report - Josh:

  • Keep it short because these things can run for a while
  • help, got a full time job and ruined the possible meeting times
  • helped run some online and in person one shots and board game nights
  • worked with UWASCA to make a craft colab, which was fun and hopefully next committee can do some more

OCM #4's Report - Kyle:

  • My report is as follows
  • This year has been a lot. First with the pandemic putting everything on hold then work making me full time meaning I could not interact with unigames in the capacity that I intended when I was nominated
  • The events that I had a hand in running were quiz night and charity unvigil which both were reasonably successful

Report of the Immediate Past President - Alaura:


committee did good with endless constant disasters

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  • Motion by Autumn, seconded by Josh (loudest): Remove seconds
    • One in opposition, all else in favour
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Election of Returning Officers

  • Elanor nominates
  • Alaura nominates
  • Gozz nominates and Alaura withdraws
  • Ellie and Gozz are our ROs

  • Alistair motions to suspend standing orders: Uninaminously in favour

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Election of the 2021 Unigames Committee

Election of President:

  • To coordinate and supervise the work of the Committee
  • To carry out the will of Unigames
  • To chair Committee and General Meetings of Unigames
  • When immediate action is required in any matter affecting the interests of the society:
    • To take such actions upon seeking the advice and agreement of another member of the Committee (preferably the Vice President).

Standing nominations:

  • Alistair
  • Alice

Further Nominations: none

Candidates field questions Voting ensues Alistair is our president!

Election of Fresher Representive:

  • To look out for the needs, and rights of the Freshers.
  • To be aware of, and acquainted with all Freshers of the Society, insofar as is possible.
  • To be involved, insofar as is possible, in any Fresher targeted activity the Society may run.

Standing nominations:

  • Ethan Gibson
  • Christopher Leak
  • James Lund (absent)
  • Thomas McGregor (absent, has sent a speech)
  • Alex Poyatos (absent, has sent a speech)

Further nominations:

  • Amber, declines

Candidates field questions Voting ensues Ethan is our fresher rep!

Thank you to everyone who ran <3

Election of Vice-President:

  • Assisting the President wherever possible.
  • Whenever the President is unavailable, to take on the duties and powers of the President as detailed above.

Standing nominations:

  • Emerald
  • Gwen
  • Alice

Further nominations: none

Candidates field questions Voting ensues Emerald is our VP!

Election of Treasurer:

  • To keep proper books of account dealing with the property and finances of Unigames and to furnish the Committee with such information upon request.
  • To arrange and be responsible for the handling of the petty cash.
  • To prepare a financial statement detailing income and expenses during their term of office, for presentation at the Annual General Meeting.
  • To produce and deliver all necessary books, vouchers and other documents to the persons appointed by the Guild for the purpose of conducting an audit, insofar as such persons require.
  • To produce and deliver all necessary books, receipts and other documents to the persons appointed by the Guild for the purpose of obtaining grants, insofar as such persons require.

Standing nominations:

  • Jackie
  • Alice
  • Vikrum Sithambaram

Further nominations: None

Candidates field questions Voting ensues Jackie is our new treasurer!

Election of Secretary:

  • To record and distribute all proceedings of Unigames in all meetings.
  • To provide the Guild with information about Unigames, upon request.
  • To keep record of all Society members, and their contact information.
  • To keep record of any members granted special powers, rights, or responsibilities by Committee.
  • To keep record of any Regulations passed by Committee.

Standing nominations:

  • Gwen
  • Alice

Further nominations:

  • Vikrum Sithambaram

Candidates field questions Voting ensues Gwen is our new secretary!

Election of Librarian:

  • To maintain the library.
  • To maintain the catalogue and the borrowers records.
  • To research opportunities to expand the library, with respect to the desires of Society members.
  • To enforce Regulations regarding the library.

Standing nominations:

  • Gwen (withdrawn)
  • Alice

Further nominations:

  • Vikrum Sithambaram
  • Rob Trainor
  • Christopher Leak

Candidates field questions Voting ensues Vikrum is our Librarian

Election of Ordinary Committee Members:

  • No formal duties from the constitution.
  • Mostly for giving committee extra people-power for odd-jobs.
  • Usually each OCM is given a "field" to work in, such as board games, or one-shots.

Standing nominations:

  • Nina McManus
  • Lohrrin Foley (withdrawn)
  • Alex "Texas" Bennett
  • Vikrum Sithambaram (withdrawn)

Further nominations:

  • Thomas McGregor
  • Alex Poyatos
  • Christopher Leak
  • Amber
  • Rob Trainor (declined)

Candidates field questions Voting ensues Our OCMs are Nina, Texas, Christopher and Amber

Alistair motions to reinstate standing orders: - One in opposition, one abstention, all else in favour

Observation of Immediate Past President

  • With a repeat president, no person holds the position of IPP.
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Constitutional Amendments

  • Motion Proposed by Alistair Langton and seconded by Taylor Home
    • 7.12.1 Current: Nominations for each Committee Position shall open at the posting of written notice of the Annual General Meeting Proposed: Nominations for each Committee Position shall open two weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting
    • 8.2 Current: Nominations for a Committee position shall be opened at the posting of written notice of the General Meeting~ Proposed: Nominations for a Committee position shall be opened two weeks prior to the General Meeting~
    • Both of these are quality of life amendments to make it easier for whoever is putting the nominations posts up and will provide a good amount of time for people to nominate themselves/others
    • Voting:
      • One in opposition, all else in favour
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General Business

  • No items
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Meeting closed: 3:09PM