Unigames Annual General Meeting 28/02/2020

by Donald Sutherland 28/02/20

Unigames Annual General Meeting

28th of February 2020


  • Donald Sutherland
  • Elana Kardol
  • Kyle Barrow
  • Alistair Langton
  • Colin Fielding
  • Merlin Hoskins
  • Cam Locke
  • Harry Trumble
  • Robert Trainer
  • Autumn Brough
  • Max Cartwright
  • Jonathan Jarman
  • Blake Roby
  • Josina Hyde
  • Joshua Moncaster
  • Jackie Shan
  • Alex Thatcher
  • Alice Rosario
  • Guinevere Sellner
  • Charles Owens
  • Kieran Brown
  • Jasmine Sullivan
  • Shaurodip Chatterjee
  • Katherine Scott
  • Harrison Lee-Kelly
  • Edward Kammann
  • Rachel Boggs
  • Ashleigh Saringer
  • Emerald Aindow
  • Amelia Shepherdson
  • Taylor Home
  • Aoibhinn O'Shea
  • Alden Bong
  • Andrew Gozzard
  • David Adams
  • James Arcus
  • Lewis Graham
  • Alaura Evans

Meeting Open: 11:04PM


President's Report:

  • Current sign ups: 200 - 220+ Last year: 191 Increasing wooh Leave freshers for Amelia Engagement has continued to be strong
  • Had some new events that have been successfully mainly Summer Larp reiterated as more of an entry point and learning experience for Larp over a stand alone Larp
  • Have planed the next year of events and repositioned some big ones in the 2020 vision meeting Tried to better spread the big interclub events - charity vigils and quiz night Keep an eye out for those
  • Have continued to work on, improve and streamline the room New speaker, cleaner pole pads, mooding shelves, planning new storage Working on guild fixing the floor
  • We also improved the committee by adding a 4th ocm We might not all be able to sit around the table anymore but the extra manpower has been very helpful

  • Have had a turbulent year of complaints However, to take positively from them, it has allowed us to reflect and improve on our conduct in and outside of cam hall And we are currently in the process of looking at how to improve and optimise our complaint system so we can respond promptly and appropriately to ensure everyone is having the best time possible

  • Finally Due to numerous personal factors I have not been able to engage in my role as president as much as I would of liked to this semester Would very much like to thank my committee and particularly my vp Aoibhinn for picking up my short comings during those periods

Vice-President's Report:

  • I've spent the last year sending emails, managing interclub events, chairing meetings and making sure this lot does their action items. As VP I've done my best to corral the committee and help them the best I can to get things done.
  • Earlier last year I properly integrated Gatekeeper management as part of the VP's job description at least informally, I carried out gatekeeper training and the introduction of more new gatekeepers to train up a new generation of our members as active members of our club.
  • This year I worked on Cameron Halloween, PROSH and UnCharity, as well as being co-event manager at our first Manjedhal camp. Meaning that after 2 years on committee I've run most of the events that Cam Hall committees run. Oh god.
  • I made an attempt to streamline our discord after we made it last year, to mixed success but overall I'm happy with it. Its functional, which is something and has allowed us to have committee meetings while people are out of perth. Hopefully it becomes more active with our new intake of members
  • I also organised and ran the 2020 vision meeting to plan and schedule the inter club and major events in Cameron hall in an effort to avoid clashes, increase communication and reorganise our yearly interclub events in a way that benefits the clubs involved and hopefully improves the attendance of those events. In particular charity vigil has been moved to semester one so that it is not so close to relay for life, our other major charity event. And Cameron hall quiz night is in semester two so that freshers are more likely to be 18, and be able to attend and enjoy the event.
  • I wanted to thank the committee members who helped out when I needed more hands, in particular Colin and Alistair for stepping up for gatekeeper training and PROSH respectively. And I'm really proud of all five of our OCMs from this year and our Fresher Rep for the time and effort they've put into running events and making this club a better place to be around. And a big thanks to the gatekeepers who have helped keep the club open and running, you've done great work.

Treasurer's Report:

  • Things Taylor did this year
  • Light Quizmittee
  • Head first aid camp
  • Relay for Life
  • Charity vigil
  • Professional computing assignment to outsource fixing our website
  • Helping with plans to redo that after it didn’t work
  • Regulatory and constitutional changes
  • All kinds of guild shenanigans
  • Now explaining the statement

Secretary's Report:

  • My report will be a bit longer than usual, as this will be my last time on Unigames committee.
  • I joined Unigames committee for the first time in 2015 as an OCM, with Taylor as a Fresher Rep gasp.
  • Since then, committee has been a staple part of my friend group. Everyone that I've been on committee with has been great. I highly recommend anyone that is able to run for committee. It is a super great time.
  • With that out of the way, lets talk actual secretary things, year in review style.
  • A secretary's primary job is to take minutes.
    • Vast improvements have been made to minute taking since I took the job.
    • Writing minutes in Markdown is very handy so that they can be read over as many devices as possible.
    • To that end, the Unigames website has a dedicated minutes folder and page, making finding and reading minutes a breeze. It will also display Markdown files natively. I hope the next secretary will continue to use Markdown for their minutes.
    • A newer development that only really kicked in half way through the year was the idea of using a collaberative tool for the minutes. Using hackmd, a collaborative markdown editor, for minutes was helpful for the chair of Unigames meetings to figure out what was next on the agenda, and to prepare for it.
    • Action Items in committee meetings is also something that I've improved. I wrote a program that detected all action items in a set of minutes, and extrated them in a per-person format, allowing everyone to know at a glance what their tasks were, and also saving me heaps of time combing through the minutes and extracting them by hand.
  • But minutes isn't all that I did:
    • The website has been my baby since I started. I've made various improvements to it over my time, including:
      • The aforementioned minutes page
      • A page where you can see all of the current Unigames regulations
      • A "library incident counter", which I admit was a bit of a laugh but was well worth doing.
    • Last year, the idea was floated to get a new website. Last semester, we had a group of students doing the Professional Computing unit come through and attempt to make us a new website, membership system, and library database.
      • While we didn't end up using what they put together, they made a good head-start and had a lot of great ideas.
      • It is my intention to continue working on a new website, membership system, and library system this year.
      • To that end, I proposed and added a new regulation which adds a "tech-support" role to the club, known officially as a "webkeeper". It is effectively a UCC wheel (or administrator) group for Unigames, hence my joke in the fresher guide this year. Not elected, but chosen by committee as needed.
      • To next committee, whoever you are, I hope you add me to that role so I can continue making improvements.
    • I've also added to, modified, and reworded a lot of our current regulations to make sure they are up to scratch. In particular, the current borrowing regulations are something that I'm very proud of.
  • Now we've had the good, so it's time for the bad and ugly. I like to see it as "things that could be improved upon."
    • When trying to get elected for secretary last year, I endeavored to make our club more accessible for our members that didn't use Facebook.
      • My goal was to use the mailing lists more often, to communicate with all of the members. However, this wasn't maintained over the year. I even made more mailing lists to use so we could catagorise our announcements, but never ended up using them.
    • In previous years, I've had the informal role of "Magic rep". In that, I still organised some events. However, I reallly shifted that down my priorities, which resulted in almost no events bar a sealed league, which happened in May last year and only recently had it's prizes handed out. Since I initially got elected to committee in 2015 on the platform of "I will do things for the Magic community", I feel like this is a bit of a fail on my end.
  • All in all, I think Unigames is in a very good spot right now. I wish the next committee the very best.
  • donald4secretaryneveragain

Librarian's Report:

  • Hey folks,
  • Thank you so much for another great year of Unigames. If you didn’t read the minutes of our last meeting, all strikes against borrowing records have been removed so it’s a fresh start... but behave.
  • We’ve had a lot of great new additions to the library, both from the semester two book buy, but also from a number of very generous members, so thank you to all of them. As for some of the older things, I’ve repaired a decent number, but unfortunately haven’t been able to fix as many things as I would have liked.
  • I’ve recently finished making a screen door to put on the shelf where we keep fragile minis, to make sure they stay safe, which I don’t think looks too bad. Currently trying to sort out if there are any personal minis being stored there or if everything is the clubs.
  • The large scale borrowing form has been a great success with multiple clubs and colleges borrowing our games for events, and it’s made things a lot smoother.
  • Very much looking forward to the new website which is being built over the next few months which should give us a perfect library database, tailored to our needs.
  • That’s just one of the things I’m looking forward to and I hope I can spend another year giving you a great Unigames experience.

Fresher Rep's Report:

  • It's been a great year for Unigames freshers!
  • Fresher engagement with the club was really high in 2019. I saw a surprising number of new members at the 2019 camp and we had over 20 fresher campaigns fire throughout the year, some of which are still running now. Currently we're gearing up to assign all the new campaigns, so sit tight for that.
  • At O-Day alone we had just under 200 signups, and I saw a lot of those new faces at the fresher welcome last night.
  • Speaking of, the fresher welcome was really well attended, with a lot of people showing up well before the event actually started (whether you count "started" by the fresher guide time or the Facebook time). At some point there was like a 20+ person game of werewolf being played, it was great.
  • I'm confident that in 2020 the new committee, and our new freshers rep, can help freshers engage with areas of the club that we're putting a new emphasis on in the new year, like wargaming and larp.
  • I had a great first year at uni and Unigames was a huge part if what made the year how good it was. And while I'm not running for committee again, I'm going to continue to help out the club as well as I can.
  • Thank you!

OCM's initiative order

  1. Emerald - 9 on a d10
  2. Kyle - 4 on a d10
  3. Elana - 2 on a d20, 10
  4. Colin - 2 on a d12

OCM #1's Report - Elana:

  • This past year I have organised several oneshots and helped out at a few events.
  • I have also sat in the clubroom a lot.

OCM #2's Report - Colin:

  • I ran regular board games nights that had good attendance, even over the holidays, big thanks to Logan/Lillian with helping run games
  • I helped run all the LARP events we ran this year, I very much enjoyed the LARP1001 events we ran and would love to see that event continue as an introductory LARP event
  • I helped with food runs, club room maintenance and training of Gatekeepers

OCM #3's Report - Emerald:

  • I’ve been on committee for half a year!
  • I like it here, it’s great!
  • In my time I’ve been mostly Rep’ing LARP and RPG’s
  • I helped create and run LARP 1001, a monthly LARP combat training event
  • I was on Summer LARP subcommittee and quite keen on planning that
  • When that inter club event was cancelled I spearheaded a Unigames Summer LARP event
  • Then I ran that. LARP2020 was a super accessible day of crafting and a magnificent tourney using real LARP weaponry
  • At Charity vigil I ran an overnight Real Teen Goosebumps game
  • I have helped with food runs, and my car will be even more accessible to do them this year!
  • On top of these I have done my best to do what needs to be done, filling little jobs and helping the club run smoothly as best I can :3

OCM #4's Report:

  • Hey all I'm Kyle and at the end of 2019 I was an OCM on the unigames comittee, during my time on this comittee I ran a competitive 40k day, a intro to wargames night, and gave a hand at Uncharity vigil.

Report of the Immediate Past President:

  • Run escape hunt 2020
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  • Motion: Remove seconds by Alistair, seconded by Josh Moncaster
    • Passes unaminously
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Election of Returning Officers

  • Steven nominated by Alaura
    • accepted
  • Ellanor nominated by Alistair
    • accepted
  • Harry nominated by Merlin
    • accepts
  • Uhh we have to vote now?
    • Harry withdraws
  • Vote to accept Steven and Ellenor as returning officers
    • Passes unamiously
  • Motion to suspend standing orders:
    • Passes unamiously
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Election of the 2020 Unigames Committee

Election of President:

  • To coordinate and supervise the work of the Committee
  • To carry out the will of Unigames
  • To chair Committee and General Meetings of Unigames
  • When immediate action is required in any matter affecting the interests of the society:
    • To take such actions upon seeking the advice and agreement of another member of the Committee (preferably the Vice President).
  • Current nominations:
    • Alistair Langton
    • William Corbett (not accepted)
    • Joshua Moncaster (not accepted)
    • Taylor Home
    • Jackie Shan (not accepted)
  • Josh declines
  • Will can't accept
  • Jackie declines
  • Nominations close
  • Alistair and Taylor answer questions
  • Alistair Langton is President!

Election of Fresher Representive:

  • To look out for the needs, and rights of the Freshers.
  • To be aware of, and acquainted with all Freshers of the Society, insofar as is possible.
  • To be involved, insofar as is possible, in any Fresher targeted activity the Society may run.

Current nominations: - Alice Rosario - No other nominations - Alice is Fresher Rep!

Election of Vice-President:

  • Assisting the President wherever possible.
  • Whenever the President is unavailable, to take on the duties and powers of the President as detailed above.
  • Current nominations:
    • Autumn Brough
    • Taylor Home
    • Logan Frost
    • Guinevere Sellner

Nominations open: - Jackie Shan is nominated - accepts

Nominations close. - Speeches from all candidates - Questions to candidates - Voting commences - Autumn and Taylor tie for Vice President - After a revote, Taylor is Vice President!

Election of Treasurer:

  • To keep proper books of account dealing with the property and finances of Unigames and to furnish the Committee with such information upon request.
  • To arrange and be responsible for the handling of the petty cash.
  • To prepare a financial statement detailing income and expenses during their term of office, for presentation at the Annual General Meeting.
  • To produce and deliver all necessary books, vouchers and other documents to the persons appointed by the Guild for the purpose of conducting an audit, insofar as such persons require.
  • To produce and deliver all necessary books, receipts and other documents to the persons appointed by the Guild for the purpose of obtaining grants, insofar as such persons require.

Current nominations: - Logan Frost - Ashleigh Saringer - Jackie Shan

Nominations open: - Colin nominations Josina Hyde - accepts

Nominations close. Speeches from the candidates. Questions to the candidate. Voting commences. Jackie is our new Treasurer!

Election of Secretary:

  • To record and distribute all proceedings of Unigames in all meetings.
  • To provide the Guild with information about Unigames, upon request.
  • To keep record of all Society members, and their contact information.
  • To keep record of any members granted special powers, rights, or responsibilities by Committee.
  • To keep record of any Regulations passed by Committee.

Current nominations: - Merlin Hoskins

Nominations open: - Guinivere is nominated - accepted - Ashley is nominated - declines - Autumn is nominated - accepted - Josina is nominated - accepted - Andrew Gozzard is nominated - accepted

Nominations close. Speeches from the candidates. - Andrew Gozzard withdraws

Questions to the candidates. Voting commences. Autumn is our new Secretary!

Election of Librarian:

  • To maintain the library.
  • To maintain the catalogue and the borrowers records.
  • To research opportunities to expand the library, with respect to the desires of Society members.
  • To enforce Regulations regarding the library.

Current nominations: - Merlin Hoskins - Logan Frost - Emerald Aindow

Nominations open: - Josina, Gwen, James Arcus, and Ashleigh are all nominated - all declines

Nominations close. Questions to the candidates. Voting commences. Emerald Aindow is our new librarian!

Election of Ordinary Committee Members:

  • No formal duties from the constitution.
  • Mostly for giving committee extra people-power for odd-jobs.
  • Usually each OCM is given a "field" to work in, such as board games, or one-shots.

Current nominations: - Logan Frost - Edward Kammann - Kyle Barrow - Ashleigh Saringer - Guinevere Sellner - Joshua Moncaster - Declan Stocker - Rachel Boggs

Nominations: - Merlin Hoskins - Josina Hyde - Robert Trainer - all accept

Very quick speeches from candidates. Very quick questions to candidates. Voting commences. Congratulations to our new OCMs: - Kyle Barrow - Josh Moncaster - Ashleigh Saringer - Gwen Sellner

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General Business

Joint camp with Unisfa?

  • Catherine: Would Unigames be interested in combining its camp with UniSFA?
  • Would need to be brought up with new committee.
  • Show of hands for interest?
    • Roughly a third of the room was interested.
  • Harry: No one would be "turned-off" camp just because UniSFA is also invovled in my opinion.
  • Lewis: There's a large overlap in the clubs, adding UniSFA events to a Unigames camp serves only to take time away from the Unigames activites.
  • Taylor: From a financial standpoint, I don't see this being good. Unigames has been running profitable camps for years. Also this adds additional risks for Guild paperwork.

Charity collection tin?

  • Josina: I would like to propose putting a Charity Vigil collection tin on the table so that charity collection can happen year round?
  • Taylor: People are less confidant donating to a charity not knowing what that charity is.
  • Colin: I think some people would be more inclined to put change in a donation tin rather than the spare change box that we currently have.

Cameron Hall doors?

  • Edward: Is there any plans to get the doors to cameron hall looked at?
  • Taylor: Yes, there's a Tenancy consultation meeting next week.


  • Alaura: We want you to be comfortable. Please come to committee with any complaints if you have any at all. We have a new complaints form, please use it.
  • If there are any flaws in our current system, please let us know.
  • Also, please feel free to talk to us if you have any complaints at all.
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Meeting closed: 3:48PM