Unigames Committee Meeting #0 - 01/03/2024

by Chris Leak 01/03/24

Unigames Committee Meeting #0 - 01/03/2024

tags: committee meeting 2023


  • Joshua
  • Connor
  • Jack
  • Chris
  • Gen
  • Cooper
  • Jeremy
  • Nene
  • Oscar
  • Jackie



  • Nix

Meeting scheduled: 3:45PM

Meeting open: 3:50PM

Past action Items:

Unigames Regulations

  • Motion to Approve Unigames Regulations 1 and 2 - Unanimous
  • Chris Proposes amendment to Unigames regulation 8
    • Amend "Magic: The Gathering" to "Trading Card Game"
      • To make it more open to new TCGs
      • May be unnecessary and potentially waiting may be a better course of action
    • Proposed Amendment withdrawn
  • Discussion on term consumable in Unigames Regulation 9, as well as exact value of that consumable
  • Motion to Amend Unigames Regulation 15c.
    • Amend "To ensure that the Committee may at their pleasure gain access to and control of any club information system." to "To ensure that the Committee may at their discretion gain access to and control of any club information system."
    • Passes Unanimously
  • Motion to Amend Unigames Regulation 14c.
    • Amend "To supervise, and maintain the clubroom;" to "To supervise and maintain the clubroom;"
    • Passes Unanimously
  • Motion to Amend Unigames Regulation 20b.
    • Amend "Members shall not be eligible to claim a free consumable if they have already received a reward for the same instance of that action from another club." to "Members shall not be eligible to claim a free consumable if they have already received a reward for the same instance of that action from any club."
    • Passes Unanimously
  • Amendments to Unigames Regulation 22d. tabled until future meetings (including other instances of reference to the borrowing book)
    • Unigames Regulation 22.e.v.

      Josh: Draft Regulation Changes

ICONS Regulations

  • Motion to Approve Subcommittee Regulations
    • Passes Unanimously

Usual Suspects

Board Games

Social Deduction Board Games - (Week 3)
  • Social Deduction Games

    Gen, Cooper: Social Deduction Board Games EMP and Advertising


RPG O'Day - Tuesday 5th @ 4PM (Week 2)
  • List of Games Repped:
    • Lewis: torchbearer + mouse guard
    • Seraph: print weaver
    • Chris: mutants & masterminds + spire/heart
    • Winslade: 13th age + hero kids
    • Gwyn: masks + pbta
Variety Oneshot Night - Friday the 8th of March @ 5PM
  • Games that will be there:
Call of Cthulu Oneshot - Week 4

Gen: Contact CoC GM's


Magic: The Gavining
SNOM - Sunday 9th of March @ 11AM
  • Gibbi did EMP


Fresher Campaigns

  • Fresher Campaign Form is up! Get on there!


  • Welcome to our new Gatekeepers!
    • Merlin Hoskins
    • Harry Trumble
    • Matthew Dean
    • Jack Kay
    • Mani Dashti
    • Michael Sidorenko
    • Ethan Gibson
    • Alistair Langton
    • Cameron Locke


  • Welcome to our new webkeepers!
    • Gozz Gozzard
    • Donald Sutherland

      Jackie, Gibbi: Notify gatekeepers

General Business

Gen: Do Week 2 Announcement

Charity Vigil
  • Charity Vigil Representatives - Connor, Nene

    Connor, Nene: Make/Join Charity Vigil Discord Server

  • Prosh Marshal - Prosh (President Josh) and potentially Cooper are our Prosh Marshals
Access Department collab - Tuesday 5/3 @ 11am-1pm
  • They have weekly meetups to do activities
  • We've been contacted to see if we want to bring down some board and card games to this upcoming meetup

Everyone: Read handovers/ask for verbal handovers.

Action Items

Meeting closed: 6:51 PM