Unigames Committee Meeting #0 - 04/03/2022

by Ethan Gibson 03/03/22

Unigames Committee Meeting #0 04/03/2022


  • Jackie (Vice President)
  • Texas (Treasurer)
  • Ethan (Secretary)
  • Luna (Library)
  • Hannah (Fresher Representative)
  • Chris (Ordinary Committee Member)
  • Connor (Ordinary Committee Member)
  • David (Ordinary Committee Member)
  • Jazz (Oridinary Committee Member)
  • Alistair (Immediate Past President)


  • Emerald (President)

Meeting scheduled: 3pm

Meeting open: 3:50pm


  • Congrats to new committee!

Ethan: Announce new committee on discord and facebook


  • Time to vote on regulations
  • Regulation 2 (Vote of no complaining)
    • Unanimous in Favour
  • Committee regulations approved
    • Jackie motions Unigames reugulation #12 to be reworded as:
      • Unigames is to be subject to the 10-04-2018 ICON Regulations
      • Passes unanimously
  • Roles regulations approved
  • Club room operations approved
  • Library regulations approved
  • Sub Com Regulations Approved

Ethan: Update regulations with correct ICON regulations version


  • The following individuals have been appointed Gatekeeper status:
    • Freyja Dyson
    • Amelia Shepherdson
    • Autumn Brough

Jackie: Inform applicants of outcome

Jackie: Setup gatekeepers group and discord

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • Due to Guild and COVID restrictions, postponed.


  • DND Oneshot Night [POSTPONED]
    • Postponed till further notice
    • Possibly move to onlin forum

Jackie: Contact GM's and look at online solutions.

Magic: The Gavining

  • Intro to Magic [POSTPONED]
    • Postponed till further notice
    • Not going to be moved online


  • Painting day [POSTPONED]

    • Postponed till further notice
  • Intro to Wargaming [POSTPONED]

    • Postponed till further notice

Fresher Campaigns

  • GM Signup

    • we have 15 signups
    • need to ask for availabiltiies
  • Player signup

    • need to get the form out

Ethan: Help Hannah write up announcement for players

Ethan: write up availiability form


Fresher Welcome (2022) [POSTPONED(tentative date: Thursday 10/03 4pm)]

  • To be rerun at a later date when it is safe for club members

AGM [Friday 1pm 04/03/22 (Week 1)]:

  • New Committee for 2022
    • President: Emerald Aindow
    • Vice President: Jackie Shan
    • Treasurer: Alex "Texas" Bennett
    • Secretary: Ethan "Gibbi" Gibson
    • Librarian: Luna
    • Fresher Rep: Hannah Niklaus
    • OCMs
      • Christopher Leak
      • Connor Brennan
      • David Giles
      • Jazz White
    • IPP: Alistair Langton

Club Carnival [POSTPONED]:

  • Postponed

PROSH Olympics [15/03/22]:

  • No updates

PROSH [23/03/22]:

  • We need a new marshal
    • Chris nominates himself as prosh Marshal

Jackie: Send chris Prosh Form

Chris: Do prosh form

DnD with Panto [January??]

  • Alistair spoke to Clare verbally
  • It will be at some point after week 3 onwards
  • Clare has some interested GMs and wants to theme it around panto stuff
  • thiscommitteesproblem

Charity Vigil []:

  • later problem

Swancon []:

  • later problem

Unigames "I" [REDACTED] []:

  • later problem

Quiz Night []:

  • later problem

Roleplay for Life []:

  • later problem

Relay for Life []:

  • later problem

Cameron Hall-o-ween []:

  • later problem

Collab [REDACTED] 2022 []:

  • later problem


  • Approved:

  • Pending:

    • $498.30 to Jackie for Oday 2022 Printing
    • $4.96 to Alistair for Raffle Tix
  • UnSubmitted:

  • $533.80 to Emerald for Food Run


  • Semester grants
    • no updates
  • Special project grant
    • no updates
  • Envirogrant
    • No updates
  • Best Club award
    • No update on award money

General Business:

  • congrats everyone on getting on to committee again!

Jackie: Update password

Everyone: Read Handovers

Everyone: Decide Meeting Times

Everyone: Start thinking about fridge image and hehe funny line

Carried on Action Items

Jackie: Annoy Cade

Texas: Become Jackie

Luna: RPG Classification System

Emerald: Book Buy Stuff

Ethan, Emerald: Wednesday morning food run - Done

Gwen: Newsletter including AGM details and postponed Fresher Welcome - Done

Jackie: Handle Shirt Stuff

Meeting closed: 5:20 pm