Unigames Committee Meeting #0 26/02/2021

by Guinevere Sellner 26/02/21

Unigames Committee Meeting #0 26/02/2021


  • Alistair (prez)
  • Emerald (vp)
  • Jackie (trez)
  • Gwen (sec)
  • Vikrum (libr)
  • Ethan (frep)
  • Amber (OCM)
  • Nina (OCM)


  • Alex (OCM) [arrived later]
  • Christopher (OCM)

Meeting scheduled: 3pm

Meeting open: 3:22pm


  • Congrats to new committee!


  • The following individuals have been appointed Gatekeeper status:
    • Taylor Home
    • Jack Kay
    • Autumn Brough
    • Keifer Dyson

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • Nina has been assigned to the first board games night.

Nina, Jackie: teach Nina how to do an EMP


  • DND Oneshot Night [Wednesday 03/03]
    • Wednesday week 2 (next week)
    • GMs: Alistair, Emerald, Josh, Gavin (the guy from the videos), Winslade and Vikrum
    • It's happening next week!

Alistair: follow up on Leigh with furniture

Magic: The Gavining

  • Intro to Magic [Friday 12/3 Week 3]
    • Happening in two weeks!

Alistair: Create a facebook event for Intro to Magic


  • Painting day [12-3pm Tuesday 9/3, Week 3]

Jackie: Create a facebook event for Painting Day

  • Intro to Wargaming [Week 4]
    • We will need kyle's compendium of wisdom

Ethan: work on Intro to Wargaming

Fresher Campaigns

  • GM Signup

  • Player signup

Ethan: talk to oldmittee to put up fresher campaign signup forms


AGM [Friday 1pm 26/2/21 (Week 1)]:

  • New Committee for 2021
    • President: Alistair Langton
    • Vice President: Emerald Aindow
    • Treasurer: Jackie Shan
    • Secretary: Guinevere Sellner
    • Librarian: Vikrum Sithambaram
    • Fresher Rep: Ethan Gibson
    • OCMs
      • Alex "Texas" Bennett
      • Amber Cheung
      • Christopher Leak
      • Nina McManus-James

Club Carnival [Tuesday 2/1, Week 2]:

  • Please come help out if you're able!
  • 12-2pm, setup at 12:30

PROSH Olympics [1pm Tuesday 16/3/21]:

  • No updates

PROSH [24/3/21]:

  • We need a new marshal
  • Reminder that our theme is "bugs and bunnies"
  • Emerald is happy to be the marshal
  • Marshal Training

Emerald: Handle PROSH marshal training

Charity Vigil [Probably Sat 3/4/21 - Sun 4/4/21]:

  • we can deal with this next meeting

Alistair: Email Who Gives A Buck about charity vigil

Swancon [24/4/21 - 26/4/21]:

Alistair: Get in touch with Swancon

Unigames "H" [REDACTED] [Friday 16/7/21 - Monday 19/7/21]:

  • later problem

Quiz Night [Probably Friday 20/8 or 27/8]:

  • later problem

Roleplay for Life [Probably Sat 4/9 - Sun 5/9]:

  • later problem

Relay for Life [October]:

  • later problem

Cameron Hall-o-ween @ 77 Social [Thursday 21/10/21]:

  • later problem

Collab [REDACTED] 2021 [19/11/21 - 22/11/21]:

  • later problem


  • Submitted (pending)
    • Taylor: $37.88 for bunnings stuff
    • Jackie: $223.85 for fresher pizza
    • Jackie: $245 for oday printing
    • Emerald: $8.40 for oday ice
    • Gwen: $591.77 for food run


  • SOC Meeting

    • Next one is in March
  • Tenancy Consultation

    • Jackie will go to rep Unigames
  • Elevator

    • No update
  • Semester grants

    • New treasurer will need to get on Aidan's case about past semester grants
    • surprise its Jackie again, she will continue to get on Aidan's case
  • Special project grant

    • No update
  • Best Club award

    • No update on award money

General Business:

  • congrats everyone on getting on to committee again!


  • Time to vote on regulations
  • Vote of no complaining passes unanimously
  • Committee Operations, Roles and Clubroom Operations, Library regulations are read out
  • All regulations are approved

Alistair: find missing long term borrowing regulations Alistair, Taylor: figure out interclub regulations Taylor: Do vp handover

Meeting closed: 4:09 pm