Unigames Committee Meeting #1 - 04/03/2021

by Guinevere Sellner 04/03/21

Unigames Committee Meeting #1 - 04/03/2021


  • Alistair
  • Emerald
  • Jackie
  • Gwen
  • Vikrum
  • Ethan
  • Amber
  • Chris
  • Nina
  • Texas (used to be Alex)


Meeting scheduled: 7pm

Meeting open: 7:10pm


President's Report (Alistair):

  • It's only been a week since the AGM!? Feels like a month
  • I have done serveal things
  • Changed all the passwords
  • Removed everyone from permissions and thing, but haven't given new permissions (bullying of new committee is eminent)
  • Watched Bioshock 2 endings with Jackie
  • Organised the D&D Oneshot on the night
  • Taught some people to play magic today
  • Put up event for the Magic event next week
  • Did not go to the UCC AGM
  • Stares into the abyss
  • Keeps opening the Whenisgood and prays that it'll be different

Vice-President's Report (Emerald):

  • happy first meeting everyone
  • Welcome to all freshers reading minutes for the first time!
  • geez four units is a lot
  • I've spent all week studying so i've not been in the room alot
  • did some background admit stuff for settling in committee
  • uploaded proof of student leadership training
  • figured out prosh marshal situation! need to email them!
  • Edited a facebook announcement
  • Emerald watches minecraft youtubers
  • have a lovely week folks, and thanks for reading the minutes!

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • i continue to be committee brained and am now a lil behind on lectures
  • "jackie it's week 2" Whoops.
  • went to tenancy consultation right after meeting #0
  • helped taylor and ethan with redoing the fresher campaign signup forms
  • taught nina and ethan how to do EMPs
  • gave gatekeeper training to everyone on committee who hasn't been gate before
  • redid treasurer training despite only one (1) question changing between last year and this year
  • helped out with dnd oneshot night (printed a ton of chara sheets, helped freshers build characters)
  • made painting facebook event, but i'm planning to move it so it doesn't clash w club carnival
  • made a cam hall poster but then forgot to send it to chloe to be printed 🙁
  • i've submitted oday grants!
  • bioshock 2
  • account balance: $9,276.41

Secretary's Report (Gwen):

  • I am now secretary (yay)
  • Learnt how to do secretary things through the handover (well kinda)
  • Minutes from meeting #0 are finally up
  • Sorry for missing dnd one shot
  • Alistair touched my minutes and I am mad
    • no i didnt

Librarian's Report (Vikrum):

  • hello
  • It has come to my attention that I am librarian now
  • Didn't know the meeting was today and just happened to be here
    • king shit
  • Read Emerald's handover (as well as the big handover)
  • Ran a D&D One shot and "tried" to help someone build a character
    • "I don't make character, I just run D&D"

Fresher Rep's Report (Ethan):

  • Received Gatekeeper training
  • Wrote up fresher campaign spreadsheet
  • Wrote up announcements for club events
  • Read some handovers
  • Attended D&D One shot night

Reports de la OCM (Amber, Chris, Nina, Texas):

  • Amber:

    • Did gatekeeper training
    • Took some room measurements
  • Chris:

    • Recieved gatekeeper training
    • Attended D&D One Shot and tried to help build a druid... well learnt how to make a druid
  • Nina:

    • Recieved Gatekeepr training (with Jackie)
    • Recieved OCM training (with Jackie)
    • Recieved EMP training (with Jackie)
    • Completed EMP for "Spies and Secrets Board Game Night" for Wednesday 10th March from 5pm to 9pm
      • It's an intense story for how this came about
    • Made facebook announcement for "Spies and Secrets Board Game Night"
    • Haven't made the discord post yet
    • Attened D&D One Shot and also tried and failed to help people build charaters
    • Nina blew away Alistair with her age
  • Texas:

    • got gatekeeper training from Jackie
    • missed the one-shot night for work (rip campaign lore)
    • hey im on committee thats cool
    • first report :)

Past action Items:


Follow up on Leigh with furniture - didn't need to

Create a facebook event for Intro to Magic - done

Email Who Gives A Buck about charity vigil - not done

Get in touch with Swancon - done(ish)

Find missing long term borrowing regulations - not done

Figure out interclub regulations - done


Handle PROSH marshal training - not done


Teach Nina how to do an EMP (along with Nina) - done

Create a facebook event for Painting Day - done


Work on Intro to Wargaming - done

Talk to oldmittee to put up fresher campaign signup forms - done


(Taylor) Do vp handover - not done


  • New gatekeepers: Cam Locke, Elanor Leman, Alex McKeon, Amelia Sheperdson, Colin Fielding
  • Committee has voted to allow Taylor Home to retain access to the google drive and document on the basis that she is still helping committee with various jobs such as room renovations
    • There is not new confidental information of which she was not already privy to
    • Upon completion of these tasks she will be removed

Alistair: Contact unsuccesful applicants


  • Donald and Gozz have been approved as webkeepers

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • Spies and Secrets Board Games [Wednesday 10/3 5pm, Week 3]

Nina: Do the discord ping


  • DND Oneshot Night
    • Went well
    • 3 tables of 6, 2 tables of 7 (32 people)
    • One shots seemed to run weel
    • Shoutout to Keifer for pulling out a one shot
    • Gavin helped with character building (cuz he actually knows how to do that)
  • Future Oneshots:
    • Requests for Call of Cthulu and Vampires
    • Week 4 One Shot: Monster of the week
    • Week 6 One Shot: Call of Cthulu
  • Chris is our rpg OCM

Chris: Contact Call of Cthulu and Monster of the Week GMs Chris: Learn how to do EMPs Emerald: Put up possible One Shot systems poll

Magic: The Gavining

  • Intro to Magic [Tuesday 9/3 4pm, Week 3]
    • Already got a head start on that and taught 3 people magic :D
    • This year Alistair has people who like commander from the start


  • Prelude to Painting [Thursday 11/3 12-3pm, Week 3]

    • No longer Tuesday 9/3
  • Intro to Wargaming [Week 4]

Ethan: Do Intro to Wargaming EMP Jackie: Give EMP priveleges Jackie: Change date of Prelude to Painting

Fresher Campaigns

  • GM Signup

    • 8 current definites with others in the reserves
  • Player signup

    • At 38 at the moment
      • There was a spike after D&D One shot (expected)
      • UPDATE: There is now 39 signups (as of 9:00pm)
    • Ethan is starting to allocate players to GMs


Club Carnival [Tuesday 9/3, Week 3]:

  • It was delayed from last week (because of thunderstorm warnings)

PROSH Olympics [1pm Tuesday 16/3/21]:

  • It's a bunch of little games where you play in your PROSH team

Artemis LAN [Saturday 20/3/21]

  • UCC run event
  • Overview: You LARP as a bridge crew and have a series of challenges to complete
    • It's an E-LARP
    • Costumes not required
  • Intersection of UCC, Unigames and UniSFA
  • Come along, it's a really good time

Emerald: Make "Unigames goes to Artemis LAN" event

PROSH [24/3/21]:

  • Take part team!
  • There'll be people staying here overnight before (rather than getting to uni at 5am)
  • Our theme: "bugs and bunnies"

Charity Vigil [Probably Sat 3/4/21 - Sun 4/4/21]:

  • Alistair still need to email people
  • We need a subcommittee
    • Ethan and Jackie will be our reps

Alistair: Email "Who Give a Buck" Alistair: Message ICONS to get together subcommittee

Swancon [24/4/21 - 26/4/21]:

  • Alistair still needs to reply to an email

Alistair: Reply to Swancon email

Unigames "H" [REDACTED] [Friday 16/7/21 - Monday 19/7/21]:

  • Alistair will be head camp leader, Emerald second leader and Jackie will be head firstaider/chef

Alistair, Jackie, Emerald: Work on Camp EMP

Quiz Night [Probably Friday 20/8 or 27/8]:

  • This is next semester so we don't need to worry about it too much yet
  • We will have 2 reps
    • Gwen and Amber will be our reps
    • Gwen has dibs on darkmittee

Roleplay for Life [Probably Sat 4/9 - Sun 5/9]:

  • Also a while away
  • Texas calls dibs

Relay for Life [October]:

  • It's so long away
  • Chris has dibs on team captain

Cameron Hall-o-ween @ 77 Social [Thursday 21/10/21]:

  • In the distant and somewhat troubling future
  • Our reps will be Nina and Vikrum

Collab [REDACTED] 2021 [19/11/21 - 22/11/21]:

  • Probably Jackie, Emerald and Texas


  • Processed
    • Taylor: $37.88 for bunnings stuff
    • Jackie: $223.85 for fresher pizza
    • Jackie: $245 for oday printing
    • Emerald: $8.40 for oday ice
    • Gwen: $591.77 for food run


  • SOC Meeting

    • Wednesday 17/3 5:30pm
  • Tenancy Consultation

    • It happened
    • Jackie was our rep
    • Non-students are allowed in the building, though we have to take photos of their ID and send to Jameson after hours
      • After hours: after 7pm on weekdays and on weekends
      • Let's get an alarm clock
        • Emerald googles alarm clocks and Amber learns new things about her alarm clock
    • We are allowed to tape down the carpet
    • Hallway door things are more official than expected
      • Alistair can't just do clubroom maintenance and he's sad
    • Tenancy consultations and busy bee dates will be confirmed by this week

Jackie: Send posters Nina: Look into alarm clocks Alistair: Set up afterhours sign in thing

  • Elevator

    • No update
  • Semester grants

    • We recieved confirmation that our 2019 corrections were not included in the recent grants
    • We are still owed ~$900 from guild :(
  • Special project grant

    • No need currently
  • Best Club award

    • Money pwease ;(

General Business:

Room Update

Alistair: Email tenancy about stairwell light and mounting webcam near aircon

Student Leadership Training:

  • Alistair officially informs new committee that Leigh is a man
  • There is a training in April
    • Alistair has already signed up for it
    • If you want to sign up, go to the guild website


  • We need to get the library on the website
  • We have received donations
    • "Curse of Strahd" from Ethan
    • "Banagrams" from Taylor

Alistair, Emerald, Vikrum: Talk about library onto website stuff


  • Donald is still working on the website
  • Gozz proposes we buy our own domain name so we don't have to keep using Gozz's or UCC's
    • It will cost $52.50 which will get us a domain name for 5 years
    • Vote to purchase domain name is passed (For: 10, Against: 0, Abstain: 0)


Taylor: Do handover All: Read your handovers


  • Interclub subcommittee regulations (version edited on 2018-08-07) are adopted by committee
  • Gozz proposes amendments to our club regulations
    • Amendment to 14 approved
      • Adding the word "consenting" before "members" so that we can't appoint members to roles they haven't applied for
    • Amednment to add 15c (Responsibilities of webkeepers) approved
      • To ensure that the Committee may at their pleasure gain access to and control of any club information system.

Alistair, Taylor: Work on subcommittee regulations Gwen: Update regulations on the website

Fridge Poster

  • We gotta get us a new committee fridge poster

All: Upload fridge poster pictures to the drive

Meeting closed: 9:11pm