Unigames Committee Meeting #1 - 04/03/2024

by Chris Leak 04/03/24

Unigames Committee Meeting #1 - 04/03/2024

tags: committee meeting 2023


  • Josh
  • Jack
  • Chris
  • Gen
  • Cooper
  • Jeremy
  • Nene
  • Nix
  • Oscar
  • Jackie



  • Connor

Meeting scheduled: 3:00PM

Meeting open: 3:19PM


President's Report (Josh):

  • I have been cringing my way through the presidency so far due to a combination of fevers and pain medication
  • I have managed to stumble through all of the start of committee stuff though and haven't blown anything up
  • Thanks everyone for coming to agm
  • Chew before you swallow your food

Vice President's Report (Connyah):

  • hi i’m shmeepee
  • didn’t know this meeting existed 😔
  • already ready to start getting charity vigil rounded up 😎

Treasurer's Report (Jack):

  • rat board rat board rat board
  • we have probably had a change in finances i forgot to message shmitty and fell asleep instead
  • i messaged him like 5 minutes before meeting started muahaha
  • i will sort it out with him after meeting if he is not going to disappear afterwards 😃
  • i have not lost the keys yet and totally saw the giant lock on the wall box
  • Account Balance: $14,925.51

Secretary's Report (Chris):

  • Whoah
  • Not much, its been a weekend.

Librarian's Report (Gen):

  • helped run fresher welcome :>
  • very excited for ttrpg week
  • come to RPG O-Day and Variety Oneshot!!!!

Fresher Rep's Report (Cooper):

  • Getting a grasp of some committee things

OCMs' Reports (Jeremy, Nene, Nix, Oscar):

  • Jeremy:

    • Minigolf
    • haven't done much in three days! WHAT!!!
      • almost got someone to play mtg again
  • Nene:

    • will be attending variety one shot night and hopefully running motw
    • really not got anything else going on. bideo game
  • Nix:

    • gotta look into 3d printing some combat patrols...
    • warhammer is happening upstairs and I wish that was me
    • intro to wargaming week 4 gotta get ready 😳
  • Oscar:

    • variety oneshot night stuff done!
    • That’s this friday! Please come
    • 102 days til end of semester, 241 days til halloween, 296 days til christmas

Immediate Past President's Report (Jackie):

  • Jackie has attended: 2/2 (100% WR)== Meeting
    • I’ve got no keys :(((
    • have been helping josh with giving tasks, making sure he knows what’s doing
    • helping with updating account access details and icons etc
    • am paying attention to this meeting on the other side of the room which is a first for me, this is very strange
      • Jackie can indeed hear us
        • Sometimes we can still hear her voice

Past action Items:

Usual Suspects

Board Games

Social Deduction Board Games - (Week 3)
  • Social Deduction Games

    Gen, Cooper: Social Deduction Board Games EMP and Advertising

A-maze-ing Board Games - (Week 5)
  • E.g. Night Cage, Magic Maze, Betrayal, Dungeon games etc.

    Jeremy, Nix: A-maze-ing Board Games EMP and Advertising


RPG O'Day - Tuesday 5th @ 4PM (Week 2)
  • List of Games Repped:
    • Lewis: torchbearer + mouse guard
    • Seraph: print weaver
    • Chris: mutants & masterminds + spire/heart
    • Winslade: 13th age + hero kids
    • Gwyn: masks + pbta
    • Gen: Good Society
  • RPG O'Day announcement needs to be done
Variety Oneshot Night - Friday the 8th of March @ 5PM
  • Games that will be there:
    • Call of Cthulhu
    • Heart: The City Beneath
    • Hero Kids
    • ICRPG
    • Monster of the Week
    • Paranoia XP
    • Call of Catthulhu
    • Mausritter
Call of Cthulu Oneshot - Wednesday the 20th of March @ 5pm(??) Week 4
  • GMs contacted

    Gen: Call of Cthulhu EMP and Advertising


Magic: The Gavining
SNOM - Sunday 10th of March @ 11AM
  • Gibbi did EMP
Intro to MTG - Monday 11th of March @ 3pm (Week 3)
  • Gibbi is running the event
Intro to Pokemon - Tuesday 12th of March @ 3pm (Week 3)
  • Chris is running the event
    • This will interrupt the committee meeting :(

      Chris: Do week 3 TCGs announcement


Intro to Wargaming - Week 4

Nix: Intro to Wargaming EMP and Advertising

Wargaming tournament - 3rd of April (Study week 1)
  • It is in EZONE NTH Learning Studio [:109]
  • Matt has details
Intro to Painting - (Week 4)
  • Josh has organised it
  • Cam may be able to bring air-brush

Fresher Campaigns

  • Fresher Campaign Form is up! Get on there!
  • Organised time to go over how Fresher Campaigns work

Access Department collab (Community Chats) - Tuesday 5/3 @ 11am-1pm

  • They have weekly meetups to do activities
  • We've been contacted to see if we want to bring down some board and card games to this upcoming meetup

Prosh - Wednesday the 20th of March

  • New prosh marshal needed
    • Its Jeremy

      Joshua: give Jeremy the Prosh Stuff

Far Future Events

Club Carnival - Tuesday 26/3
Charity Vigil -
  • Reps are Connor and Nene

    Connor,Nene: Round up Charity Vigil Subcom

Unigames [Redacted] - Soon
  • sorting roles
Upcoming Subcommittees/Reps
  • Charity Vigil - Connor, Nene
  • Roleplay 4 Life - Chris, Nix
  • Relay 4 Life - Gen, Oscar (vibe it)
  • Quiz Night - Jack (Dark), Nix (Light)
  • Joint [Redacted]? - Jack, Cooper, Connor
  • Uncharity - Josh, Jeremy
  • Dice Bag (if it happens) - Oscar, Gen


  • Approved
  • Pending
    • $46.38 to David for carpet tape
    • $8.80 to to Connor for paper towels
    • $268.18 to Connor for 21/02 food run
    • $332.31 to Gibbi for O'Day
    • $240 to Gibbi for Karlov booster boxes
    • $96 to Gibbi for new deck boxes
  • Unsubmitted
    • $schmoney to Gen for Ice Cube Tray
    • $249 to Gen for Fresher Welcome Pizza


SOCPAC - 27/2

  • Club carnival
    • 1 trestle table
    • Week 5???
    • EFTPOS Air
      • A little finicky but usable
      • option for events but not for general use in the clubroom
    • New Advertising method: electronic posters
    • Prosh Stuff


  • Side Panels
    • Nupdates
  • Tenancy contract
    • to be signed

General Business


  • Welcome to our new Gatekeepers!
    • Jasmine White (Evvy)


  • Welcome to our new webkeepers!
    • Gozz Gozzard
    • Donald Sutherland

      Jackie, Gibbi: Notify gatekeepers

Unify App

  • Apparently bad

Room Updates

  • Carpets
  • New Kallax, Small Shelf, Chairs

    Gen: Write an "ice notice"


  • Flamecraft Splat Buy
    • nupdates
  • Painting Guide
    • nupdates?

Food Runs

  • Josh and Jackie did last food run
  • need water
  • Costco Run??

Phoenix Revival

  • Nupdates

Uploading Old Minutes

  • Nupdates


Everyone: Read handovers/ask for verbal handovers.

Fridge Photos

Everyone: Send Jackie your fridge/freezer photos

Action Items

Meeting closed: 5:40 PM