Unigames Committee Meeting #1 - 08/03/2019

by Donald Sutherland 08/03/19

Unigames Committee Meeting #1 - 08/03/2019


  • Alaura
  • Aoibhinn
  • Donald
  • Taylor
  • Amelia
  • Brett
  • Elana
  • Jasmine


  • Gavin


  • Alistair

Meeting open: 10:31AM


President's Report:

  • Hey yo, you don't have to yell at me
  • The book ends are finally here
  • Been doing admin work, setting up the changeover
  • Mostly done last week
  • Hype for new committee, hype for new plans
  • Been talking to people as well

Vice-President's Report:

  • I did marshall training
  • We have a lot of gatekeeper sign-ups
  • One of them was really pretty
  • Taylor and Alaura in creepy unison: "Was it the gatekeeper or the form?"

Treasurer's Report:

  • Account balance: $3317.62
  • Currently a withdrawal pending for ~$1200 though
  • Did a $2000+ deposit, then immediately spent half of that on food
  • Deal with it
  • We now have cool stuff, including Pocky that was somehow on sale.
  • Spoke to finance about the withdrawals book situation, and they reluctantly reimbursed us
  • Yay for $20
  • Currently selling a house's worth of stuff thanks to my Mum
  • Alaura: Sort out whatever happened to the recepits at the end of her term

Secretary's Report:

  • Hello I'm here
  • Drama is awful
  • We are trialling doing the minutes in Markdown
  • Committee can see these minutes as I type, which is neat
  • I changed the passwords so that old committee can't sabotage us
  • Taylor will still attempt to try

Librarian's Report:

  • Hello folks
  • Firstly I would like it to be known as soon as I became exec I started being late to meetings
  • Message Katherine about book repair things
    • Advice acquired
    • Alistair will also get a the UniSFA librarian handover.
  • Jasmine proposes making a google form for damaged resources
  • Overdue items: none

Fresher Rep's Report:

  • Freshers are alive
  • Well, at least one of them is
  • Freshers don't understand the difference between an expression of interest and a sign-ups.
  • I sent a giant email


  • Donald: Print more gatekeeper forms

  • We have approved:
    • Will Corbett
    • Cam Locke
    • Fin Hoskins
    • Kyle Barrow
    • Emerald Aindow
    • Declan Burke
    • Kieran Brown
    • Lewis Graham


Usual Suspects:


  • We haven't assigned people to do board game things
  • The next time we do an EMP, we should train new committee members
  • UWA Debating Union would like to do a collab event
    • They want it on a thursday.
  • Classics Society would also like to do a collab
    • Unclear as to whether they want a proper collab event or just for us to provide board games
    • Classics may just do a collab event to make sure they get enough people
  • Jasmine has talked to the photography club president about a potential board games night.
  • Taylor + Jasmine flyered a whole bunch of stalls at club carnival, so hopefully we can host many events!
  • Jasmine: Message club pages and talk to people.

  • Do we also run a board games night for ourselves?
    • Brett volunteers, and is told how to set one up.
    • Brett: Make the board games night event for Thursday 14th

    • Try and switch up the dates so that we maximise the amount of people that can attend.
    • Starting from around ~4pm.
    • Be explicit that you can drop-in/drop-out
    • Theme: Not the fresher welcome (but freshers are still invited)


  • D&D happened, ran pretty smoothly.
  • 5 games, didn't have to use the CCZ.
  • We ran it at the same time as the UniSFA fresher welcome, so we were competing with freshers a little.
  • Next one-shot theme: Star Wars so that we can collab with UniSFA
  • Aoibhinn: Make a new post asking for GMs and the systems they can run.

  • Contact the UniSFA committee now, so it's organised before the UniSFA committee changeover
  • We could make it a Star Wars themed week: X-Wing wargames, Star Wars magic, one-shots, screenings, etc.
    • Happening in week 4!
    • Jasmine: Organise GMs, talk to UniSFA, and make event for Star Wars week

  • Make sure enough copies of the book are floating around next time
  • Taylor: Speak to people about Edg~~y~~eE dice


  • On Monday, we have a draft and commander night!
  • Draft will be Guilds of Ravnica! Also Commander!
  • On week 4, Star Wars week!
    • We will be running a draft of Star Wars cube!
    • It's super fun.
    • We'll also help people with their decks that night, so bring them along if you want assistance.
  • Starting week 5, we'll be running a Ravnica Allegience sealed league!
  • Some freshers are interested in pauper (commmons only).
  • Alaura: Look into pauper interest by email

  • Donald: Make the star wars event

  • Donald: Make a poster for sealed league ASAP


  • There was a painting day
  • It was successful
  • Skirmishes have started
  • It's super easy to set-up - Jasmine has learned
  • Elana volunteers to be the wargamer person on committee.
  • Elana: Make a facebook event for Star Wars skirmish games

  • Figure out a day that works best.

Fresher Campaigns

  • Fresher campaigns have been allocated for those who applied
  • There are some unallocated fresher that will be assigned if some people drop out
  • People are replying to Jasmine rather than their GM. Contact your GM!
  • If freshers start ghosting GMs, chase them up
  • Shoutout to Ellie for running two Fresher Campaigns


Halloween Party:

  • Ace Security has been paid and we have a receipt
  • We have reached the end of this series of unfortunate events.
  • UniSFA has $100 to redistribute
  • Aoibhinn has $50 from Alcohol to redist.
  • Alaura: Go through old halloween finances and update


  • Money has been deposited
  • Marquee has been put but in rightful spot


  • It went well, thanks to all that attended

Prosh Olympics [March 13th]:

  • It's a sports thing
  • Brett is now keen
  • Alaura: Make a post about Prosh AGM

Prosh [March 20th]:

  • Aoibhinn has done training
  • Alaura needs to do training
  • Alaura: Talk to Aoibhinn about Prosh sign-ups

  • Aoibhinn: Make a Prosh event

Envoy Mega-Game [29th March]:

  • Alistair and Emily have volunteered to help out

Quiz Night:

  • Aoibhinn would like to be lightmittee
  • Alaura would like to be darkmittee
  • Alistair wants to be darkmittee
  • Aoibhinn+Alaura: Contact other committee once elections have happened to start organising Quiz Night

CAMP (Redacted) [21st-24th June]:

  • EMP is still ongoing
  • Alaura, Aoibhinn, Gavin, Taylor: Do the Camp EMP

Room Update:

  • Door lock
    • Not a priority, discuss at next meeting
  • Fridge/freezer chaos
    • Taylor's mum has a fridge/freezer pair that we can buy for $200 total
    • Not voting this meeting. Committee will do by circular.
  • We switched out the chairs in the room
    • Alaura: Make a gatekeeper post re. chairs and not mistreating them


  • Gozz: $193.20 - pizza run at fresher welcome
  • Gozz: $1034.30 - food run
  • Szymon: $18.60 - generic cleaning spray

    Alistair: Top up UCC account

General Business:

  • Shattered World Book
    • Liam offers us a Shattered World lore book
    • We don't know if it would be something we want, or if it is a splat buy, how much it is, etc.
    • Alaura: Find out more about Shattered World book

  • Loft booking
    • Discussion post-poned until next week because of time
  • Year plan
    • Alaura wants to construct a year plan for events/advertising deadlines
    • This will happen outside of a committee meeting
    • Taylor proposes setting up a calander and sharing it with other clubs so we don't clash
  • Seperate mailing lists.
    • We have one mailing list right now
    • Donald wants to split it out into magic, wargames, etc.
    • Donald: speak to UCC about this

Meeting closed: 1:06PM


Action Items:


  • Sort out whatever happened to the recepits at the end of her term
  • Look into pauper interest by email
  • Go through old halloween finances and update
  • Make a post about Prosh AGM
  • Talk to Aoibhinn about Prosh sign-ups
  • Contact other committee once elections have happened to start organising Quiz Night (along with Aoibhinn)
  • Do the Camp EMP (along with Aoibhinn, Taylor, Gavin)
  • Make a gatekeeper post re. chairs and not mistreating them
  • Find out more about Shattered World book


  • Make a new post asking for GMs and the systems they can run.
  • Make a Prosh event
  • Contact other committee once elections have happened to start organising Quiz Night (along with Alaura)
  • Do the Camp EMP (along with Alaura, Taylor, Gavin)


  • Speak to people about Edg~~y~~eE dice
  • Do the Camp EMP (along with Alaura, Aoibhinn, Gavin)


  • Print more gatekeeper forms
  • Make the star wars event
  • Make a poster for sealed league ASAP
  • Speak to UCC about this


  • Top up UCC account


  • Make a facebook event for Star Wars skirmish games


  • Make the board games night event for Thursday 14th


  • Message club pages and talk to people.
  • Organise GMs, talk to UniSFA, and make event for Star Wars week


  • Do the Camp EMP (along with Alaura, Aoibhinn, Taylor)