Unigames Committee Meeting #1 - 10/03/2022

by Ethan Gibson 10/03/22

Unigames Committee Meeting #1 - 10/03/2022


  • Emerald
  • Jackie
  • Texas
  • Gibbi
  • Luna
  • Hannah
  • Chris
  • Connor
  • David
  • Jazz
  • Alistair (Late)



Meeting scheduled: 11:00am

Meeting open: 11:07 am


President's Report (Emerald):

  • Good morning, Gibbi
    • I hope you're settling into your new role as my personal letter writer.
    • Yah Congratulations on everyone on their new positions
    • Sorry for missing Meeting 0
  • Changed passwords and things
  • Sent and edited some emails
  • Have a lot of thoughts about a lot of things
    • We'll get to it when we get to it
  • Did a food run

Vice-President's Report (Jackie):

  • i almost sent my report to under the treasurer section whoops
  • i miss my seat and my keys
    • habit building of 2 years will do that to you
  • given at least one newmittee gate training by now
  • submitted ERF, tried to get guild prez signature for AHA
  • sent request to guild website for logo and banner to be updated
  • emailed tactics w new sticker among other emails
  • did all my action items
  • oh also i bought back the tea towels afer washing them last week
  • also i got my P plates B)
  • joke here where i write the account balance lol

Treasurer's Report (Texas):

  • girl help, my report is so much higher up now
  • (Ty to everyone who voted me I'm v grateful and sorry I couldn't be there)
  • I did my trez training
  • read my (incomplete) handover
  • and also submitted my first grant for o-Day so hype
  • cleaned aircon filters so fan is slightly better. Also (hopefully) will have somebody look at the aircon and tell us what's wrong
  • we stan Bridgette from Jim's aircon
  • got new withdrawl book from submitting reimbursements today
  • account balance: $10,944.30

Secretary's Report (Gibbi):

  • Sleeby and Screaming
  • Rewrote Action finder
    • Emotes can be in the minutes again
  • Did all my Action items
  • Helped with announcements
  • Did a food run
  • Wrote my own announcements
  • Made Changes on website
  • Put up meeting minutes a day early
  • Been looking at changes to fresher form
  • We should keep reports brief like how mine is almost 10 lines :/

Librarian's Report (Luna):

  • First meeting with new committee (excluding the AGM and Meeting 0)
  • This week sure had been... Sigh.
  • Sad that my new bag can't fit Athena.
  • Sure did log 7 hours of work in 5 hours of work, with over 1/2 of the work not being logged.
  • I continue to preserve my committee speaking spot above Chris.

Fresher Rep's Report (Hannah):

  • Posted the fresher sign up announcement on both discord and facebook
  • Also read the fresher guide (thanks gibbi) and talked to a few freshers that showed up in the room
  • Got gate training from jackie

Reports de la OCM (Chris, Connor, David, Jazz):

  • Chris:
    • yo its me, i'm back again, shortest committee member (its just my hair that's taller than hannah)
    • time for some shenanigans
  • Connor:

    • Eyyyy, how's it going?
    • Although the unspoken has really managed to mess with a bunch of the club's events, I'm loving being on committee so far, and I'm really grateful that I was elected, thank you very much <33
    • I read my handover, and even tho I still feel pretty baby brain, it was some good stuff (thank you Texas, as well as Chris, Luna and Nina 😃)
    • Highlight of my week was spending over 30 hours of 2 days trying to get a raid done in Destiny 2, and still failing... it was really fun though (got a really good clip out of it too)
  • David:

    • I'm (NOT) sitting at the table, (VERY MUCH NOT) woohoo
    • Got through reading my handover in a timely fashion, feel much more qualified now (still need gate training though)
    • Did not get through my law work in a timely fashion, on account of none being uploaded (pain)
    • Stay gamer peeps
  • Jazz:
    • i have read the handover
    • ty for the handover <33
    • i made an account but the unigames website hates me and wont let me in
    • warm. in hell.

Immediate Past President's Report (Alistair):

  • Alistair has attended: ==1.75/2== Meetings

Past action Items:

Emerald Aindow:

Book Buy Stuff - Not Done

(with Ethan) Wednesday morning food run - Done

Jackie Shan:

Inform applicants of outcome - Done

Setup gatekeepers group and discord - Done

Contact GM's and look at online solutions. - Done

Send chris Prosh Form - Done

Update password - Done

Annoy Cade - Done

Handle Shirt Stuff - Done


Become Jackie - Done

Ethan Gibson:

Announce new committee on discord and facebook - Done

Update regulations with correct ICON regulations version - Done

Help Hannah write up announcement for players - Done

write up availiability form - Done

(with Emerald) Wednesday morning food run - Done


RPG Classification System - Not Done

Christopher Leak:

Do prosh form - Not Done

Unigames Committee 2022 ALL:

Read Handovers - Done

Decide Meeting Times - Done

Start thinking about fridge image and hehe funny line - Done


The following members have been approved as gatekeepers: - Joshua Annison - Ezran Bailey - Lilly Fowler

Jackie: Do gatekeeper training


  • Donald Sutherland
  • Gozz Gozzard

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • Emerald would like to begin this segment by acknowledging COVID

    • UWA wants to stay as face to face as possible
    • Have new rules in place for running events in the near future
  • Fresher Welcome -- [Week 3 - Thursday 17/03/2022]

    • Has high risk of spreading COVID due to high contact board games
    • Will almost certainly be moved online as a result
    • Gibbi: it is not valuable to endanger club members with physical events
    • Luna: Alot of engaged freshers are already in the physical club room
    • Hannah: Planning to interact with freshers over discord in DMs or Emails
      • Emerald: Suggestion of Private Fresher Channel
    • Alistair: Channels are private and encourage freshers to interact
    • Jackie: DM assumes that they have joined discord and assigned role whereas email goes off the member database
    • Emerald: Propose both fresher welcome and DnD one shot to be done online

Emerald: Teach everyone how to run online boardgames

Emerald, Hannah: Make Fresher Welcome Post


  • DND One shot night -- [Week 4]
    • Will be online in Week 4
    • Specific Date TBA

      Jackie, Connor: Continue organising DND one Shot

Magic: The Gavining

  • Intro To Magic
    • Floating into the void due to difficulty to innability to move Online
    • Date TBA
  • New Capenna Prerelease

Ethan: Start Organising Prerelease


  • Intro to Wargaming
    • Floating into the void due to difficulty to innability to move Online
    • Date TBA

Fresher Campaigns

  • Player form has gone up
  • GM availiability form will go up this weekend We have received an informal complaint from a member regarding the fresher campaign form and the nature of fresher campaigns as a whole. The criticism is as follows:

    • The listing of systems without a context or blurb describing the system leads to a lower engagement with non-DnD systems
    • Unigames as a club should be encouraging the broadening of horizons of it's member base i.e. encouraging engagement in non-DnD systems.
    • Therefore, we should alter our fresher campaign form such that we have a blurb or description for freshers to encourage engagement with non-DnD systems
    Sheet Changes
    • Emerald: This exact criticism is valid and we should have a short description for te fresher campaign form.
    • Gibbi: Is concerned about implicitly promising systems
    • Emerald: Potentially axe in future
    • Jackie: Is also concerned about implicitly promsing systems
    • David: Submitting several options for systems that cant be run can be somewhat deceptive
    Fresher Campaign Philosophy
    • Emerald: Freshers want to play 5e because they have watched...
    • Alistair: The funny white people on the internet play 5e
    • Emerald: Everyone who walks into this club wants to play DND, people get incorporated into the club and then one shot nights are for broadening of horizons
    • Luna: We can't change GMs choice of systems and freshers choice of systems
    • Chris: Last year we didn't have enough GMs for last year
    • Jackie: We don't have to give freshers what they want we shouldnt let freshers have a choice
    • Gibbi: I also lean towards nyxing the system question
    • We're hereby axeing the question and going on assignment basis, it allows us to change the allocation as demand fits.


Uncharity Vigil [Saturday 19/02 4pm - Sunday 20/02 4pm]

  • F
  • Jackie: have thoughts on reviving uncharity vigil
    • There isn't really a good time since theres already charity taking up study break
    • Organisation would be done parrallel to Uncharity and would confusing
    • They also have similar names
    • It's purpose is to raise money, we are fine on this front
    • Emerald: The event is designed for experienced members
  • Jackie: One of the big draws of Uncharity is dragon election and we've already done that
  • Emerald: ICONS has said nothing

DnD with Panto [January??]

  • Alistair - Delegates talking to Clare to someone else on Committee

O-Day [Friday 25/02 11am - 3pm]

  • We did it
  • Emerald: (Accuses secretary of submitting grants)
  • Texas - Grant Submitted

PROSH [Wednesday 23/3]

  • Postponed to 17th August :skull:

Charity Vigil

  • Gibbi and Connor assigned to Subcom

Unigames [REDACTED] "I"

  • Jackie and Emerald as camp leader
    • Other activities to be assigned later

Quiz Night

  • Luna is assigned to Darkmittee
  • Chris is assigned to Lightmittee
  • Jackie is assigned to early retirement and is cancelled from helping with other events by Alistair
    • this is so rude i've wanted lightmittee for a year - jackie


  • Chris is assigned to PROSH

Roleplay for Life

  • Texas and Hannah are assigned for roleplay

Relay for Life

  • Connor is assigned to relay for life


  • Jackie and David are assigned to Hall-o-ween (Tentative)


  • Texas, Luna and Jazz are assigned to Joint [REDACTED]

Uncharity vigil

  • Emerald and Gibbi are assigned to Uncharity Vigil


  • Submitted
    • to Emerald ($533.80) for food run
    • to Texas ($251.74) for food run
  • Pending
    • same as above
  • Unsubmitted
    • none


Best Club Award

  • Ughhh money pwease
  • Jackie emailed with Emeralds very good edit
  • Jackie is angry but terrible at being angry

Semester grant

  • Money Pwease

Jackie: Write Grant Handover


  • They lost it (Maybe)
    • Find out next time

General Business:

Room Update

  • Texas is contacting air con people
  • David: Suggests resecuring the tiles
  • Emerald - Requests Alistair to drill into the wall to put up the pin board

David: Apply tiles directly to floor

Texas: Talk to air con people more


  • Emerald will have plans for table

Emerald: Talk to Taylor and Concoct plans for table


  • Classification system

Luna: Ask Vikrum about RPG Classification

  • Book Buy

Emerald: Pick up Book Buy

  • Card Sleeves
  • Luna - Explains the card sleeving of the library
    • Improves durability
    • Improves play feel
    • Previously purchased european standard size
      • This only fits dominion :anguished:
    • Luna: Will try and get American sleeves done so that Emerald can pick them up

Luna: Do sleeve buy

Food runs

  • We did one
    • Emerald: There should be an Uptick in prices to match the increased prices at stores and allow us to once again stock a wider breadth of beverages. Moving cans up to 90c
      • Alistair: Please do not return to 10c hell cans should go to $1
    • Jackie: Is also cool with this idea due to supply chain issues and inflation


  • Jackie - Wants to do some discord cleanup and delete out of date channels as well as improve UX

    Jackie: Cleanup Discord

  • Gibbi updated the website with ICON regs

Shirt Stuff

  • Shirt gang was missing payment
  • Payment got sent to spam
  • Jackie has sorted it out
  • Shirts are on the way sorry we couldnt get it in by O-Day

Enviro + Unigames Board Games

Jackie: Organise things with Amelia for enviro collab event.

Committeee Business

ALL: Send preferred name prounoun image and hehe funny line to Jackie ASAP

Meeting closed: 12:51PM