Unigames Committee Meeting #10 - 06/05/2019

by Donald Sutherland 06/05/19

Unigames Committee Meeting #10 - 06/05/2019


  • Alaura (late)
  • Aoibhinn
  • Taylor (late)
  • Donald
  • Alistair
  • Amelia
  • Brett
  • Jasmine
  • Elana


  • Gavin


  • none

Meeting open: 3:14PM


President's Report:

  • I don't know what's wrong with me, but I'm really struggling to get dates/times right
  • Camp meeting went well - our EMP was the best they'd seen all year.
  • Meeting with SOC also went well

Vice-President's Report:

  • Busy bee happened
  • Currently going through who attended and didn't attend
  • Camp EMP is approved, which means we can talk about Camp!
  • I have joined two more campaigns
  • Mostly been busy with Panto

Treasurer's Report:

  • Account balance: $2268.43
  • I picked up prizes from Tactics and withdrew from a unit today
  • Been horrendously sick
  • Shilled a bunch of quiz night tickets
  • I may be late, but Alaura is later, so I'm sitting at the head of the table

Secretary's Report:

  • Nothing to report
  • Oh yeah we did a food run
  • Pay me please
  • I also did some regulation writing

Librarian's Report:

  • Overdue items: No.
  • Come to the quiz night
  • No items are overdue
  • Books

Fresher Rep's Report:

  • Hi
  • I've made two whole fresher tables for the Quiz Night
  • We're all going to be Emo themed

Past action Items:


  • Train Logan in the gatekeeper ways - done


  • Make another painting day for Wednesday 8th. - done


  • Organise GMs for Week 11 one-shot. - list has been made


  • Donald: Add forms to database (free free to help)

  • Someone accidentally left a $10 note in the yellow box.
  • Some gatekeepers did not send apologies for the busy bee.
  • Aoibhinn: Make Gavin a gatekeeper

  • Aoibhinn: Follow-up on people who didn't give apologies.


Usual Suspects:


  • Classics society board games tonight!
  • UWADU's night went well, fun times were had.


  • Week 11 One-Shot feat. Numenera and The Strange
  • Jasmine has a list of GMs to contact.


  • Prerelease stuff has not yet been returned
  • Sealed league post will be scheduled to go out tomorrow
  • Donald: Schedule post for sealed league


  • Painting day happening on Wednesday
  • No other updates

Fresher Campaigns

  • Everything is fine


Quiz Night [10th May]:

  • Come to quiz night!
  • Fresher tables have been bought.
  • Tickets sales are great!
  • Online sales are happening as well.
  • Taylor: Double check quiz night numbers and email Tav with those numbers

  • Taylor: Hype prizes

  • Prizes have been acquired from Tactics.

CAMP - Fiends and Fae (Redacted) [21st-24th June]:

  • Camp has been approved!
  • Info pack is being updated
  • Sign-up forms are ready to go out
  • Taylor: Buy envelopes for Camp payments

  • Taylor: Finalise camp ticket selling procedure.

Harry Potter LARP:

  • We had a meeting, ran by the Soc treasurer
  • Right now the Lion Nathan grant (which is what we were kinda relying on) has no funding.
  • They are looking for additional sponsors to help fund that.
  • We could do some fundraising? (Sausage sizzle, bake sales, etc.)
  • Everyone: Read the minutes of the Larp meeting


  • FilAus Incident:

    • We've had a meeting
    • Resolution is: Unigames and FilAus have to apologise to each other.
    • SOC is going to reevaluate venue spaces, and get notes on each venue so that incidents like this don't happen again.
  • Tenancy allocations:

    • Still waiting on an official response from Tenancy.
    • Email was sent on Wednesday 24th April, and another one on Thursday 2nd May.
    • Taylor is going to send a Facebook message to try and get an official response.
  • Meeting with SOC:

    • SOC Treasurer and Tenancy XO called a meeting.
    • Communication is going to improve.
    • O-Day grants were lowered so that the rest of the grants could be the same
    • For accessbility, discussion was had. No clear line was set.
    • We wanted a more open line to communicate to Tenancy.
    • Discussion about the cleaning contract. We've requested when the contract will be up so we can be notified to advise on improvements.
    • Requested a place where all policies and constitutions are held outside of the guild scope so that we have a backup in case Guild's services goes down (which it always does.)
    • We all made it very clear that we aren't asking SOC to do this all single-handedly, and volunteered our help.
    • Maya should be emailing out the minutes/notes from that meeting.
  • Accessibility:

    • Jacob is making a subcommittee to address it.
    • Apart from that, not many updates.

Room Update:

  • Soft plastic recycling:

    • Maybe contact the Enviro department? See if they can do anything?
    • Amelia: Contact Enviro department

  • Fridge:

    • Taylor: Get wedges for the freezer

  • Gumtree:

    • Taylor will refresh gumtree posts
    • Taylor: Refresh Gumtree ads

  • Fridge Whiteboard:

    • Brett has presented a few options
    • We're going to get a whiteboard, and attach it to the fridge with magnetic tape.
  • Noodles:

    • Alaura still hasn't been to Clark Rubber for replacement noodles
  • Wargaming shelf

    • Taylor: Put a label on the wargaming shelf

    • Alistair: Look into making a small door for the shelf.


  • Taylor: $54.00 for Quiz prizes
  • Donald: $785.77 for food run
  • Alistair: $35.61 for paints
    • Waiting until book buy
  • Winslade: $4 for paper towels
    • Will have to be a cash reimbursement.

General Business:

  • Board games guide:

    • Brett went to the tabletop games club at Melbourne University, and they had a really nice games guide.
    • It had the basic details for the game, including number of players, how to set-up, and overview of the games mechanics, etc.
    • Should we make one as well?
    • Consensus says yes, but it will take a lot of work.
    • There's a bit of discussion on exactly what details should be included, and in what form.
  • Food run:

    • We just did one
    • Officeworks run and Bunnings run still have to happen
  • Seperate mailing lists:

    • Donald: Figure out mailing lists.

    • Donald is going to dig around and see what's going wrong.
  • Cameron Hall first aid:

    • Alaura: Try and organise a Cameron Hall first aid course

  • Book buy:

    • New whenisgood just went up.
    • Everyone: fill out whenisgood for bookbuy

  • Large scale borrowing

    • Regulations have been drawn up
    • Donald: Make large scale borrowing form

    • Regulations will be approved.
  • Donated games:

    • Ben Richardson requested to donate the following games:
      • Doctor Who: The Time Wars family board game
      • Risk: Halo Wars
      • Scrabble Deluxe
    • Committee has elected not to accept this donation
    • Alaura: Communicate this to Ben Richardson.

  • Game swaps:

    • Someone requested to swap a game for our copy of Seasons.
    • More research is required.
    • Alistair: Do research for game swap.

  • Winter Larp:

    • Do we want to run it again?
    • Unigames says yes.
    • Aoibhinn: Find out UniSFA + Winter Larp.

Taylor: Contact a member about behaviour

Meeting closed: 4:52PM


Action Items:


  • Try and organise a Cameron Hall first aid course
  • Communicate this to Ben Richardson.


  • Make Gavin a gatekeeper
  • Follow-up on people who didn't give apologies.
  • Find out UniSFA + Winter Larp.


  • Double check quiz night numbers and email Tav with those numbers
  • Hype prizes
  • Buy envelopes for Camp payments
  • Finalise camp ticket selling procedure.
  • Get wedges for the freezer
  • Refresh Gumtree ads
  • Put a label on the wargaming shelf
  • Contact a member about behaviour


  • Add forms to database (free free to help)
  • Schedule post for sealed league
  • Figure out mailing lists.
  • Make large scale borrowing form


  • Look into making a small door for the shelf.
  • Do research for game swap.


  • Contact Enviro department


  • (Everyone) Read the minutes of the Larp meeting
  • (Everyone) fill out whenisgood for bookbuy