Unigames Committee Meeting #10 - 06/05/2021

by Guinevere Sellner 06/05/21

Unigames Committee Meeting #10 - 06/05/2021


  • Alistair
  • Emerald
  • Jackie
  • Ethan
  • Amber
  • Chris
  • Nina
  • Texas


  • Gwen
  • Vikrum

Meeting scheduled: 7:15pm

Meeting open: 7:20pm


President's Report (Alistair):

  • The lockbox got fucked up when it got changed
  • Spent 2.5 hours trying to crack it
  • Apparently I went too fast bc I missed at least 1 combo
  • thanks liz for finding it
  • Hit Ethan's D&D character with a cannonball
  • Tenancy meeting happened and it was disappointingly short
  • I did camp things

Vice-President's Report (Emerald):

  • I wish everyone keeping up with the DreamSMP a very happy holy shit what happened oh god
  • I sent Alistair my schedule
  • I poked Taylor about the table
  • no luck finding the perfect table
  • will probably do a food run next week
  • Two more weeks of semester everyone! Nearly done! Keep up the hard work!!

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • my mbti type is infp
  • put my one (1) certificate (food safety) on the drive
  • attended the tenancy consultation today
  • jesus christ do i do nothing here
  • also i'm minuting this week <3
  • oh good christ oh good christ great googley fucking moogley
  • account balance: $8,937.94

Secretary's Report (Gwen):

  • My predictions were correct, I did indeed not have enough time to write a newsletter, but will get it done over the weekend hopefully

Librarian's Report (Vikrum):

  • -Bonjour
  • Not much on the library front this week
  • Will begin data entry soon ™️ for the library
  • Book buy is doing well so far! Might consider doing it on Discord next time because I don't think people are as active on FB as they are on Discord
  • Take care of yourselves <3

Fresher Rep's Report (Ethan):

  • Sleeby
  • Thought about some Westmarche stuff
  • Driving Test Things
  • Got hit by a cannonball
  • Made Beverages
  • Been Exposed to Ace Attorney by Jackie
  • My Mbti type is ENFP

Reports de la OCM (Amber, Chris, Nina, Texas):

  • Amber:

    • Productivity: Recovering
    • Mental State: Recovering
    • Tests: Successfully Deferred
    • Medical Appointment: Done
    • Problems Identified: Many
  • Chris:

    • my mbti type is INFP
    • glasses + mask = FOG
    • ready for some one-shot shenanigans
      • gnomes
  • Nina:

    • my mbti type is INFJ
    • wearing a mask sure is uncomfy, huh? But we did it! Masks are out end of tomorrow! Big thanks to everyone who put up with them for the week so we could get to this point
    • (finally) spoke to neville about UWASCA collab things
  • Texas:

    • my mbti type is intj
    • didnt do much of note this week
    • (chaotically) got the Mostly Monsters mBoardgames event up on fb and discord
    • put my first aid cert in the drive
    • said i was going to do my food safety cert then didnt
    • have been attempting to out cheese the ria
    • i have 2 dragons
    • i got a table seat this week :D

Past action Items:


Make EOI post for Modern Horizons - not done

Longterm borrowing regulations - not done


Poke Taylor about table things - done

Keep looking at coffee table things - did keep looking


Newsletter - not done


Compile Book Buy Spreadsheet - not done


Cooperative Board Games for Study Break - not done

Organise Week 12 Painting Day - not done


Make post asking for interested GMs - done


Talk to Neville - done


Put certifications on the drive - not done


Alistair: message gatekeeper applicants


  • no updates

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • Mostly Monster MBoardgames [Week 11 11/5 Tuesday 5pm]

    • facebook event was accidentally set for yesterday but it's okay
  • Cooperative Study Break Board Games [study break]

    • emp needs to be done

Ethan: Study break board games EMP


  • Week 10: 1 page RPG night [Week 10 Friday 7/5]
    • this is tomorrow!

      Chris: make the discord ping for one page RPG night

  • little break, no RPG night in week 12

Magic: The Gavining

  • Strixhaven Prelease [Sunday 16/5]

    • EMP has been redone
    • event has been remade
  • Modern Horizons Prelease

    • EoI poll needs to be made

      Alistair: make EoI poll for modern horizons


  • Week 12 painting day [Friday 21/5 2pm]
    • EMP needs to be done

      Ethan: painting day EMP

Fresher Campaigns

  • no update


Swancon [05/06/2021 - 07/06/2021]:

  • this sure is smack bang in the middle of exam period
  • we need to email them back letting them know we prob can't help out

    Alistair: email Swancon

Book Buy

https://www.facebook.com/groups/uwa.unigames/permalink/3891892090846474 - Comment on the post (linked above) if you have any suggestions - We'll be deciding what to buy in a couple of weeks

Unigames [Redacted] [Friday 16/7/21 - Monday 19/7/21]:

  • First Aid

    • Alistair will be booking a first aid course
    • if committee have time periods they can't tell, please let Alistair know

      Alistair: book a first aid course?

  • EMP meeting will likely be next week hopefully

Quiz Night [Probably Friday 20/8 or 27/8]:

Alistair: hassle ICONs re: quiz night

Collab [REDACTED] 2021 [19/11/21 - 22/11/21]:

  • Jackie's gonna send out a new whenisgood after UniSFA's SGM tomorrow

    Jackie: send out new whenisgood for collab [REDACTED]

UWASCA collab:

  • Neville has been waiting on UniSFA reps before an official subcom is made
  • we're waiting on UniSFA's SGM tomorrow
  • people seemed unsure about if dice bags will be a good idea
  • when things are under way a poll to gauge interest will probably be made

Far Future Events:

Roleplay for Life [Probably Sat 4/9 - Sun 5/9]

Relay for Life [October]

Cameron Hall-o-ween @ 77 Social [Thursday 21/10/21]


  • nothing :)


  • Elevator

    • no updates
  • Semester grants

    • no updates
    • jackie note: where the fuck is my semester grant info it's week 10
  • Best Club award

    • no updates
  • Tenancy Consultation

    • elevator was mentioned, but no updates
    • keys are more expensive now
      • "so don't lose my key" - alistair
    • a club (not us) got broken in so we got a reminder about insurance
      • covers us for anything over $2,000
    • cleaners are still coming through (nice)
    • tenancy contract might be changing in terms of insurance and a few other things
    • tenancy is ordering a first aid kit for us (cam hall)!
    • jackie's posters are getting put up :) !
    • the cam hall fire exit door has been broken, we should bring this up next time

General Business:

Room Update

  • Tables

    • taylor got poked
      • gonna talk to table people
  • Cupboards

    • we still need to measure things before we can measure things for cupboard reasons
    • we do not have tape measures still
  • Coffee Table

    • Emerald has been looking a smaller furniture website
    • is wondering if we should look for a lesser coffee table
    • we have very specific needs (bosnas)
    • emerald suggests a different model:
      • a nice coffee table that can fit two bosnas with
      • small drink table that can fit one bosnas underneath
    • chase asks for dimensions for a possible custom table (thanks chase's dad)

      Emerald: look into (wooden) little tables

Emerald: send Chase loose dimensions for table

Ethan: buy tape measures (for wargaming and cupboards)


  • donation from Elizabeth: The Crew
    • "trick-taking" card game
    • similar to magic maze, in that it's a cooperative game with secret information and increasingly difficult goals
    • "good fun" - alistair
    • donation has been accepted by committee


Gwen: send out newsletter


Alistair: Longterm borrowing regulations

Westmarch Campaign

  • no updates

Meeting closed: 7:55pm