Unigames Committee Meeting #11 - 13/05/2019

by Donald Sutherland 13/05/19

Unigames Committee Meeting #11 - 13/05/2019


  • Alaura
  • Aoibhinn
  • Taylor
  • Donald
  • Alistair (late)
  • Amelia
  • Brett
  • Elana


  • Jasmine
  • Gavin


  • none

Meeting open: 3:10PM


President's Report:

  • Due to being held hostage, I wasn't able to put up the camp stuff
  • Working on that literally right now
  • Quiz Night was a roaring success! (we won)
  • I run an unofficial UniSFA goes to Detective Pikachu!

Vice-President's Report:

  • Remember to vote kiddos
  • Quiz Night happened and is almost over
  • Spent most of the week working on that
  • Going to be away for two weeks in July

Treasurer's Report:

  • Account balance: $3468.43
  • Deposits have gone in, withdrawels are pending.
  • We have a buncgh of quiz money in our money box.
  • Also I did a bunch of quiz stuff
  • Finally did that OfficeWorks run.
  • Spent about $100, but we should be stocked up for the next few years.
  • Also did some cupboard stuff.
  • There are a few action items I haven't done.
  • Taylor: Get started on the Grant

Secretary's Report:

  • Quiz was good
  • I made a poster for sealed league.
  • Apart from that, nothing else to report.

Librarian's Report:

  • Overdue items: Agricola is overdue
  • Book buy is on Saturday

Fresher Rep's Report:

  • No drama at the moment
  • The fresher tables at the quiz were tragically goth.
  • We didn't come last!

Past action Items:


  • Try and organise a Cameron Hall first aid course - not done
  • Communicate this to Ben Richardson - done


  • Make Gavin a gatekeeper - done
  • Follow-up on people who didn't give apologies - done
  • Find out UniSFA + Winter Larp - done


  • Double check quiz night numbers and email Tav with those numbers - done
  • Hype prizes - done
  • Buy envelopes for Camp payments - done
  • Finalise camp ticket selling procedure - done
  • Get wedges for the freezer - done
  • Refresh Gumtree ads - not done
  • Put a label on the wargaming shelf - not done
  • Contact a member about behaviour - done


  • Add forms to database (free free to help) - not done
  • Schedule post for sealed league - done
  • Figure out mailing lists - not done
  • Make large scale borrowing form - done


  • Look into making a small door for the shelf - not done
  • Do research for game swap - not done


  • Contact Enviro department - not done


  • (Everyone) Read the minutes of the Larp meeting - mixed
  • (Everyone) fill out whenisgood for bookbuy - done


  • Donald: Add forms to database (free free to help)


Usual Suspects:


  • We ran the collab with Classics!
  • They thought it was a good event
  • We didn't have many Gatekeepers there though
  • Brett was the only one that knew how to play certain games
  • Donald: Organise boardgames night for next week


  • There was meant to be a Numenera/The Strange one-shot this week
  • However, chief organisor Jasmine has become very sick, so it's become stuck in limbo a bit.
  • Elana is going to organise a Numenera one-shot for Study Week (week 13)
  • Elana: Organise Numenera one-shot (get help from Jasmine if need be)


  • Sealed league sign-ups start tomorrow!
  • Actual league will start Monday
  • We still have to return/pay Tactics


  • Painting day happened on Wednesday
  • We had a few people turn up
  • Kyle is organising a 40K thing at the moment.
  • An event has been made for it

Fresher Campaigns

  • Everything is fine


Quiz Night [10th May]:

  • It went real well!
  • We sold 114 tickets, but will have to double check those numbers
  • Seemed to go well
  • Wrap-up meeting is being scheduled
  • Waiting on Tav invoice before full finance breakdown can be made
  • Feedback is generally good, although the Tav did poison someone
  • Everything else will be discussed at the wrap-up meeting.
  • There might be two wrap-up meetings.

CAMP - Fiends and Fae (Un-Redacted!) [21st-24th June]:

  • Camp event is up!
  • Please invite everyone you can!
  • Tickets will go on sale tonight!
  • Poster will get done tonight and printed tomorrow!
  • Camp quiz was discussed - who is organising etc.
  • (Steven comes in the room and starts selling Panto tickets)
  • Alaura: Message Jasmine to find out what's happening

  • Quiz: Taylor, Amelia, Jasmine, Brett
  • LARP: Amelia, Elana
  • Aoibhinn: Reallocate Saturday RSA

  • We got an email from Manjedal, asking which activites we want them to run
    • lol none of them please
  • Contact committeee if:
    • You want a single-day ticket
    • You have information you don't want documented on paper
    • You can't make it to the clubroom and still want to buy a ticket

Harry Potter LARP:

  • No updates, trying to get a meeting organised

Winter Larp:

  • UniSFA isn't running it, because they're running other events
  • Aoibhinn thinks it is a good event for teaching new committee members how to run events
  • Dates: sometime in July or August
  • Current reps: Amelia + Alaura


  • FilAus Incident:

    • Minutes have gone out for the meeting
    • We need to write an apology
  • Tenancy allocations:

    • Talked to Taco at the tenancy meeting
    • We have swapped from cupboard 4 to cupboard 1 in the loft
    • We need to get in contact with the previous owners of them to organise stuff.
    • Re. Telethon club cupboard swap, they are happy with swapping. However, CH8 is currently occupied by the French club, and Donald has had not much luck in contacting them.
    • Alaura has sent an email to Taco to officiate the swap, and asked them for advice in contacting French club and the previous occupant of Loft cupboard 1.
  • Tenancy meeting:

    • Lightbulbs in loft and fire escape being looked at
    • Another round of testing/tagging is happening
      • We have a new Fridge/Freezer that needs to be tagged
    • Skirting board was brought up
      • They said they'll get on that, but it's not a huge priority
    • Elevator subcommittee is being made
      • They're looking into updating the third floor of guild

Room Update:

  • Soft plastic recycling:

    • Was brought up at the Tenenacy meeting
    • Amelia: Contact Enviro department

  • Fridge:

    • Wedges for the fridge/freezer are installed
    • So they won't roll forward anymore
  • Gumtree:

    • Taylor: Refresh Gumtree ads

  • Fridge Whiteboard:

    • So our fridge is curved
    • So we can't fit the whiteboard on it
    • Whoops
    • Alaura+Amelia: Do a clark rubber for rubber backing for fridge and noodle replacement

  • Noodles:

    • See above
  • Wargaming shelf

    • Taylor has put a label on the shelf
    • Alistair: Look into making a small door for the shelf.


  • Pending
    • Taylor: $54.00 for Quiz prizes
    • Taylor: $100ish for Officeworks run
    • Gozz: $6 for Bunnings run
    • Donald: $785.77 for food run
    • Alistair: $35.61 for paints
      • Waiting until book buy
    • Winslade: $4 for paper towels
      • Will have to be a cash reimbursement.
  • Happened
    • Brett: $12 for whiteboard

General Business:

  • Board games guide:

    • Yeah nobody did that
    • People were busy
  • Food run:

    • Another one needs to happen
    • Needing water
  • Seperate mailing lists:

    • Donald: Figure out mailing lists.

    • Donald is going to dig around and see what's going wrong.
  • Book buy:

    • Happening Saturday 1PM
  • Large scale borrowing

    • New regulations are posted below.
    • Form is drawn up. ```
  • Large-scale borrowing
  • If a club or individual would like to borrow a large quantity of games for an event, a seperate borrowing procedure can be followed. - Two weeks prior to the event, the individual (or an individual acting on the borrowing club's behalf) borrowing the games must fill out a "Large-scale borrowing form". The borrower should include the details of the event, contact information, and a list of games they would like to borrow. This form should then be submitted to the Librarian. - Upon receiving this form, the Librarian will contact the borrower to arrange borrowing logistics, such as pick-up date, due-date, available games, and so on. - The form will be kept to document the borrowing of these games, and will be signed by the borrower when borrowing these games and upon their return. ```

  • Donated games:

    • Edward Kamnman has requested to donate "The Mind"
    • A neat 2-4 player game, similar to Hanabi and Magic Maze
    • Committee has accepted this donation
  • Game swaps:

    • Alistair: Do research for game swap.

  • Unigames goes to Panto

    • Happening 25th May - Saturday!
    • Amelia: Make Unigames goes to Panto

Meeting closed: 4:32PM


Action Items:


  • Message Jasmine to find out what's happening
  • Do a clark rubber for rubber backing for fridge and noodle replacement (along with Amelia)


  • Reallocate Saturday RSA


  • Get started on the Grant
  • Refresh Gumtree ads


  • Add forms to database (free free to help)
  • Organise boardgames night for next week
  • Figure out mailing lists.


  • Look into making a small door for the shelf.
  • Do research for game swap.


  • Contact Enviro department
  • Do a clark rubber for rubber backing for fridge and noodle replacement (along with Alaura)
  • Make Unigames goes to Panto


  • Organise Numenera one-shot (get help from Jasmine if need be)