Unigames Committee Meeting #11 - 13/05/2021

by Guinevere Sellner 13th May 2021

Unigames Committee Meeting #11 - 13/05/2021


  • Alistair
  • Emerald
  • Jackie
  • Gwen
  • Vikrum
  • Ethan
  • Amber
  • Chris
  • Nina
  • Texas


Meeting scheduled: 7:15pm

Meeting open: 7:20pm


President's Report (Alistair):

  • the red bull minifridge vexes and haunts me
    • (see Leisure)
  • elected to buy Sunkist instead of Fanta on the food run
    • fanta wasn't on sale
  • Unigames camp real
  • Hats off to Tony and Leigh for being like "you guys know what you're doing..."
  • Weekend was fucking hectic JESUS CHRIST so much work
  • Replied to SwanCon so they know we can't help them
    • :(

Vice-President's Report (Emerald):

  • hello everyone <3
  • I ran a good dnd session :3
  • finally finding my upper limit of weeks that I can focus, displeased that it's shorter than a semester
  • please, job,, gib work,, no more hoop jumping,, please
  • I have done very little work but I have been in the room more this week, which has been nice :3
  • Got to pat Leigh's dog all through the camp meeting
  • One More Week People!! Make sure you're eating often and getting enough sleep!! I believe in you!!

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • hey guys
  • so
  • its week 11
  • ........
  • where is my grant info
  • did a deposit and some receipt processing
  • account balance: $9,767.94

Secretary's Report (Gwen):

  • Isn't it whack how you have to spend time in a day prepping and eating meals... gross
  • Decided to not do the Newsletter until camp was confirmed, which was going to look good for me until camp got confirmed and I still haven't done a newsletter
  • Semester 2 will have regular Newsletters... I promise
  • I promise that I will release a newsletter by Study Break and there will be one every 2 weeks after that

Librarian's Report (Vikrum):

  • I thought I lost my entire backpack (I didn't) so that's nice (?)
  • emailing my lecturers about losing all my notes and laptop 2 weeks before exams got them replying like "damn bro that sucks, good luck tho xx"
  • anyways book buy is coming along fine
  • taxonomy for library is moving forward, difficulty in striking the balance between accessibility and specificity, but I believe in the process

Fresher Rep's Report (Ethan):

  • Big week
  • No tape measures :( literally.

Reports de la OCM (Amber, Chris, Nina, Texas):

  • Amber:

    • Forgot that Facebook existed.
    • One page RPG night happened.
    • Survived a family gathering event.
    • Forgot Boardgame night was Tuesday :(
    • Thursday morning was a revolving door of Executive Committee members.
  • Chris:

    • One-shot night happened and was pretty fun
    • excited for REDACTN'T
    • GCRL sucks
  • Nina:

    • holy shit did DnD HAPPEN, wow 10/10 :-O (old skool emoji for gwen's convenience)
    • did... nothing much really for committee (except voting on the camp poster), because I havent really had much given to me to do, so really, if you think about it, it's their fault
      • At this point Alistair remarked "Oh God, there's 2 more"
    • assignment stress has me wanting to reinstall a 10 year old game (it's skyrim, its always skyrim, todd howard has put a chip in my brain, please send help)
    • modded to hell and back ofc, vanilla's not my thing - i tried it once and that was enough
  • Texas:

    • had the room to myself during unisfa SGM so I did cleaned up the room a bit (not vacuum)
    • bard!stabby (pre-pain)
    • they ask you how you are, and you just have to say that you're fine, when you're not really fine, but you just can't get into it because they would never understand. (Dnd happened)
    • mBoardgames happened! was neither the traitor or werewolf.
    • friends please remember to take care of yourselves!
    • burned myself today on a lightbulb for science
    • i have 1 dragons + 1 squid

Past action Items:


Message gatekeeper applicants - done

Make EoI poll for modern horizons - not done

Email Swancon - done

Book a first aid course? - not done

Hassle ICONs re: quiz night - not done

Longterm borrowing regulations - not done


Look into (wooden) little tables - not done

Send Chase loose dimensions for table - not done


Send out new whenisgood for collab [REDACTED] - dobe


Send out newsletter - not done


Study break board games EMP - not done

Painting day EMP - not done

Buy tape measures (for wargaming and cupboards) - not done


Make the discord ping for one page RPG night - done


  • Maia is now a gatekeeper

Alistair: Message new gatekeepers


  • not done

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • Mostly Monster MBoardgames [Week 11 11/5 Tuesday 5pm]

    • 7 people came :)
    • Played some games
    • Good vibes
    • Leisure showed up but were chill and didn't bother us
      • The Uno gave away the Leisure
  • Cooperative Study Break Board Games [study break]

Ethan: EMP for Cooperative Games


  • Week 10: 1 page RPG night [Week 10 Friday 7/5]

    • Went good!
    • 4 players
    • Chris ran a random 1 page RPG and it went well!
    • Fun times
  • little break, no RPG night in week 12

Magic: The Gavining

  • Strixhaven Prelease [Sunday 16/5]

    • Post-Post-Release this Sunday!
    • Get hyped
  • Modern Horizons Prelease

Alistair: EOI Modern Horizons Prelease


  • Week 12 painting day [Friday 21/5 2pm]
    • Vikrum bullies wargamers
    • Emerald also bullies

Ethan: Put up painting day event

Fresher Campaigns

  • no updates


Book Buy

https://www.facebook.com/groups/uwa.unigames/permalink/3891892090846474 - Comment on the post (linked above) if you have any suggestions

Unigames Camp: Humans & Humans (Variant) [Friday 16/7/21 - Monday 19/7/21]:

  • First Aid
    • Will occur in the holidays
    • Texas is head first aider
  • Drivers: Vikrum, Gwen, Texas
  • RSA: Alistair, Emerald
  • Food Safety: Amber, Alistair, Jackie
  • Poster
    • Jackie has put up options
    • We did democracy and now Jackie has to draw a chariza... I mean dragon
  • Ticket price:
    • $100 early bird and $110 2 weeks before the event (July 2nd)
    • Fridge book?
      • Fridge book: Get a $10 fridge voucher with tickets
      • Emerald in favour, general consensus on committee
      • That's right, you get free money by paying the early bird!
  • Quiz Night: Jackie, Alistair, Texas, Ethan

Everyone: Food Safety Jackie: Poster and event for camp

Quiz Night [Probably Friday 20/8 or 27/8]:

  • Cam messaged ICONS about dates
  • Do we have a preference of Week 4 or Week 5 (20th or 27th)
    • Consensus in comittee that week 4 is preferred
  • Reps: Amber (lightmittee) and Gwen (darkmittee)

Collab [REDACTED] 2021 [19/11/21 - 22/11/21]:

  • Still waiting on meeting time

UWASCA collab:

  • Still waiting UniSFA reps

Far Future Events:

Roleplay for Life [Probably Sat 4/9 - Sun 5/9]

Relay for Life [October]

Cameron Hall-o-ween @ 77 Social [Thursday 21/10/21]


Pending: - $406.97 to Jackie for food run


  • Elevator

    • no updates
  • Semester grants

    • when are those gonna happen?
    • who knows
  • Best Club award

    • no updates

General Business:

Room Update

  • Tables

    • no updates
    • Taylor is nocturnal
  • Cupboards

    • We have tape measure for cupboard measuring

Alistair: tape measure cupboards

  • Coffee Table
    • no updates
    • assignment hell

Emerald: coffee table


Vikrum: Library tagging things


Gwen: Newsletter :(


Alistair: Long term borrowing regulations

Westmarch Campaign

  • no updates

Meeting closed: 8:07pm

Theme Selector

Note: Themes are a WIP, and some elements may not render correctly in Dark Mode.

Current theme: