Unigames Committee Meeting #12 - 21/05/2020

by Autumn Brough 21/05/20

Unigames Committee Meeting #12 - 21/05/2020


  • Alistair
  • Taylor
  • Jackie
  • Autumn
  • Emerald
  • Alice
  • Ash
  • Josh
  • Kyle
  • Gwen

Meeting scheduled: 5:00pm

Meeting open: 5:10pm


President's Report (Alistair):

  • Was going to email SOC but UCC beat us to it
  • Discussed camp a bit with Merlin
  • Got to play EDH again on Sunday!
  • Got an email from Jacob?

Vice-President's Report (Taylor):

  • Hi
  • I don't know what's happening
  • I don't
  • Yep, that verbatim
  • Hope you all opted out of examplify lads

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • assignment crunch season (screaming)
  • attended unvigil and had lots of fun, thanks for coming @ everyone!
  • i lied about submitting the spg application (sorry) it's basically done but with taylor's suggestion i'm also now surveying the member base
  • other than that it's done and i've already written a template for the survey paragraph that is gonna be added so it'll be sent on monday, so people have time to participate in the poll
  • participate in the TTS poll on our facebook group and be a part of it :3 !
  • account balance: $1,493.57
  • cash in hand: $7

Secretary's Report (Autumn):

  • ran unvigil!
  • had another unvigil meeting
  • thank you it was hell good

Librarian's Report (Emerald):

  • Half hour late to the meeting bc i was doing an assignment due at 6
    • You know how group projects be
    • Shoutouts to emerald for reminding taylor
  • Didn't get tape, hasn't been to officeworks
  • We can hear emerald yelling from upstairs through taylor's mic

Fresher Rep's Report (Alice):

  • The freshers are alive.
  • Also, the freshers were also alive last week - I forgot to mention.
  • I had my first fresher campaign session this week - that was fun.
  • I am now very into botany.
  • Charity unvigil was very fun. Selling my profile picture was enjoyable, if chaotic.
  • A reminder for Alistair to tell the story of how he learnt to play dominion.
  • And I finished the sixth season of community yesterday so i have no idea what to do with my life.

Reports de la OCM (Ashleigh, Gwen, Josh, Kyle):

  • Ash:
    • sold profile for charity
    • vibed a little :))
  • Gwen:
    • Charity Unvigil was really fun (other than selling my soul) board games raised $420 so I’m livid the high life 😉
    • I also won a board game in the raffle which was pretty cool
    • “East Asia Themed Board Game Night” is happening tomorrow night and it will be good fun
  • Josh:
    • Organised Masks GMs
    • Ran a game at unvigil
  • Kyle:
    • last week was uncharity, went pretty gud
    • Played Warhammer on Saturday, feels good man

Past action Items:


Keep running Unvigil (along with Kyle) - done

Test the mailing list - not done (grr)


Run TTS Tuesday - done

Keep doing book repair - not done


Give Harry T his fresher game - done

Contact Cam, Szymon, Roy about their fresher games - done


Keep running Unvigil (along with Autumn) - done


Run Asian Board Games (along with Gwen) - it's tomorrow!

Organise Masks for two weeks' time - its happening babey


Run Asian Board Games (along with Josh) - it's tomorrow!

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • East Asian Board Games
    • it's tomorrow!
    • Please attend
    • Gwen has yet to try out all the games, but is planning to do it tomorrow. Josh is available
    • It's all on boardgame arena which is really convenient for how we run stuff
    • Most of the games aren't premium
    • Todo: Make a warning post telling people to premake their arena account

Gwen, Josh: Run East Asian Board Games night

  • Tabletop tuesdays is a habit, need not be minuted every week


  • Masks
    • Josh has recruited Szymon and Discord user notdead to GM our oneshot
    • That's happening on wednesday next week
    • Everyone come to our masks game!!

Josh: Run Masks on wednesday


  • The new commander decks are really fun!
  • Try them out! Buy them from tactics!


  • "Big sigh" - Kyle

Fresher Campaigns

  • Szymon and Harry have both completed their session zero
  • Cam has yet to do session zero but is successfully in contact with them
  • Roy has killed two people, Josh claims he TPK'd
    • Apparently they vocalised satisfaction
  • Dam these are firing off
  • Szymon has lost one player due to scheduling


Halloween 2019:

  • Cricket noises

Charity UnVigil:

  • Final total: $1771 AUD
  • Prizes: Cam is leading the way with messaging people to get their prize picks, they'll be able to get their prizes either by picking up from Cam Hall or the subcommittee may consider doing delivery runs
  • Running the event incurred the following expenses:
    • $3.29 URL registration
    • $38.96 credit card transaction fees
  • The subcommittee would like to split this $42.25 expenditure four ways, costing us $10.56
    • Approved by vote of no complaining
  • Autumn is happy to transfer UCC the money and be owed by the club
  • Widely positive feedback for the Unigames night, people were throwing money at Gwen's boardgames night
  • Members requested a clearer outline of what events were running and when - be sure to make a timetable
  • We prepped for four oneshots, but only one fired. This is fine

Autumn: Transfer UCC money costs for unvigil

Kyle: Write a thank you post

Autumn: Start an unvigil handover document

[REDACTED] 2020: Ghost Camp:

  • ~~Gozz scroll here~~
  • Taylor has been literally dead
  • Thinking about ghost camp, whoops turned into a ghost
    • Ghost Camp: BECOME GHOST

Taylor: Think about ghost camp. Clank those spooky chains

Proposed Sharing Camp

  • Talking with Unisfa to confirm details is happening
  • Merlin has started the EMP. It's in the works!

Alistair: Mastermind our shared camp

Room Update:

  • lol


  • Pending:
    • Emerald: $14.06
    • Kyle: $129.72 existing, plus $28.95 for a TTS key = $158.67
    • Jackie: -$7


  • Special Projects Grants
    • Jackie said she would submit it last week
    • That was a lie
    • She is gathering info in a poll on the FB group
    • Jackie learns about how to make polls not open

Jackie: Do the SPG

  • Reopening
    • We were planning on emailing guild to ask about their policy on reopening Cam Hall
    • UCC beat us to the punch and asked before us
    • To summarise: No, there are currently no plans to reopen cam hall
    • Alistair did however get an email from Jacob with some new information: Apparently SOC is talking to the guild executive and would like to update us ASAP
    • We are officially allowed to have 2 people on executive with access to the clubroom, so guess that's Alistair and Emerald

General Business:


  • Our server boost has not expired
  • No one noticed a positive change, we're going to wait and see if we notice a negative change

Book Repair

  • Books are being repaired
  • An argument about whether Taylor can play galaxy trucker ensues
  • Emerald still needs to go buy tape from officeworks

Emerald: Do book repair

Mailing Lists

  • Autumn has not tested the broken fresher list

Autumn: Test the mailing list ASAP

How Alistair Learnt to Play Dominion

  • This item of general business is brought to you by Ed Kammann
  • It was the fresher welcome of 2017
  • I was a little baby fresher, new to uni, and unigames
  • And I rocked up to the event and was like
  • This thing is cool
  • It should be fun
  • This weird looking guy came up to me and said
  • Hey do you wanna play a board game
  • (drops out)
  • This is one of my favourite games
  • It's called dominion
  • That wasn't a drop out, I stopped talking
  • And effectively all you need to know is that there was me and another fresher and then ed absolutely whooped our asses with no consideration for the fact that we were freshers
  • Taylor: The epilogue to that story is that we banned ed from playing dominion with freshers that year. I would have been elected prez the day after that. Every time ed played dominion with freshers it was like, no you fucking will not
  • Thank you ed for donating to charity

Significant Announcements

  • There is apparently a student at uwa called "Cameron Hall"
    • Is this our king?
    • Cameron hall for president?
    • Doorlord but presidentlord

Ohmigosh sorry these minutes are so shitposty

Meeting closed: 6:00pm

This Week's Action Items: Alistair:

Mastermind our shared camp


Think about ghost camp. Clank those spooky chains


Do the SPG


Transfer UCC money costs for unvigil

Start an unvigil handover document

Test the mailing list ASAP


Do book repair


Write a thank you post


Run East Asian Board Games night (along with Gwen)

Run Masks on wednesday


Run East Asian Board Games night (along with Josh)