Unigames Committee Meeting #13 - 27/05/2019

by Donald Sutherland 27/05/19

Unigames Committee Meeting #13 - 27/05/2019


  • Alaura (late)
  • Aoibhinn
  • Donald
  • Alistair
  • Amelia
  • Brett
  • Elana
  • Jasmine


  • Taylor
  • Gavin


  • none

Meeting open: 3:10PM


President's Report:

  • Late, probably because of Minecraft
  • And panto production screwing wiht sleep schedule
  • Have done camp stuff, and sorting out this business with campus toilets
  • Also started sorting out the lighting at the Tav stairwell

Vice-President's Report:

  • I've been doing a lot of paperwork
  • Thankfully I was sensible and didn't take any action items

Treasurer's Report:

  • Account balance: $2495.79
  • I’ve done a solid fuck all this week because of Panto (which was great, Saturday sold out, thanks to everyone who came)
  • Bank account has the same amount as last week
  • Stupid amount of cash currently in the box bc I haven’t done a deposit
  • Taylor: Do a deposit

  • Semester grant due Friday
    • Aoibhinn: "Uh I thought it was wednesday"
  • Taylor: Do the semester grants

  • Requested SOC release the sem grant form more than a week in advance next time which started an argument for some reason but we’re all friends again

Secretary's Report:

  • I finally have fixed the mailling list!
  • Also we have new mailling lists for rpgs, magic, wargames, and freshers!
  • I have done not much apart from that.

Librarian's Report:

  • Overdue items:
  • I have been loooking at book buy related stuff, ie. Tortuga
  • Going to book repair workshop with Katherine after exams
  • Book buy run tomorrow??

Fresher Rep's Report:

  • Hi!
  • I haven't done any of my action items
  • A new campaign is getting set up!

Past action Items:


  • Make Dominion smaller - after exams
  • Contact presidents to see if anyone's interested in running Winter Larp - not done
  • Do a clark rubber for rubber backing for fridge and noodle replacement (along with Amelia) - not done


  • Add forms to database (free free to help) - not done
  • Make board games event for next week - whoops
  • Speak to Tenancy re. cupboard assistance - mostly done
  • Figure out mailing lists. - done
  • Put new regulations on the website - not done
  • Make form available - not done


  • Look into making a small door for the shelf. - not done
  • Do research for game swap. - not done


  • Contact Enviro department - after exams
  • Do a clark rubber for rubber backing for fridge and noodle replacement (along with Alaura) - not done


  • (Everyone) Buy a camp ticket! - mostly done


  • Donald: Add forms to database (free free to help)


Usual Suspects:


  • There was supposed to be a board games event last week
  • Whoops
  • Brett: Organise a board games night for after the 8th June


  • We have a Numenera one-shot!
  • Thanks to Elana for organising
  • Happening this Friday
  • Next one-shot: Maybe Dark Heresy 2?
    • Dark Heresy 2, Warhammer Fantasy, Rogue Trader, Black Crusade
  • Elana: Organise the next one-shot after exams


  • Sealed league has started up, and is pretty fun!
  • People seem to like the new pairings system
  • People that join late will get their pairing in the next wave
  • Draft at some point, Alaura will run it


  • Thanks to Kyle for posting a lot a things and keeping the scene alive

Fresher Campaigns

  • Eh, we're all good
  • No drama
  • No-one responds to Amelia, RIP


Quiz Night [10th May]:

  • One wrap-up meeting has happened
  • Tav invoice only just got received, so finance wrap-up needs to happen
  • Alistair+Taylor: Get Quizmittee to release feedback form

CAMP - Fiends and Fae (Un-Redacted!) [21st-24th June]:

  • Early-bird ends in a few days
  • We need to push ticket sales
  • Alaura: Make schedules hype posts

  • Alaura: Email Manjedal

  • If you hype events in the event, make sure you /know/ what the evnt entails
  • Assasins is good, needs to check name tags
  • Donald: Send out email about Camp

Harry Potter LARP:

  • Jasmine: nah, nothing's happened

Winter Larp:

  • Panto says no
  • It will likely be just Unigames
  • Alaura, Amelia, Jasmine volunteer for it
  • Maybe run it after Club Carnival
  • Alaura,Amelia,Jasmine: Find out when Club Carnival is


  • FilAus Incident:

    • We still need to write an apology
    • Alaura: Email FilAus about apology

  • Tenancy allocations:

    • French Club have emptied their cupboard
    • Donald has emailed Telethon that their cupboard is available.
    • No replies, so no clue if they've known or not
    • Donald: Email relevent club about loft cupboard

Room Update:

  • Soft plastic recycling:

    • Amelia: Contact Enviro department

  • Gumtree:

    • Don't think Taylor has heard anything
  • Fridge Whiteboard:

    • Alaura+Amelia: Do a clark rubber for rubber backing for fridge and noodle replacement

  • Noodles:

    • See above
  • Wargaming shell

    • Alistair: Look into making a small door for the shelf.


  • Pending
    • Brett: $966.70 for food run
    • Gozz: $6 for Bunnings run
    • Donald: $320 for War of the Spark Boosters
    • Alistair: $35.61 for paints
      • Waiting until book buy
    • Winslade: $4 for paper towels
      • Will have to be a cash reimbursement.

General Business:

  • President's Chat:

    • A second chat has been made to talk to other clubs about things
  • Board games guide:

    • Low priority
    • People are still busy
    • After exams
  • Food run:

    • Another oen probably doesn't need to be done just yet
  • Seperate mailing lists:

    • Has been sorted!
  • Book buy:

    • Meeting has happened!
    • Taylor has organised the numbers
    • We're getting:
      • Modern Age
      • Warhammer Fantasy 4th Edition
      • 2x Keyforge Decks
      • The Resistance
      • Spirit Island
      • Tortuga
      • Go Cuckoo
    • We might also be getting Great Western Trail
      • We're going to wait until finances have settled a bit before we make that decision.
  • Large scale borrowing

    • Donald: Put new regulations on the website

    • Donald: Make form available

  • Game swaps:

    • Alistair: Do research for game swap.

  • Unigames goes to Panto

    • It happened! It was good!
  • Campus Toilets:

    • Campus is starting to put electronic locks on the publicly available bathrooms
    • You won't be able to access the bathrooms after hours
    • This will negatively affect our members in a variety of ways
    • Cameron Hall clubs are banding together to write an appeal about this, ideally fixing this in one of two ways:
      • Leave the Guild Village toilets out of it
      • or get a "toilet pass" card (or cards) that belongs to the club that we can lend to members after hours
  • Events planning:

    • Aoibhinn wants to plan events for the future
    • Winter Larp
      • August
      • Amelia, Elana, Alaura, Jasmine
    • Re-fresher re-welcome:
      • First week of semester
      • Jasmine/Amelia
    • Role-play for life:
      • Late september
      • Alistair, Alaura, Donald
    • Charity Vigil:
      • September
      • Aoibhinn, Brett, Jasmine
    • Relay for life:
      • 12th October
      • Elana (TL), Alistair
    • Cameron Hall-o-ween:
      • October / November
      • Aoibhinn, Amelia, with Alaura as old assistance
    • Uncharity Vigil:
      • Feb 2020
      • Alaura, Aoibhinn, Elana
    • Summer Larp:
      • Feb 2020
      • Might not be happening
      • Alistair, and Elana
      • Alistair, Elana: Contact UniSFA re. Summer Larp

    • Harry Potter Larp:
      • July 2020
      • Jasmine, Taylor
        • might change after elections

Meeting closed: 4:38PM


Action Items:


  • Make schedules hype posts
  • Email Manjedal
  • Find out when Club Carnival is (along with Amelia, Jasmine)
  • Email FilAus about apology
  • Do a clark rubber for rubber backing for fridge and noodle replacement (along with Amelia)


  • Do a deposit
  • Do the semester grants
  • Get Quizmittee to release feedback form (along with Alistair)


  • Add forms to database (free free to help)
  • Send out email about Camp
  • Email relevent club about loft cupboard
  • Put new regulations on the website
  • Make form available


  • Get Quizmittee to release feedback form (along with Taylor)
  • Look into making a small door for the shelf.
  • Do research for game swap.
  • Contact UniSFA re. Summer Larp (along with Elana)


  • Find out when Club Carnival is (along with Alaura, Jasmine)
  • Contact Enviro department
  • Do a clark rubber for rubber backing for fridge and noodle replacement (along with Alaura)


  • Organise the next one-shot after exams
  • Contact UniSFA re. Summer Larp (along with Alistair)


  • Organise a board games night for after the 8th June


  • Find out when Club Carnival is (along with Alaura, Amelia)