Unigames Committee Meeting #13 - 27/05/2021

by Guinevere Sellner 27th May 2021

Unigames Committee Meeting #13 - 27/05/2021


  • Alistair
  • Emerald
  • Jackie
  • Vikrum
  • Ethan
  • Amber
  • Chris
  • Nina
  • Texas


  • Gwen

Meeting scheduled: 6:00pm

Meeting open: 6:23pm


President's Report (Alistair):

  • i have spent 11 hours in panto related meetings in the past 3 days
  • (blank stare)
  • yeah that's all
  • panto brain

Vice-President's Report (Emerald):

  • very sorry, i have not done a report
  • i have done nothing but think about the health care sector for days now
  • except for that short amount of time where i got to watch the first part of kung fu panda
  • thats it
  • i love you all
  • good luck with your exams

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • almost forgot about the joint [redacted] subcom meeting
    • still got there in the end and minuted it tho
    • i did end up forgetting my action item though :(
    • "my shame is immeasurable" - me, multiple times
  • haven't really been doing like..... anything???
    • i should be doing things though lol
  • also i'm minuting again this week
  • account balance: $9,360.97

Secretary's Report (Gwen):

  • that's right bitches, I lived up to my promise
  • newsletter is done
  • food safety is done
  • mental health first aid is done
  • handed in all my Friday assignments last week on time
  • I'm on fire

Librarian's Report (Vikrum):

  • boy oh boy it's been a week
  • got my book buy report and spreadsheet done in time for the meeting!
  • the quality of past spreadsheets is quite telling to the number of Commerce kids in past committees
  • anyway it's good and better and now so you're welcome d:^)))
  • all shitposters in the book buy are on thin ice now, I see you pulling this again next sem, it's on sight

Fresher Rep's Report (Ethan):

  • ran painting day
  • re-watched all my lectures
  • had SLT happen
  • swifty soc collab
  • exams sure do be existing shortly

Reports de la OCM (Amber, Chris, Nina, Texas):

  • Amber:

    • Finished all non-exam content for this semester!
    • Did Student Leadership Training
    • Met the Silver Fox
    • Alistar removed all our lands in MtG and I almost milled myself since I didn't realise I forgot to put my anti-mill card in my deck.SLT, met Leigh
  • Chris:

    • i have done nothing this week apart from breathing
    • my mild minecraft addiciton has resurfaced
    • i procrastinated my procrastination so even though i wasn't doing anything productive, i just wasn't doing much in general
    • bought a d60 yesterday
  • Nina:

    • still haven't gotten my food safety cert... its been a week yall, don't judge me
    • fb chat for the UWASCA collab has been created... we've decided to wait to have the first meeting until after exams
    • my assignments are slowly killing me but i'm almost done
  • Texas:

    • Luigi, my beloathed
    • got my food cert and am on waiting for slt maybe in july
    • have not been to campus this week since last friday
    • got slapped with dnd brain at like 2am and wrote an essay about it the next day
    • GL on your exams/assignments friends :)
    • taught freyja the entirety of a unit today
    • on the weekend i made two attempts at playing commander and both of them ended very quickly
    • i have 2 dragons

Past action Items:


Drop off Strixhaven stuff - done

Modern Horizons EMP - done

Bother Jameson about best club award - not done

Long term borrowing regulations - not done


Poke Taylor about tables - done

Coffee Tables - please see me after exams


Bring up feedback forms at camp subcommittee meeting - whoops


Make event for Unigames go to Panto - done

Newsletter - done


Book buy spreadsheet - done

Put out reminder post of book buy - done


Put up board games event - done


Sign up for relay for life - done


Poke UWASCA and UniSFA about collab - done


Food Safety... do it! - pwease


  • no updates


  • no updates

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • Cooperative Study Break Board Games [Friday 28th May (study week)]
    • tomorrow!
    • Amber will be running the event


  • on hold for the moment (exams)

Magic: The Gavining

  • Modern Horizons 2 Prelease [Sunday 13/06 11am]
    • event is up
    • previews have been wild, check em on discord


  • Week 12 painting day [Friday 21/5 2pm]
    • went good!
    • 4 people attended, said they'd like to see more
    • 2/4 were from alistair's fresher campaign lol

Fresher Campaigns

  • we had a new signup!
    • now part of merlin's campaign


Book Buy

  • This is today (after this meeting)
  • if you had any suggestions, it's too late now

Unigames go to Panto's Legally Bond

  • Event is up
  • buy tickets to panto! will be good

Unigames Camp: Humans & Humans (Variant) [Friday 16/7/21 - Monday 19/7/21]:

  • Current number of camp tickets sold: 16
    • Max: 50
    • Come buy your tickets!
    • camp camp (camp hype)
  • we'll focus more on camp post-exams
  • remember to shill big camp

Quiz Night [Probably Friday 20/8 or 27/8]:

  • people have joined the subcom discord

Collab [REDACTED] 2021 [19/11/21 - 22/11/21]:

  • subcommittee meeting happened
  • EMP work will start soon >Jackie: remember to show feedback to joint [redacted]

UWASCA collab:

  • on pause until after exams

Relay for Life [Sat 02/10 - Sun 03/10]

  • our team: Unigains
  • join our team: bit.ly/Unigains21
    • Use code "earlybird" >Chris: Fix up team page

Far Future Events:

Roleplay for Life [Probably Sat 18/9 - Sun 19/9]

Cameron Hall-o-ween @ 77 Social [Thursday 21/10/21]


Completed: - $406.97 to Jackie for food run

Unprocessed: - $54.70 to Jackie for stationary - $8.85 to Ethan for measuring tape - $490 to Alistair for Strixhaven prerelease


  • Semester grants
    • due 11th june
    • i'm doing 'em
  • Best Club award
    • please

General Business:

Room Update

  • Tables
    • taylor has been bumped twice
  • Cupboards
    • we decided on the cupboard last week
    • gonna buy over holidays
  • Coffee Table
    • emerald's gonna figure it out


  • fog of love........ still isn't here!
  • oh dear


  • firework emojis


Alistair: Long term borrowing regulations

Westmarch Campaign

  • wait until after exams please

Meeting closed: 6:50pm

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Note: Themes are a WIP, and some elements may not render correctly in Dark Mode.

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