Unigames Committee Meeting #13 - 28/05/2020

by Autumn Brough 28/05/20

Unigames Committee Meeting #13 - 28/05/2020


  • Alistair
  • Taylor
  • Jackie
  • Autumn
  • Emerald
  • Alice
  • Ash
  • Kyle


  • Josh
  • Gwen

Meeting scheduled: 5:00pm

Meeting open: 5:13pm


President's Report (Alistair):

  • Glad I don’t have any exams
  • Today was the final day of the estimated delivery window for my new laptop and I haven’t heard anything so I’m annoyed

Vice-President's Report (Taylor):

  • vice presidents dont have rights
  • shocked to find emerald is not upstairs
    • "taylor can you read the whiteboard" "oh jesus christ it's literally right there"
  • started doing a 28 hour sleep cycle. feeling very tired
  • had a surprising visit from jackie and josh, now there is an alignment chart on the whiteboard
  • helped jackie w/ SPG
  • got quoted in a sunday times article about examplify lads

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • submitted the spg!
  • that's about it
  • i'm getting 4 nerf guns from the unvigil raffle i'm hype
  • signed up a member!
  • account balance: $1,493.57
  • cash on hand: $14

Secretary's Report (Autumn):

  • vibin
  • had conversations w/ unisfa about camp

Librarian's Report (Emerald):

  • attended unisfa meeting to discuss camp
  • currently in forbidden location (unigames)
  • watching glue dry

Fresher Rep's Report (Alice):

  • awake
  • done very little this week
  • is an adult!!!! has a new bird!!!!!

Reports de la OCM (Ashleigh, Gwen, Josh, Kyle):

  • Ash:
    • light blew so i'm vibing in the dark
    • East Asia board games were vv fun til the laptop died (big sad)
    • Tabletop night was also vv fun despite the stress of week 12 upon us
  • Gwen:
    • Ran East Asia themed board game night with Josh. It went pretty well, everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and we’ve definitely all got into the swing of online board game events.
    • I won every board game except 1 so I definitely had a brilliant time 😉
  • Josh:
    • apologies
    • he ran masks night
  • Kyle:
    • spoke to Jakie about 9th edition 40k rules and wargaming SPG briefly
    • day 6 of being excited about new warhammer edition

Past action Items:

This Week's Action Items: Alistair:

Mastermind our shared camp


Think about ghost camp. Clank those spooky chains - yeah thinking


Do the SPG - yeah


Transfer UCC money costs for unvigil - not done

Start an unvigil handover document - not done

Test the mailing list ASAP - done


Do book repair - no, focused on passing units


Write a thank you post - not done


Run East Asian Board Games night (along with Gwen) - done

Run Masks on wednesday - done


Run East Asian Board Games night (along with Josh) - done

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • East Asian Board Games

    • Ash: I was only there for the start but it ran smoothly
    • Gwen seems pretty pleased with how it went
    • Mostly because she won too much
    • Theme seemed coherent, was an effective theme
    • Thank u gwen and josh
  • Our Next Board Games Night

    • Ash "I have exams but i probably wont study"
    • We don't need to go hard on a theme
    • People have exams. Let's make it an exam chill session

Ash: Think about next week's board games night


  • Masks

    • One game fired, only Josh attended and he's not here
    • Apparently it was a good time and people enjoyed themselves
    • Thank you Josh for organising
  • Our Next RPG Night

    • It's going to be exam season in 2 weeks
    • We can take a week off
    • Maybe delta green
    • Apparently there are some big fans and cthulu game went well last time


  • basically no updates
  • there's going to be another B&R in a few days
  • Confusion across the board about what that stands for


  • There is a new edition of Warhammer 40k coming out, it's more of an update than an overhaul
  • The starter set for the previous edition was $220. Theoretically the rulebook was approximately $20 of that
  • So if the trend follows, then the new one will be worth around that
  • Kyle will be getting the starter set, so if Unigames wants to buy the book off Kyle, we can
  • Committee is keen, we will wait for the set to go up for sale
  • Emerald underflows our bank account

Fresher Campaigns

  • They exist
  • Bumping people into empty slots worked very well


Halloween 2019:

  • Cricket noises
  • "If we just wrote that this was next committee's problem..."

Charity UnVigil:

  • Kyle has just posted the thank you post for unvigil. Thank you Kyle
  • Prize distribution
    • Cam has got down to the final 7 people
    • There are only walking dead comics left. They're all different though
  • Finances
    • Last week we established how much money we owed UCC

Autumn: Get the list of Unigames prizes from Cam

Autumn: Talk to Jarcus about finances

Autumn: Make the handover doc

[REDACTED] 2020: Ghost Camp:

  • If we end up doing a joint camp, do we still want to do this?
  • This is more of a little fun activity
  • Shall we put together one, maybe two, activities AND/OR do a set of back-to-back games nights
  • Somehow ghost themed?
  • End of exams shindig!!
  • This event is aiming to be at the end of June, so about a month from now
  • Taylor and Alice and Emerald will be the people in charge of this event.
    • "Go on, put me in the minutes, let the public know I'm doing the labour"

Taylor, Alice, Emerald: Rhun Gost Camp

Quiz Night

  • Apparently UCC has been theorising about how a quiz night might happen
  • The staff has been given some instructions about how the uni will be operating
    • UWA are not looking to widely open the campus for sem2
    • All units are going to be online-enabled
    • Students will need to specifically arrange to study in person
    • It sounds like we don't want to have students on campus and therefore will be leaning away from in-person events
    • We should ask guild
    • We will wait a week and see if Guild responds (emphasis on if)

Alistair: Ask guild about reopening/events

Proposed Sharing Camp

  • Cam joins as an extra special sparkly guest
    • There has been a decent deal of miscommunication between clubs about what the intentions of the clubs were
    • Unisfa has intended from the start that this would be a triple-club camp featuring us, them, and UCC
    • Unigames was not clear on UCC's involvement so it was surprising to find out last week
    • There were also concerns about whether we are aiming to set a precedent for future events for this kind. It is ultimately next committee's problem.
    • Members of Unigames committee are keen for this to not replace or clash with our existing annual camp.
    • Cam requests clarification about Unigames' typical camp finances as Unisfa is confused by our profits. Taylor explains the numbers and the difference is identified as, different clubs get different turnouts.
    • Taylor and Alistair explain that this event cannot replace Unigames camp ongoing.
  • So, what is Unisfa's vision for this event?
    • This is stemming from Unisfa having a camp booking that has not been invalidated by the shutdown
    • Unisfa already has a financial investment (deposit)
    • The vision: a full three night camp, with the typical large events you'd expect at a club camp
    • The consequences of being a joint camp would be that not every committee member needs to be an organiser and/or commit to a ticket price. Additionally we get an increased potential market
    • There is also the factor of UCC providing technical kit and knowhow: UCC could provide wifi at camp with their big antenna.
    • Also Ern Halliday totally has reception
  • How would the event be structured?
    • This would be based around the subcommittee formed of reps from each committee.
    • There would be a general itinerary.
    • Discussion of equality of distribution of events between clubs' areas of interests.
  • How would the finances be divided?
    • Would it be split perfectly three ways, or would it be proportional to the number of attendees?
    • Cam has no objections to a proportional distribution, under the understanding that Unigames will be getting significantly fewer attendees than our usual camp
    • We can't make this decision now, the subcommittee would need to come up with some options and present them to all committees.
  • There is a huge amount of overlap between the three clubs' typical camps. Quiz Night, LARP, etc.
  • Few of us have been to a UCC camp before, but it will be nice to get every club to have exposure to people who aren't familiar.
  • Taylor expresses a concern that we might end up in a position where one club's events do not get as much attention as another's.
  • Reiteration that the attendance cap is 50.
  • The Unisfa reps will be Merlin, Jack, Corin. Cam is also a keen bean.
  • Alistair calls a vote, for all in favour of a joint camp this year with UCC and UniSFA.
    • Result in favour 7 - 0 - 1
  • Unigames reps will be Alistair, Taylor and Jackie

Room Update:

  • lol


  • Pending:
    • Emerald: $14.06
    • Kyle: $129.72 existing, plus $28.95 for a TTS key = $158.67
    • Jackie: -$14


  • Special Projects Grants

    • Jackie sent it!
    • Probably won't get a response for a while
  • Alistair sent an email back to Jacob clarifying the information that he requested of us.

General Business:


  • Our boost has officially run out
  • No noticeable change
  • We will wait for people to start complaining before we do anything

Book Repair

  • "Tested" Galaxy Trucker this week, the box worked
    • Taylor won
    • But we all beat space
  • Mostly just glueing boxes and setting the on Emerald's bedroom floor

Emerald: Keep doing book repair. Watch glue dry


  • The fresher mailing list is apparently operational!

Alice: Send an email about fresher campaigns

  • Has there an update about the website?
    • Everyone is in assignment crunch
    • Gozz works so hard

Taylor: Website witchcraft

Room Reopen

  • As mentioned in Quiz section, the uni is not looking to fully open in sem 2.
  • Autumn: If guild were allow us to reopen now, I would be firmly against it
  • Taylor: The state has been pretty clear for the past two weeks. There is no loose virus floating about
  • If we opened we would definitely need to put heavy restrictions on. Possibly hours, headcount.
  • We shouldn't encourage people to come and vibe for extended periods of time. Don't encourage people to come to campus unnecessarily.
  • We should consider a method for quarantining returned items.
  • Could we use a rotating three-field system to make sure items get their proper three days quarantine without infecting each other?
  • It would be easier to only have the library open/closed every three days.

Splat Buys

  • Autumn proposes a splat buy of "Fire on the Velvet Horizon"
  • It's a monster manual without a specific system

Autumn: Research splat buy

Meeting closed: 6:35pm