Unigames Committee Meeting #13 - 28/05/2024

by Chris Leak 28/05/24

Unigames Committee Meeting #13 - 28/05/2024

tags: committee meeting 2024


  • Josh
  • Connor
  • Jack
  • Chris
  • Gen
  • Cooper
  • Jeremy
  • Nene
  • Nix
  • Oscar
  • Jackie



Meeting scheduled: 1:00PM

Meeting open: 1:32PM


President's Report (Josh):

  • Organised first aid training
  • Bank account is being a bit of a weenie
  • UWAPhilSoc Collab Popped off, was a really good time
  • SNOM ran, nuff said
  • Will organise MH3 prerelease this week

Vice President's Report (Connyah):

Treasurer's Report (Jack):

Account Balance: 14755.62

Secretary's Report (Chris):

  • Brain empty, uni done, all brain cells gone
  • exam

Librarian's Report (Gen):

  • bookbuy brainworms
  • lil guys lil games is tomorrow
  • who let me have coffee
  • stamped and added flamecraft to the library
  • had pink hair for like 2 days

Fresher Rep's Report (Cooper):

  • nupdates. Pot of freak?
    • "I activate Pot of freak and suck two toes"

OCMs' Reports (Jeremy, Nene, Nix, Oscar):

  • Jeremy:
    • Come to camp
    • Freddy noises
  • Nene:
    • little guys little games tomorrow yippee!
    • finished my assignments. i'm free. aside from the 3 exams.
    • won fortnite 1 time this week, napped 6 times this week.
  • Nix:
    • finally completed wargaming terrain doc
    • finally closing in on a date for tournament
    • there are never boardgames in this club... What's even the point...
  • Oscar:
    • book buy! buy book!
    • little guys little games is this wednesday (tomorrow)
    • i've somehow hurt my wrist doing literally nothing
    • 17 days til end of semester (real), 24 days til Unigames Camp, 116 days til Summit, 157 days til Halloween, 210 days til Christmas

Immediate Past President's Report (Jackie):

  • Jackie has attended: 13/13 (100% WR)== Meeting
    • put me in the study zone
    • helped figure out bank acc usage things
    • yeah

Past Action Items:

Action Items:


Do EOI for a Pokemon Limited Event (Not Done)

Do March/April/May Newsletter this coming week (Not Done)


Repair damaged games (In poggers)

Make up a Bloodbowl contents sheet (In poggers)


redo open/close sign and gatekeeper list (Not done)

laminate open/close sign, gatekeeper list and merch examples (Not done)


EMP and Advertising for June Tournament (Not done)


Camp Bank Transfer Setup (Done)

Usual Suspects

Board Games

UWA PhilSoc Collab - Thursday 23/05 @ 4pm (Week 12)
  • It was cool
  • Played some BotC
  • In Unigames clubroom
  • Collaboration with UWA PhilSoc
  • Attendance: 12
Camp Boardgames - Week of the 17th of June

Jeremy: Camp Boardgames EMP and Advertising

Blood on the Clocktower Updates - 16th of June
  • Discussing Future BotC events
    • BotC event on the 16th of June

      Gen: BotC EMP and advertising


Little Guys, Little Games One-Shot Night - Wednesday 29/5 @4pm (Study Week)
  • It's Tomorrow!
  • 4 GMs
  • EMP and venue booking approved
Mork Bork One-shot Night - Week of the 1st of July
  • To do:
    • Message Mork Borgers
      • Jack Kay
      • David
      • Angus

        Cooper: Mork Borg EMP and Advertising


Booster Box Buying Bhenanigans
  • Box gone!
    • Asking the Gibson for a new one
      • We have received a "Yes Boss"
  • (holy cow!)
Magic: The Gavining
SNOM - 26/05 @ 11am (Week 12 sunday)
  • It happened
  • More people than usual
    • Nice!
Future Pokemon events
  • Focus on Major, less frequent events
  • Get EOI for a draft or Pre-release-like event using Built & Battle Decks

    Chris: Do EOI for a Pokemon Limited Event

Modern Horizons 3 Pre-release - 9th of June @ 11am
  • do we run it?
    • It's in the middle of exams
    • No loss though
    • Magic players may come in anyway though
  • We run it

    Josh: EMP and advertising for MH3 Pre-release


June Warhammer 40k Tournament - Mid-to-late-June
  • Sent out a poll
    • Many who voted said June 30th
    • Another option is to push it back a week to avoid clashing with another tournament, to try to get more students from outside of UWA
      • Will check in with UWA players
  • Decided to shift it so it isn't on the same weekend as another tournament
  • Also discussing dinsk options
  • Similar details to last tournament

    Nix: EMP and Advertising for June Tournament

Blood Bowl Stuff
  • Planning to advertise second semester for freshers
  • Jackie talked to Lewis about communication and collaboration between bloodbowl league co-ordinators and committee
  • Some points that were brought up include:
    • Setting up a proper line of communuication between committee and commissioner
    • Using bloodbowl committee discord as default communication method rather than individual
    • In future:
      • Any complaints passed on to other party
      • Any closed sections involve the commissioner
      • Keep commissioners in the loop about possible consequences and discussion of these before the actioning of any of these
      • Make sure resolutions are talked through with commissioners
      • Above is specifically for bloodbowl related cases
  • Some points of discussion in meeting:
    • Creating a discord channel for these communications
    • Any additional commissioners to be discussed with committee.
  • Messaged Cam and Lewis about this
  • Intro to Blood Bowl event
  • Considering additional Bloodbowl resources
    • Playmats
Wargaming Budget
  • Making use of existing $600 budget
    • Terrain
    • Playmats
    • Objective Markers
    • 2 tables worth of this stuff
  • Purchasing of the above resources Approved

    Nix: Order Wargaming Supplies

Fresher Campaigns

  • "They're cool. They're really fun." - Cooper
  • Preparing to organise sem 2 Fresher Campaigns

Access Department Collab!! - Tuesday 21/05 11am-1pm @ Access room - Week 12

  • Didn't end up happening
    • Accidentally got locked out of their room
  • Next one is 18/06
Charity Vigil - 29/03 @ 4pm (Week 5)
  • Bumped cost breakdown on discord (fixed some errors in previous version)
  • Motion to approve updated Cost Distribution
    • Unanimously approved
Kittens and Krakens Camp - 5pm Friday 21/06 - 10am Monday 24/06
  • 10 tickets in the file
  • Put certificates in the drive
  • Put yourself on the Job Roster
  • Posters are up!
  • Tickets are being sold in the clubroom
    • $110, early bird gets you a $10 snack voucher (tm)
    • Now we have a bank account, we should be able to take bank transfers soon
  • We need to organise carpooling thread
  • "Come" - Josh

    Jackie: Camp Bank Transfer Setup

Far Future Events

Upcoming Subcommittees/Prospective Reps
  • Roleplay 4 Life - Chris, Nix
  • Relay 4 Life - Gen, Oscar (vibe it)
  • Quiz Night - Jack (Dark), Nix (Light)
  • Joint [Redacted]? - Jack, Cooper, Connor
    • UCC has paid deposit
    • Josh filled out the booking contract
  • Uncharity Vigil - Josh, Jeremy
  • Dice Bag Workship - Oscar, Gen
    • In the future at some point
    • Unrelated: Josh literally hits the griddy mid-meeting


  • Approved
  • Pending
  • Unsubmitted
    • $44.25 to Esports for Pizza
    • $198 to Gibbi for Outlaws of Freaky Junction
    • $30 to David for Flamecraft Splat Buy


Next SOCPAC Meeting

  • Next meeting 28/05
    • That's tonight
    • "Good heavens!"


  • Nupdates
  • Campus-wide declutter
    • Skip Bins
    • E-waste receptacles
    • June 17th-July 19th

General Business


  • No new Gatekeepers


  • No new Webkeepers

Room Updates

  • New Kallax, Small Shelf, Chairs
    • Could potentially use some of the new storage space to store the Stationery box/dice trays
  • Nene Mum Vacuum donation
    • It's here
    • It's verified working

      Nene: redo open/close sign and gatekeeper list Nene: laminate open/close sign, gatekeeper list and merch examples


  • Flamecraft Splat Buy
    • IT'S HERE!

      Gen: Repair damaged games Gen: Make up a Bloodbowl contents sheet

Book Buy

  • Closed!
  • Doing the meeting later today

Food Runs

  • we need more dinsk
  • We may do costco run for camp depending on how expensive some things are
  • Connor will do it

Phoenix Revival

  • Posted
  • Things people want (according to EOI):
    • Lesser played TTRPGS being spotlighted
    • Introductory articles about hobbies like wargaming
    • Talks with collab clubs and other interesting things
      • We'll try to put some interesting things in
    • Something casual/positive/not too self-serious but still sincere
    • Scripted playthroughs
      • a few ways interpret this, but all potentially interesting
    • 75% want it in booklet form
  • Discussion on stickers
    • Alternatives, as physical copies are still in question
  • Theme: Revival

Uploading Old Minutes

  • Nupdates


  • Chris will do that this coming week (again) (again) (again?? but for real this time)

    Chris: Do March/April/May Newsletter this coming week

Committee Business

Club Bank Account

  • Bank Transfer setup done
    • [Chris to put Bank Transfer usage guide here]

First Aid Training

  • Date is organised
    • Sunday 9th of June
    • If people are interested, they can go on the 20th.

Advertising other clubs' events

  • There's an area in quick links for this

Cameron Hall collaborative Minecraft Factions server

  • UWAEsports have approached us about the possibility of a collaborative Minecraft Factions Server between the clubs of Cameron Hall
    • Possibilities involve potentially having factions for each of the clubs
    • Independent factions may form
    • Allows for chunk claiming, etc.
  • They have asked for some extra hands in administrating the server, as well as running the global events on the server
    • e.g. similar to the Helldivers Game Masters in managing the global plot
  • We have told them we are interested in helping make this happen.
  • Some points to keep in mind when organising
    • Managing character bleed, as a plot-based factions server can be compared to a LARP
      • There are tools and techniques we can use and provide to help combat character bleed Meeting closed: 2:51PM