Unigames Committee Meeting #14 - 04/06/2020

by Autumn Brough 04/06/20

Unigames Committee Meeting #14 - 04/06/2020


  • Alistair
  • Jackie
  • Autumn
  • Emerald
  • Alice
  • Ash
  • Kyle


  • Josh
  • Gwen


  • Taylor

Meeting scheduled: 5:30pm

Meeting open: 5:39pm


President's Report (Alistair):

  • Alistair is in the car
  • Emailed both SOC and Guild, semester 2 events should be able to go ahead
  • Finally got a new laptop
  • There is a meeting for camp on saturday

Vice-President's Report (Taylor):

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • (jackie 2 minutes in the future voice) oh my god alice woke up today when i went to sleep
  • i'm coming to u live from a new laptop
  • that's about it didn't do many committee things
  • good luck @ everyone for exams!! πŸ’œ
  • account balance: $1,493.57
  • cash on hand: $14

Secretary's Report (Autumn):

  • Tackling unvigil finances and handover
  • Researching my proposed splat buy
  • Getting mad at doc martens

Librarian's Report (Emerald):

  • once again coming to you live from Redacted
  • Went and bought more card stock for repairs
  • currently surrounded by a cyclone of game repairs
  • Talked to Alice about ghost camp
  • Looked at some unit lectures for the first time this semester

Fresher Rep's Report (Alice):

  • I sen't my email to the freshers - in rainbow
  • I was contacted by a fresher about fresher campaigns - he was not in one and I intend to rectify that soon - So i know that the freshers (some of them) are alive.
  • I got excited about the idea of a social life and jumped up and down like a three year old
  • I made a group chat for ghost camp
  • I was up at 2am this morning so I have no idea where my head will be at 5pm
  • Also sorry Alistair for making this event and stealing your thunder, but it was 2:30am, the meeting is in 15 hours and i wanted to post my report. Thanks takes bow

Reports de la OCM (Ashleigh, Gwen, Josh, Kyle):

  • Ash:
    • make event for board game night on Friday (it's tomorrow!! pls come)
    • still haven't got that lightbulb fixed
    • gl for all exam takers!!!
  • Gwen:
    • just been studying really,
    • if y’all need help with anything after next Saturday I can do it πŸ˜€
  • Josh:
    • apologies
  • Kyle:
    • planning a "learn 9th" slowgrow event for when we can get back into cam hall
    • Made a mordheim survey so that we can guage interest

Past action Items:

This Week's Action Items: Alistair:

Ask guild about reopening/events - done


Rhun Gost Camp (along with Emerald, Alice) - it's in progress

Website witchcraft - talked to gozz about the website


Get the list of Unigames prizes from Cam - juust done

Talk to Jarcus about finances - no progress yet

Make the handover doc - minimal progress

Research splat buy - done


Rhun Gost Camp (along with Taylor, Alice) - had a litol conversation today

Keep doing book repair. Watch glue dry - literally watching it rn


Rhun Gost Camp (along with Taylor, Emerald) - made a GC! at 2am!

Send an email about fresher campaigns - done, very rainbow


Think about next week's board games night - Event is up!

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • Procrastination Board Games, Tomorrow Evening
    • Event is up! Thank you Ash
    • Everyone please go

Ash: Run procrastination board games


  • Our Next RPG - Delta Green?
    • Autumn has been asking around
    • Ellie is a probable no, Jack is a probable yes

Autumn: Find GMs for Delta Green


  • The new pack is out and Emerald enjoys looking at them
  • It will probably not be viable to do a draft? No it won't


  • Unsure if 9th ed of 40k will be this month or later.
  • There's rumours it'll be in June! Ears to the ground

Fresher Campaigns

  • Cam lost 2 players but has enough remaining
  • Emerald loves her players

Alice: Check the fresher game signups


Halloween 2019:

  • Hee hee ho ho

Jackie: Contact Jarcus about Halloween finances

Charity UnVigil:

  • Prizes
    • Kyle has the prizes and Cam has passed on the list of prizes we need to distribute
    • Kyle can drop them off at the clubroom while Emerald is present to stow them... maybe tonight

Kyle: Stow the unvigil prizes in the clubroom

  • Finances
    • Waiting on a reply from Jarcus for their bank details
  • Handover
    • Autumn has attempted the doc but was lacking structure and energy

Alistair, Autumn: Think about Unvigil handover

[REDACTED] 2020: Ghost Camp:

  • Last week: Taylor, Alice and Emerald formed the ghost team
  • Last night at 2am: Discussions have ensued
  • The thought is for three-ish events: A board game night, a meme oneshot, and an untitled goose larp. Possibly running assassins. A quiz night or a kahoot at the end?
  • Kahoot is not matching the spirit of regular quiz night memeliness but well that's ok.
  • Quiplash - is there an option to write your own questions?

Taylor, Alice, Emerald: Spookestrate ghost camp

Quiz Night

  • Alistair has emailed Guild asking about events for Sem2
  • Leigh has got back to us encouraging us to do an EMP as there's a good chance it would be allowed to go ahead
  • Making a subcommittee is probably a good idea
  • We need 2 reps, a darkmittee and a lightmittee member
  • Emerald is darkmittee and Autumn is lightmittee

Emerald, Autumn: Form a quizmittee w/ UCC, Unisfa, Uwanime

Proposed Sharing Camp

  • There is a Discord for the subcommittee!

Taylor: Join the camp discord server

  • There's a meeting this saturday! Nice

Room Update:

  • lol


  • Pending:
    • Emerald: $14.06 + $1.09 (piece of cardstock) = $15.15
    • Kyle: $129.72 existing, plus $28.95 for a TTS key = $158.67
    • Jackie: -$14


  • Special Projects Grants
    • No update, they've been submitted

General Business:

Book Repair

  • Mansion of Madness is "not repaired yet but it's all happening"
  • Splendour is properly finished
  • Dixit has a cracked edge to be repaired

Emerald: Do Book repair


  • Gozz and Taylor have been overheard talking about the website
  • No apparent updates

  • The fresher mailing list works! Alice sent out a newsletter

Autumn: Write a newsletter

Room Reopen

  • Emerald has been visiting the room for book repair
  • The room is confirmed still there. Emerald judges the accuracy of the clocks
  • "You should be equalling the amount of sodie pop you take in with the same amount of water"

Splat Buys

  • Autumn proposes a splat buy of "Fire on the Velvet Horizon"
  • Alistair calls a vote to purchase some version of it
    • Approved 7-0-0
  • Alistair calls a vote to purchase the hardcover version for $35 cost to Unigames
    • Approved 7-0-0

Emerald: Make the splat buy order b4 the discount code runs out

Meeting closed: 6:19pm