Unigames Committee Meeting #15 - 10/06/2019

by Donald Sutherland 10/06/19

Unigames Committee Meeting #15 - 10/06/2019


  • Alaura
  • Aoibhinn
  • Taylor
  • Donald
  • Alistair
  • Elana
  • Brett
  • Jasmine


  • Amelia (Exams)
  • Gavin


  • none

Meeting open: 3:07PM


President's Report:

  • I finally got through to Manjedal
  • Stress levels go down, as centerlink and job interviews have been organised

Vice-President's Report:

  • I'm looking after some very needy dogs
  • Hit me up with action items, I've not got anything to do
  • I'm excited to think I have free time until Panto happens
  • I think I'm safe until August

Treasurer's Report:

  • Account balance: $3456.38
  • I did many transaction
  • Also, my exams are finished
  • My exam this morning had five corrections
  • I do plan to do a food run tomorrow

Secretary's Report:

  • Nothing to report
  • It's been cold and I like it

Librarian's Report:

  • Overdue items: Yeah, Dixit and Codenames are overdue.
    • Alaura is now on two strikes, following in Gavin's footsteps
  • Agree with Donald
  • Currently trying to fix BatLife
  • I have been awake for... a while
  • I have many drugs in my system, primarily caffeine
  • I aim to acheive bouncy-ball transcendance
  • Tortuga has arrived
  • Going to make up an actual list of things to take to camp in the next week
  • Logan donated another deck of cards
    • Thank you Logan!
  • Alistair is going to a book repair course next week to help fix books

Fresher Rep's Report:

  • RIP in exams
  • Being a good student, how dare

Past action Items:


  • Make a contingency plan for early check-in - started rough outlines
  • Do a clark rubber for rubber backing for fridge and noodle replacement (along with Amelia) - not done
  • Let person know that swap isn't happening - done


  • Do camp food budget - not done
  • Check drinks specials before Camp (19/06) - not done
  • Talk to Irene about broken exit sign - she wasn't there
  • Put up a new ad for just the fridge - UCC have stolen it Taylor: Find out whose problem the fridge is
  • Pay Manjedal - done


  • Add forms to database (free free to help) - not done
  • Pull this list out for easy committee access - done
  • Contact Tenancy re. loft cabinet - not done
  • Put new regulations on the website - not done
  • Make form available - not done


  • Update Libib with new games - not done
  • Release feedback form - done


  • Get ream of paper for Camp - RIP in exams
  • Contact Enviro department - RIP in exams
  • Do a clark rubber for rubber backing for fridge and noodle replacement (along with Alaura) - RIP in exams


  • Organise the next one-shot after exams - done


  • Organise a board games night for after the 8th June - done, on the 12th


  • Update google form - done


  • Donald: Add forms to database (free free to help)


Usual Suspects:


  • Board games event on the 12th, theme is the new games!


  • One-shot is on the 17th!
  • GMs are Lewis, Winslade, and Stuart


  • 11 M19 packs are left, get them while they're cold
  • Half-way through sealed-league fortnight #2
  • Games are good


  • Same same but the same
  • The Wargaming mini buy is happening
  • Contact Kyle Barrow if interested

Fresher Campaigns

  • RIP in exams freshers


Quiz Night [10th May]:

  • Feedback form is out
  • Taylor: Double check with the Tav about venue cost
  • Feedback so far is discussed.
  • No meeting has happened yet to resolve finances

CAMP - Fiends and Fae (Un-Redacted!) [21st-24th June]:

  • Currently at 34 camp sign-ups
  • GozzFundMe
    • Taylor: Contact people who have requested GozzFundMe assistance

    • GozzFundMe applications are now closed
  • Camp Finances
    • Alaura will report numbers on the 17th, those will be locked in
    • Any extras will be paid for on the day
    • There is a day charge for day visitors that we don't know the value of yet
    • Alaura: Make a spreadsheet of all attendees

    • Credit card needs to be used as a bond for our stay
    • Alaura: Advertise final day of ticket sales

    • Alaura: Follow-up with people about day tickets

  • Advertising:
    • Documents are being written to help with Primarchs lore
    • Aoibhinn: Be committee primarchs contact

    • Advertising for various events should go up
    • One-Shot thread should happen as well
      • Aoibhinn: Put up the one-shot thread

    • Alaura: Put up a carpool thread

    • Donald: Put up Magic advertising

    • SomeonefromLARP: Put up LARP advertising

    • Jasmine: Put up debate advertising

    • QuizPeople: Do the quiz

Winter Larp:

  • We'll start organising this after Camp

Harry Potter LARP:

  • Nothing else has happened


  • FilAus Incident:

    • Still no reply from FilAus
  • Tenancy allocations:

    • Telethon still hasn't moved in yet
    • Chinese Society has replied, but no actions have been taken by them yet

      Taylor: Talk to Irene about broken exit sign

Room Update:

  • Speaker:

    • One of our speakers is broken
    • Maybe the cables are not great
    • Alaura: Do some preliminary research on new speakers

  • Soft plastic recycling:

    • Amelia: Contact Enviro department

  • Gumtree:

    • No other ad has been put up
    • UCC is currently in possesion of fridge
  • Fridge Whiteboard:

    • Alaura+Amelia: Do a clark rubber for rubber backing for fridge and noodle replacement

  • Noodles:

    • See above
  • Wargaming shelf

    • Plexiglass seems bad
    • Laser cut some acrylics?
    • Aoibhinn says "Hey, Clark Rubber does acrylic!"
    • Alaura,Amelia,Alistair: DO A CLARK RUBBER RUN


  • Pending
    • Winslade: $4 for paper towels
      • Will have to be a cash reimbursement

General Business:

  • Board games guide:

    • Low priority
    • People are still busy
    • After exams
  • Food run:

    • Happenning tomorrow
  • Book buy:

    • Tortuga arrived!
    • Book buy is complete
  • Large scale borrowing

    • Donald: Put new regulations on the website

    • Donald: Make form available

  • Campus Toilets:

    • Action is still being taken
  • Resignation:

    • Jasmine has decided to step down as OCM due to personal reasons
    • This will take effect at the Semester 2 OGM
    • OGM tentitevly scheduled for Friday Week 1 of Semester (2nd August)
    • Taylor,Donald: Go through constition after Camp

Meeting closed: 4:33PM

Action Items:


  • Make a spreadsheet of all attendees
  • Advertise final day of ticket sales
  • Follow-up with people about day tickets
  • Put up a carpool thread
  • Do some preliminary research on new speakers
  • Do a clark rubber for rubber backing for fridge and noodle replacement (along with Amelia)
  • DO A CLARK RUBBER RUN (along with Alistair, Amelia)


  • Be committee primarchs contact
  • Put up the one-shot thread


  • Find out whose problem the fridge is
  • Contact people who have requested GozzFundMe assistance
  • Talk to Irene about broken exit sign
  • Go through constition after Camp (along with Donald)


  • Add forms to database (free free to help)
  • Put up Magic advertising
  • Put new regulations on the website
  • Make form available
  • Go through constition after Camp (along with Taylor)


  • DO A CLARK RUBBER RUN (along with Alaura, Amelia)


  • Contact Enviro department
  • Do a clark rubber for rubber backing for fridge and noodle replacement (along with Alaura)
  • DO A CLARK RUBBER RUN (along with Alaura, Alistair)


  • Put up debate advertising


  • (SomeonefromLARP) Put up LARP advertising
  • (QuizPeople) Do the quiz