Unigames Committee Meeting #16 - 17/06/2019

by Donald Sutherland 17/06/19

Unigames Committee Meeting #16 - 17/06/2019


  • Alaura
  • Aoibhinn
  • Taylor
  • Donald
  • Alistair
  • Amelia
  • Elana
  • Jasmine (via Discord)
  • Brett


  • Gavin


  • none

Meeting open: 3:07PM


President's Report:

  • I don't know if I've done any of my action items
  • This morning was busy
  • Mostly been dealing with camp

Vice-President's Report:

  • Doing little bits of camp prep for events
  • If people need help with things, I can help
  • Unless I'm watching all of the MatPat livestreams of Five Night's at Freddies

Treasurer's Report:

  • Account balance: $3456.38
  • drops phone in toilet
  • I spent 48 hours trying to get my phone fixed
  • So that slowed down a lot of stuff
  • Restore is in progress as we speak
  • Many thanks to Gozz for doing a fix
  • Did a food run with Gozz
    • It's large
    • $787.65
    • Approved by committee

Secretary's Report:

  • I am becoming 3d printing master

Librarian's Report:

  • Overdue items:
  • I did the clark rubber run
  • They don't sell perspex at clark rubber
  • Been a bit out of it, but it's fine
  • I've suspended all long-term borrowing because problems
  • I decided I don't need to make a list because we're going to take all of them

Fresher Rep's Report:

  • Still no news
  • Amelia: Check who's alive

Past action Items:


  • Make a spreadsheet of all attendees - doing
  • Advertise final day of ticket sales - done
  • Follow-up with people about day tickets - done
  • Put up a carpool thread - done
  • Do some preliminary research on new speakers - done
  • Do a clark rubber for rubber backing for fridge and noodle replacement (along with Amelia) - done
  • DO A CLARK RUBBER RUN (along with Alistair, Amelia) - done


  • Be committee primarchs contact - done
  • Put up the one-shot thread - done


  • Find out whose problem the fridge is - done, it's ours
  • Contact people who have requested GozzFundMe assistance - done
  • Talk to Irene about broken exit sign - not done
  • Go through constition after Camp (along with Donald) - it's not after camp yet


  • Add forms to database (free free to help) - not done
  • Put up Magic advertising - probably not done
  • Put new regulations on the website - not done
  • Make form available - not done
  • Go through constition after Camp (along with Taylor) - not after camp yet


  • DO A CLARK RUBBER RUN (along with Alaura, Amelia) - done


  • Contact Enviro department - not done
  • Do a clark rubber for rubber backing for fridge and noodle replacement (along with Alaura) - done
  • DO A CLARK RUBBER RUN (along with Alaura, Alistair) - done


  • Put up debate advertising - not done


  • (SomeonefromLARP) Put up LARP advertising - not done
  • (QuizPeople) Do the quiz - starting


  • Donald: Add forms to database (free free to help)


Usual Suspects:


  • Had event, wasn't well atteneded, played all of the new games except Spirit Island
  • Next one should probably be run during the day, after camp
  • Week after camp
  • Donald: Organise board games night


  • One-shot is tonight!
  • GMs are Lewis and Winslade!
  • nWoD as next system?
  • Taylor: Send Elana list of nWod GMs

  • Elana: Organise nWoD or Stars Without Number one-shot


  • Next sealed league week has started
  • But
  • We have no WAR packs
  • Donald can grab some tomorrow, but won't be able to get them to Uni until Wednesday
  • Extending sealed league by a week until 1st July to account for Camp


  • Escalation is back on for people that want to
  • Kyle is happy to help teach
  • Contact Kyle to learn more

Fresher Campaigns

  • RIP in exams freshers


Quiz Night [10th May]:

  • Taylor: Do quiz night money calculations

  • Just waiting on that

CAMP - Fiends and Fae (Un-Redacted!) [21st-24th June]:

  • Currently at 39 sign-ups, pretty good!
  • Alaura: Double check with people who aren't staying the whole camp

  • Alaura: Send numbers update to Manjedal

  • Taylor: Do the camp shopping list

  • Camp Finances
    • Numbers will go in today
    • Alaura: Make the attendee spreadsheet

    • Should be good money wise
    • Taylor: Check sales for Wednesday

    • Taylor: Sort out camp float

    • Taylor: Sort out snack voucher documentation

  • Advertising:
    • Aoibhinn made a few posts
    • Quiz Night, Magic, LARP, Debating posts still need to go up
    • Alaura: Make a "what to bring" post

    • Quiz is being worked on
    • LARP should be good
  • Committee needs to bring:

    • Speakers
    • Downloaded versions of stupid music to wake people up
    • Esky
    • Donald: Bring Teatowels

    • Taylor: Bring Knives

    • Alaura: Bring steel and knife sharpener

    • Amelia: Buy a ream of paper

    • Aoibhinn: Print charactersheets for one-shots

    • Firewood?

    • And my axe!
    • Committee plan:
    • Gozz's Car (food):
      • Taylor
    • Brett's Car (food):
      • Brett
      • Donald
    • Meeting at Coles Biford at (???11AM???)
    • Taylor: Set the time

    • Aoibhinn's Car (games+supplies):

      • Alistair
      • Aoibhinn
    • Amelia's Car (games+supplies):
      • Amelia
      • Alaura
    • Elana is in one of those cars
    • Arrive at Uni at 11AM
    • Leave from Uni at 1:30PM
    • Alaura: Check camp supplies

    • Alaura: Make a to-do list for start of camp


  • @ Friday Week 1 at 1PM
  • Alaura: Book the meeting at GFC

Winter Larp:

  • We'll start organising this after Camp

Harry Potter LARP:

  • Nothing else has happened


  • FilAus Incident:

    • Still no reply from FilAus
  • Tenancy allocations:

    • No updates

      Taylor: Talk to Irene about broken exit sign

Room Update:

  • Speaker:

    • Alaura: Research new speakers

  • Soft plastic recycling:

    • Email has bee drafted
    • Amelia: Contact Enviro department

  • Gumtree:

    • The fridge is ours again
    • yay?
    • Taylor: Sort out the fridge

  • Fridge Whiteboard:

    • Alistair has a plan
    • Alistair: Execute fridge plan / order 66

  • Noodles:

    • We have foam for the pillar
    • Just needs to be attached
  • Wargaming shelf

    • No updates
  • Minis Box:

    • The box got knocked down, and some minis got damaged
    • Holiday problem


  • Pending
    • Gozz: $787.65 for Food Run
    • Amelia: $62.80 for Clark Rubber run
    • Winslade: $4 for paper towels
      • Will have to be a cash reimbursement

General Business:

  • Archives:

    • We need a new archive instruction set
      • Donald: Make a new archive guide

    • Also, we need to move stuff from the google drive onto the archive
    • Alaura+Donald: Get together after camp to sort out archive

    • Alaura: Make an archive party event

    • Alaura: Do a sort on the google drive after camp

  • Board games guide:

    • Low priority
    • People are still busy
    • After camp
  • Food run:

    • Did one
  • Large scale borrowing

    • Donald: Put new regulations on the website

    • Donald: Make form available

  • Campus Toilets:

    • Action is still being taken

Meeting closed: 4:45PM


Action Items:


  • Double check with people who aren't staying the whole camp
  • Send numbers update to Manjedal
  • Make the attendee spreadsheet
  • Make a "what to bring" post
  • Bring steel and knife sharpener
  • Check camp supplies
  • Make a to-do list for start of camp
  • Book the meeting at GFC
  • Research new speakers
  • Get together after camp to sort out archive (along with Donald)
  • Make an archive party event
  • Do a sort on the google drive after camp


  • Print charactersheets for one-shots


  • Send Elana list of nWod GMs
  • Do quiz night money calculations
  • Do the camp shopping list
  • Check sales for Wednesday
  • Sort out camp float
  • Sort out snack voucher documentation
  • Bring Knives
  • Set the time
  • Talk to Irene about broken exit sign
  • Sort out the fridge


  • Add forms to database (free free to help)
  • Organise board games night
  • Bring Teatowels
  • Make a new archive guide
  • Get together after camp to sort out archive (along with Alaura)
  • Put new regulations on the website
  • Make form available


  • Execute fridge plan / order 66


  • Check who's alive
  • Buy a ream of paper
  • Contact Enviro department


  • Organise nWoD or Stars Without Number one-shot