Unigames Committee Meeting #16 - 18/06/2024

by Chris Leak 18/06/24

Unigames Committee Meeting #16 - 18/06/2024

tags: committee meeting 2024


  • Josh
  • Connor
  • Jack
  • Chris
  • Gen
  • Cooper
  • Jeremy
  • Nene
  • Nix
  • Oscar
  • Jackie



Meeting scheduled: 4:00PM

Meeting open: 4:13PM


President's Report (Josh):

  • head slamming continues
  • dungeon meshi no
  • BOTC was good
  • oh no...
  • Camp hype! Yeah!

Vice President's Report (Connyah):

  • Done some camp stuff
  • Congrats on exams or whatever but

Treasurer's Report (Jack):

  • kid named grants.
  • i am doing it during the meeting hee hee har har Account Balance: 11,922.47 dolerss In Bank Account: 4400.00

Secretary's Report (Chris):

  • What if I got a $120 precon just for a simic guildgate
    • This is a joke, there are other cards in there
  • Camp Hype! Camp Hype! Camp Hype!

Librarian's Report (Gen):

  • blood on the clocktower was so much fun! it was great to get it up and running again thanks for everyone who was there
  • got to (try) hit people with swords!!! (i am still in pain)
  • camp this week omlomloml
  • they make me come into uni on the holidays because they hate me
    • "they" being Big Engineering (tm)

Fresher Rep's Report (Cooper):

  • I attended both BOTC and Camp games events and had some fun. Everything went swell. Happy that semester is ended uhhh yippee

OCMs' Reports (Jeremy, Nene, Nix, Oscar):

  • Jeremy:
    • Ran camped out boardgames, 15 max attendance (inc. me)
    • Camp coming up!!!
    • What if instead of hatsunemiku it was hatsune freaku
    • the camperrrr
  • Nene:
    • camp this week. that's all i have to say about it
    • if we don't get tomodachi life in nintendo direct it's so over
    • haven't even played fortnite ive been busy playing danganronpa and minecraft
  • Nix:
    • camp soon!
    • 40k tournament soon!
    • terrain incoming
    • bloodbowl league ending soon
    • just finished my second last game
  • Oscar:
    • eepy

Immediate Past President's Report (Jackie):

  • Jackie has attended: 16/16 (100% WR)== Meeting
    • in the camp soup
    • been helping jack with grants
    • been infodumping about camp to connor and josh
    • i have nothing else going on in my life

Past Action Items:

Action Items:


Email the university about the mould in the Loft (done)

Make a Phoenix submission link for next week (not done)


Do EOI for a Pokemon Limited Event (not done)


Repair damaged games (in poggers)

Make up a Bloodbowl contents sheet (not done)

Put new Games in the Database (in poggers)

Email tactics about Ra (not done)

Print new PDF Games (not done)


Mork Borg EMP and Advertising (not done)


EMP and Advertising for July Tournament (done)

Order Wargaming Supplies (in poggers)

Usual Suspects

Board Games

Camp Boardgames - Monday 17/6 @ 5pm
  • It's happened!
  • Attendance: 15
  • Yippee!!
Blood on the Clocktower Updates - 16th of June 1-5pm
  • Attendance: 15
  • Organised Games and Storytellers
    • 2 games of Trouble Brewing
    • Bad Moon Rising
  • Some BoTC on camp!


Mork Bork One-shot Night - Week of the 1st of July
  • To do:
    • Message Mork Borgers
      • Jack Kay
      • David
      • Angus

        Cooper: Mork Borg EMP and Advertising

Anime One-Shot Night (Collab with UWAnime) - Week 8(?)
  • Maid kinda sucks
  • May also run some Anime themed one-shots rather than specifically Anime systems
    • Golden Sky Stories
    • Girl by Moonlight


Booster Box Buying Bhenanigans
  • Box Gone
  • (holy cow!)
Magic: The Gavining
Bloomburrow Prerelease - July ???
  • Soon
Future Pokemon events
  • Focus on Major, less frequent events
  • Get EOI for a draft or Pre-release-like event using Built & Battle Decks

    Chris: Do EOI for a Pokemon Limited Event


July Warhammer 40k Tournament - July 7
  • Announced event
  • Maxed out original ticket availability
  • We are trying to organise more tables
  • Some non-students will be attending
    • Separate Facebook event outside of the Unigames group
  • Similar details to last tournament

    Nix: EMP and Advertising for July Tournament

Blood Bowl Stuff
  • EOI went out this morning
  • League close to finishing
  • Intro to Blood Bowl event
Wargaming Budget
  • Agreed on what to spend on
    • Terrain (bought, on its way)
    • Playmat
      • Extra $25 as shipping was per mat
    • Objective Markers
    • Dice
    • 2 tables worth of this stuff
  • Approved extra $25 for extra playmat shipping
  • Commissioning Jackie to design objective markers

    Nix: Order Wargaming Supplies

Fresher Campaigns

  • Preparing to organise sem 2 Fresher Campaigns

Access Department Collab!!

  • It's later

Laser Tag with eSports

  • Alex from eSports approached with idea
    • I shot him point blank in the dms
  • Including UCC and possibly UniSFA
  • Will need to send out something, in case there's too many that show up
  • Yes we would like
Charity Vigil - 29/03 @ 4pm (Week 5)
  • Money Done!
Kittens and Krakens Camp - 5pm Friday 21/06 - 10am Monday 24/06
  • All 70 tickets sold!
  • Put certificates in the drive
    • Scary Josh will be checking
  • Put yourself on the Job Roster
    • Done
  • Posters are up!
  • Bloodbowl to be brought?
    • Yes
  • "Come" - Joshua "Big Fingers" Annison
  • New email from Manjedal that we need to reply to re: attendance


  • Patrick has approached us about a cloak-making workshop
  • Also with UniSFA
    • Potentially an invite thing for our members
    • Or potentially a collab
    • Not quite sure what they are doing actually
  • Is going to happen in Semester 2

UniSFA Collab

  • UniSFA are interested in another collab but don't have any ideas
    • RPGS and/or boardgames based on Sci-Fi and Fantasy novels
  • Writer's night

Cameron Hall Minecraft Factions Server

  • Subcommittee forming
  • Reps are Connor, Chris

Far Future Events

Upcoming Subcommittees/Prospective Reps
  • Roleplay 4 Life - Chris, Nix
  • Relay 4 Life - Gen, Oscar (vibe it)
  • Quiz Night - Jack (Dark), Nix (Light)
  • Joint [Redacted]? - Jack, Cooper, Connor
    • UCC has paid deposit
    • Josh filled out the booking contract
  • Uncharity Vigil - Josh, Jeremy
  • Dice Bag Workship - Oscar, Gen
    • In the future at some point


  • Approved
  • Pending
    • $400 to Gibbi for Modern Horizons 3 Booster Box
    • $181.60 to Josh for Food Run 12/06
    • $253.60 to Jack for Wargaming Terrain
  • Unsubmitted


Next SOCPAC Meeting

  • Next meeting 25/06 @ 6pm


  • Nupdates
  • Campus-wide declutter
    • Skip Bins
    • E-waste receptacles
    • June 17th-July 19th

      Josh: Email the university about the mould in the Loft

UWA CELT campus O-Day - Friday 2/8 @12:45 - 1:45pm

  • the UWA CELT campus (in Claremont) are organising an O-day style event and are interested in featuring a number of clubs

General Business


  • No new Gatekeepers


  • No new Webkeepers

Room Updates

  • New Kallax, Small Shelf, Chairs
    • Could potentially use some of the new storage space to store the Stationery box/dice trays
  • We gonna sort out some floor tiles soon
    • Whe-heyyy


Book Buy

  • New games from Tactics
    • Aeon's End
    • Clank!
    • Girl By Moonlight
    • Sky Team
  • PDFs Bought:
    • Fabula Ultima
    • Alice is Missing
  • Shipping:
    • Warhammer Dice
    • Good Society (arrived, still needs to be processed)
    • Mahjong
  • Still on the hunt for Ra (Might not be able to get from Tactics)
    • Proposed to wait to see if we can get Ra, if not then may get other stuffs
  • Warhammer Mat to be bought
    • Gen checks money to see if she can buy RIGHT NOW
    • Very intense discussion on aesthetic choice of mat

      Gen: Repair damaged games Gen: Make up a Bloodbowl contents sheet Gen: Put Good Society in the Database Gen: Email tactics about Ra Chris: Print new PDF Games

Food Runs

  • we still need more dinsk
  • We may do costco run for camp depending on how expensive some things are
  • no food run this week (before camp)

Phoenix Revival

  • Posted Bump
    • Couple of people joined
  • Due date is start of Semester 2
  • Things people want (according to EOI):
    • Lesser played TTRPGS being spotlighted
    • Introductory articles about hobbies like wargaming
    • Talks with collab clubs and other interesting things
      • We'll try to put some interesting things in
    • Something casual/positive/not too self-serious but still sincere
    • Scripted playthroughs
      • a few ways interpret this, but all potentially interesting
    • 75% want it in booklet form
  • Theme: Revival

    Josh: Make a Phoenix submission link for next week

Uploading Old Minutes

  • Nupdates

Committee Business

First Aid Training

  • It happened
  • nothing went wrong
  • Second date on the 20th of July

Cameron Hall collaborative Minecraft Factions server

  • Moved to a subcom structure

Unigames TikTok account???

  • Tabling discussion until later
    • We'll take some videos during Camp to potentially put on an account later
  • Do we want TikTok or Instagram
    • Instagram may be better than Facebook or Discord for advertising the club and events
      • Cross-posting
  • TikTok main uses
    • Advertising what the actual content of the events are
      • camp
      • uncharity vigil
      • charity vigil
      • Roleplay for life
  • Benefits over Facebook and Discord
    • Easier to engage new people
      • Communicating what the club actually does
    • Algorithmic nature of the platform may benefit club growth
  • Ensure any person included in a video on InstaTok has given consent to be included Meeting closed: 5:50PM