Unigames Committee Meeting #17 - 1/07/2019

by Donald Sutherland 01/07/19

Unigames Committee Meeting #17 - 1/07/2019


  • Alaura
  • Aoibhinn
  • Donald
  • Amelia
  • Elana
  • Colin
  • Jasmine


  • Taylor
  • Alistair


  • none

Meeting open: 3:15PM


President's Report:

  • I have survived camp plague I think
  • Though I haven't corrected my sleep schedule
  • Camp was great
  • Now that Camp's done, I guess I have to look at all of them "after camp" issues
  • I looked at slime farms instead of looking at camp feedback. Whoops.

Vice-President's Report:

  • Alaura can look after herself, I promise
  • I sent a lot of emails during the UniSFA committee meeting
  • I also joined a new campaign and am slightly sick

Treasurer's Report:

  • Account balance: $1506.69
  • RIP in sickness

Secretary's Report:

  • I am sick
  • Sick-retary
  • Camp was very fun, 10/10
  • I put up a board games night
  • Also guys prerelease is happening
  • Also ball has been dropped with sealed league, but that will be corrected today

Librarian's Report:

  • Overdue items: Alistair (physically)
  • So we need a new borrowing book
  • That can happen today

Fresher Rep's Report:

  • I done fucked my sleep schedule
  • Anxiety is happening

Past action Items:


  • Double check with people who aren't staying the whole camp - done
  • Send numbers update to Manjedal - done
  • Make the attendee spreadsheet - done
  • Make a "what to bring" post - done
  • Bring steel and knife sharpener - done
  • Check camp supplies - done
  • Make a to-do list for start of camp - done
  • Book the meeting at GFC - not done
  • Research new speakers - WIP
  • Get together after camp to sort out archive (along with Donald) - later
  • Make an archive party event - later
  • Do a sort on the google drive after camp - later


  • Print charactersheets for one-shots - done


  • Send Elana list of nWod GMs - not done
  • Do quiz night money calculations
  • Do the camp shopping list - done
  • Check sales for Wednesday - done
  • Sort out camp float - done
  • Sort out snack voucher documentation - done
  • Bring Knives - done
  • Set the time - done
  • Talk to Irene about broken exit sign - not sure
  • Sort out the fridge - partially


  • Add forms to database (free free to help) - not done
  • Organise board games night - done
  • Bring Teatowels - done
  • Make a new archive guide - not done
  • Get together after camp to sort out archive (along with Alaura) - later
  • Put new regulations on the website - nope
  • Make form available - nope


  • Execute fridge plan / order 66 - WIP


  • Check who's alive - not done
  • Buy a ream of paper - done
  • Contact Enviro department - WIP


  • Organise nWoD or Stars Without Number one-shot - not done


  • Donald: Add forms to database (free free to help)


Usual Suspects:


  • There is a board games event this Thursday at 12PM
  • Be sure to come down!
  • Colin: Organise a new board games night for the week of the 15th

  • Kate wants to donate a board game: The Hobbit, The Defeat of Smaug
    • Sounds good. Can we play it at the board games night this week?
    • Aoibhinn: Send a reply to Kate


  • Aoibhinn will take over organisation of nWoD one-shot
  • Happening next week
  • Aoibhinn: Contact GMs


  • I got another box of WAR
  • Next round of sealed league pairings will go up today
  • Also: Prerelease this Sunday!
  • Make sure to come down to that, it will be great!


  • Kyle has been doing polls
  • They exist
  • Escalation is at week 5

Fresher Campaigns

  • Amelia has not checked in
  • GMs probably have lost players, so another reallocation would probably be worth it


Quiz Night [10th May]:

  • Taylor: Do quiz night money calculations

  • Still working on it
  • Close to sorting it out

CAMP - Fiends and Fae (Un-Redacted!) [21st-24th June]:

  • Final numbers 43 [citation needed]
  • 15 have given feedback so far
  • Feedback sparknotes from Jasmine:
    • Most people gave it a 4 or 5 out of 5
    • Only one was a 3
    • Briefing:
      • Make a list of dot points to go through
    • Events:
      • Feedback for more "camp-like" events
        • Spotlight, Murder in the Dark, etc.
      • More nailed down schedule for one-shots
      • LARP was good
      • Assasins was good
      • Quiz Night:
        • Be more clear about what bribes are accepted and what the point values for everything is
      • Debates were generally good
        • Few people suggesting a timer on them to prevent them going too long
    • Venue
      • Very high praise for the venue
      • People who interacted with the manjedal staff had negative interactions generally
      • People liked the venue more than Lesch
      • Showers were real nice
    • Primarchs
      • Alaura: Chat with Winslade about future scheduling

      • Many pieces of mixed feedback about primarchs
      • Many suggestions that it should be its own things
      • Alternatives:
        • Empires, run over many weeks and not at Camp
        • Mega-game-style, in the CCZ over a day
        • Jasmine: Look into Unigames solo Mega-Game-esque events

    • Hygiene:
      • Some people got sick, suspicions were that dishes/cutlery wasn't washed properly.
      • Next time:
        • Have more signs up reminding people to use hot water when washing, and remind people to wash hands more often
    • Alaura: Go through Camp feedback and begin writing a handover

    • Lots of feedback was discussed


  • @ Friday Week 1 at 1PM
  • Alaura: Book the meeting at GFC

  • Alaura: Make an event for it

Winter Larp:

  • Everyone: Collect cardboard for making LARP armour

  • Very casual LARP activites/tournament
  • Weekend of week two, so that it's after club carnival

Summer LARP:

  • Preliminary discussions with UniSFA about what to do with LARP are in progress, but no one has been assigned roles yet.


  • FilAus Incident:

    • Still no reply from FilAus
    • Alaura,Jasmine: Draft an apology

  • Tenancy allocations:

    • No updates

      Taylor: Talk to Irene about broken exit sign

Room Update:

  • Speaker:

    • Alaura: Research new speakers

  • Soft plastic recycling:

    • Email has been drafted
    • Amelia: Contact Enviro department

    • Also UniSFA does it as well, so we can maybe collaberate in that regard
    • Amelia: Talk to Nadia about soft plastic recycling

  • Gumtree:

    • Fridge has been purchased by Ed
    • Just need to be picked up
  • Fridge Whiteboard:

    • Stronger magnets required
  • Noodles:

    • We have foam for the pillar
    • Just needs to be attached
    • Need to get some double-sided tape
  • Wargaming shelf

    • No updates
  • Minis Box:

    • New IKEA boxes for the minis maybe?
  • Campaign whiteboard

    • Needs to be refreshed
    • Is going to be re-writted tonight


  • Pending
    • Donald: $150 for War of the Spark booster box
    • Winslade: $4 for paper towels
      • Will have to be a cash reimbursement

General Business:

  • Discord:

    • Committee needs to use the discord more
    • Colin is now a discord admin
  • Archives:

    • Donald: Make a new archive guide

    • Also, we need to move stuff from the google drive onto the archive
    • Alaura+Donald: Get together after camp to sort out archive

    • Alaura: Make a whenisgood for the archive party event

    • Alaura: Do a sort on the google drive after camp

  • Board games guide:

    • Now that camp is over, Colin is happy to put more of a concerted effort into it
  • Food run:

    • We got stuff for the moment
    • We do need water
  • Large scale borrowing

    • Donald: Put new regulations on the website

    • Donald: Make form available

  • Campus Toilets:

    • Action is still being taken

Meeting closed: 5:12PM


Action Items:


  • Chat with Winslade about future scheduling
  • Go through Camp feedback and begin writing a handover
  • Book the meeting at GFC
  • Make an event for it
  • Draft an apology (along with Jasmine)
  • Research new speakers
  • Get together after camp to sort out archive (along with Donald)
  • Make a whenisgood for the archive party event
  • Do a sort on the google drive after camp


  • Send a reply to Kate
  • Contact GMs


  • Do quiz night money calculations
  • Talk to Irene about broken exit sign


  • Add forms to database (free free to help)
  • Make a new archive guide
  • Get together after camp to sort out archive (along with Alaura)
  • Put new regulations on the website
  • Make form available


  • Contact Enviro department
  • Talk to Nadia about soft plastic recycling


  • Look into Unigames solo Mega-Game-esque events
  • Draft an apology (along with Alaura)


  • (Colin) Organise a new board games night for the week of the 15th
  • (Everyone) Collect cardboard for making LARP armour