Unigames Committee Meeting #18 - 01/07/2021

by Guinevere Sellner 01/07/21

Unigames Committee Meeting #18 - 01/07/2021


  • Alistair
  • Emerald
  • Jackie
  • Gwen
  • Vikrum
  • Ethan
  • Amber
  • Chris
  • Nina
  • Texas


Meeting scheduled: 2:00pm

Meeting open: 2:05pm


President's Report (Alistair):

  • gotta love missing a week of work from panto then another week from lockdown
  • i am beset by covetous urges
    • magic cards and steam sales
  • Have been contacting people about delayed early bird, and also subsidised tickets

Vice-President's Report (Emerald):

  • oh irresponsible covid carriers my beloathed
  • i miss the room i need to get my camp ticket
  • Res Evil 8 review: it's a really OK game that gets worse the further in you play it. not worth $100 for the big lady. Just play LoU2. (i'm replaying LoU2 to feel better about RE8)
  • We should talk about ikea plan.
  • if you're reading these minutes you're a star, have a safe lockdown and talk to someone you love! (i called my mum :33)

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • i have my RSA i kept my word
  • working on camp budget for the food stuff
  • idk i've just been at home stressing and playing too much hades
  • u know that one textpost that's like "for every hour of sleep u lose, you need to sleep an extra 3 hours" or something and the reply is "just put me in a coma at this point"
  • yea thats me
  • account balance: $7,543.91

Secretary's Report (Gwen):

  • Happy lockdown :)
  • Pinch and a punch, first day of the month... no returns
  • Newsletter will go out on Tuesday
  • Stay Safe!

Librarian's Report (Vikrum):

  • Sure... been doing things
  • Firefly RPG handed in and not a moment too soon for no one to touch it d:)
  • Classification system almost done
    • Just need to think about theme
  • No one is allowed to ask about Fog of Love or you will be blocked
    • Elizabeth has been blocked

Fresher Rep's Report (Ethan):

  • Please be patient, we are experiencing technical difficulties
  • Ethan sick :(
  • Lockdwon cries
  • Highlight of my week - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZhWA6F5LLE
  • New expansion for my second favoruite card game
    • I guess Tieflings are in Magic now

Reports de la OCM (Amber, Chris, Nina, Texas):

  • Amber:

    • In productive news:
      • I emailed Tactics for Quiz Night prizes.
    • In less productive news:
      • Lockdown... AAAHHH AAAHHH AAAHHH!
      • Screaming.
      • Body in panic shut down mode.
  • Chris:

    • lockdown (sad face)
    • schedule? what's a sleep?
    • people do be signing up for relay now
      • "It's pretty fun actually" - Chris 2021
    • It's Bidoof day!
  • Nina:

    • oh god what to even write honestly...
    • like everyone else, its been A Week for me
    • i'm just glad im a fully vaccinated hottie...
    • plz stay safe, take care of yourselves <3
    • Mind...is... fog... of love?
  • Texas:

    • drafted a report so many times BC of the roller coaster my week has been. still not happy with it but oh well
    • probably the only one not sad we are in lockdown ://
    • it's day 3 in isolation and I miss everyone already..
    • very bored
    • spent a long time staring at my screen in complete awe bc homestuck
    • 1 dragon (hooray)
      • She's not being held gently like a hamburger... but she's comfortable

Past action Items:


Pay for camp - done

Make post about earlybird for camp - done

Email first aid people - done (no response)

Bother Jameson about best club award - not done

Busy Bee post and event - done

Long term borrowing regs - not done


Make changes to agm minutes and website - done


Discord event for painting day - done (but F)


Email Tactics about quiz night prizes - done


Relay for Life Facebook event and Discord post - done


  • no updates


  • no updates

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • We don't need to worry about another board game event till after camp


  • Numenera One-Shot [Possibly 6/7/21 Tuesday]
    • Was supposed to be 29/6/21 but lockdown
    • We cancelled it, and then it was forceably cancelled
    • We'll try for Tuesday next week (GM dependent)

Amber: Email Guild about Numenara EMP Amber: Talk to Numenera GMs

Magic: The Gavining

  • Alistair returned all of the pre-release stuff
    • Alistair had a period of time of $0 in his account waiting on $2000 from Unigames
  • Adventures in Forgotten Realms prerelease [Sunday 25/7/21]
    • Will have it the week after camp hopefully

Alistair: Email Tactics about delaying Pre-release


  • Painting Day [02/07/21 Friday 1pm]
    • F
    • Will be delayed to next week (hopefully), dependent on lockdown things

Ethan: Painting Day things

Fresher Campaigns

  • no updates


Unigames Camp: Humans & Humans (Variant) [Friday 16/7/21 - Monday 19/7/21]:

  • It's in 2 weeks!
    • AHHH
  • Looks like we won't be able to get in a first aid course before camp
    • F
    • Good luck to the 3 people with First Aid
  • Quiz needs to be written
  • A few people have contacted Alistair about subsidised ticket, there is still a little money left in the pool
    • In general people pay a portion and then get subsidised the rest
  • With there being no access to the clubroom this week, those who were intending to get an earlybird ticket this week can send Alistair a message before tomorrow to get the ticket
  • Everyone's camp responsibilities are relayed in Meeting #7 Minutes
    • Chris will also help Vikrum with debates
  • We need cooking and dishes rosters for camp
    • Don't put quiz night people on Saturday night dishes

Alistair, Jackie, Ethan, Texas: Write the Camp Quiz Alistair: Earlybird and subsidised tickets post Chris, Vikrum, Nina: Food safety Alistair: Help Vikrum and Chris with debate topics Vikrum, Chris: Debates Jackie: Start cooking/dishes rosters

Quiz Night [Probably Friday 20/8 or 27/8]:

  • 20/8 is booked
  • Liam will propose 27/8, we're also happy with Thursdays

UWASCA collab:

  • We have a Whenisgood, that's kind of it

Nina: Poke UWASCA Collab people

Roleplay for Life [Probably Sat 18/9 - Sun 19/9]

  • Emerald and Texas will run it
  • Start thinking about it

Relay for Life [Sat 02/10 - Sun 03/10]

  • Earlybird has ended
  • You can still join the team!
  • Please join the team!
  • We have 8 signups currently
  • bit.ly/Unigains21

Cameron Hall-o-ween @ 77 Social [Thursday 21/10/21]

  • Alistair will poke about Hall-o-ween after Quiz Night stuff has been sorted out

Collab [REDACTED] 2021 [19/11/21 - 22/11/21]:

  • Still waiting on EMP approval



  • $513.40 to Alistair for book buy
  • $780 to Alistair for MH2 Prerelease
  • $1000 to Alistair for Manjedal


  • Semester grants

    • Haven't come in yet
  • Best Club award

    • F

Alistair: Bother Jameson about Best Club Award

General Business:

Room Update

  • Tables

  • IKEA Run

    • Cupboard and Coffee Table
    • Texas car is big, but Texas in lockdown :(
    • Emerald thinks she could squeeze everything into her car
    • Gwen and Emerald will do IKEA run next week
      • Because strong
      • Sorry Jackie
      • But Gwen and Emerald aren't allowed to have fun


  • Classification system is pretty much done
    • The dream: Genres of tabletop games that make it easy to see what the game is about
      • e.g. Capturing (like chess), Attrition (like Checkers), Area Influence (Pandemic), Efficiency Engine (Dominion, Roll for the Galaxy) etc.
      • Purpose of genres to help find types of games people want to play
      • Games can come under multiple genres
      • But also, things like "deck builder" and "worker placement" are very common and understandable
    • Vikrum will upload a document detailing the work he's done on the classification system


  • Newsletter will go out on Tuesday


Alistair: Long term borrowing regs

Westmarch Campaign

  • no updates

Meeting closed: 3:14pm