Unigames Committee Meeting #18 - 9/07/2024

by Chris Leak 09/07/24

Unigames Committee Meeting #18 - 9/07/2024

tags: committee meeting 2024


  • Josh
  • Connor
  • Jack
  • Chris
  • Gen
  • Cooper
  • Nene
  • Nix
  • Oscar
  • Jackie


  • Jeremy


Meeting scheduled: 4:00PM

Meeting open: 4:24PM


President's Report (Josh):

  • He's back (I am he's)
  • Out of the fridge into the atomic wasteland
  • Me when my deferred exam is no longer deferred and is now on a date (aww hell naw)
  • Finally did phoenix stuff
  • I have become the bureaucratic nightmare
  • I have never wanted to be at work more in my life

Vice President's Report (Connyah):

  • Setting up PBTA night
  • Sent some shmemails
  • Did some other action items idk

Treasurer's Report (Jack):

  • millions must reimburse camp
  • appeal sent off to the sock tree sure her
  • we'll get a response this friday after their meeting :‎‎)
  • day job: paperwork. night job: minecraft axolotl containment. Account Balance: 8,059.10 doller bills
  • (we have a big deposit coming up don't worry I haven't embezzled it all)

Secretary's Report (Chris):

  • ughhhhh
  • ummmmm
  • uuhhhhhhhhhhh
  • something something new magick deck

Librarian's Report (Gen):

  • i love the sun i love above 25 degree weather
  • completed slt training
  • desperately trying to tan

Fresher Rep's Report (Cooper):

  • didn't do much ngl...Errrrrmm yeah..
  • Sent out sem 2 GM applications

OCMs' Reports (Jeremy, Nene, Nix, Oscar):

  • Jeremy:
    • no report given
  • Nene:
    • can't organise pbta night anymore. cause of woke
    • have to do supplementary exam also cause of woke
    • no i haven't played fortnite stop asking me about it
  • Nix:
    • did tournament
    • I love pokemon card game
  • Oscar:
    • in london rn (bo’ol o wo’a)
    • 9am meeting 💀
    • helped a lil with PbtA night setup

Immediate Past President's Report (Jackie):

  • Jackie has attended: 18/18 (100% WR)== Meeting
    • get ready for semester two . Or whatever
    • i’ll be down south next week without reception please don’t explode unigames i’ll be really sad
      • This will be the first meeting I miss in four years
    • got a bit busy with writing stuff for unigames (still have more stuff)
    • but am going to be back-updating our constitution before end of this week
    • there may be other unigames stuff in my brain (“may”)
    • there definitely is

Past Action Items:

Action Items:


Make a Phoenix submission link for next week (done)


WhenIsGood for Re-fresher (done)

Create Camp Feedback Form (done)

Email Tenancy regarding locker for Wargaming supplies (done)

(with Jackie and Jack) Appeal sememester 1 grant result (done)


(with Jackie and Connor) Appeal sememester 1 grant result (done)


Do EOI for a Pokemon Limited Event (not done)

Print new PDF Games (not done)


New Semester, New Boardgames EMP and advertising (in poggers)

Repair damaged games (in poggers)

Make up a Bloodbowl contents sheet (in poggers)

Email Molly's Grotto after playmat opinions (done)


PBTA One-shot EMP and Advertising (donated to connor + cooper)


Order Wargaming Supplies (in poggers)


(with Connor and Jack) Appeal sememester 1 grant result (done)

Usual Suspects

Board Games

New Semester, New Boardgames - Monday 22nd Week 1

Gen: New Semester, New Boardgames EMP and advertising

Re-fresher Re-welcome - TBA Week 3
  • please fill out the whenisgood
Pride Collab - Week 3
  • a pride department rep contacted us about organising a collab event during week 3
  • Week 3 is Pride Week

    Connor: Contact Alexia about pride collab


Mork Bork One-shot Night - 12/7 @ 4pm
  • Will happen on Friday
  • May ask a GM to start later
PBTA One-shot Night - Wednesday 31/7 Week 2
  • Nene can't organise this due to exam, given to Connor and Cooper

    Connor, Cooper: PBTA One-shot EMP and Advertising

Pop Culture One-shot Night - Friday Week 4 @ 4pm
  • Games inspired by Pop-Culture
    • Either system or the specific one-shot

      Gen: Contact GMs for Pop Culture One-shot Night

Anime One-Shot Night (Collab with UWAnime) - Week 8(?)
  • May also run some Anime themed one-shots rather than specifically Anime systems
    • Golden Sky Stories
    • Girl by Moonlight


Booster Box Buying Bhenanigans
  • Box dead
  • (holy cow!)
Magic: The Gavining
Missing Club Deck Cards
  • Some cards are missing
  • The Darksteel Forge wasn't actually missing but some other cards are
Bloomburrow Prerelease - 28th of July (maybe)
  • Will happen (!!)

    Josh: EMP and Advertising for Bloomburrow Prerelease

Future Pokemon events
  • Focus on Major, less frequent events
  • Get EOI for a draft or Pre-release-like event using Built & Battle Decks

    Chris: Do EOI for a Pokemon Event


July Warhammer 40k Tournament - 7/7
  • Some non-students attended
  • There is some feedback for the event
  • Will put up a feedback form soon
  • Next time, split tables evenly between rooms
  • Perhaps another tournament for 11th of August
Next Tournament
  • Discussion on Prizing and Ticket Pricing
  • Terrain
    • We've got new terrain, have no space to put it

      Nix: Feedback Form for July Tournament

Blood Bowl Stuff
  • EOI went out this morning
  • League nearly done
    • 1 game left
  • Intro to Blood Bowl event
Wargaming Budget
  • Agreed on what to spend on
    • Terrain (bought, on its way)
    • Playmat
      • Extra $25 as shipping was per mat
    • Objective Markers
    • Dice
    • 2 tables worth of this stuff
  • Approved extra $25 for extra playmat shipping
  • Commissioning Jackie to design objective markers

    Nix: Order Wargaming Supplies

Painting Day - Week 4
  • soonish

Fresher Campaigns

  • "Gettin set up" - gooper
  • Sem 2 Fresher GM signup is up
  • Probably not gonna setup the announcement for freshers until after Club Carnival

Access Department Collab!!

  • It's later
  • will continue one semester starts

Laser Tag with eSports - 10/7 at 6pm @ Lazer Blaze Willeton

Kittens and Krakens Camp - 5pm Friday 21/06 - 10am Monday 24/06
  • Feedback form is up
  • Discussing partial ticket refund
  • Organising a Photo drive

    Connor: Create Camp Feedback Form Josh: Research Next Year's Camp Venue

Unigames goes to: UWASCA cloak workshop

  • Patrick has approached us about a cloak-making workshop
  • put on hold for the time being
  • Also with UniSFA
    • We invite our members to go to UWASCA's event
  • Is going to happen in Semester 2

UniSFA Collab - 2-5pm 12/7

  • Writer's night for Phoenix and Piffle
  • Announcement is up
  • Same day as Mork Borg so you can go write and then die horribly (in game)

Cameron Hall Minecraft Factions Server

  • Subcommittee formed
  • Reps are Connor, Chris
  • Motion on how disciplinary actions work in the context of the server
    • isolated to just the server but with similar processes to dooring
  • Server delayed until issues are fixed
    • likely resolved this week
  • Another meeting on Wednesday

Club Carnival - Tuesday 30/7 @ 12pm-2pm

  • We can ask to be next to UniSFA
    • We need to get UniSFA to also ask

      Josh: Sign Unigames up for Club Carnival

Cameron Hall Quiz Night

  • Reps are Jack (Dark) and Nix (Light)
  • Waiting on finding a venue before doing more organisation

Joint [Redacted]

  • Reps are Jack, Cooper, Connor
    • UCC has paid deposit
    • Josh filled out the booking contract

Far Future Events

Upcoming Subcommittees/Prospective Reps
  • Roleplay 4 Life - Chris, Gen
  • Relay 4 Life - Gen, Oscar (vibe it)
    • When is it?
    • The mysteryyyyyyyyy
  • Uncharity Vigil - Josh, Jeremy
  • Dice Bag Workship - Oscar, Gen
    • In the future at some point
    • UWASCA have started contacting us about this


  • Approved
    • $400 to Gibbi for Modern Horizons 3 Booster Box
    • $365.29 to Connor for Camp stuff (egg, pasta, assassins, spud shed)
    • $722.41 to Clarice for Camp Coles run
    • $172.19 to Nene for Camp Costco run
    • $1204.83 to Texas for Camp Drinks + Snacks
    • $78.85 to Gozz for Mid-Camp Supplies
    • $84.40 to Josh for Camp Mashed Taters and Camp Firewood
  • Pending
  • Unsubmitted
    • $9.98 to Nix for cups at Wargaming event (cash reimbursed)


SOCPAC Meeting

  • Next one 30/7


  • Received an E-mail to discuss some documents
    • Surveillance device policy
      • Not much we can do about it but better written than previous versions
      • Won't be able to have the webcams as they are
      • We have some things we might be able to do but need more discussion
    • Tenancy Constitution
        1. not all tenants are SOCPAC clubs
        2. e.g. could in theory give rooms to fac-socs or other guild departments
        1. there were some issues with current constitution
    • The meeting was communicated to be for feedback and questions
    • They did not give enough time to provide feedback or answer questions
  • Campus-wide declutter
    • Skip Bins
    • E-waste receptacles
    • June 17th-July 19th
  • going to request a locker for Wargaming Supplies

    Connor: Email Tenancy regarding locker for Wargaming supplies

Semester 1 Grant Appeals

  • Was submitted
  • Got an email back confirming application was received
  • Waiting for a response on Friday

UWA CELT campus O-Day - Friday 30/8 @12:45 - 1:45pm

  • nupdates
  • the UWA CELT campus (in Claremont) are organising an O-day style event and are interested in featuring a number of clubs
  • pushed back to the 30th of August

General Business


  • No new Gatekeepers


  • No new Webkeepers

Room Updates

  • New Kallax, Small Shelf, Chairs
    • Could potentially use some of the new storage space to store the Stationery box/dice trays
  • We gonna sort out some floor tiles soon
    • Whe-heyyy
  • Table for discussion out-of-meeting
  • on hold for the moment
  • idea: organisational busy bee
    • things that aren't strictly cleaning


Book Buy

  • PDFs Bought:
    • Fabula Ultima
    • Alice is Missing
  • Shipping:
    • Mahjong
  • Still on the hunt for Ra (Might not be able to get from Tactics)
    • Proposed to wait to see if we can get Ra, if not then may get other stuffs
    • Looks like there will be a re-release of Ra in August, so it may be worth pushing Ra back until the next book buy
      • potentially re-add Monster of the Week and/or Torchbearer to book buy budget
    • got to find how much budget we actually have left, and what we can actually get instead of Ra
  • Warhammer Mat to be bought
    • Gen checks money to see if she can buy RIGHT NOW
    • Very intense discussion on aesthetic choice of mat

      Gen: Repair damaged games Gen: Make up a Bloodbowl contents sheet Chris: Print new PDF Games

Food Runs

  • A member has requested vegetarian frozen meals
  • we need some frozen meals but they are expensiiiiiiive at the moment
  • Food run after meeting???
  • we've got dinsk

Phoenix Revival

  • There is a submissions link
  • Posted Bump
    • Couple of people joined
  • Due date is start of Semester 2
  • Things people want (according to EOI):
    • Lesser played TTRPGS being spotlighted
    • Introductory articles about hobbies like wargaming
    • Talks with collab clubs and other interesting things
      • We'll try to put some interesting things in
    • Something casual/positive/not too self-serious but still sincere
    • Scripted playthroughs
      • a few ways interpret this, but all potentially interesting
    • 75% want it in booklet form
  • Theme: Revival

    Josh: Make a Phoenix submission link for next week

Uploading Old Minutes

  • Nupdates

Organising Old Records

  • Taking up a lot of space
  • Options
    • Move to filing cabinet
      • Doesn't lock (skull emoji)
    • Digitise them
      • Me (Chris) can scan them

Committee Business

Discord Threads/Facebook Group posts for lengthy discussions

  • Use Facebook Post or Discord Thread for longer discussions
  • Facebook Posts
    • Pros
      • Tiered conversations, specific points can have their own locations
    • Cons
      • Hard to hold a longer discussion
      • Not chronological
  • Discord Threads
    • Pros
      • Can have longer conversations like a group chat
      • chronological
    • Cons
      • Not tiered, problem for discussions with multiple independent points

        Nene: find old discussions on Book Buy and decode them

First Aid Training

  • nupdates
  • Second date on the 20th of July

Unigames TikTok account???

  • Tabling discussion until later
    • We'll take some videos during Camp to potentially put on an account later
  • Do we want TikTok or Instagram
    • Instagram may be better than Facebook or Discord for advertising the club and events
      • Cross-posting
  • TikTok main uses
    • Advertising what the actual content of the events are
      • camp
      • uncharity vigil
      • charity vigil
      • Roleplay for life
  • Benefits over Facebook and Discord
    • Easier to engage new people
      • Communicating what the club actually does
    • Algorithmic nature of the platform may benefit club growth
  • Ensure any person included in a video on InstaTok has given consent to be included

Meeting closed: 6:24PM