Unigames Committee Meeting #19 - 08/07/2021
Unigames Committee Meeting #19 - 08/07/2021
- Alistair
- Emerald
- Jackie
- Gwen
- Vikrum
- Ethan
- Amber
- Chris
- Nina
- Texas
Meeting scheduled: 2:00pm
Meeting open: 2:20pm
President's Report (Alistair):
- Accidentally brewed a potion of kill Emerald
- DnD player struggles
- 4 hours of combat
- Busy night at work tonight
- fun little truffle dinner
- Emailed Manjedal about projector things
- Set up event for Forgotten Realms Pre-release
- Got to uni yesterday to see my 2 friends leave
Vice-President's Report (Emerald):
- Hello Gwen
- Camp next week
- oobh we got plany off time
- IKEA went bad
- it's fine cuz I'm a grown woman.... and I bought a stuffed bear to forget about it
- Helped JAckie with menu and shopping list
- also took stock
- ooooo baby
- I've got exams right after camp
Treasurer's Report (Jackie):
- hi
- camp next week
- dies
- helped at busy bee
- have been doing camp budget and prep
- gghhhghhdhhfjghggg
- account balance: $7,543.91
Secretary's Report (Gwen):
- hi guys
- IKEA trip cries
- It's okay, we got a bosnas
- Missed the UWASCA collab meeting cuz I thought it was next week
- Technically started quiz night darkmittee prep
Librarian's Report (Vikrum):
- hi
- rolled a nat 1 on my deferred exam, it's on the last morning of camp d:(
- classification system doc write up still in the works, but once exam is done, should be g2g in the next two weeks
- concept: lil bit of data entry everyday as opposed to big day of data entry
- that's all there is there isn't anymore
Fresher Rep's Report (Ethan):
- Worked on some Westmarche Things
- Rolled a double nat 20 on an unimportant stealth check
- Almost died but my party saved me
- Dnd magic cards exist
Reports de la OCM (Amber, Chris, Nina, Texas):
- Recovering from lockdown.
- Finally got around to getting UniAccess.
- Numenera One-Shot Night happened with mistakes and miscommunications, but it happened.
- "I made many mistakes which worked out in the end" seems to be the theme for this week.
- Started a new web series and I'm hypnotised.
- Patrick saying that camp was this week made my stomach drop through my intestines.
- food safety be done
- Starting to actually read LotR now (wish me luck)
- Chris gave up... but also didn't
- UWASCA collab meeting yesterday
- it went well! We talked through a lot of the planning around the event, but there was still an issue to bring up here, which i'll do later
- so pumped for camp!!!!
- isolation blues hitting hard
- day 10 now, get to leave house tomorrow! (To get tested but still)
- rip me going on IKEA run this week
- turns out we needed Texas to be there for it to be a success
- homestuck shipping occured along with finishing it
- 7 hour Jackbox.. cant believe that was this week
- worked on camp quiz stuff with jackie
- no longer have any sense of time
- girl help I am trapped in the box fort
- still only have 1 dragon
- and a cat on lap
Past action Items:
Email Tactics about delaying Pre-release - done
Write the Camp Quiz (along with Jackie, Ethan, Texas) - started
Earlybird and subsidised tickets post - done
Help Vikrum and Chris with debate topics - not done
Bother Jameson about Best Club Award - done
Long term borrowing regs - not done
Write the Camp Quiz (along with Alistair, Ethan, Texas) - done
Start cooking/dishes rosters - done
Food safety (along with Chris, Nina) - not done
Debates (along with Chris) - started
Painting Day things - not done
Write the Camp Quiz (along with Alistair, Jackie, Texas) - started
Email Guild about Numenara EMP - done
Talk to Numenera GMs - done
Food safety (along with Vikrum, Nina) - done
Debates (along with Vikrum) - not done
Food safety (along with Vikrum, Chris) - not done
Poke UWASCA Collab people - done
Write the Camp Quiz (along with Alistair, Jackie, Ethan) - started
- no updates
- no updates
Usual Suspects
Board Games
- After camp
- All board games will be at camp
- If you want board games, come to camp
- (Most of them)
- Come to camp
- Numenera One-Shot [6/7/21 Tuesday]
- This was on Tuesday
- Went well
- Vikrum wasn't there :(
- Donald was there! But didn't come early enough to play
Magic: The Gavining
- Adventures in Forgotten Realms "prerelease" [Sunday 25/7/21]
- EMP has been submitted and events are up
- It's less of a prerelease, more a release
- Cards look interesting
- There are 7 Tieflings
- Maybe Jackie can play?
- no - jackie
- Maybe Jackie can play?
Painting Day [Wednesday 14/7 1pm]
- Rescheduled to 14th
Paint Buy
- Ethan has a list on the drive
- Total is $175.10 (with Tactics discount)
- We will have a lot of black, nuln oil and beige
- yay
- Vikrum doesn't approve of the way the paints are named e.g. Flayed One Flesh
- List looks good
- We should look into dropper bottle paint options cuz they have better longevity
- Gwen bullies Jackie about how to pronounce "longevity"
Vikrum rants about the tape measure... again
Ethan: Painting Day EMP and event Ethan: Look into dropper bottle paints
Fresher Campaigns
- no new signups
Unigames Camp: Humans & Humans (Variant) [Friday 16/7/21 - Monday 19/7/21]:
- Everyone's camp responsibilities are relayed in Meeting #7 Minutes
- Gwen can't be there on Saturday night, so poor Emerald
- "This would've been fine is Gibbi passed his driving test" - Alistair
- Quiz writing is progressing
- Prizes?
- Debates
- Vikrum won't be able to stay the whole time
- Transport
- Alistair and Vikrum will be library transporters
- Texas and Emerald will be food transporters
- We need a carpooling thread
Gwen, Nina: Put self on camp roster Vikrum, Chris: Debates Alistair, Jackie, Ethan, Texas: Camp quiz Alistair: Put up carpooling thread for camp
Quiz Night [Probably Friday 20/8 or 27/8]:
- Tav can't do 20/8
- Options in order currently: 27/8, 26/8, 19/8
- We're just waiting on the tav for a response
- Also waiting on ICONS about PCS and UWASCA joining
UWASCA collab:
- Meeting happened yesterday
- Dates: late July/early August
- Location: EZone (wheelchair accessible)
- Leather book binding will be the event
- UWASCA has a bunch of leather already
- UWASCA will need to buy a bunch of leather working supplies
- UWASCA can buy these and then keep them afterwards
- Consumables (e.g. needles + thread) might need to be separate in purchasing and shared among the clubs
- Having a communal pile after of consumables won't be used by anyone but UWASCA
- Instead consumables should be covered in the ticket price
- Or, everything is bought and shared between the clubs
- But we don't really need leather tools
- Conversations need to be had about how profitable the event should be and how much share UWASCA wants
- Alistair suggestion: UWASCA should get reimbursed for what is used for the event, and have the benefit of keeping what's leftover
- Questions are raised about whether the event truly is a collab or just a UWASCA event that we're invited to
- Leather book binding is not inherently Unigames related, but will still interest people
- Something more align with Unigames in future would be nice for a collab event
Roleplay for Life [Probably Sat 18/9 - Sun 19/9]
- Emerald and Texas will run it
Relay for Life [Sat 02/10 - Sun 03/10]
- Please join the team!
- bit.ly/Unigains21
Cameron Hall-o-ween @ 77 Social [Thursday 21/10/21]
- Eventually it will happen
Collab [REDACTED] 2021 [19/11/21 - 22/11/21]:
- Roster has been made, committee should volunteer for things
- We'll wait to start doing that till after our camp
- $513.40 to Alistair for book buy
- $780 to Alistair for MH2 Prerelease
- $1000 to Alistair for Manjedal
Semester grants
- not yet
Best Club award
- not yet
General Business:
Room Update
- no updates
- We bought the Bosnas, the coffee tables and couch have been ordered online
- We can't get the cabinet we wanted in WA
- F
- We could drive to Darwin to get it
- Texas offers to do it
- It will only take 41 hours...
- We're not going to Darwin
- Second best cabinet is the Havsta which we need to order online
Emerald: Order the Havsta
- Classification system
- In 2 weeks time it will be done
- Newsletter went out on Tuesday
- There's a particulary hard "What Boardgame Am I?" this week
Alistair: Long term borrowing regs
Westmarch Campaign
- Westmarche lore meeting will happen soon
Ethan: Westmarche short term GM interest form
Meeting closed: 3:19pm