Unigames Committee Meeting #19 - 09/07/2020

by Autumn Brough 09/07/20

Unigames Committee Meeting #19 - 09/07/2020


  • Alistair
  • Taylor
  • Jackie
  • Autumn
  • Emerald
  • Alice
  • Ash
  • Gwen
  • Josh
  • Kyle


Meeting scheduled: 5:00pm

Meeting open: 5:15pm "it was 15 on my computer when i said it"


President's Report (Alistair):

  • Camp EMP is almost ready, just waiting on site map
  • Why do tenancy be like that?
  • Finished playing LoU2
  • Not going to the gym every day means you can have more time for games @Emerald
  • Started watching She-Ra, finished watching She-Ra
  • Non zero chance that I'll restart LoU2 by next week

Vice-President's Report (Taylor):

  • Once again fighting for the sake of accessibility
  • Wrote and ran a quiz for Ghost Camp (thank u gozz for helping)
  • Did some camp things
  • Helped write an addendum to the tenancy application appeal thingy (hahahaha)
  • Terrorised the shit out of emerald (there are still things hidden in her room)

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • quiz night of ghost camp was v good ty ghost camp people!! (i got second last lol)
  • i have exams in two weeks uhhhh
  • account balance: $1,831.57
  • cash on hand: $21

Secretary's Report (Autumn):

  • participated in ghost camp
  • conceived a loaf of bread in the shape of a frog

Librarian's Report (Emerald):

  • i completely forgot to do my action item
    • i realised about 15 minutes before meeting start
    • i am so sorry
  • number 2: i finished last of us 2 as well
    • despite going to the gym 6 days a week @ alistair
    • im excluding that line
  • number 3: i dont think i have a third point
  • I HAVE A FOURTH POINT: i ran goose larp

    • my roommates terrorised me, i still haven't found all of my possessions that they hid, and i may never
  • suffering secretary's note: emerald PLEASE write reports

Fresher Rep's Report (Alice):

  • Ghost camp went pretty ok.
  • Sad I missed out on [instert the name of autumn's game but spelt right].
  • Otherwise, good week.

Reports de la OCM (Ashleigh, Gwen, Josh, Kyle):

  • Ash:
    • at time of writing this Cameron hall is above me (I miss you baby)
    • ghost camp board games was small but fun
    • finally won at dominion via a draw
    • took part in ghost camp Kahoot (still salty that the last answer of the general round wasn't general :(()
    • other than that just chillin
  • Gwen:
    • now have the ability to participate in online events (yay computer)
  • Josh:
    • Not a lot to report, has bean very busy with work
  • Kyle:
    • painted illuminator szerzas
    • did quiz subcomm wheniagood

Past action Items:


Compile the banned member list for camp - done Go over appeal and tenancy things with Taylor - done Email Jacob cc UniSFA re banned members in shared room - didn't need to


Review subcommittee regulations Consider constitutional changes Submit an application for ProfComp


Look into Halloween 2019 - no update Organise the First Aid course as part of camp - will discuss later


Look into getting the constitution on the website updated (along with Taylor) - in progress


Contact GMs for ASOIF - forgot, promise i'll do it this week


Continue distribution of unigames dice - ongoing


Continue planning UWASCA collab

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • Ghost camp board games went smoothly! For the small group it had. Fun was had.
  • Our next board games night, NEXT week
    • Theme it as "Hopefully Last Online Game"
    • All time favourite online board games

Alice: Run Last Online Board Game Night

  • The next one will be "Hopefully First Physical Game"
    • Call it Touch Wood


    • Run week after next
    • Oh wait, all the GMs are going to be away that specific week
    • Week AFTER week after next

Emerald: Wrangle ASOIF GMs


  • Not much new is happening, people have been asking about being able to play in cam hall
  • Someone posted a neat thing in the discord about grading your EDH deck


  • No update
  • With clubroom reopening, there's gonna be more stuff in the near future

Fresher Campaigns

  • We will need to make a plan for fresher campaigns coming back to the physical realm
  • Let's wait until the uni holidays are over
  • We'll have to have sorted gatekeepers before then
  • Some games might need to remain online. Ppl may be out-of-state or immunocompromised


Halloween 2019:

  • No update

[REDACTED] 2020: Ghost Camp [3/7 - 5/7]:

  • Friday night board games:
    • 5 attendees
    • Nothing ghosty themed, fun
  • Saturday night oneshot:
    • Disappointing attendance, oneshot didnt fire
    • Restresses the importance of promoting our events
    • There has been a distinct consistent decrease in interest in online RPG events
  • Sunday night quiznight:
    • Quiz night succesfully fired!
    • Taylor and Gozz orchestrated
    • Eight-ish participants
    • Kahoot had some good elements, Gozz had to sign up for a premium membership (free trial), quite a few concerns
    • Kahoot was a solo experience, which is less preferable than the team experience
    • Pretty much everyone got a low score because there weren't teams
    • It's very difficult to write a multiple choice quiz
    • Kahoot also gives you bonus points for answering quickly, which the hosts decided to reverse engineer out
  • Goose LARP
    • Pretty good!
    • Emerald had an exciting adventure setting up a bot to post the prompts on the hour. And accidentally added all of committee to her secret channel. Then climbed onto a rooftop for it
    • The second half of the second day didn't fire bc everyone was sleeping
    • People enjoyed it, it was fun and harmless
      • Addendum: alistair was harmed (by a cactus) ("HIS NAME IS SAMSON he's not just a cactus")
    • Taylor and Gozz officially win
    • Thank you ghost camp mittee for organising this cool event

Quiz Night

  • No updates - kyle is trying to organise a meeting w/ the other clubs

Joint REDACTED [20/11-23/11]

  • Waiting on a sitemap, and that's all until we can submit the EMP
  • Working on posters for advertising
  • Budget stuff is occurring!

Relay / Roleplay 4 Life

  • We received an email last week confirming that relay is happening
  • Have a think about if you'd like to help organise either of these events in a few months


  • At this point we realise Josh's mic has been broken the whole meeting
  • No updates

Josh: Organise a UWASCA collab

Room Update:

  • Room to tentatively open after the 18th (day after next committee meeting)
  • We will likely hear whether this is confirmed in the upcoming SOC meeting


  • Pending:
    • Emerald: $84.73
    • Kyle: $158.67
    • Jackie: -$21
    • Autumn: -$34.79


  • Special Projects Grants
    • A great deal of confusion over what is happening there
    • Do we want to ask guild to ignore our previous SPG application for tabletop simulator, and redirect our efforts into wargames? Yes
    • We will need a very specific budget for that. Wargamers will need to provide an itemised list of what we want to get, prices, and where to purchase.
    • Guild have set a 300 word cap for the applications.

Jackie: Cancel our previous SPG application

  • ODay Grants

    • They've been processed and paid into our account!
    • Taylor is considering raising concerns at the SOC meeting that stalls with low signups have not been sufficiently reimbursed - this is not in Unigames' immediate financial interests but the right thing to do
  • SOC Meeting on Tuesday 14/7

    • Taylor is going to go (best wishes)
  • Tenancy Reallocations

    • There was a plan that Tenancy was going to recommence on this Monday just gone 6/7
    • Omar from Tenancy and Jacob from SOC have given conflicting information about whether the Monday recommencement was actually happening
    • The information that Omar gave us did not go out to all clubs
    • On Saturday, we re-sent our original appeal, including an addendum highlighting:
      • New concerns about the autonomy of clubs sharing rooms to ban people from the room.
      • Our experiences during lockdown confirming our earlier position that online events are not a viable substitute, so if our proportion of clubroom usage drops, we will only book other physical space at UWA.
    • The phrasing Guild has used has implied that the deadline to submit appeals was 1 hour after the process unfroze. Since the moment of unfreeze was hazy, that was confusing.
    • Taylor sought confirmation that our original appeal had been received, with no luck. Fired off the updated version.
    • There has also been an implication that the entirety of the tenancy committee has been suspended during quarantine.
  • The State of Cameron Hall

    • During Lockdown, the building has been plenty accessible, and while clubs have been empty, plenty of randos have been using the space and leaving it in a state.
    • There are overflowing bins, empty alcohol bottles, and various other messes.
    • This affirms previous assertions that the loft needs to be on the guild cleaning contract, because it's not clubs that are causing mess there.
    • Signs have gone up inside the building telling ppl to not leave trash behind
    • There is a potential of clubs suffering ramifications and restrictions due to the misuse of the building by unrelated parties.
    • Taylor plans to raise this with Tenancy and/or the SOC meeting.
  • SOC Subcommittee Applications are open.

    • If you are interested in getting involved and fighting for justice, then apply!

General Business:


  • Website constitution update
    • Donald explained how to do it, Autumn to solve how to fix it

Autumn: Update the consitution and the committe on the website

Taylor: Submit ProfComp proposal for the website redesign

Unigames Dice

Kyle: Give Emerald the dice to stash in the room

Constitutional Changes

  • On the backburner due to Guild adventures

First Aid Course

Jackie: Organise the first aid course

Meeting closed: 6:25pm

-- This Week's Action Items: Taylor:

Submit ProfComp proposal for the website redesign


Cancel our previous SPG application

Organise the first aid course


Update the consitution and the committe on the website


Wrangle ASOIF GMs


Run Last Online Board Game Night


Give Emerald the dice to stash in the room


Organise a UWASCA collab