Unigames Committee Meeting #2 - 11/03/2021

by Guinevere Sellner 11/03/21

Unigames Committee Meeting #2 - 11/03/2021


  • Alistair
  • Emerald
  • Jackie
  • Gwen
  • Vikrum
  • Ethan
  • Amber
  • Chris
  • Nina
  • Texas


Meeting scheduled: 7pm

Meeting open: 7:18pm


President's Report (Alistair):

  • Had a day
    • Lab stuff happened
  • Did club carnival
  • Did a bunch of action items (for once)
  • That's about it

Vice-President's Report (Emerald):

  • Emerald types out her report whilst speaking it
  • I did lots of things this week!
  • very few of them were committee related,,
  • I got marshal training
  • packed down club carnival
  • talked to ed about prosh marshalling
  • sorry about my actions items
  • did gate training
  • thankyou for reading the minutes

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • printed out after hours non-student sign in and put it on the window
  • helped babey committee members with EMPs and other event things
  • did more gate training
  • sent cam hall poster design to chloe
  • went on a food run with Vikrum
  • went to club carnival! It was warm
  • worked on charity vigil
  • hosted painting day today
  • boy howdy I need to remember to eat food during the day
  • account balance: $9,276.41

Secretary's Report (Gwen):

  • I forgot how busy studying is
  • While trying to upload minutes I learnt that python doesn't comprehend emotions
  • I learnt a bit of PHP to update the regulations on the website at 110 km/hr
  • Minute touching part 2: Electric Boogaloo
    • Jackie touched my minutes
      • gwen got rid of my lowercase and removed my cool points

Librarian's Report (Vikrum):

  • Been a long week
    • Only gone home to sleep
  • Did a food run with Jackie and learnt about Woolies vs Coles divide amongst committee
    • Got some vegan meals
  • Design a thing for underated games to get people aware of games

Fresher Rep's Report (Ethan):

  • Shill check rolled a 9 (no prof) :(
  • Intro to Magic went pretty well
  • Submitted an EMP for Intro to Wargaming
  • Went to board game night
  • Hades
  • Attended painting day
  • Made copypasta for Westmarche
  • Explained banding to Amber
    • Alistair's Note: It's really not that complicated

Reports de la OCM (Amber, Chris, Nina, Texas):

  • Amber:

    • Helped with club carnival to the best of my timetable's ability (i.e. not much)
    • Attended MtG night and got destroyed by Alistar's Bolas.
    • Gave Jackie my picture for the committee poster.
    • Figured out how to send stuff over Facebook (thanks Jackie)
    • Killed my voice today somehow, sorry.
  • Chris:

    • Did EMP for Monster of the Week One Shot for Week 4
    • Helped out with set up and pack up for club carnival
  • Nina:

    • made discord post for 'spies and secrets'
    • bought sexy sexy alarm clock on the weekend
    • proceeded to not give jackie the alarm clock until Wednesday because I'm forgetful
    • helped out with tuesday's club carnival from 1, packed things away after the event ended
    • bought batteries for sexy alarm clock
    • ran the 'spies and secrets' board game night, it went well! Had a massive turn out, like 20+ people spread out over 2 clubroom tables and the loft, i played coup, love letter, shittler, and deception and feedback has been positive
    • discovered that codenames and one night ultimate werewolf are missing
    • all on offer games accounted for by the end of the night
    • posted on discord about some lost property that we found after the night ended (a black 'aloha' hat), it hasnt been claimed yet
    • atteneded prelude to painting, painting was done and fun was had
  • Texas:

    • learned how to make an emp
    • learned to play magic (specifically commander I think)
      • Alistair's Note: It actually wasn't commander
    • spent like an hour at club carnival but it was fun
    • struggled to get the form up to sign up a new member while Alistair just watched and took over
    • forgot I was able to just do that now

Past action Items:


Contact unsuccesful applicants - done

Email "Who Give a Buck" - done

Message ICONS to get together subcommittee - done

Reply to Swancon email- done

Work on Camp EMP (along with Emerald, Jackie) - not done

Set up afterhours sign in thing - done

Email tenancy about stairwell light and mounting webcam near aircon - not done

Talk about library onto website stuff (along with Emerald, Vikrum) - not done

Work on subcommittee regulations - not done


Put up possible One Shot systems poll - not done

Make "Unigames goes to Artemis LAN" event - not done

Work on Camp EMP (along with Alistair, Jackie) - not done

Talk about library onto website stuff (along with Alistair, Vikrum) - not done


Give EMP priveleges - done

Change date of Prelude to Painting - done

Work on Camp EMP (along with Alistair, Emerald) - not done

Send posters - done


Update regulations on the website - done


Talk about library onto website stuff (along with Alistair, Emerald) - not done


Do Intro to Wargaming EMP - done


Contact Call of Cthulu and Monster of the Week GMs - done

Learn how to do EMPs - done


Do the discord ping - done

Look into alarm clocks - done


(Taylor) Do handover - not done

(All) Read your handovers - done

(All) Upload fridge poster pictures to the drive - partially done


  • Rob, Merlin, Donald and Logan are now gatekeepers


  • Taylor is now a webkeeper

Alistair: Contact successful and unsuccessful gatekeeper/webkeeper applicants

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • Spies and Secrets Board Games
    • Successful
    • Nina did good
  • Next Boad Game Night: Monday/Tuesday Week 5

Nina: Organise Week 5 Board Game Night


  • Monster of the Week One Shot [Friday 19th March 5pm - 10pm Week 4]
    • Pending GMs: Emerald, Nina, Merlin, Vikrum
  • Call of Cthulu One Shot [Week 6]

Chris: Re-contact Monster of the Week GMs Chris: Contact CoC GMs and organise the One Shot for week 6

Magic: The Gavining

  • Intro to Magic
    • MTGS1001 went well
    • Made some jokes about recording it but then didn't
    • Pretty good turn out (10 peeps)
    • Played games with starter decks
    • People were engaged and learnt rules
    • Not a lot of questions were asked except for cool interaction questions


  • Prelude to Painting
    • It happened and it was good
    • We need to get white primer
    • We should do a paint audit to get the paints we need

Amber: Buy a can of white primer from Tactics

  • Intro to Wargaming [Wednesday 17th March 5pm Week 4]

Ethan: Make Intro to Wargaming event Gwen: Bother Kieran for Intro to Wargaming

Fresher Campaigns

  • GM Signup

    • Definites: 7
      • We'll get one more to have a total of 8
    • We've got lots of cool systems that aren't just D&D
  • Player signup

    • Player signup struggles
    • 44 signups

Ethan: Contact 8th Fresher GM and other fresher campaign shenanigans


Club Carnival [Tuesday 9/3, Week 3]:

  • Went well, 13 signups
  • Total income of $67 (so close yet so far)

PROSH Olympics [1-2pm Tuesday 16/3/21]:

  • Next Tuesday
  • Come help out!

Artemis LAN [Saturday 20/3/21]

Emerald: Make Artemis LAN event

PROSH [24/3/21]:

  • Emerald is now an official marshal!
    • Did some marshal training and learnt some rules
  • There'll be people staying here overnight (not sleeping) before (rather than getting to uni at 5am)
  • Don't make your costume the night before or you're a fool
    • Especially with glue and glitter
  • Our theme: "bugs and bunnies"

Charity Vigil [Probably Sat 3/4/21 - Sun 4/4/21]:

  • Alistair emailed "Who Gives a Buck" and they have replied
    • They want to help us out and meet next week
  • Jackie did most of the EMP
  • Just waiting on UCC to send us their reps
  • Jackie has started thinking about it and talking to Keifer

Alistair, Jackie: Meet with "Who Gives a Buck"

Swancon [24/4/21 - 26/4/21]:

  • Alistair replied to the email and they emailed him back

Unigames "H" [REDACTED] [Friday 16/7/21 - Monday 19/7/21]:

Alistair, Jackie, Emerald: Do camp EMP and preliminary discussions Alistair, Jackie, Emerald: Make camp names poll

Quiz Night [Probably Friday 20/8 or 27/8]:

Roleplay for Life [Probably Sat 4/9 - Sun 5/9]:

Relay for Life [October]:

Cameron Hall-o-ween @ 77 Social [Thursday 21/10/21]:

Collab [REDACTED] 2021 [19/11/21 - 22/11/21]:

  • Merlin made the booking
    • Hopefully we'll get the invoice soon


Pending: - $264.80 for food run to Jackie - $20 for clock to Nina


  • SOC Meeting

    • Next week Wednesday [17th March]
  • Elevator

    • No update
  • Semester grants

  • O Day Grant

    • Got submitted
  • Best Club award

    • Give money... pwease!!!!

Alistair: Contact Aiden about Best Club Award

General Business:

Alistair: Deal with closed items

Room Update

  • No update on tables
  • Still need cupboard and carpet tape
  • Need to move fridges

Alistair: Email about mounting things

Student Leadership Training:

  • There is a training in April


Alistair, Emerald, Vikrum: Discuss digitalising library


  • Domain Purchase
    • Jackie has been in contact and has jumped through hoops

Jackie: Buy the website domain


Taylor: Write your bloody handover!


Alistair: Write Large Scale Borrowing regulations Alistair: Continue subcommittee regulations with Taylor

Fridge Poster

All: Send a photo and a funny joke to Jackie on discord

Westmarch Campaign

  • Ethan made a copypasta to explain the concept
    • The copypasta requires some grammar editing
  • Basically there's a big world with lots of DMs running oneshots in the world that different players can join
  • There could be a problem with coordinating DMs
    • Normally there's a heirachy of DMs that organise and coordinate and make sure everything works
    • Ethan is willing to be head DM and organise everything
  • It could be hard for DMs to moderate the group
    • e.g. if DMs don't want certain players
    • We need to put in a system for us to take complaints and be able to moderate this
  • This would be intensive to organise and keep going (especially with all the events we do and fresher campaigns)
  • All DMs will need to make a committment to using the same system (5e)
  • We could book out the loft each week at the same time or we'd let DMs organise where they play
    • However fresher campaigns, events and standard campaigns get priority
  • We'll need to find enough experienced DMs to be involved and to get together to work things out
  • Could be a good thing for DMs who want more practice and players who want to join some campaigns
  • It's a very cool idea which would require lots of administration by us

Ethan: Make Westmarch Campaign interest poll on Facebook Emerald, Ethan: Make pretty intro post to Westmarch

Meeting closed: 8:32pm