Unigames Committee Meeting #2 - 15/03/2019

by Donald Sutherland 15/03/19

Unigames Committee Meeting #2 - 15/03/2019


  • Alaura
  • Aoibhinn
  • Taylor
  • Donald
  • Alistair
  • Brett
  • Jasmine
  • Elana


  • Amelia


  • Gavin

Meeting open: 10:56AM


President's Report:

  • ahhh stress
  • In damage control about storage allocations
  • Sorting out tenancy agreement and after-hours, and slowly working through action items
  • ahhhh
  • Also did a draft, was successful

Vice-President's Report:

  • Did a bunch of training
  • Went to the SOC meeting
  • Counted 301 forms for reasons
  • Talked to more people about more things
  • Contacted Jacob with updated committee details

Treasurer's Report:

  • Account balance: $2090.12
  • Spoke to guild people about free chairs
  • Have been trying to chase up events to make complaints
  • Helping Alaura write the storage appeal
  • Have been told off by Alaura for playing Jenga with the cupboard
  • Did half of Treasurer training, whoops
  • Contacted Jacob to get me put the mailing list
  • Alaura also sorted through all the old receipts
  • Helped with the Fresher Campaigns

Secretary's Report:

  • I am the embodiment of technological destruction
  • I continue to break things inside UCC
  • In completely unrelated notes I tried to improve our website
  • Draft/Commander night was fun. 10/10 would do again

Librarian's Report:

  • Overdue items: None
  • Two things are due today though
  • I was so excited to hound people for books, but I read the date wrong
  • Resources be broken
  • A google form has been made to inform me of broken librarian things
  • Going to learn how to fix books with UniSFA

Fresher Rep's Report:

  • Freshers are alive
  • Did follow up emails for campaigns
  • Some people have dropped out
  • No complaints about fresher campaigns so far so that's good
  • And hopefully we'll do top ups and more allocations for that next week

Past action Items:


  • Sort out whatever happened to the recepits at the end of her term - done
  • Look into pauper interest by email - not done
  • Go through old halloween finances and update - looked into, but not updated
  • Make a post about Prosh Olympics - not done
  • Talk to Aoibhinn about Prosh sign-ups - done
  • Contact other committee once elections have happened to start organising Quiz Night (along with Aoibhinn) - Aoibhinn did it
  • Do the Camp EMP (along with Aoibhinn, Taylor, Gavin) - it's been started!
  • Make a gatekeeper post re. chairs and not mistreating them - not done
  • Find out more about Shattered World book - done


  • Make a new post asking for GMs and the systems they can run - done
  • Make a Prosh event - done
  • Contact other committee once elections have happened to start organising Quiz Night (along with Alaura) - done
  • Do the Camp EMP (along with Alaura, Taylor, Gavin) - started


  • Speak to people about Edg~~y~~eE dice - not done
  • Do the Camp EMP (along with Alaura, Aoibhinn, Gavin) - started


  • Print more gatekeeper forms - not done
  • Make the star wars event - not done
  • Make a poster for sealed league ASAP - done
  • Speak to UCC about this - done


  • Top up UCC account - done


  • Make a facebook event for Star Wars skirmish games - done


  • Make the board games night event for Thursday 14th - done


  • Message club pages and talk to people. - done
  • Organise GMs, talk to UniSFA, and make event for Star Wars week - delagated to Aoibhinn


  • Do the Camp EMP (along with Alaura, Aoibhinn, Taylor) - started


  • Training was done for all newbie gatekeepers
  • Google form for gatekeeper applications is a good idea
  • Jasmine: Make google gatekeeper form.

  • New gatekeepers:
    • Annique
    • Szymon
  • Aoibhinn: Train Annique


Usual Suspects:


  • We had a board games night
  • 20-25 people, good turn out
  • Did end up being a busy night - 2x fresher campaigns, Jack's campaign + Vive Night
  • Quite a few freshers there, nice
  • We have lost the Dukes from Dominion though
  • Collabs:
    • Classics Society want a collab - April 8th
    • UWADU want a collab in May - Thursday
    • Photography club also wants a collab
    • Access also wants a collab


  • Can't run a one-shot next week because of conflicts with Prosh and X-Wing
  • Gonna run it week 5 instead - Wednesday or Thursday


  • Draft/Commander night was successful
  • Pod of 8 for draft, at least two games of Commander
  • Star Wars Cube next week
  • Donald: Make event for Star Wars cube night

  • Poster has been made, event will go up soon for a week 5 start


  • Elana has been requested to buy paints
    • There's a few that look dead
    • Before any are thrown out, we should check with Stuart
  • Taylor discusses budgeting for Wargaming paints:
    • Restocking of paints that are empty is fine
    • Specific colour requests are case-by-case, based on popularity
    • Decisions will have to be made in committee meetings to avoid overspending
  • Elana: Make a post in wargamers about paint treatment

  • We are buying:
    • Tube of superglue
    • Dryad Bark
    • Agrax Earth Shade
    • Agrellian Earth

Fresher Campaigns

  • Taylor has made a post to the fresher GMs, so that they can relay info about dropped players.
  • There's a few problems; late sign-ups, etc.
  • Being sorted out. Maybe need another Fresher GM.
  • Jasmine: Contact Will about being a Fresher GM.


Halloween Party:

  • Alaura still needs to look at finances and photos

Prosh Olympics [March 19th]:

  • Moved to the 19th, day before Prosh
  • Whoever wins will get spot preference
  • This is not optimal
  • Aoibhinn: Talk to head marshall about our feedback about locations

  • Let's advertise this to our members
  • Will is going to make a public event for Olympics

Prosh [March 20th]:

  • There will probably be another Prosh training session a few days before, so Alaura can do it
  • We need to buy water and ice
  • Esky! We need one!
  • Esky logistics are discussed

Envoy Mega-Game [29th March]:

  • Nathan has our logo
  • Advertising is being arranged
  • We can make an event once that's done
  • Unigames goes to Mega-Game
  • There's an online Q-Pay, so we probably won't have to handle payment logistics

SwanCon [18th-22nd April]:

  • Laura Hodge is involved with SwanCon this year
  • She will also be running the games room in 2020
  • 18th-22nd of April
  • Speak to them if to see if they want to borrow people/boardgames
  • Alistair: Get in contact with Laura

Quiz Night:

  • Aoibhinn has contacted President
  • Panto and UniSFA are both in
  • UCC will discuss at their meeting
  • Unigames reps:
    • Alistair (dark)
    • Aoibhinn (light)
  • UniSFA reps:
    • Fin (dark)
    • Georgia (light)
  • UWAnime is also intrested, pending a couple of questions
  • Soft dates?
    • Subcommittee needs to be formed ASAP (Sunday)
    • Advertising and tickets need to be out and on sale by the end of Week 5
    • May 10th is placeholder date

CAMP (Redacted) [21st-24th June]:

  • EMP is still in progress
  • Taylor suggests making appointments with Events in advance, and clarify EMP deadlines with them
  • Alaura wants advertising and tickets out by 15th April at lastest
  • Theme for this camp is: Fiends and Fae!
  • Alaura: Play around with poster designs for Camp

  • Alaura wants poster started on 1st April at latest
  • Alaura ,Taylor,Aoibhinn,Gavin: Continue to work on Camp EMP

LARP stuff:

  • Harry Potter society wants to do a large LARP in the middle of the year in collab with Unigames and UniSFA.
    • When in the middle of the year is unknown
    • Imagined as a winter event
    • They want a two-day LARP, but can probably be convinced off that
    • Committee is concerned that it will get cancelled a few months into planning like the last one.

Room Update:

  • Door lock

    • The door lock is not the greatest, and it gets jammed frequently
    • Gavin+Alaura: Speak to Tenancy about lock

  • Fridge/freezer chaos

    • Committee is going to buy a Fridge and Freezer that match from Taylor's mum for $100 each, $200 total.
    • They have an extensive documentation history and are high-quality
    • Yay!
    • We also agreed to sell our current ones to Alaura for $100
  • Storage allocations

    • We were going to lose both of our cupboard outside our clubroom.
    • We have been informed that it was actually a draft of proposed storage changes
    • Nice save Tenancy
    • We have still been told to submit an appeal
    • Alaura has written a draft of the appeal, and has asked committee to look over it
      • It addresses the downsides that removing our storage would bring to the club
  • Room chairs

    • Immediately after this meeting, we are grabbing chairs from Guild to replace the cushioned ones in the room
  • Safety noodles

    • We are looking into removing the pool noodles from the pillar in the room
    • They do look ugly
  • Freezer cleanliness:

    • The freezer has not been kept clean recently
    • Please try and keep the freezer clean
  • Cupboard:

    • @gatekeepers/committee in particular:
    • Don't play jenga/tetris with items inside the cupboard please, try and keep it organised


  • Alistair: $30.80 for printing

General Business:

  • Dyslexia Font
    • We should get a dyslexia friendly font
    • It's free, there's no downside
    • Alaura: Get a dyslexia friendly font

  • Shattered World Book
    • We are buying the Shattered World setting guide as a splat buy from Liam for $10.
    • Committee vote was 4 for, 3 against
  • Loft booking
    • Has been resolved
  • Seperate mailing lists
    • Seperate mailing lists is happening.
    • Soon Unigames will have the following lists:
      • unigames (our current one)
      • unigames-rpgs (for one-shot related things)
      • unigames-magic (for magic related business)
      • unigames-wargames (wargaming news)
      • unigames-fresher (a list which all freshers will be added to)
  • Scitech event:
    • Valerie's parents are involved with Scitech, and want us to help run some sort of RPG thing for their AfterDark (18+) event.
    • Donald is emailing them to acquire more details.
  • Accessibility:
    • Was brought up at SOC meeting, no real answer was got
  • UCC Dispense Credit:
    • UCC (or Felix at the very least) wants Unigames to accept dispense credit for Unigames snacks.
    • If they gave us a terminal and we could then be reimbursed the dispense credit involved from the ucc treasury, in cash or debit to our actual guild bank account
    • Even then it’s a hassle to train all our gatekeepers to use the terminal

Meeting closed: 1:46PM

Action Items:


  • Play around with poster designs for Camp
  • Continue to work on Camp EMP (along with Aoibhinn, Taylor, Gavin)
  • Speak to Tenancy about lock (along with Gavin)
  • Get a dyslexia friendly font


  • Train Annique
  • Talk to head marshall about our feedback about locations
  • Continue to work on Camp EMP (along with Alaura, Taylor, Gavin)


  • Continue to work on Camp EMP (along with Alaura, Aoibhinn, Gavin)


  • Make event for Star Wars cube night


  • Get in contact with Laura


  • Make a post in wargamers about paint treatment


  • Make google gatekeeper form.
  • Contact Will about being a Fresher GM.


  • Continue to work on Camp EMP (along with Alaura, Aoibhinn, Taylor)
  • Speak to Tenancy about lock (along with Alaura)