Unigames Committee Meeting #20 - 15/07/2021

by Guinevere Sellner 15/07/21

Unigames Committee Meeting #20 - 15/07/2021


  • Alistair
  • Emerald
  • Jackie
  • Gwen
  • Vikrum
  • Ethan
  • Amber
  • Chris
  • Nina
  • Texas


  • Vikrum

Meeting scheduled: 2:00pm

Meeting open: 2:15pm


President's Report (Alistair):

  • My car is being serviced as we speak ;)
  • Taking longer than expected bc theres $800 worth of stuff they need to do
    • screaming
  • Waiting for a call from them/mum to go pick that up
  • Tried to call Manjedal to confirm check in and projector stuff and they have not called me back

Vice-President's Report (Emerald):

  • Hello Guinevere and also everyone else
  • I am awake right now
    • if she was asleep: "writing this as Schroeder’s report"
  • please let me know if there’s flowers by my chair
    • there are not
  • dealing with the whole appendicitis thing well, trying to prep around it for camp
  • please stop asking to see my cool new scars there’s still bandages on them you’ve got to wait a couple weeks
  • to everyone reading the minutes from home, you have my love
  • also prepping around not being able to do camp things

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • vengabus increases in volume
  • bought some stuff in the city for both camp and myself
  • vengabus again but EVEN louder
  • done lots of camp prep, like finance things and quiz
  • thinking about camp
  • thinking about camp
  • thinking about camp
  • account balance: $7,543.91

Secretary's Report (Gwen):

  • Suddenly got blessed with a new diet, and now I'm that annoying person who has to ask the ingredients in every menu item
    • I can no longer eat nuts or sausages ;)
    • It's okay though, I get a chip butty at camp
      • gwen wrote it as chip buddy - jackie
  • Quiz night meeting happened. We finally have a date
  • Gibbi ruined my day
  • I am now officially UWA Staff
    • My Chemical Research (like My Chemical Romance but Research)
  • Oh yeah, camp is tomorrow

Librarian's Report (Vikrum):

  • Hey there
  • Shoutout to Alistair for being my backup reference for a grad program
  • Also I will be taking on my new title of Head Chef owing to Emerald's absence, I'm sure everyone is both understanding and respectful of my new de Jure title
  • See some of you this weekend x

Fresher Rep's Report (Ethan):

  • It has been a busy week
  • Chaired Westmarche meeting
  • Ran painting day
  • Encouraged bloodletting of fellow unigames members
  • Helped with solving puzzle doors
  • Wrote a round of quiz
  • Also camp hype

Reports de la OCM (Amber, Chris, Nina, Texas):

  • Amber:

    • !!!!!
    • !!!!!
    • !!!!!
      • Amber did read out the points, it was great
    • I have not done enough this week
    • Grinding Slay the Spire (all characters at ascension 15+)
    • My cheeks are doing a weird thing where it crinkles when I close my eyes.
    • Last day packing ~~best~~ worse day packing
  • Chris:

    • did SLT training
    • i found out this week that toad isn't fungus and simply has a mushroom hat
      • he has hair
    • this is a reminder to everyone to make sure you are packed for camp
    • unlike me
    • I am not packed for camp yet
  • Nina:

    • finally completed my food safety course!
    • prepping for camp
    • got a house inspection like the day i get back, fuuuun
    • everyone is being mean to me today for some reason, i have done nothing wrong
  • Texas:

    • I'm back and in person!
    • almost shared camp quiz' secrets yesterday bc I forgot it's meant to be secret
    • moving struggles are happening
    • see also, I backed a trailer
    • my room may be in shambles but the vibes are not
    • did my own Ikea run in revenge for not going on the unigames one
    • ask me about my favorite words
    • finished a homestuck fic this morning
    • I have 4 dragons

Past action Items:

Action Items: Alistair:

Camp quiz (along with Jackie, Ethan, Texas) - done

Put up carpooling thread for camp - done

Long term borrowing regs - not done


Order the Havsta - not done


Camp quiz (along with Alistair, Ethan, Texas) - done


Put self on camp roster (along with Nina) - done


Debates (along with Chris) - maybe?


Painting Day EMP and event - done

Look into dropper bottle paints - done

Camp quiz (along with Alistair, Jackie, Texas) - done

Westmarche short term GM interest form - done


Debates (along with Vikrum) - oh shit oh fuck


Put self on camp roster (along with Gwen) - not done


Camp quiz (along with Alistair, Jackie, Ethan) - done


  • no updates


  • no updates

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • ReFresher Rewelcome
    • will happen after club carnival
    • probably 5th or 6th August


  • after camp

Magic: The Gavining

  • Adventures in Forgotten Realms "prerelease" [Sunday 25/7/21]
    • it will happen


  • Painting Day [Wednesday 14/7 1pm]

    • the David showed up, you know, the David
  • Paint Buy

    • will happen after camp

Fresher Campaigns


Unigames Camp: Humans & Humans (Variant) [Friday 16/7/21 - Monday 19/7/21]:

  • Everyone has done food safety
  • Emerald is maybe coming
    • Everyone manifest Emerald
  • Quiz night still needs to be finished up
  • Camp starts at 5pm
  • Driving
    • Food run: Texas and Josh cars
    • Library run: Alistair and Vikrum cars
  • Manjedal is hard to contact
  • We will probably hire the Manjedal projector things
  • Dietary requirements needs to be rechecked by Jackie
  • Alistair needs to check out dorm things
  • Alistair also needs to talk to Leigh
  • Manjedal will require more money when we get there

Quiz Night [Thursday 2/9 7pm]:

  • Theme: 2000s
  • EMP will be done soon, advertising will be up after
  • Will follow 2019 ticketing scheme
  • Thinking of doing online tickets rather than physical

UWASCA collab:

  • Meeting is next week

Roleplay for Life [Probably Sat 18/9 - Sun 19/9]

  • Emerald and Texas will run it

Relay for Life [Sat 02/10 - Sun 03/10]

Cameron Hall-o-ween @ 77 Social [Thursday 21/10/21]

  • eventually

Collab [REDACTED] 2021 [19/11/21 - 22/11/21]:

  • Waiting on EMP
  • Will organise a first aid course soon



  • $29.99 to Emerald for bosnas
  • $825.00 to Emerald for IKEA run
  • $8.99 to Jackie for zinc (LARP)
  • $17.21 to Jackie for general stuff


  • Semester grants

    • when will my semester grants return from war?
  • Best Club award

    • F

General Business:

Room Update

  • Tables

  • IKEA Run

  • Everything is coming in soon
  • Just need to order the cabinet

Emerald: Order Havsta


  • Classification system
    • TBC


  • Newsletter will go out on Tuesday


Alistair: Large-scale borrowing regs

  • Yes, I had this written in the minutes at long term borrowing regs for the past many weeks
  • I'm sorry

Westmarch Campaign

  • 6th or 13th of August will be opening

Meeting closed: 2:40pm