Unigames Committee Meeting #20 - 16/07/2020

by Autumn Brough 16/07/20

Unigames Committee Meeting #20 - 16/07/2020


  • Alistair
  • Taylor
  • Jackie
  • Autumn
  • Emerald
  • Alice
  • Ash
  • Gwen
  • Josh
  • Kyle
  • ALAURA!!!

Meeting scheduled: 5:00pm

Meeting open: 5:13pm


President's Report (Alistair):

  • Haven't had much to do in the past week
  • Should be able to submit the camp EMP tomorrow
  • Still trying to figure out a new time for the camp meeting
  • Making Taylor chair so I can minute because Autumn is away

Vice-President's Report (Taylor):

  • Forgot to submit a report because she did
  • Went to Student Leadership Training
    • There were some new things from the last time I did it
    • Has offered to help them develop a new unit
  • Went to the SOC meeting, will update
  • SLT impacts the amount of time you have for action items

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • what do you mean my exams are next week
  • i'm so sorry i've done so little oTL
  • excited for clubroom reopening!!
  • i miss that nerd room so much
  • account balance: $1,831.57
  • cash on hand: $21

Secretary's Report (Autumn):

  • Just last week called people out on not submitting reports and then didn't submit a report when she wasn't minuting
  • an empty string
  • has fled the city
  • is currently [REDACTED] listening to the dulcet tones of the southern oceans and trying to get reception

Librarian's Report (Emerald):

  • Didn't write a report again
  • Repaired some more boardgames
  • Tried to repair the most damaged books but needs a new tool to do that
  • Couldn't get GMs other than Cam for ASOIF
  • First oneshot back could be a celebration whatever oneshot you want

Fresher Rep's Report (Alice):

  • Computer has thrown a hissy fit
  • Happened at the start of the event last night
  • Did the actual planning but couldnt run it
  • Has an actual excuse for not writing a report
    • Just kidding you have a phone

Reports de la OCM (Ashleigh, Gwen, Josh, Kyle):

  • Ash:
    • completed 'AHA Hospitality and Tourism COVID-19 Hygiene Course' (though it may be useful when clubroom opens uwu)
    • also did "I'M ALERT Food Safety" certificate
    • can you tell I was sick of simply vibing yet
    • also did vibe a little (6 weeks in a row lets geddit)
  • Gwen:
    • Offered to be a delegate for the joint event between UWASCA and Unigames
    • Started up and then ran Touchwood board game night (rip Alice’s internet). ‘Twas a good time
  • Josh:
    • Sorry I can’t read this
    • Reached out to UWASCA, they’re still waiting to hear back from UniSFA
  • Kyle:
    • terrain investigation
    • brrrrrr idk
      • Taylor's audio made Kyle literally brrrr
    • head empty
    • quiz night meeting for friday, retrofitted unvigil committee discord for meetings

Past action Items:


Submit ProfComp proposal for the website redesign - not done Subcommittee regulation updates - not done Contitutional change proposal - not done


Cancel our previous SPG application - done Organise the first aid course - in progress


Update the consitution and the committe on the website - not yet


Wrangle ASOIF GMs - tried but impossible


Run Last Online Board Game Night - attempted


Give Emerald the dice to stash in the room - not done


Organise a UWASCA collab - ongoing


  • There is a gatekeeper cull happening
  • Gatekeepers will be slowly reimplemented so we can give them new training
  • We need to publish a new application form

Taylor: Write a new gatekeeper form with the new rules and publish for tomorrow

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • Event happened last night
  • Got a pretty decent turn out compared to recent online events
  • 7 Wonders is still a hit
  • Attendance should perk up when we get to in person things
  • TTST has disappeared somewhere along the way but we should restart that
  • Reopening board game event on Sunday 26th


  • ASOI&F
    • Not enough GM support
  • We can do a Whatever-RPG-You-Want-To-Run in that week as well
    • Partially discord, partially in person


  • Having an in person EDH event would be nice
    • Playmat social distancing

      Alistair: Email Tactics to ask about the next prerelease Alistair: Make poll about EDH in the Magic page


  • New box can be bought on Saturday
  • 2 people around one large table is pretty good
  • We can do matchmaking through the club to space games out
    • Would need to wait until we have an amount of gatekeepers again

Fresher Campaigns

  • Give games the option to play in the room
    • Would require scheduling to make sure its safe
  • We can open up applications again for new games now that in person games are possible

Alice: Get fresher game signups ready


Halloween 2019:

  • No update
  • If this manages to get to 1 year later we'll be very sad
  • Once we're back in the building it'll be easier to harass people

Club Carnival:

  • Will be on Tuesday August 4th
  • We need to check on our advertising material to see if we need any more
  • Set up is going to be the same as last year on James Oval

Relay / Roleplay 4 Life:

  • Running Relay for Life is pretty easy
    • Autumn is happy with being the captian this year
    • Alistair is also okay with doing it
    • Having a captain who will be there the whole time is always nice
  • Roleplay 4 Life
    • Autumn and Alice want to be involved with this
    • Taylor is happy to be an advisor
    • Really all you need to know is who to get as a GM and get Alaura/Gozz/Donald to do the streaming
    • We should discuss how we want to format the event in another meeting

Quiz Night:

  • Meeting on Friday
  • Need to decide on a date
  • Could move this to near Halloween as a party then might not happen
    • Suggest this to the subcommittee

Halloween 2020:

  • Big event with alcohol and dancing that might not be able to go ahead
  • We have a lot of projects at the moment as well
    • Better to wholeass one thing
  • Dance party is the least club related event that we do

Alistair: Message ICON about canning Halloween and replacing it with Quiz Night this year

Joint REDACTED: [20/11-23/11]

  • Just need to edit the site map and submit
  • Taylor got a neat checklist at SLT for things that need to be done before a camp

Alistair: Finish off the Camp EMP Taylor: Do your camp action items Jackie: Do your camp action items

Room Update:

  • Cameron Hall is reopening as of this Monday (20th)
    • Guidelines are the standard Government ones
  • Room should be cleaned before we let people back in
    • We can delay opening the room to the public until committee have a chance to get things ready
    • Committee cleaning spread through next week
      • Whoever gets in first can make a list of jobs to do
      • If there's still a lot to do after Wednesday we can do a cleaning day
      • We should also clean the loft a bit
    • Official reopening the week after next with an event
      • Also the first week of uni
      • Sunday 26th big board games
  • Reopening the room
    • Event modifications should be made
      • Board games are the hardest due to touching the same game pieces as everyone else
      • Sanitising procedures can be implemented
      • We definitely need to be booking and using the Loft
      • Private games being held elsewhere is probably better as we can't guarantee space
    • There's space for 8 people in the room
      • 6 spots at the table, 2 on the couch
      • 9th person can stop in without sitting to purchase things
    • We should supply hand sanitiser for use before entering the room or direct people to the sink upstairs
      • Also before and after handling games and/or books
      • Gatekeepers should have the power to make people go sanitise

        Emerald: Writeup a set of rules for handling of resources and money

    • Mask wearing is not required but we can mandate it
      • Would we have to provide masks if we want to do that though?
      • We should recommend it but not enforce
      • Mostly for drawing attention to how often people touch their faces
    • Standard "If you're sick don't come here"
    • Shame tally on the whiteboard for how many times people touch their face?
    • Dice, minis and pencils
      • We can shift these over to the shelves so people don't use them to fidget
      • Needs to be requested from the gatekeeper
      • We can separate polyhedral sets into ziploc bags so there's less contact with the mass
      • Recommend BYO or dice apps
      • Minis should be exiled because they're too hard to clean
        • You do not need minis, it's okay
  • Shopping list for reopening essentials:
    • Two large bottles of hand sanitiser
      • One for the door and one for inside
    • Anti bacterial wipes
    • Sanitiser spray for the table
    • Restock on papertowels and tissues
    • Hand soap in case upstairs runs out
    • Ziplock bags
    • Small trashcan for the antibac wipes
      • Empty box of coke cans?
    • We should ask SOC/Tenancy if we can get some of this on them, otherwise we'll just cop it

Alistair: Contact ICON with our reopening plan and ask about theirs, figure out loft situation Alistair: Email Tenancy regarding cleaning items


  • Pending:
    • Emerald: $84.73
    • Kyle: $158.67
    • Jackie: -$21
    • Autumn: -$34.79


  • Grants

    • Guild Council wanted to cut down on spending during the lockdown
    • O Day stall reimbursement will be a bonus to Sem 2 grants
    • We are still entitled to ~$700 from Sem 2 2019 that we will be getting at some point in the future
    • SOC are thinking of introducing an Enviro Grant
  • SPGs

    • Taylor chatted with Jameson to confirm the status of our cancelled one
    • The 100-300 word description is really more of a guideline according to Jacob
      • Clearly explain the purpose but don't waffle
    • We will definitely need an itemised list for wargaming paraphenalia

Kyle: Compose a wargaming wishlist with prices and reasoning

  • Misc SOC Meeting Notes

    • Club Carnival is on Aug 4th
    • PAC is doing another Fringe Festival in week 6
    • A club got put up for affiliation
      • They probably got in but god I hope not

        Taylor: Ask SOC what's up with UneARTh

    • They're about to do a big review and rewrite of the rule and regulations
  • Tenancy Reallocations

    • screams
    • 6 month suspension wasn't set in stone apparently
    • To date there has not been a consultation meeting
      • Hopes to have one in the next month
    • Tenancy are having to sumbit a lot of forms to UWA which is taking up time
      • Lots of clubs moving at the same time makes soical distancing very difficult
  • The State of Cameron Hall

    • James and Lexie from UCC went through and cleaned up the Loft so it's not awful to be there anymore
    • Didn't get discussed in detail at the SOC meeting, needs to be brought up at the consultation meeting when it occurs
  • Branding and Activation Workshop

    • Workshop on Aug 12th
    • Grants up to $700 are available for branded things
      • Unsure if that's split between all clubs or if its per club
    • Sign up looks like it is done once as a club with all the attendees

      Taylor: Put a poll on the committee page to gauge interest in B&A workshop

General Business:

Meeting Times

  • Shifting next weeks meeting so that Alistair can attend to reinstate gatekeepers
  • We may also need to move the meeting when semester starts up again

    Taylor: Make a whenisgood for next week


Taylor: Submit ProfComp proposal for the website redesign Autumn: Update the consitution and the committe on the website

Unigames Dice

Kyle: Give Emerald the dice to stash in the room

Constitutional Changes

Taylor: Subcommittee regulation updates Taylor: Contitutional change proposal

First Aid Course

  • Jackie has her list of people who want to take part


  • Free COVID Hospitality course
  • Any camp related certifications you may need

Alistair: Post COVID course in the committee page

Meeting closed: 7:24pm

-- This Week's Action Items: Alistair:

Contact ICON with our reopening plan and ask about theirs, figure out loft situation Email Tenancy regarding cleaning items Email Tactics to ask about the next prerelease Make poll about EDH in the Magic page Message ICON about canning Halloween and replacing it with Quiz Night this year Finish off the Camp EMP Post COVID course in the committee page


Make a whenisgood for next week Submit ProfComp proposal for the website redesign Subcommittee regulation updates Contitutional change proposal Write a new gatekeeper form with the new rules and publish for tomorrow Do your camp action items Ask SOC what's up with UneARTh Put a poll on the committee page to gauge interest in B&A workshop


Organise the first aid course Do your camp action items


Update the consitution and the committe on the website


Writeup a set of rules for handling of resources and money


Get fresher game signups ready


Organise a UWASCA collab


Give Emerald the dice to stash in the room Compose a wargaming wishlist with prices and reasoning