Unigames Committee Meeting #21 - 22/07/2021

by Guinevere Sellner 22/07/21

Unigames Committee Meeting #21 - 22/07/2021


  • Alistair
  • Emerald
  • Jackie
  • Gwen
  • Vikrum
  • Ethan
  • Amber
  • Chris
  • Nina


  • Texas

Meeting scheduled: 2:00pm

Meeting open: 2:20pm


President's Report (Alistair):

  • Killed Gwen twice in Assassins and Debates
  • Camp was good
  • Got close to killing half the assassins pool
    • only killed 8 out of 18
  • Gave my players inspiration for killing each other twice
  • All the camp wrap up stuff is done... I think
  • I did room stuff
    • Carpet squares are taped
    • Couch is constructed and tables
    • Texas did the bosnas
  • I fit the entire God-damn library in my car

Vice-President's Report (Emerald):

  • hello wider unigames community
  • i hope you all had a good time at camp
  • i am healing well
  • helped built furniture
  • make sure you're enrolled in this semesters classes
  • ty for reading the minutes, & good luck with the coming semester!

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • do not ask me how many hours i slept in the 24 hours after i wrapped up camp on monday
  • but yes camp went well! baby's first unigames camp <33
  • in a fresh paradigm shift, with a dish roster i did way less dishes than last year.... like...... none wtf
    • This is all Jackie's fault
  • also didn't spend a whole hour sooking about dying in assassins this year
  • had a long joint [redacted] meeting
  • helped w various carpet tape and ikea things
  • went to socpac w texas and showed her the ropes
  • signed us up for club carnival
  • sem grants have come in!
  • account balance: $8,353.91
  • with a bunch of reimbursements that need to go through

Secretary's Report (Gwen):

  • Camp happened
    • My car window is still broken
    • Yes, I did take minutes on Hungry Jacks napkins
  • Camp wrap up meeting minutes will be up later today once I finish writing them up
  • I'm still annoyed at Alistair
    • I will always be annoyed at Alistair... And also at myself
  • Now that camp is over it's time to write some quiz night questions... maybe
  • Newsletter did not go out on Tuesday cuz I thought it'd make more sense for it to go out once we actually have events planned

Librarian's Report (Vikrum):

  • I went to camp, it was really good to be offline for a bit
  • bought the crew while I was waiting for my exam to start lmao
  • The library is safe and sound, thanks team
    • Thanks Alistair
  • The classification system write up is still in progress, apologies
  • Victory at the debates, but at what cost?

Fresher Rep's Report (Ethan):

  • I must impart some news now. Crave lend me thy ear
  • Contracted LARP legs
  • Had great fun with fresher gang
    • We all clapped
  • Discovered Vengabus Bardcore
  • Almost finished EMPs for Westmarche opening night and Refresher Rewelcome
  • Paint buy pwease
    • Also painting day?
  • Also Fresher Amogus night?

Reports de la OCM (Amber, Chris, Nina, Texas):

  • Amber:

    • CAMP! (Said like how CGP Grey says SHARKS!)
    • Don’t have my laptop for at least a week.
    • Got my home desktop setup.
    • Went down a rabbithole of stories about troubleshooting.
    • Doing this on my phone screwed with the formatting, sorry Gwen.
      • It's okay, I fixed it :)
  • Chris:

    • Camp happened
    • participated in Amber's one-shot (featuring food-guy, bringer of chopped onions and falling coconuts)
    • i now pay the rent for vengabus in my head
    • legend of zegend
      • He picks up the game and shows it off
  • Nina:
    • camp was fuuuun!!
    • got to play tokyo highway which was sweet
    • ran larp - everyone seemed to have a good time, no one injured themselves
    • big breakfast was, in a word, chaotic, in another word, stressful, but we managed it
    • spent the week recovering
    • uwasca collab meeting is being planned for... the near future
  • Texas:
    • camp happened! Too many stories for report
    • more than 0 people forgot I was on committee at quiz with me at the judges table. One of those people is in fact on committee
    • vengabus roulette with jackie, vikrum and amber
    • dear gibbi: where's the spoon?
    • went to a socpac meeting! Super long file names are distracting
    • finally got to build some furniture and managed to fit all of it + an extra person in the truck for 1 trip
    • hope everyone is well and has a wonderful week
    • I have no dragons rip work

Past action Items:


Large-scale borrowing regs - not done


Order Havsta - not done


  • no updates


  • no updates

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • ReFresher Rewelcome [Week 2 4pm Thursday 5/8]
    • EMP is almost done

Ethan: ReFresher Rewelcome EMP


  • Week 3 One Shot - Spire

Vikrum: Organise Spire One Shot for Week 3

Magic: The Gavining

  • Adventures in Forgotten Realms "prerelease" [Sunday 25/7/21]
    • This Sunday!
    • The release
      • The set actual releases tomorrow
    • "We're not overwhelmed, we're not underwhelmed, we're whelmed" - Alistair


  • Paint Buy
    • Ethan has looked into dropper bottle paints
      • Tactics will do a set of 8 for $40
      • There are 2 different sets
    • Ethan thinks we should restock the paints we already have and also buy a couple of sets of dropper bottles
    • We will budget $250 for the paint buy

Ethan: Paint buy

  • Painting Day [Week 3 Friday 13/8 2pm]
    • Friday the 13th painting day!?

Ethan: Painting Day EMP

Fresher Campaigns

  • We're going to try spooking for sem 2
  • There are 4 people in the waiting list for fresher campaigns currently so we should be able to get at least another new campaign

Ethan: Semester 2 fresher campaign GM interest things Ethan: Ask current fresher GMs if they have spots


Unigames Camp: Humans & Humans (Variant) [Friday 16/7/21 - Monday 19/7/21]:

  • It went good, we got feedback
  • Gwen is going to type up the minutes from the feedback meeting
  • Main areas for improvement are scheduling and portions
    • Also confusion around recipes
    • Bacon? Beans? who knows what went on in the kitchen
  • Clean up went well
  • Ethan got assaulted by vengabus
  • There were a couple of burns
    • Jazz and Texas
      • Texas denies she was burned
    • Fires are dangerous
  • We need more help with dishes in future
  • Well done everyone
  • We'll use all this information going forward to next camps

  • We need to book for next year's camp

    • 25/6 to 28/6 2022
    • Jackie birthday camp
  • We should start the EMP before next year
  • We need to nut it out
    • Like Alistair
    • Sometimes you just gotta nut out some paperwork

Gwen: Finish camp wrap up minutes writing up

Quiz Night [Thursday 2/9 7pm]:

  • Posters are almost made
  • EMP had been done
  • We're planning to start advertising and ticket selling next week/week after
  • Don't worry, there won't be any boomer questions like at camp.
    • You don't need to know all the Unigames presidents since 2011

UWASCA collab:

  • A meeting will happen at some point soon

Roleplay for Life [Probably Sat 18/9 - Sun 19/9]

  • Emerald and Texas will talk about it this week
  • "It's pretty sexy easy to do" - Emerald
  • An EMP will be started soon and then advertising stuff
  • It's a pretty easy event to organise
  • We've already got a charity... cuz it's the cancer council
  • Emerald will need to ask Gozz and Donald about streaming stuff soon

Emerald, Texas: Start discussing Roleplay for Life

Relay for Life [Sat 02/10 - Sun 03/10]

Cameron Hall-o-ween @ 77 Social [Thursday 21/10/21]

  • ...

Collab [REDACTED] 2021 [19/11/21 - 22/11/21]:

  • Long subcom meeting happened
    • Mainly cuz we had lots of notes from out camp
  • The subcom is planning on getting a first aid course organised
  • RSA, First Aid volunteers and emergency drivers are needed
    • Nina has volunteered to do First Aid
    • Alistair is not doing either, no way



  • $29.99 to Emerald for bosnas
  • $825.00 to Emerald for IKEA run
  • $8.99 to Jackie for zinc (LARP)
  • $17.21 to Jackie for general stuff
  • $957.16 to Jackie for camp supplies
  • $42.96 to Texas for camp supplies
  • $28.8 to Gozz for camp supplies
  • $21.72 to Jackie for carpet tape


  • Semester grants
    • It returned from the war!
    • It was $810

Jackie: Semester grant query emails (Semester grant corrections, best club award Jackie: Email Aidan about envirogrants

  • Best Club award

    • :(
  • SOC Meeting

    • Deadlines are available for sem 2 grants
    • Best Club applications are open
      • Jackie has good photos
    • There is the option for us to get involved in a UWA club article
      • Eh

General Business:

Room Update

  • They're taped down... the carpet squares... they're taped down
  • Couch and coffee tables are constructed
  • We will be tossing the shitty white couch and moving the black one upstairs
  • Just waiting on the cabinet from IKEA
  • Tables
    • We waiting

Emerald: Order the Havsta


  • Classification system
    • Vikrum is still writing it up

Vikrum: Library classification system


  • Newsletter will go out on Tuesday

Gwen: Newsletter


Alistair: Large-scale borrowing regs

Westmarch Campaign

  • Opening night is the day after refresher rewelcome
    • Ethan hates himself
  • Loremittie has a bunch of meetings coming up
  • Excite
  • Maybe it won't be on fire... we'll see

New Meeting Times

  • We'll organise this soon once Alistair's CAS works
  • Thursday 2pm will no longer work

Meeting closed: 3:16pm