Unigames Committee Meeting #22 - 12/08/2019

by Donald Sutherland 12/08/19

Unigames Committee Meeting #22 - 12/08/2019


  • Taylor
  • Donald
  • Alistair
  • Colin
  • Elana
  • Emerald


  • Alaura
  • Aoibhinn
  • Amelia
  • Gavin


  • none

Meeting open: 11:54AM

Reports discussion:

  • Discussion about the report's location in the meeting
  • They have a tendancy to waffle on, and have caused the last points of the meeting to be rushed through at some points
  • We do have an earlier meeting time than usual now though, so /shrug?
  • Also: should OCMs have reports?
    • Low priority, only have a few use-cases
  • Conclusions:
    • Exec reports are made in advance
    • Reports are still at the start of the meeting
    • If OCMs have a report, they can also submit it in advance


President's Report:

  • Had an emergency, isn't here

Vice-President's Report:

  • Recovering from things, is here
  • Taken over most of Jasmine's tasks
  • Spring feast is doing something interesting this year, so this should be cool


  • Donald: Add forms to database (free free to help)

Treasurer's Report:

  • Account balance: $2282.88
  • 15 sign-ups from club carnival!

Secretary's Report:

  • Laptop is working again
  • Donald: Update committee, constitution, and regulations on website

Librarian's Report:

  • Overdue items: none
  • Gavin has a strike
  • Also: people know about the large scale borrowing form!
  • Alaura: Advertise the large-scale borrowing form

  • Going to go to Bunnings tomorrow

Fresher Rep's Report:

  • My ear hurts
  • Everything for the refresher rewelcome tomorrow is done and sorted, kind of expecting more returning members than freshers but hey it'll be fun
  • Microwave purchase pending, I'll get the $169 1000W(?) on the weekend if that can be approved, otherwise nbd
  • Also I actually looked at the goddamn draft email to the enviro department, so that's the most progress I've made in months

Past action Items:


  • Chat with Winslade about future scheduling - not done
  • Go through Camp feedback and begin writing a handover - not done
  • Book Manjedal for next year - not done
  • Respond to archeology about marquee - done
  • Draft an apology (along with Taylor) - not done
  • Fill out App form - not done
  • Take away the fridge - not done
  • Get together after camp to sort out archive (along with Donald) - not done
  • Make a whenisgood for the archive party event - done
  • Do a sort on the google drive after camp - not done
  • Make new facebook events for commitee meeting - done


  • Organise MCW things - done
  • Get Panto info (along with Taylor) - done


  • Check if we got Quiz money - done, we don't have it
  • Do a full financial breakdown of camp - not done
  • Print flyers for tomorrow - done
  • Draft an apology (along with Alaura) - not done
  • Talk to Irene about broken exit sign - done, told Gavin about it
  • Get Panto info (along with Aoibhinn) - not done


  • Add forms to database (free free to help) - not done
  • Make a new archive guide - not done
  • Get together after camp to sort out archive (along with Alaura) - not done
  • Post about reports in commitee group - not done, but resolved


  • Put the minutes up for SLARP - done
  • Do Bunnings run for tape + furniture felt - not done
  • Archive Ad Eva history - not done


  • Organise one-shot EMP - done
  • Ask about extra donation tin - not done
  • Inquire about battle tin with other clubs - done


  • Organise a board games night for the week of the 26th - not done
  • Sort out LARP Training events - done
  • Sort out LARP Training events (along with )
  • Print a laminate busy-bee list - done
  • Laminate and print fridge poster - done


  • Make a list of things that you're doing so we can redistribute after the OGM - done


Usual Suspects:


  • Re-fresher-re-welcome is happening tomorrow!
  • Amelia is organising people to help
  • It is happening at the same time as the panto read-through, so there will be some overlap
  • No person on committee has a car to do pizza
    • Emerald: Organise a car for tomorrow

  • Get hyped!
  • Next one to be run on the week of the 26th
    • Colin: Organise a board games night for the week of the 26th


  • 13th Age One-shot
    • 21st of August at 5PM!
    • Elly, Szymon, Winslade are GMs!
    • EMP is done, also event is up!
  • Next one-shot: Song of Ice and Fire (RPGoT)


  • Sealed league will be resolved for this afternoon
  • Any further magic events?
  • Commander night next week?
  • Donald: Organise next magic commander night


  • It went pretty well!
  • Feedback:
    • Keep it to a single system next time
    • Advertising was luckluster
      • Posters around campus probably
    • Armies are great, just the terrain needs sorting
  • Emerald: Scope out the weekend of 7th September for Wargamers

Fresher Campaigns

  • Taylor: Get sign-up form done and out for tomorrow

  • So that we can get freshers interested tomorrow


  • PMSS: 8th August
    • They seemed happy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • UniAccess:
    • Cristine from UniAccess wants to borrow Hamsterrole and Coup
  • Maybe check with previous collab'ers and see if they want to again?
  • Maybe contact the collages + RSD
  • Alaura: Post about large-scale borrowing to presidents page

  • Aoibhinn: Watch out for board game events to snipe clubs for collabs



  • Quick re-fresher on schedules of stuff

Quiz Night [10th May]:

  • Withdrawal has been submitted by UCC
  • It should arrive within a few days

CAMP - Fiends and Fae (Un-Redacted!) [21st-24th June]:

  • Alaura: Chat with Winslade about future scheduling

  • Aoibhinn: Look into Unigames solo Mega-Game-esque events a la Primarchs

  • Alaura: Go through Camp feedback and begin writing a handover

  • Taylor: Do a full financial breakdown of camp

[REDACTED] 2020:

  • Alaura: Book Manjedal for next year

Club Carnival

  • It was good!
  • 15 sign-ups, 14 of those were students
  • A few people were persuaded to come to the RFRW

Re-fresher Re-welcome:

  • Pizza is discussed, we will be charging people
  • Car has been organised for it
  • Should be good!


  • Reps: Colin, Emerald + Elana, Aoibhinn
  • Colin has done some work
  • Dates are weekends of weeks 5, 8, 11, and maybe another after exams
  • 1-4pm?
  • Venues:
    • Prescott court:
      • For terrain purposes it's pretty good
  • EMP:
    • Event managers and first-aid officers are needed
    • Ongoing/recurring EMP is a good thing here
    • We'll have to talk to events to make sure
    • We will also need a risk assessment
  • Talked to UniSFA about maybe a collab?
    • Will have to wait for details
  • Colin: Book venue for LARP1001

  • Colin: Organise EMP for LARP1001

  • Advertising:
    • If we get all of the dates set in stone, Donald can make one poster for all of the events

Roleplay for Life [7th/8th September]:

  • Reps: Alistair, Donald + Alaura
  • EMP will be required
  • We can re-use last year's EMP
  • GMs will need to be organised
    • Systems + fundraising structure
  • And equipment needs to be organised + tested
    • Some from Gozz
    • Donald: Ask UCC about equipment borrowing

  • Get everything sorted for the stream an hour prior
  • Alistair,Donald,Alaura: Find the RP4L handover

  • Scheduled breaks are important for the main stream
    • Maybe a very small one-shot during the breaks
    • Everyone arm-wrestles Colin

Charity Vigil [28th/29th September]:

  • Reps: Colin, Taylor
  • Current clubs that want to be involved:
    • Unigames
    • UniSFA
    • Panto
  • We also need to pick a charity
    • Guild food pantry?
    • Small charities
    • We don't raise enough money to split between multiple charities
  • Taylor: Make a poll for charity selection

  • EMP + booking needs to be done

Relay for Life [12th/13th October]:

  • Reps: Taylor + Elana, Emerald
  • We need tins
    • UCC+Uwanime is keen for BattleTin
  • Maybe some informal practice walks/jogs beforehand?
  • Early-bird sign-ups end on the 18th August
  • Jim's Funraising:
    • Alaura: Work on shirt funraising logistics

  • Elana: Make event for Relay for Life

MCW - Multicultral Week [17th October]:

  • They're doing an activity area, which we own't have to pay for
    • We will need many many tables + chairs
  • We've expressed interest
  • Our plan: to run board games!

Cameron Hall-oween [25th or 25th October]:

  • Reps: Aoibhinn, Amelia
  • Clubs that want to be involved:
    • UniSFA
    • Panto
    • UCC?
    • UWAnime??
  • Talked to Will a little bit
  • Reps are being discussed
  • Venue will still be CCZ
  • We need to contact RSAs wayy earlier this time

Summer LARP:

  • Another meeting hasn't happened
  • Concept: University Gothic
    • Annique is veryyyy excitied

Un-Charity Vigil:

  • Very far in the future


  • FilAus Incident:

    • Taylor,Aoibhinn,Alaura: Draft an apology

    • Taylor is going to do the vast amount of it today
  • Tenancy allocations:

    • No updates
  • Guild App

    • Alaura: Fill out App form

  • Elevator:

    • No updates

Room Update:

  • Microwave:

    • We are buying a $169 (nice) Microwave
  • Speakers:

    • Alaura is not here
  • Soft plastic recycling:

    • Amelia made more edits to her draft
  • Old fridge:

    • Alaura still needs to pick up the fridge
    • Alaura: Take away the fridge

  • Bunnings things:

    • Fridge Whiteboard
      • Unfortunately they slid a bit
      • If we apply more + tape them it should be good
    • Noodles
      • Still need some double-sided tape
    • Floor felt
      • Taylor has eyes on a product to help
    • Tiny whiteboard
      • For long-term borrowing things
    • President's picture
      • Magnets for the filing cabnet are being got during the Bunnings Run
  • Wargaming shelf

    • No updates
  • Busy-Bee list:

    • Has been printed!


  • Pending
    • None

General Business:

  • Embroidery:

    • Ongoing
  • Handover:

    • Jasmine is no longer actioned to do anything
    • Jasmine is a free elf
  • New T-Shirts:

    • Put a bunch of colour options up on the webpage and let capatilism do its thing
    • Aoibhinn has a name of a company to do shirts!
      • Aussie Grown
  • Archives:

    • Donald: Make a new archive guide

    • Alaura: Do a sort on the google drive after camp

    • Everyone: Fill out the Whenisgood

  • Board games guide:

    • Still working on it at people's leisure
    • Make a post encouraging people to review board games
      • Board game review of the week!
      • Sounds cute/wholesome
      • Alistair: Make post about weekly board game reviews

  • Food run:

    • Next food run to happen by the 19th of August
    • Sunday, after 3pm
      • Being done by Colin + Taylor/Donald
      • Colin,Taylor,Donald: Do food run on the 19th

  • Campus Toilets:

    • They still haven't been locked
    • Other clubs are keen to sit down with Tenancy about it
    • Alaura is going to meet with Taco to talk about the keybearers policy
  • Ad Eva

    • Alistair: Archive Ad Eva history

  • Optional membership cards

    • Jasmine needs to upload examples still
  • Prof Comp

    • We spoke to our group
    • Sounds like it will be great
    • Gozz pointed them in the right direction
    • Taylor: Respond to Prof Comp group w/ corrections to minutes

  • SOC Masterlist

    • Aoibhinn has asked for us to be added on
    • We haven't received an answer yet
  • Fridge Poster:

    • Printed!
  • Facebook things:

    • Our questions have dissapeared!
      • Donald: Make questions on the group again

    • Also, turn on approval posting on the group?
      • Consensus: It should be fine, we'll try it
    • Make a "how to FB admin" document?
      • Colin: Start up a FB admin document

  • Discord things:

    • We should make the discord nice, with a welcome page
    • Aoibhinn has some ideas
    • Aoibhinn: Talk to people about Discord things

  • Mailing lists:

    • Donald: Git gud with the mailing lists

  • OGM:

    • We want to hold another OGM soonish for some constitutional changes
    • Taylor: Book the Guild Council Room for 1pm on 10/9

    • Taylor+Donald: Go through the constitution

Meeting closed: 2:21PM

Action Items:


  • Advertise the large-scale borrowing form
  • Post about large-scale borrowing to presidents page
  • Chat with Winslade about future scheduling
  • Go through Camp feedback and begin writing a handover
  • Book Manjedal for next year
  • Find the RP4L handover (along with Donald, Alistair)
  • Work on shirt funraising logistics
  • Draft an apology (along with Aoibhinn, Taylor)
  • Fill out App form
  • Take away the fridge
  • Do a sort on the google drive after camp


  • Watch out for board game events to snipe clubs for collabs
  • Look into Unigames solo Mega-Game-esque events a la Primarchs
  • Draft an apology (along with Alaura, Taylor)
  • Talk to people about Discord things


  • Get sign-up form done and out for tomorrow
  • Do a full financial breakdown of camp
  • Make a poll for charity selection
  • Draft an apology (along with Alaura, Aoibhinn)
  • Do food run on the 19th (along with Donald, Colin)
  • Respond to Prof Comp group w/ corrections to minutes
  • Book the Guild Council Room for 1pm on 10/9
  • Go through the constitution (along with Donald)


  • Add forms to database (free free to help)
  • Update committee, constitution, and regulations on website
  • Organise next magic commander night
  • Ask UCC about equipment borrowing
  • Find the RP4L handover (along with Alaura, Alistair)
  • Make a new archive guide
  • Do food run on the 19th (along with Taylor, Colin)
  • Make questions on the group again
  • Git gud with the mailing lists
  • Go through the constitution (along with Taylor)


  • Find the RP4L handover (along with Alaura, Donald)
  • Make post about weekly board game reviews
  • Archive Ad Eva history


  • Make event for Relay for Life


  • Organise a board games night for the week of the 26th
  • Book venue for LARP1001
  • Organise EMP for LARP1001
  • Do food run on the 19th (along with Taylor, Donald)
  • Start up a FB admin document


  • Organise a car for tomorrow
  • Scope out the weekend of 7th September for Wargamers


  • (Everyone) Fill out the Whenisgood