Unigames Committee Meeting #22 - 30/07/2020

by Autumn Brough 30/07/20

Unigames Committee Meeting #22 - 30/07/2020


  • Alistair
  • Jackie
  • Autumn
  • Emerald
  • Alice
  • Ash
  • Josh
  • Kyle


  • Gwen
  • Taylor

Meeting scheduled: 5:00pm

Meeting open: 5:19pm


President's Report (Alistair):

  • Got caught up doing uni stuff this week
  • Things are a bit hectic
  • Very good to be back in the room though
  • Sorted out most of the gatekeeper stuff

Vice-President's Report (Taylor):


Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • uni started??????????
  • reimbursements have gone through!
  • did a deposit ($690)
  • that's about it
  • account balance: $2,232.74

Secretary's Report (Autumn):

  • tackled website constitution
  • tackling committee poster
  • attended grand reopening! say freshers in the fresh fresh flesh
  • im so sleepsome

Librarian's Report (Emerald):

  • this week I ran the opening board games night
  • I ran my fresher game right before hand it was fun
  • taught my freshers mysterium
  • got chips with Jackie at immediately before the meeting
  • I wrote my report myself this meeting, despite saying I wouldn’t ever again, this is impressive character development
  • also I’m in all black this week so I am more prone to villianlly than usual

Fresher Rep's Report (Alice):

  • I went to the opening games night thingamajig. Was fun. I met a fellow guy from my fresher and didn't recognise him bc online.
  • Was sad about Harry the elder. Bc he can't come in Cameron Hall.
  • Had no action items. Can I get like, one this week? Thanks.
  • Mocked Jackie for being short.

Reports de la OCM (Ashleigh, Gwen, Josh, Kyle):

  • Ash:
    • vibed (no8) at the opening thingy
    • other than non students coming (sorry guys ;-;) and some distancing technicalities I think everything went smoothly, was vv chill
    • I left at 7 so after that don't @ me aha
    • missed being breathless at the top of the stairs ;-;
  • Gwen:
    • no longer dying
    • there’s the UWASCA collab meeting on Sunday which I hope to be able to attend
    • yay clubroom
  • Josh:
    • basically what Gwen said, UWASCA meeting on Sunday
  • Kyle:
    • Started on a draft email to OTP
    • Just about all ready to start the matchmaking for mordheim
    • when we can do proper events i want to do a "how to play" series of events
    • gauging interest in unigames matchmaking for 40k where we take the awkwardness out of posting a "brrr i want to play" message

Past action Items:


Gatekeeper training - done (still need 2 talk 2 amelia and donald) Register us for club carnival - done


Update the consitution and the committe on the website - in progress Get everyone to submit photos of themselves - people are starting to submit


Print out the clubroom rules - done


Contact OTP to ask about striking a deal - in progress


  • Almost all gatekeepers have been informed about gatekeeper information
  • That one question mark from last week turned out to not be a student

Alistair: Polish off gatekeeper informing

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • Grand reopening board games:
    • Went pretty good!
    • Had, at max, three tables playing
    • For a lot of the night, one table played
    • People were good about sanitising and contact tracing form
    • There were some issues with having too many people around the table, proposal to use tape to mark seating positions on the table


  • Do What You Want RPG Night
    • Thinking next Friday

Emerald: Organise the Do What You Want RPG Night


  • People on the poll are invariably saying weekend
  • Unsure about how many are actually UWA students, which may be a concern

Alistair: Plan an MTG welcome back event


  • Mordheim, ready to go next week
  • Gauging interest in premade matchmaking for 40k, so as to remove the awkwardness barrier of finding games
  • Started drafting an email to OTP to ask if they can strike us a fun deal

Fresher Campaigns

  • They exist
  • Some people are considering moving into cam hall
  • Some can't because they're not all students
  • Alice has started planning signups for next round

Alice: Have Fresher Campaign signup forms ready by 5pm MONDAY


Halloween 2019:

  • "hey jackie" "hi" "hey jackie" "hi"

Jackie: Try to get halloween information when you pick up nerf guns from jarcus

Club Carnival [10am Tuesday Week 2, 4/8]:

  • Who is going to be here?
    • Alistair, Ash (part), Emerald, Alice (part), Jackie (part)
  • The stall is booked and we dont have to worry about food
  • Now it's just a matter of taking the marquee and a float down
  • Guild is not doing floats right now so it will have to be sourced from cash on hand

Alistair, Ash, Emerald, Alice, Jackie: Make Club Carnival happen

Relay / Roleplay 4 Life:

Autumn: Sign us up for relay

  • Autumn to be captain for relay
  • Emerald is the boss for roleplay

Emerald: Look into when Roleplay might happen and start planning an EMP

Quiz Night:

  • Struggling to find a meeting time because schedules are dumb
  • Based on an old spreadsheet, we have a very similar break-even threshold (82 tickets) to last year
  • Last year we sold >100 tickets
  • Very similar financial risk to last year
  • Plan to run it in the october timeframe (ideally 22/10), taking the halloween timeslot

Halloween 2020:

  • Based on quiz night being in late october, if halloween happens, it would have to be in early november
  • But that seems to make the decision as to whether to cancel easier

Joint REDACTED [20/11-23/11]:

  • The EMP is in
  • We may need to edit it slightly, based on how UCC decide they can do a LAN. Pending them figuring that

Alistair: Email Leigh to plan a camp meeting and get things Rolllling

Room Update:

  • Committee Poster
    • Still waiting on photos of Taylor, Emerald, Jackie

Taylor, Emerald, Jackie: Submit photos for committee poster Autumn: Make committee poster

  • New Hygiene Rules
    • They're in place
    • Thank u emerald for making a new rules poster!

Ash: Place some tape marks on the table


  • Pending:

    • Autumn: -$34.79
  • Paid out:

    • Emerald: $84.73
    • Kyle: $158.67
    • Alice: $45.43


  • Reopening of Cameron Hall
    • Sad about non students not being allowed
    • But there have been people around which is nice
  • Tenancy Reallocations
    • No updates
  • Branding and Activation Workshop
    • Unsure if Taylor has signed us up for it
  • Grants
    • Kyle is drafting up an SPG for warhammer gear
    • Due in 2 weeks

General Business:

Meeting Times

Alistair: Make a whenisgood for meetings


  • Constitution is being updated

Unigames Dice

  • One person got the wrong number of dice, a partial refund was given
  • They're gradually being picked up

Constitutional Changes

  • No update

First Aid Course

  • No update, waiting on guild

Food Run

  • We need food!!!!!

Jackie, Emerald, Ash: Do a food run

Meeting closed: 5:56


This Week's Action Items: Alistair:

Polish off gatekeeper informing

Polish off gatekeeper informing (along with )

Plan an MTG welcome back event

Make Club Carnival happen (along with Jackie, Emerald, Ash, Alice)

Email Leigh to plan a camp meeting and get things Rolllling

Make a whenisgood for meetings


Submit photos for committee poster (along with Jackie, Emerald)


Try to get halloween information when you pick up nerf guns from jarcus

Make Club Carnival happen (along with Alistair, Emerald, Ash, Alice)

Submit photos for committee poster (along with Taylor, Emerald)

Do a food run (along with Emerald, Ash)


Sign us up for relay

Make committee poster


Organise the Do What You Want RPG Night

Make Club Carnival happen (along with Jackie, Alistair, Ash, Alice)

Look into when Roleplay might happen and start planning an EMP

Submit photos for committee poster (along with Taylor, Jackie)

Do a food run (along with Jackie, Ash)


Have Fresher Campaign signup forms ready by 5pm MONDAY

Make Club Carnival happen (along with Jackie, Alistair, Emerald, Ash)


Make Club Carnival happen (along with Jackie, Alistair, Emerald, Alice)

Place some tape marks on the table

Do a food run (along with Jackie, Emerald)