Unigames Committee Meeting #23 - 04/07/2021

by Guinevere Sellner 04/07/21

Unigames Committee Meeting #23 - 04/07/2021


  • Alistair
  • Emerald
  • Jackie
  • Gwen
  • Vikrum
  • Ethan
  • Amber
  • Nina
  • Texas


  • Chris

Meeting scheduled: 1:00pm

Meeting open: 1:10pm


President's Report (Alistair):

  • Spent $450 on an appointment that I waited 40 mins for, thanks guys
  • Stop this Liz
    • Don't lean on there
  • I do not remember what I did
  • I did things
  • Scream

Vice-President's Report (Emerald):

  • Sorry Gwen I'm so sorry, love you
  • I've been babysitting Westmarche. I'm very excited for them to take their first steps
  • I've been looking at storage cupboards
  • I feel like that's it

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • gone to all of my 9am classes so far?
  • uhhhh
  • i have no idea what else i've done
  • ran club carnival stall
  • trying to fix unigames page on guild website
  • account balance: $10,927.08

Secretary's Report (Gwen):

  • Newsletter went out yesterday
  • Go try guess the board game in the fun game at the end of the newsletter
  • Quiz night Darkmittee meeting is tonight
  • Can't wait to see you all tomorrow at ReFresher ReWelcome

Librarian's Report (Vikrum):

  • hi
  • I did my report for once
  • shoutout to Jackie for her work in creating the Saints of Durum with zero questions asked but also all of you in the clubroom who fielded questions such as "If Garfield were a Theros God, which one would he be?" and "which pasta is the most violent?"
  • did club carnival things and many many westmarche things
  • pray at the altar of my pasta pantheon this friday evening at Westmarche opening night

Fresher Rep's Report (Ethan):

  • Surviving on Coffee and Spite
  • So many Events
  • Screams in Westmarche
  • Killed a Little girl (it wasn't an accident)
  • Ran not 1 not 2 but 3 meetings
  • Once again zoomer no know how 2 facebook
  • Made Agm Pact with Texas
  • Also did some shilling at club carnival

Reports de la OCM (Amber, Chris, Nina, Texas):

  • Amber:

    • Freaked Freyja out in the Discord by doing a fake @everyone
    • Won my first game of A Game of Game of Thrones
    • Went on my first Food Run
    • Ascension 18 in Slay the Spire
  • Chris:

    • Chris has inherited the secretary curse
    • His laptop is broken
      • "Mine hasn't broken yet" - Gwen 2021
  • Texas:
    • helped remove one of the couches of the couch pit
    • immediately after dnd, half the party messaged me asking for my thoughts on their theories/what my thoughts were
    • unlocked papa of papa's cheeseria
    • big food run fit 4 people+ all the food in my car
    • hung out at club carnival yesterday
    • generally had a really good week 🙂
    • I have 3 dragons
  • Nina:
    • I went on a food run. It was very nice
    • Thank you Texas for the big car, thank you Emerald for guiding and thank you Amber for also being there
      • Every week Nina chooses violence against a committie member
    • UWASCA Collab snag has been hit :(

Past action Items:


Return pre-release stuff - not done

Large-scale borrowing regs - not done


Start discussing roleplay (along with Texas) - done

Order 3 Bosni/Bosnasen - not done

Cabinet search - done


Email Aidan - done

SPG - working on it


Newsletter - done


Spire One Shot - done

Library classification system - eh


Refresher Rewelcome event - done

Paint Buy - not done

Painting Day event - done


Get UWASCA Meetings happening - snag


Start discussing roleplay (along with Emerald) - done


  • no updates


  • no updates

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • ReFresher Rewelcome [Week 2 4pm Thursday 5/8]

    • Tomorrow!
    • It's also Rondylyn's birthday tomorrow
  • Board Games Week 4 will happen

Amber: Week 4 Board Games


  • Week 3 One Shot - Spire [Week 3 Monday 11/8]
    • Max and Ethan are GMs, Vikrum and Freyja are reserves
  • Week 5 One Shot - Mouse Guard? Torchbearer? Burning Wheel?

Magic: The Gavining

  • Sealed League
    • Nina is interested. This is a first. We are excited
    • Let's do it

Alistair: Set up Sealed League Alistair: Return pre-release items


  • Paint Buy
    • Also get brushes?
    • Yes please
    • We could put it as part of the SPG
      • It's due Friday though
      • Good luck Ethan

Ethan: Look at paintbrushes before Friday Ethan: Paint buy

  • Painting Day [Week 3 Friday 13/8 2pm]
    • Next week

Fresher Campaigns

  • GM interest form is here: https://forms.gle/Q34taRpBZpyQbw5o6
    • 2 new GM signups!
  • Fresher sign up is here: https://forms.gle/HZUYsYFxXuA4Xo9D7
  • Rob and Elanor will both stop running their campaigns


Unigames Camp: Humans & Humans (Variant) [Friday 16/7/21 - Monday 19/7/21]:

  • Booking needs to be made for next year

Alistair: Book Manjedal for next year camp

Quiz Night [Thursday 2/9 7pm]:

  • Tickets: pcs.org.au/quiz
  • Get some tickets
  • Darkmittee Meeting is tonight
  • Buy tickets
  • Go do it

Ethan: Organise fresher table

UWASCA collab:

  • Neville is going to be away for a bit
  • We're waiting on UWASCA for their reps

Roleplay for Life [Probably Sat 18/9 - Sun 19/9]

  • 6 weeks away
  • Emerald and Texas did some discussing
  • 24 hours or 2x12 hour periods?
    • 24 hours is preferred
  • 10am or 12pm start time?
    • 10am might be too early?
      • Will also suck to set up in time
    • 10am would more likely get people staying up till the end
    • 12pm works and is preferred
  • Which member of committee is going to shave their head this year?

Emerald, Texas: Roleplay EMP

Relay for Life [Sat 02/10 - Sun 03/10]

Cameron Hall-o-ween @ 77 Social [Thursday 21/10/21]

  • ...

Collab [REDACTED] 2021 [19/11/21 - 22/11/21]:

  • Meeting this Friday
  • Still waiting on EMP



  • $50 to Uniprint for top up
  • $893.05 to Emerald for food run


  • Semester Grants

    • no reply yet
    • we bullied Jameson about it and he was very sorry but it is very much not his problem
  • Best Club award

    • no reply :(
  • Club Carnival

    • 11 signups = $55
    • It was great
    • Good job not president committee for setting up and running it
  • SPG

    • Due Friday

Jackie, Ethan: SPG things

General Business:

Room Update

  • Cabinet
    • Emerald did some searching
    • A bunnings one is the favourite
    • It's metal and lockable and nice
    • It only weighs 68kg though
      • This is a shitpost, this is a good cabinet
    • Texas goes to measure the depth of the cabinet
      • She comes back
      • She's measured the width
      • She returns to measure depth
      • 63cm is the depth
    • Ethan can get that sweet sweet Bunnings discount

Ethan, Emerald: Bunnings cabinet

  • Bosnas

Emerald: Get them Bosnai/Bosnasen

  • Couches

    • Shitty couch is gone
    • Black couch won't go upstairs yet
  • Table

Alistair: Give table measurements to Taylor


  • Classification system
    • it's coming along
  • Splay Buy: Battle for Rokugan
    • Was very rushed, for good reason, but also shouldn't be the norm
    • This was a niche case
    • Something this rushed probably won't happen again

Vikrum: Classification system


  • Newsletter went out yesterday


Alistair: Large-scale borrowing regs

Westmarch Campaign

  • Westmarche Opening Night [4pm Week 2 Friday 6/8]
    • This Friday!!
    • Please come!!


  • Audition for the next panto are this week Thursday!
  • It's Kung Fu Pandalorian
  • If you want to be part of a fun show come and audition!
    • Audition form link: https://forms.gle/9eUVSKZh8uCTmCLP6


  • We need to do that
  • It won't be too long of a meeting

Alistair: Figure out OGM time and book

Meeting closed: 2:11pm