Unigames Committee Meeting #23 - 06/08/2020

by Autumn Brough 06/08/20

Unigames Committee Meeting #23 - 06/08/2020


  • Alistair
  • Jackie
  • Autumn
  • Emerald
  • Alice
  • Ash
  • Josh "wants to **** donkey kong"
  • Gwen
  • Kyle


  • Taylor

Exiled :(((

  • Kyle

Meeting scheduled: 6:00pm

Meeting open: 6:16pm


President's Report (Alistair):

  • Rolled out of bed straight into a meeting
  • Resolved a ProfComp issue
  • Had a fun encounter with Omar
  • Camp Meeting this week was pretty quick due to people not showing up
  • Apparently some of the committee think I’m 3-5 years older than I am?!?!
  • also uploaded all of the signup forms

Vice-President's Report (Taylor):


Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • club carnival was good! we got 11 signups
  • did a food run yesterday with emerald
  • can time slow down for a bit i'm behind on lectures
  • (yes i know it's week 2 online lectures bad)
  • account balance: $2,232.74

Secretary's Report (Autumn):

  • corrupted by the ghost of campus culture and am going to a toga quiz night
  • went to ikea on birthday and wished ash a happy birthday
  • helped jackie with committee poster
  • made our relay team! advertised it!!

Librarian's Report (Emerald):

  • (this is jackie transcribing emerald's report again hi everyone)
  • hi everyone
  • this week i finally finished my emp with great struggle and all alone
  • i posted the event that i meant to do
  • had email correspondence with a superb fresher who introduced me to a very cool game
  • read the entire nechronica core book in one night
  • delivered flowers to a recuperating amelia
  • did a food run with jackie
  • (emerald makes a shrug towards me)
  • please come to my event next friday
  • sorry to dominic depazzi i love u dearly so very much hope to see you soon for your birthday
  • thank u jackie for writing my report
  • also we did club carnival
  • also autumn can you please tack on the end that i did the prof comp meeting

Fresher Rep's Report (Alice):

  • Freshers are alive. I made some fun quizzes about personal details for them. And also some for the not freshers.
  • Also club Carnival was.. wheeeeeee!!!!!! Free red bull. So some good vibes

Reports de la OCM (Ashleigh, Gwen, Josh, Kyle):

  • Ash:
    • wished autumn a happy birthday because if you say that and i dont, it makes me look like a jackass
    • lowkey forgot about reports oof
    • uuh yeah vibed
    • put tape on table
    • hung at club carnival, forced friends to sign up, helped set up ect
    • yeee brain empty
  • Gwen:
    • wasn’t at UWASCA meeting (cuz of other meetings) but I’m pretty happy with how it went (according to the minutes of the meeting)
    • it’s already like the end of week 2... ahhh
    • I’m a wargamer now b*tches (though like only really low key currently... ill give weekly updates of my progress)
  • Josh:
    • Had a successful meeting for the UWASCA event. We need to discuss how much money we want to put into this event and if we want it to run at a profit.
    • Got set free from Woolworths and now only have 1 job
  • Kyle:
    • havent had a sit down with jackie to hash out SPG wording
    • been speaking to OTP about terrain pieces,
    • no quiz meeting set as timetables are being hard
    • need to know if I can call my WATC team unigames and make team merch
    • (F for Kyle who couldnt be here)

Past action Items:


Polish off gatekeeper informing - done

Plan an MTG welcome back event - not done

Make Club Carnival happen (along with Jackie, Emerald, Ash, Alice) - done

Email Leigh to plan a camp meeting and get things Rolllling - done

Make a whenisgood for meetings - done


Submit photos for committee poster (along with Jackie, Emerald) - done


Try to get halloween information when you pick up nerf guns from jarcus - not done (too distracted by rootin shootin)

Make Club Carnival happen (along with Alistair, Emerald, Ash, Alice) - done

Submit photos for committee poster (along with Taylor, Emerald) - done

Do a food run (along with Emerald, Ash) - done


Sign us up for relay - done

Make committee poster - jackie has stolen


Organise the Do What You Want RPG Night - done

Make Club Carnival happen (along with Jackie, Alistair, Ash, Alice) - done

Look into when Roleplay might happen and start planning an EMP - not done

Submit photos for committee poster (along with Taylor, Jackie) - done

Do a food run (along with Jackie, Ash) - done


Have Fresher Campaign signup forms ready by 5pm MONDAY - done

Make Club Carnival happen (along with Jackie, Alistair, Emerald, Ash) - done


Make Club Carnival happen (along with Jackie, Alistair, Emerald, Alice) - done

Place some tape marks on the table - done

Do a food run (along with Jackie, Emerald) - done


  • Cam Locke is now a gatekeeper

Alistair: Update gatekeepers

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • Week after next week board games?
    • "Wear odd socks" board games, and other nonsense themes

Gwen: Make a board games night happen, week after next


  • Do What You Want RPG Night [Next week Friday, 14/8]
    • Facebook post has been made
    • Four people have put their hand up to run oneshots
    • Emerald is willing to keep this event inclusive to non-facebook users

Emerald: Communicate about Do What You Want RPG to the members


  • Double masters releases tomorrow


  • Kyle isn't here
  • Gwen has been indoctrinated to wargaming
  • Kyle has asked if he is allowed to name his team "Unigames" at the WATC 2020, gwen being the sixth member
  • The team needs to understand that they are representing the club and will have us to answer to if they cause trouble

Fresher Campaigns

  • Player and GM signups have gone out, we got a couple of each

Alice: Bump the fresher campaigns player signups

Autumn: Write a newsletter bumping fresher campaigns


Halloween 2019:

  • sad
    • emerald shot jarcus and we STILL dont have information

Club Carnival [10am Tuesday Week 2, 4/8]:

  • we went well! we got 11 signups!!
  • alice learnt new things about slang (????)

Roleplay 4 Life:

Emerald: Talk to work about getting a weekend free for roleplay (preferably 26-27/9)

Relay [Saturday 10/10]:

  • our relay team has been created!
  • we have 6 signups!

Autumn: Invite members to sponsor relay donations


  • A few concepts have been suggested, going up rapidly in required investment
  • Each individual club needs to identify how much money we are willing to put down for this
  • UWASCA has proposed they will cover the cost of materials, and keep all leftovers
  • This would be a ticketed event
  • Alistair describes a model in which a ticketbuyer picks which items they're interested in crafting, and each item is priced

Quiz Night:

  • maybe a meeting tomorrow night
  • Subcommittee is struggling to find an effective meeting time

Halloween 2020:

  • Killed like campus culture
  • Will be removed from the agenda
  • See you next year jack skellington

Joint REDACTED [20/11-23/11]:

  • Lexi had brought some concerns about things getting worse maybe
  • Alistair: There's no cost to not cancelling. Obviously if we need to cancel, we'll cancel. All food expenditure happens the day of the event, so nothing is a major risk
  • Still waiting on leigh for further information
  • There's a spreadsheet that exists, people will write down what they're happy to help out with

Room Update:

  • Committee Poster
    • Jackie has been working hard!!
    • Serious poster complete, meme poster is being worked on

Alistair, Jackie: Make the committee poster happen


  • Pending:
    • Autumn: -$34.79
    • Jackie: $366.40 for food run this week


  • Reopening of Cameron Hall

    • Omar came by today and was confused as to why people were here
      • Wandered in and asked Alistair since when were we allowed back inside
      • Alistair pointed him towards:
        • Jacob's 7/7 email saying that club spaces would reopen 18/7
        • SOC meeting 14/7 where it was amended to 20/7
        • Jacob's 19/7 FB amendment that it would be students only
        • that's all information we've received about rooms reopening
      • Omar said he'd Look Into That
    • Kyle has been exiled - his card has stopped letting him into the building
    • Kyle is welcome to call in or otherwise has assumed apologies
    • Hopefully nonstudents will be welcome back in for Phase 5
  • Tenancy Reallocations

    • No updates
  • Branding and Activation Workshop

    • Unsure if taylor has updated
  • Grants

    • Confusion, guild is giving conflicting messages about SPGs

General Business:

Donald's Nerf Gun Cache

  • Donald has brought in three guns and hidden them
  • They are a donation to the club

Meeting Times

  • We are meeting at 6pm thursdays now


  • We have two teams of Prof Comp nerds trying to build us a website now

Unigames Dice

  • People have been picking them up
  • Nonstudents have been nominating people to do pickups

Constitutional Changes

  • Taylor's not here

First Aid Course

  • No updates

Food Run

  • Happened!
  • Huzzah
  • We have oreos
  • Taking pills to cure my dysph oreo

Meeting closed: 7:08pm


This Week's Action Items: Alistair:

Update gatekeepers

Make the committee poster happen (along with Jackie)


Make the committee poster happen (along with Alistair)


Write a newsletter bumping fresher campaigns

Invite members to sponsor relay donations


Communicate about Do What You Want RPG to the members

Talk to work about getting a weekend free for roleplay (preferably 26-27/9)


Bump the fresher campaigns player signups


Make a board games night happen, week after next