Unigames Committee Meeting #23 - 13/08/2024

by Chris Leak 13/08/24

Unigames Committee Meeting #23 - 13/08/2024

tags: committee meeting 2024


  • Josh
  • Connor
  • Jack
  • Chris
  • Gen
  • Cooper
  • Jeremy
  • Nene
  • Nix
  • Oscar
  • Jackie



Meeting scheduled: 5:00PM

Meeting open: 5:10PM


President's Report (Josh):

  • OGM stuff organised
  • Uni continues to screw me over
  • Got to play with telescopes
    • Secretary's note: Josh does the griddy

Vice President's Report (Connyah):

  • Attended the Pride Collab (Attendance: ~7 not incl Josh, myself, n Pride Rep)
  • I looove Viva Pinata 🤟

Treasurer's Report (Jack):

  • Both SPGs approved !!! yippee hooray!!
    • wargaming budget pretty much reimbursed
    • joint quiz venue hire, 10 sets of catering and minigames reimbursed
      • this means veryyyyyy cheap tickets
  • finished my drawing assignment 23 and a half hours after the due date (earliest engineering submission) Account balanse: $13,283.15 green ones Commbank Account Balenciaga: $339.01 dolery doos (Secretary's note: the cent is evil)

Secretary's Report (Chris):

  • On that announcement preparation grindset
    • Get ready for some announcements
  • Nobody ever bring up magic flea again

Librarian's Report (Gen):

  • Merging her farm
  • Have done the emp and booked the venue for dicebag workshop
  • Come to pop culture oneshot night!
    • It's on Friday

Fresher Rep's Report (Cooper):

  • I've done a whole lotta nothing. Hooray
    • not even my schoolwork

OCMs' Reports (Jeremy, Nene, Nix, Oscar):

  • Jeremy:
    • STILL learning Star Wars TTRPG, it'll happen
    • anyone have a spare $300 for cosmere RPG?
    • Attended pride event collab
    • organising rollerblading club collab :prayemojilarge:
  • Nene:
    • don't worry everyone, i did nothing interesting this week
    • if you saw paintig day no you didn't
    • i came second in fortnite. does that help?
    • new season this week
  • Nix:
    • scheming up some events
    • tested new terrain, quite good!
    • bloodbowl tomorrow, wish my luck killing gnomes
  • Oscar:
    • pop culture night on friday!
    • lets go i'm no longer death
    • continued work on dicebag workshop
    • some amount of time til halloween/semester/end of christmas/summit?

Immediate Past President's Report (Jackie):

  • Jackie has attended: 22/23 (96%) Meetings
    • through with my units (i am not looking at them)
    • organised old wargaming terrain pickup (happening tomoz, wed)
    • attended pride craft event, made a unigames bracelet, lost unigames bracelet, found it in the vic park carpark three days later (along with squashed tablet pen)

Past Action Items:

Action Items:


EMP for OGM (done)

Venue Booking for OGM (done)


Post Pokemon event EOI (done)

make Roleplay 4 Life poster (done)

Print new PDF Games (not done)

Do another Newsletter (not done)

Announcement for OGM (in poggers)


Advertising for Pop Culture One-shot Night (done)

Find solution for the Blood Bowl miniatures (in poggers)

EMP and Advertising for Casual Painting Day (not done)

Repair damaged games (not done)

Poke Blood Bowl Mat people about Blood Bowl Mat (not done)


EMP and Advertising for UWA Rollerblading Club collab (not done)

contact the UWAlternative Society (not done)


Organise Monolith and Kallax (not done)


Post Feedback Form for July Tournament (done)


Talk to old wargamers about remaining terrain pieces (done)

Usual Suspects

Board Games

UWA Rollerblading Club collab - 23/8 @ 10am (Week 5)

  • ~~Still confirming time~~
    • confirmed
  • Details:
    • Rollerblading would happen in the morning, then we come here and play some boardgames
    • They usually finish at 9-ish, so we should try to have someone else here that morning
  • EMP Done

    Jeremy: Advertising for UWA Rollerblading Club collab

Insert collab here

  • PCS

    Connor: Contact PCS about potential collab


Pop Culture One-shot Night - Friday Week 4 @ 4pm

  • It's happenin'
    • this friday
  • Games inspired by Pop-Culture
    • Either system or the specific one-shot
  • 3 GMs running one-shots
    • Jeremy
    • Gwen
    • Angus
    • Jack (Backup)
  • It appears that the reservation system is measurably increasing engagement
    • We need to ensure that facebook users have access/are aware of the reserve system
    • The reserve slots always seem to get filled up, but we don't necessarily have enough data outside of PBTA and DnD to necessarily conclude it will always increase engagement
    • Plan for now is to keep using it, keeping one backup GM outside of the reserve system
      • Unsure if more than one backup game would get filled

        Gen: Advertising for Pop Culture One-shot Night

UWAlternative Collab - Week 6

Jeremy: contact the UWAlternative Society

Anime One-Shot Night (Collab with UWAnime) - Week 8(?)

  • nupdates (last discussed: eons)
  • will message them soon


Booster Box Buying Bhenanigans

  • Box dead

Magic: The Gavining

MTG Club Deck Updates

  • New Club Decks have been finished
    • one card is sleeved wrong, looking for a replacement sleeve
  • Old Club Deck still missing cards

Discussion on future pre-release events

  • Nupdates (last discussed: meeting #20)
  • next pre-release, end of september

    Josh: Ask magic players about pre-release events with more options

Future Pokemon events

  • EOI has been posted
    • got some results, tabling discussion until next week

Yu-Gi-Oh! discussion

  • starter decks are available at tactics $20 so it should be relatively plausible to construct some club decks
  • cards also rotate out very quickly, so that would be something we need to consider
  • EOI for interest in Yu-Gi-Oh! in the clubroom will be made

    Nix: Post Yu-Gi-Oh! EOI


Next Warhammer Tournament

  • Postponed

Warhammer Materials

  • Terrain
    • has been built
  • We need the deck for Warhammer

Blood Bowl

  • New Blood Bowl league is running
  • Some of the blood bowl miniatures have been being returned broken
    • appears to be people being careless when packing the game up
    • May be a bit more work than initially anticipated to solve
    • Gen has talked with Cam, who is trying to find a material for his own storage, will look into whether that'll work for the club

Wargaming Budget

  • Playmat
    • Arrived
  • Objective Markers
    • in poggers
  • Commissioning Jackie to design objective markers
  • We can potentially fit some more of the terrain in the monolith

Casual Painting Day - 18/8 @ 1pm-5pm

  • This Sunday!
  • To be run by Nix

    Gen: EMP and Advertising for Casual Painting Day

TTS Wargames event - after study week

  • there are alot of fun non-GW wargames
    • TTS
    • 3d-printing
      • might not get used again

        Nix: EOI for TTS Wargames

Fresher Campaigns

  • "Gettin set up" - gooper
  • Most campaigns are still going
  • 24 new signups
    • got some new GMs as well as some slots in existing games so we should be good

Access Department Collab!! - Wednesday 28/8 @ 11am

  • Next event: Wednesday 28/8
  • It will be the last Wednesday of the month

NEW Laser Tag with eSports

  • eSports have asked if we want to do another one during study week
  • We may just advertise it rather than making it specifically a collab event
    • We would be kind of just taking money away from eSports that they would be making off of the event, seeing as not many Unigamers showed up last time

Unigames goes to: UWASCA cloak workshop - 15/8 @ E-zone Central

  • updates
    • EZone Central room 206, Giumelli studio
    • BYO materials
    • They will be sending promotional material
      • Haven't received any promotional material yet

Cameron Hall Minecraft Factions Server

  • Reps are Connor, Chris
  • Discussing future instances of Cam Hall Minecraft servers
    • nothing locked in yet

Pride Collab - Wednesday 7/8 @ 12pm (Week 3)

  • It happened!
    • Attendance: 7
  • Held in the CCZ
  • we did various arts and crafts
    • involving mini painting
  • Advertising was late due to shenanigans

Roleplay for Life - 31/8-1/9

  • Being Organised by Chris and Gen
  • Poster Done, ready to post

    Chris: post Roleplay 4 Life poster

Relay for Life - 5/10-6/10

  • Team Leader: Gen
  • Walking direction switching is back

Cameron Hall Quiz Night - 12/9

  • Reps are Jack (Dark) and Nix (Light)
  • Ticket price is around $65 for a table
  • Meeting on Saturday

Joint [Redacted]

  • Reps are Jack, Cooper, Connor
  • [Redacted] leaders: Connor, Finn, Gary
  • Certifications provided
  • some menu changes
    • to be tested
  • some activity options:
    • Blood Bowl 7's tournament
      • Pending materials arriving

Dice Bag Workshop - 15/9 at 1-5pm @ Ezone Central 207

  • Reps are Oscar and Gen
  • Meeting didn't happen this week due to everyone being sick
  • Venue: Ezone Central 207
  • Date: 15/9 @ 1pm-5pm

Far Future Events

Upcoming Subcommittees/Prospective Reps

  • Uncharity Vigil - Josh, Jeremy


  • Approved
  • Pending
  • Unsubmitted
    • $248 to Jack Bariss for Warhammer Mats
    • $152 to Connor Brennan for Refresher Pizza


SOCPAC Meeting

  • Next Meeting (TBA): 27/8


  • nupdates on new tenancy policies (last discussed: meeting #20)
  • Tenancy meeting: 28/8

UWA CELT campus O-Day - Friday 30/8 @12:45 - 1:45pm

  • the UWA CELT campus (in Claremont) are organising an O-day style event and are interested in featuring a number of clubs
  • There is a form that has now been filled out

General Business


  • No new Gatekeepers


  • No new Webkeepers

Room Updates

  • Jackie has provided some chair research
  • We have obtained a mysteriously placed set of Pallra draws
  • New wall box deposit book

    Nene: Organise Monolith and Kallax


Book Buy

  • PDFs Bought:
    • Fabula Ultima
    • Alice is Missing
  • Blood Bowl Mat
    • have been bought, still being processed
    • they sure are taking a while to process with no contact

      Gen: Repair damaged games Gen: Poke Blood Bowl Mat people about Blood Bowl Mat Chris: Print new PDF Games

Food Runs

  • Food Run tomorrow
  • We need some drinks

Phoenix Revival - Due 21/8

  • Submissions link
  • Theme: Revival

    Josh: Poke people about impending Phoenix due date

Uploading Old Minutes

  • Nupdates

Organising Old Records

  • nudpates
  • Taking up a lot of space
  • Options
    • Digitise them
      • Me (Chris) can scan them


  • nupdates

    Chris: Do another Newsletter

Committee Business

OGM - Thursday 29/8 @ 2pm

  • Should be a quick one Meeting closed: 7:11PM