Unigames Committee Meeting #24 - 11/08/2021

by Guinevere Sellner 11/08/21

Unigames Committee Meeting #24 - 11/08/2021


  • Alistair
  • Emerald
  • Jackie
  • Gwen
  • Vikrum
  • Ethan
  • Amber
  • Chris
  • Nina
  • Texas


Meeting scheduled: 1:00pm

Meeting open: 1:03pm


President's Report (Alistair):

  • I haven't had water in my house since last Tuesday
    • That's fun
  • Had the first panto rehearsal
  • Returned the magic stuff
  • Bought card sleeves for game of game of thrones bu misremembered the number of cards so there's no enough
  • Had a meeting
  • Went to various events and supervised
  • Taught Jazz how to crush Jackie in Game of Game of Thrones

Vice-President's Report (Emerald):

  • as your evil gm i spent refresher rewelcome causing trouble and sowing discord
    • Emerald wrote "sewing"
  • also picking up the pizza
  • i am at constant odds with my own brain and am shopping for a replacement (i misremembered the date of an appointment by a whole week)
  • bosnas ordered, they will be in the clubroom by tomorrow night
  • doing roleplay emp
  • cabinet? shrugs canny lift nyanything
  • i'm very proud of everyone going to all their classes you're all doing a very good job!

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • everyone is SO mean 2 me (in game of game of thrones)
  • ran 12 player werewolf on the spot at refresher welcome
  • finished and submitted a whole ass SPG in less than a day
    • Then they extended the deadline....
  • me and texas' playlist we made for camp now has rickroll so i keep on getting rickrolled when i listen to it
    • Not technically a rickroll
  • help
  • also still successfully making it to all my 9am classes
  • account balance: $10,232.29

Secretary's Report (Gwen):

  • Delegated Quiz night darkmittee rounds
  • It's allll coming together
  • I'm a Goose in panto!!
  • Just been working so no events for me :(

Librarian's Report (Vikrum):

  • Hello there
  • Ran Westmarche, Pasta Saints outweigh dumb nerd Theros gods by like 3 to 1 I think
  • Being a player is stupid and dumb and I know now why I don't play, only GM
  • I will have the classification system done by tonight... but not before committee meeting lmao
  • fog of love is caringly obscured by mist but with the new semester I am filled with determination to retrieve it
    • undertale sound

Fresher Rep's Report (Ethan):

  • Had refresher rewelcome, was solid, butchered the rules of several boardgames. Attendance like 15.
  • Ran Westmarche opening night, was solid, lost spoon in the cake. Attendance 16.
  • Ran spire session 0.5, there was hyena fuckery.
  • Ran Spire one-shot, one-shot Vikrum (insert persona 5 soundtrack here). Attendance was 7
  • Had a compleat victory in Ixalan: Battle Royale
  • No I haven't done paint buy David

Reports de la OCM (Amber, Chris, Nina, Texas):

  • Amber:

    • Refresher Rewelcome!
    • Westmarche!!!!!!
    • Spire One-Shot!
    • New laptop! I'm finally reading the minutes from my own device
    • This has been an extremely busy week
    • I partially lost my voice by speaking for 5 days straight
    • I'm trying to move out, which will be the least disruptive thing happening to me
  • Chris:

    • Refresher Rewelcome was Refreshening
    • Westmarche opening night happened and I nearly one hit ko'd a paladin with a guard drake
    • couldn't make it to the spire one-shot (insert sad face here)
    • i've had way too much kfc in the last week
  • Texas:
    • regret saying out loud that I had a good week bc the universe decided to change that almost immediately
    • so baby's first car wreck
      • It was more of a collision than a wreck
      • Still scary though
    • computer science struggles
    • I have given up on math
    • generally exhausted
    • spire oneshot night
    • bullied jackie in game of game of thrones but she also taught me treasurer things
    • Karkalicious I learned existed
    • i have 2 dragons
  • Nina:
    • honestly haven't done many unigames things this week, sorry fam!
    • good work to everyone going to tutes, fuck lectures though - theyre online for a reason

Past action Items:


Set up Sealed League - not done

Return pre-release items - done

Book Manjedal for next year camp - not done

Give table measurements to Taylor - not done

Large-scale borrowing regs - not done

Figure out OGM time and book - not done


Roleplay EMP (along with Texas) - in process

Bunnings cabinet (along with Ethan) - not done

Get them Bosnai/Bosnasen - basically done


SPG things (along with Ethan) - done


Classification system - not done yet... but soon


Look at paintbrushes before Friday - done

Paint buy - not done

Organise fresher table - not done

SPG things (along with Jackie) - done

Bunnings cabinet (along with Emerald) - not done


Week 4 Board Games - done


Roleplay EMP (along with Emerald) - in process


  • no updates


  • no updates

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • ReFresher Rewelcome [Week 2 4pm Thursday 5/8]

    • Went well
    • Squish Jackie
      • The hammer of Jazz crushed Jackie on the anvil of Josh, guided by Alistair
    • Decent turn out
    • 10c loss on pizza
  • Mystery Board Games [Week 4 5pm Friday 20/8]

    • Next week
    • Events are up


  • Week 3 One Shot - Spire [Week 3 Monday 11/8]

    • 2 games happened
    • Which was what we expected
    • Everyone on the table in the clubroom are weebs
    • Texas helped freshers play an RPG for the first time
  • Week 5 One Shot - Delta Green

    • We should push Mouse Guard to week 7 for GM finding purposes

Vikrum: Mouse Guard One Shot for Week 7 Chris: Delta Green One Shot Week 5

Magic: The Gavining

  • Sealed League

Alistair: Organise Sealed League


  • Paint Buy
    • Paint buy when?

Ethan: Paint buy

  • Painting Day [Week 3 Friday 13/8 2pm]
    • This Friday!

Fresher Campaigns

  • 10 Freshers and 2 GMs have signed up
  • GM interest form is here: https://forms.gle/Q34taRpBZpyQbw5o6
  • Fresher sign up is here: https://forms.gle/HZUYsYFxXuA4Xo9D7


Quiz Night [Thursday 2/9 7pm]:

  • Tickets: pcs.org.au/quiz
  • Earlier bird ends 17/8 which is next week Tuesday

Amber: Quiz night ticket announcement

UWASCA collab:

  • No updates

Roleplay for Life [Probably Sat 18/9 - Sun 19/9]

  • EMP is started

Emerald, Texas: Roleplay for Life EMP

Relay for Life [Sat 02/10 - Sun 03/10]

  • bit.ly/Unigains21
  • Meeting for team leaders tonight
    • Texas is going
  • We will combine with UniSFA cuz they need our help and we're generous

Cameron Hall-o-ween @ 77 Social [Thursday 21/10/21]

  • Later, another meeting will be had soon

Collab [REDACTED] 2021 [19/11/21 - 22/11/21]:

  • Meeting was had
  • Waiting on EMP
  • Thinking about advertising

Unigames [REDACTED] 2022

Alistair: Book Manjedal



  • $50 to Uniprint for top up
  • $893.05 to Emerald for food run
  • $105.10 to Jackie for Refresher Pizza
  • $66.64 to Ethan for Westmarche Printing


  • $315 to Alistair for AFR Prerelease
  • $1125 to Alistair for 2022 [Redacted] Booking


  • Semester Grants

    • Jackie got an email
    • Aidan is still in progress of organising things
    • Still waiting on breakdown of 2021 grant
  • Envriogrant

    • Jackie will work on it with Harry (UniSFA)
  • Best Club award

    • We'll find out eventually I guess...
    • Applications are now open for Best Club and Best Club President 2021
  • SPG

    • Submitted!
    • It's for paints and brushes
    • Jackie is good at writing SPGs now I guess
  • Tenancy

    • Busy bee inspection tomorrow at 4pm and Tenancy consultation after that at 5pm
    • Alistair can't make inspection so Emerald will be there
    • Room needs to be cleaned!

General Business:

Room Update

  • Cabinet
    • A large car and lifting assistance will be required to get it
    • We will use the Texas-mobile (Neptune)
    • Texas will bring either Vikrum or Gwen for lifting

Texas, Ethan: Buy cabinet

  • Bosnas

    • Will be in tomorrow
  • Table

Alistair: Send Taylor table measurements


  • Classification system
    • Will be done by tonight

Food runs

  • Vikrum suggests that we should have a set time fortnightly to do food runs
  • Could be done before or after meeting
  • This will start next week


  • Newsletter will go out Tuesday


Alistair: Large-scale borrowing regs

Westmarche Campaign

  • Westmarche Opening Night [4pm Week 2 Friday 6/8]
    • Went well!
  • Westmarchmittee will be having meeting soon
  • One shot GM interest form will go up soon


Alistair: Get OGM date/time

Meeting closed: 1:48pm