Unigames Committee Meeting #24 - 20/08/2024

by Chris Leak 20/08/24

Unigames Committee Meeting #24 - 20/08/2024

tags: committee meeting 2024


  • Josh
  • Connor
  • Jack
  • Chris
  • Gen
  • Cooper
  • Jeremy
  • Nene
  • Nix
  • Oscar
  • Jackie



Meeting scheduled: 5:00PM

Meeting open: 5:05PM


President's Report (Josh):

  • Woo im bouta make a name for self
  • Attended UniSFA OGM
  • Uploaded all the 2020 minutes
  • Arika will unite everyone peacefully < 3
  • Phoenixers poked
  • Idk I have been doing stuff and things

Vice President's Report (Connor):

Treasurer's Report (Jack):

  • finally reimbursed some people because i'm really quick on the pink slip
  • 6$ ice cream sale over woolworths hates me

Acc Balance: 12,359.65 Commonwealth Bank Balance: 339.01

Secretary's Report (Chris):

  • Straight up posting it
    • and by it
      • WELL
        • let's just say
          • announcements
  • My new DnD character did not have anything to do with the death of their predecessor
    • nothing at all

Librarian's Report (Gen):

  • continuing to subcom things up
  • working to organise rpfl
  • pop culture oneshot night was so fun!! thank you so much to all our wonderful GMs, esp Connor
  • All the best oneshots are three sessions
  • got swords!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fresher Rep's Report (Cooper):

  • I went to pop culture one-shot night and played Star Wars

OCMs' Reports (Jeremy, Nene, Nix, Oscar):

  • Jeremy:
    • Ran star war at pop culture night, went well i fink
    • Rollerblading collab this friday! COME!
    • UWAlt collab organised perchance
    • wah why is there so many things on at the same time bollocks and etc
  • Nene:
    • excited for rollerblading
    • don't talk to me about the errors on the glass.
    • nene cultural loss: dead last in casual pokémon tournament
    • i keep coming second in fortnite. bc of woke
  • Nix:
    • Painting event went well
    • Trying to spread word about TTS event
    • Doing my first RPG campaign evarrrrrr
  • Oscar:
    • oscar's body try not to fall apart challenge
    • roleplay for life!!! yahoo

Immediate Past President's Report (Jackie):

  • Jackie has attended: 22/23 (96%) Meetings
    • (coming to my senses) PHOENIX SUBMISSION
    • sign up for relay team get hype for roleplay
    • drove for food run last week

Past Action Items:


Ask magic players about pre-release events with more options (not done)

Poke people about impending Phoenix due date (done)


Contact PCS about potential collab (not done)


post Roleplay 4 Life poster (done)

Print new PDF Games (not done, donated to Gen)

Do another Newsletter (not done)


Advertising for Pop Culture One-shot Night (done)

EMP and Advertising for Casual Painting Day (done)

Repair damaged games (in poggers)

Poke Blood Bowl Mat people about Blood Bowl Mat (not done)


Advertising for UWA Rollerblading Club collab (done)

contact the UWAlternative Society (done)


Organise Monolith and Kallax (not done)


Post Yu-Gi-Oh! EOI (not done)

EOI for TTS Wargames (not done)

Usual Suspects

Board Games

UWA Rollerblading Club collab - 23/8 @ 7:30am (Week 5)

  • It's happening
  • Details:
    • Rollerblading happening at 7:30am
    • Boardgames at 10:00am

Possible Future Collaborations

  • PCS
    • got a message from PCS, still discussing which games we would like to play
      • Coding Games/Team Games/Engine making Games
      • Codenames
      • Boss Monster
      • Banishment
      • Secret Hitler
      • Escape from the aliens in outer space
      • Colt Express
      • The Crew

        Connor: Contact PCS about potential collab


Pop Culture One-shot Night - Friday Week 4 @ 4pm

  • It happened
    • It went well
  • Attendance: 27
  • It appears that the reservation system is measurably increasing engagement
    • UPDATE: Reservation system seems to continue to work
      • Downside is the GMs may need to take extra players on the night depending on number of backups

UWAlternative Collab - 29/8 @ 4pm

  • current time is Thursday
  • GMs
    • Cass - Mork Borg
    • Jeremy - TBA
    • Josh - TBA
    • TBA - Cyberpunk

      Jeremy: EMP and advertising for UWAlternative Collab

Anime One-Shot Night (Collab with UWAnime) - Week 8(?)

  • messaged Cherry
  • rehashed which systems we are running
    • Girl by Moonlight
    • Maid
    • Adeptus Evangelion (maybe)
    • Golden Sky Stories
  • They are fine with hosting reservations on our server and having their members contact us to reserve a spot


Booster Box Buying Bhenanigans

  • Box dead

Magic: The Gathering

MTG Club Deck Updates
  • Wrong card sleeve fixed
  • Radha deck has broken sleeve
  • Old Club Deck still missing cards

    Gen: Check/replace Club Deck Sleeves

Discussion on future pre-release events
  • No updates (last discussed: meeting #20)
  • next pre-release, end of september

    Josh: Ask magic players about pre-release events with more options

Pokemon TCG

Future Pokemon events
  • EOI has been posted
  • 5 responses
    • Doesn't seem to be enough interest in Pokemon to specifically support it
    • We may try to run a multi-TCG event at some point to see if there is interest, as well as introduce people to those games in a more casual environment


Yu-Gi-Oh! discussion
  • following from the Pokemon EOI results, should wait to see if there is interest in Yu-Gi-Oh! from its EOI to compare
  • EOI for interest in Yu-Gi-Oh! in the clubroom will be made

    Nix: Post Yu-Gi-Oh! EOI


Next Warhammer Tournament

  • Postponed

    Nix: Talk to the wargaming group chat about next tournament

Warhammer Materials

  • going to build the second set of Terrain soon
  • Thought about tubes for the mats, but the bags stand up on their own so we've dropped that.
  • We need the deck for Warhammer
  • We can potentially fit some more of the terrain in the monolith

Blood Bowl

  • no updates (Last discussed: Meeting #23)
  • New Blood Bowl league is running
    • Current round: 2
  • Some of the blood bowl miniatures have been being returned broken
    • appears to be people being careless when packing the game up
    • Gen has talked with Cam, who is trying to find a material for his own storage, will look into whether that'll work for the club

      Gen: Temporary Blood bowl miniature protection

Wargaming Budget

  • no updates (Last discussed: meeting #23)
  • Objective Markers
    • in poggers
  • Commissioning Jackie to design objective markers
    • We are going to wait until Jackie is free to do this, so that it isn't rushed.

Casual Painting Day - 18/8 @ 1pm-5pm

  • It happened!
  • Went well!
  • We now have some extra newspaper
  • We do not have enough colour representation
    • that is, we are missing some paint colours
  • Attendance: 6 average

TTS Wargames event - after study week

  • there are alot of fun non-GW wargames
  • TTS event
  • Alot of wargames don't have TTS equivalents
  • There is interest, though

    Nix: EOI for TTS Wargames

Fresher Campaigns

  • "Yep, good" - gooper
  • Most of the new GMs have started up
  • Fixed a couple of individual scheduling/assignment issues

Access Department Collab!! - Wednesday 28/8 @ 11am

  • Next event: Wednesday 28/8
  • It will be the last Wednesday of the month

    Josh: Announcement for Access Deparment Collab

NEW Laser Tag with eSports and UCC

  • eSports have asked if we want to do another one during study week
  • Proportional budget is an option now
    • exact details still TBC depending on Eventbrite options

Cameron Hall Minecraft Factions Server

  • Reps are Connor, Chris
  • Wrap-up meeting on Friday
    • Planning on beginning preparation for new subcom post-meeting

Roleplay for Life - 31/8-1/9

  • Being Organised by Chris and Gen
  • Schedule being put together
    • Contacting GMs

Relay for Life - 5/10-6/10

  • no updates (Last discussed: meeting #23)
  • Team Leader: Gen

Cameron Hall Quiz Night - 12/9

  • Reps are Jack (Dark) and Nix (Light)
  • Ticket price may be even lower than previously expected, due to SPG covering a portion of the event
    • "pog-slay moment" - Joshua
    • If tickets are around $40, we get a lot of money to spend on prizes
    • On the other hand, we could crank it down to around $30 for uber cheap (we would still be able to reasonably provide prizes)
  • We think we should get the tables as cheap as reasonably possible
  • Advertising is being done
  • Meeting on Saturday

Joint [Redacted]

  • Reps are Jack, Cooper, Connor
  • [Redacted] leaders: Connor, Finn, Gary
  • some menu changes
    • Connor has brought in some fried rice
    • feedback:
      • keeping soy sauce separate
      • separating out Vegetable stock/Chicken stock trays
      • We'll need a lot of space to transport it
      • Shrimp cannot fry this rice
      • Eggs on side
      • Oyster sauce may be an option, depending on allergen information
  • EMP is being worked on
  • some activity options:
    • Blood Bowl 7's tournament
      • Pending materials arriving
      • Cam is keen and willing to bring some terrain down
  • Talked about a cap on attendance
    • Attendance cap based on dorms and requirement for a chill zone is tentatively 64

Dice Bag Workshop - 15/9 at 1-5pm @ Ezone Central 207

  • Reps are Oscar and Gen
  • Advertising up soon
  • $5 for entry, $7 for the kit (Cash Only)
    • The kit contains all the stuff you need to make a dice bag, including choice from available fabrics
  • Venue: Ezone Central 207
  • Date: 15/9 @ 1pm-5pm

Far Future Events

Upcoming Subcommittees/Prospective Reps

  • Uncharity Vigil - Josh, Jeremy


  • Approved
    • $248 to Jack Bariss for Warhammer Mats
    • $152 to Connor Brennan for Refresher Pizza
    • $523.50 to Jackie Shan for Food Run
  • Pending
  • Unsubmitted


SOCPAC Meeting

  • Next Meeting: 27/8
  • This is next week


  • no updates on new tenancy policies (last discussed: meeting #20)
  • Tenancy meeting: 28/8
    • This is also next week

UWA CELT campus O-Day - Friday 30/8 @12:45 - 1:45pm

  • the UWA CELT campus (in Claremont) are organising an O-day style event and are interested in featuring a number of clubs
  • Joshua will message us to get on organising that
    • transporting the games
    • transporting the people

General Business


  • No new Gatekeepers


  • No new Webkeepers

Room Updates

  • Jackie has provided some chair research
  • We have obtained a mysteriously placed set of Pallra draws
    • we may be able to fit this in the monolith

      Nene: Organise Monolith and Kallax


Book Buy

  • PDFs Bought:
    • Fabula Ultima
    • Alice is Missing
    • Printing Action item donated back to Gen
  • Blood Bowl Mat
    • no updates (last discussed: meeting #23)
    • have been bought, still being processed
    • they sure are taking a while to process with no contact

      Gen: Repair damaged games Gen: Poke Blood Bowl Mat people about Blood Bowl Mat Gen: Print new PDF Games

Food Runs

  • Food Run was done
  • we got drinks
  • going to start getting some items that are slightly over-budget regardless of if they are cheap enough
    • no more spending petrol money on vonk

Phoenix Revival - Due 21/8

  • Submissions link
  • Theme: Revival

    Josh: Poke people about impending Phoenix due date

Uploading Old Minutes

  • Josh has uploaded all of the 2020 minutes.

Organising Old Records

  • no updates
  • Taking up a lot of space
  • Options
    • Digitise them
      • Me (Chris) can scan them


  • doing that tonight

    Chris: Do another Newsletter

Committee Business

OGM - Thursday 29/8 @ 2pm

  • Should be a quick one
  • No major agenda items Meeting closed: 6:50PM