Unigames Committee Meeting #24 - 26/08/2019
by Donald Sutherland
26th Aug 2019
Unigames Committee Meeting #24 - 26/08/2019
- Aoibhinn
- Donald
- Taylor
- Amelia
- Elana
- Emerald
- Colin
- Alaura
- Gavin
- Alistair
Meeting open: 11:50AM
President's Report:
- Alaura didn't submit a report
Vice-President's Report:
- Sent emails to guild departments and clubs about collaborations
- Finished most of my action items so caught up on some other people’s
- Attended subcommittee meetings
Basically finished the apology, thanks to Taylor for writing the bulk of it, waiting on committee approval before sending it
Two new applications
- >Aoibhinn: Message unsuccesful gate applicants
- >Aoibhinn, Donald: Print new gatekeeper forms
Treasurer's Report:
- Account balance: $2388.28
- I’m back, I’m still sick, I have no idea what’s going on
Secretary's Report:
- I have made two proposed constitutional changes
- These minutes will be emailed out as well!
- Guild isn't letting me log in to make an EMP/RMP for RP4Lyfe
- Playing commander over the weekend was fun
- Talked to the ProfComp group, and things were discussed.
- Also still need to talk about regulations
Librarian's Report:
- Overdue items:
- Alistair has not submitted reports
Fresher Rep's Report:
- Halloween subcommittee is fun
- Fresher campaigns are sorted and no one has complained so that's
- Microwave was bought
- Did a food run
OCM reports
- No OCM reports
Past action Items:
- Chat with Winslade about future scheduling - not done
- Go through Camp feedback and begin writing a handover - not done
- Book Manjedal for next year - not done
- Find the RP4L handover (along with Donald, Alistair) - not done
- Fill out App form - not done
- Take away the fridge - not done
- Post up poll for shirt colours - done by Aoibhinn
- Do a sort on the google drive after camp - not done
- Post about large-scale borrowing to presidents page - done
- Watch out for board game events to snipe clubs for collabs - dne
- Look into Unigames solo Mega-Game-esque events a la Primarchs - WIP
- Talk to Enviro and UCC about Cans - email sent
- Talk to people about Discord things - done
- Do a full financial breakdown of camp - not done
- Make a poll for charity selection - not done
- Go to team meeting for Relay + get tins (along with Elana) - Elana did that
- Go through the constitution (along with Donald) - done, but still more work to do
- Organise next magic commander night - done
- Do EMP and RMP for RP4Lyfe (along with Alistair) - Can't log in
- Find the RP4L handover (along with Alaura, Alistair) - done
- Make a new archive guide - not done
- Make a new Whenisgood for Archiving - done by Aoibhinn
- Respond to ProfComp group - done
- Turn on approval posting - done
- Git gud with the mailing lists - done
- Make event for OGM - done
- Go through the constitution (along with Taylor) - done, more work to do
- Follow up with computer science - ???
- Do EMP and RMP for RP4Lyfe (along with Donald) - not done
- Find the RP4L handover (along with Alaura, Donald) - done
- Make post about weekly board game reviews - not done
- Archive Ad Eva history - done
- Chase Jasmine about membership cards - not done
- Go to team meeting for Relay + get tins (along with Taylor) - done
- Start up a FB admin document - WIP
- Scope out the weekend of 7th September for Wargamers
- (Everyone) Fill out the Whenisgood - WIP
Usual Suspects:
- Next one is today at 4PM!
- Come along, it will be fun!
- 13th Age One-shot:
- Pretty good! Two games happened!
- A whole 10 people had fun!
- Song of Ice and Fire (RPGoT):
- Next monday!
- There's a facebook event!
- Halloween tie-in!
- We want an event to tie in with CHall-oween
- Paranoia one-shot?
- Scheduled in for week 11
- Commander was fun over the weekend
- Sealed league prizes have been worked out, just need to be distributed!
- 7th September is an option for Wargaming organisation day
Fresher Campaigns
- They are happening!
- No freshers are sitting out if they have compatible availabilities
- UniAccess:
- Games have been borrowed!
- Happening September 12th, at 6:30pm
- Computer Science:
- >Alistair: Follow up with Computer Science
- Language week:
- Aoibhinn sent an email to Language week
- No response yet
- Pride week:
- Aoibhinn sent an email to Pride department
- No response yet
- >Aoibhinn: Watch out for board game events to snipe clubs for collabs
Quiz Night [10th May]:
- Money is here!
- This can be purged next meeting!
CAMP - Fiends and Fae (Un-Redacted!) [21st-24th June]:
- >Alaura: Chat with Winslade about future scheduling
- >Aoibhinn: Look into Unigames solo Mega-Game-esque events a la Primarchs
- >Alaura: Go through Camp feedback and begin writing a handover
- >Taylor: Do a full financial breakdown of camp
- Reps: Colin, Emerald + Elana, Aoibhinn
- Things are submitted!
- It's happening Saturday!
- >Donald: Make a poster for LARP1001
OGM [10th September]:
- >Aoibhinn: Obtain things from Alaura
- >Donald: Write up another constutional ammendment
- >Donald: Make a nominations thread on the OGM event
- >Donald: Add optional reports to the OGM agenda
Roleplay for Life [14th/15th September]:
- Reps: Alistair, Donald + Alaura
- Event is in two weeks and no advertising has happened
- Event is now in three weeks
- EMP/RMP need to be done
- Taylor has one we can copy
- MyGuild is currently not working for some people, whoops
- Aoibhinn has made a bad poster
- We need a confirmed list of GMs
- Two or three who can run the entire thing
- And a few who can run in breaks and such
- We also want to vet who wants to be on stream
- Pricing:
- $5 for first character
- $2 for every subsequent character
- Gold coin for in game benefits
- Make sure GMs have a good monetisation model
- >Donald: Organise getting the capture card/video/audio equipment
Charity Vigil [28th/29th September]:
- Reps: Colin, Taylor
- Current clubs that are involved:
- Unigames
- UniSFA
- Panto
- UWAnime not involved as the proposed date is on the same date as their quiz night
- Who gives a buck is a PAC affiliated club about charities
- >Taylor: Talk to Who gives a buck
- >Taylor: Make a poll for charity selection
- EMP + booking needs to be done
- So that advertising can happen
- Meeting happening Thursday at 3PM
- $5 entry
- Make pizza prices allow for some extra charity
- Invert the prices of raffle tickets?
- Make it so the more you get, the more they cost
Relay for Life [12th/13th October]:
- Reps: Taylor + Elana, Emerald
- Elana went to the meeting
- We have tins!
- Fancy art on the battle tin done by Jackie <3
- We need to sort out who's going to help with set-up and take-down
- Sponsoring entries?
- >Taylor: Make a relay sponsorship post
MCW - Multicultral Week [17th October]:
- No updates
- 6PM - 10PM
Cameron Hall-oween [25th or 25th October]:
- Reps: Aoibhinn, Amelia
- Two meetings have happened
- EMP is being worked on
- Advertising events are being organised
- We made a timeline!
- Week 6/7 is EMP deadline
- Saturday of week 10: If we haven't sold 20 tickets or event will be cancelled
- ACE Security is going to be hired again
- They're being contacted now
Summer LARP:
- Reps: Alistair, Elana, Emerald
- EMP should be done in a few weeks
- Emerald is very keen for this
- University Gothic!
Un-Charity Vigil:
- Still very far away
[REDACTED] 2020:
- >Alaura: Book Manjedal for next year
- Tentative date: 19th-22nd of June 2020
FilAus Incident:
- Aoibhinn has basically finished it
- It will be sent today!
Tenancy allocations:
- No updates
Guild App
- Aoibhinn has filled out the form!
- No updates
- We got a breakdown of grants related stuff
- They apparently rejected our food items
- Taylor spoke to Jacob about whether they will count or not
- If the rejection means we don't hit cap, then we'll appeal, otherwise we won't.
SOC Meeting:
- Club awards are a thing
- We should maybe apply for some
- We might get new neighbors as well
Room Update:
- We have a new one!
- We also have an old one
- UCC has expressed interest in it
- Waiting for them to get back to us
- Alaura is not here
- Aoibhinn has sent an email to Enviro department about can recycling.
- No response yet
Old fridge:
- Alaura still needs to pick up the fridge
- >Alaura: Take away the fridge
Bunnings things:
- Fridge Whiteboard
- Still need more magnets
- Noodles
- We got some double sided tape
- Floor felt
- We got some floor felt
- Tiny whiteboard
- For long-term borrowing things
- President's picture
- Need the same type of magnets for the picture
- Alternatively just tape it to the filing cabinet.
- Fridge Whiteboard
Wargaming shelf
- No updates
- Pending
- Donald: $165.96 for food run
- Donald: $26.50 for bunnings run
- Amelia: $166 for Microwave
General Business:
- Ongoing
New T-Shirts:
- Poll has been made!
- >Taylor: Get quotes for shirts
- There is a Whenisgood to fill out!
- >Everyone: Fill out the whenisgood
Board games guide:
- Still working on it at people's leisure
- Make a post encouraging people to review board games
- Board game review of the week!
- Sounds cute/wholesome
- >Alistair: Make post about weekly board game reviews
Food run:
- Should probably do one by next week
Campus Toilets:
- No updates
Ad Eva
- Has been scanned
- >Alistair: Put Ad Eva on the archives
Optional membership cards
- No updates
Prof Comp
- A bunch of things were discussed:
- >Donald, Taylor: Discuss Prof Comp things
- Clarifications made
SOC Masterlist
- No updates
Facebook things:
- Approval posting is now on
Discord things:
- Aoibhinn has a bunch of changes
- Welcome page
- List of rules
- A bunch of bots are discussed
- Permissions were discussed
Mailing lists:
- This will be mailed out
Meeting closed: 1:53PM--
Action Items:
- Chat with Winslade about future scheduling
- Go through Camp feedback and begin writing a handover
- Book Manjedal for next year
- Take away the fridge
- Message unsuccesful gate applicants
- Print new gatekeeper forms (along with Donald)
- Watch out for board game events to snipe clubs for collabs
- Look into Unigames solo Mega-Game-esque events a la Primarchs
- Obtain things from Alaura
- Do a full financial breakdown of camp
- Talk to Who gives a buck
- Make a poll for charity selection
- Make a relay sponsorship post
- Get quotes for shirts
- Discuss Prof Comp things (along with Donald)
- Print new gatekeeper forms (along with Aoibhinn)
- Make a poster for LARP1001
- Write up another constutional ammendment
- Make a nominations thread on the OGM event
- Add optional reports to the OGM agenda
- Organise getting the capture card/video/audio equipment
- Discuss Prof Comp things (along with Taylor)
- Follow up with Computer Science
- Make post about weekly board game reviews
- Put Ad Eva on the archives
- (Everyone) Fill out the whenisgood