Unigames Committee Meeting #25 - 20/08/2020

by Autumn Brough 20/08/20

Unigames Committee Meeting #25 - 20/08/2020


  • Alistair
  • Taylor
  • Jackie
  • Autumn
  • Emerald "dont call me back"
  • Alice
  • Ash
  • Josh "doesnt call back"
  • Kyle


  • Gwen

Exiled :(((

  • Kyle

Meeting scheduled: 6:00pm

Meeting open: 6:07pm


President's Report (Alistair):

  • Submitted a lab report before it was due for the first time in three years
  • Should be getting to meet with Leigh about camp things soon
  • There are no words in my brain right now
  • There's probably more information that should go here but I can't think of it right now

Vice-President's Report (Taylor):

  • went to the world's spiciest tenancy meeting
  • went to a mildly spicy SOC meeting where i roasted a club so hard they didnt affiliate
  • slept through a camp meeting
  • and am here now
  • gozz: "i have taken to calling taylor my little tornado"

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • went to the busy bee!! re-inked some dice
  • went to board games night!! and got brutally murdered in salem by my own fellow committee members : (
  • camp meeting happened
  • did a deposit and withdrawal today!
  • emerald made me cry one night on discord vc by telling me her bittersweet headcanon about my own got damn dnd character and i'm still recovering
  • uh the left side of my back/neck has been hurting for almost a week and idk why lol
  • account balance: $3,022.74

Secretary's Report (Autumn):

  • attended the board games night
  • lucky that i did because there was also a compulsory relay meeting that night

Librarian's Report (Emerald):

  • i went to the boardgames night
  • i genuinely don't know what else
  • general librarian actions
  • fuck idk
  • taylors right my d&d character is not a toy dog shes a tan bull terrier and that is that
  • also one of the tokens from one night warewolf is missing ill make another idk

Fresher Rep's Report (Alice):

  • doing my fresher campaign allocations right now
  • i have a car
  • the freshers are alive
  • accepting submissions for car names
    • ideally related to the colour red, starting with A, pretty and old and greek
    • alice rudely declines "aradia" despite meeting all the requirements

Reports de la OCM (Ashleigh, Gwen, Josh, Kyle):

  • Ash:
    • last min report let's go
    • whatta week, Did Not Vibe ™️
    • busy bee was a thing, wiped down windows
    • uhhh yeah take care yall
  • Gwen:
    • I have to learn how to eat dinner (I got a wedding rehearsal dinner)
  • Josh:
    • important anniversary
      • michael wave
    • UWASCA meeting this weekend
    • observed gwen's boardgame night from home (which is also gwen's home)
  • Kyle:
    • apologies having issues with my phone not charging so I wont be able to remote in unless this changes by 5pm

Past action Items:

This Week's Action Items: Alistair:

Advertise large scale borrowing to club presidents group slash colleges - not done


Ask Leigh about giving people EMP powers - done

Work on a roleplay 4 life EMP (along with Emerald, Alice) - not done

Poll facebook about roleplay structure - not done

Contact guild and get them to replace the light - done

Follow up on the health promotion person who was offering health related pamphlets - not done

Tidy up the SPG proposal (along with Jackie) - done

DOOOO constitutional changes - not done


Tidy up the SPG proposal (along with Taylor) - done


Complete the team board games night EMP (email hello@guild about loft) - not done (UH OH)

Make a post asking for interest in sponsoring relay signups - not done

Let Donald into our github - not done


Work on a roleplay 4 life EMP (along with Taylor, Alice) - not done

Continue doing quiz magic, get us a budget to look at, figure out food (along with Kyle) - things are starting to happen


Fresher campaign stuff!! - doing it right now

Work on a roleplay 4 life EMP (along with Taylor, Emerald) - not done


Continue doing quiz magic, get us a budget to look at, figure out food (along with Emerald) - not done

Make the lost dice get into Chase and Unigames' hands - not done


Set up team board games night on FB - done


Create an open FB poll to enquire as to what games people are interested in GMing for oneshots - done


  • no updatez

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • "There's no I in Team" board games night
    • it was fun! lots of stories. apparently a song was sung?
    • smack autumn over the head for forgetting to check in with guild about the EMP
    • we had good fresher engagement


  • Wildcard RPG night

    • Everything fired but the horror games
    • D&D and amelia earhart happened
    • we will try to play nechronica one day
  • GM Workshop

    • A oneshot where everyone gets a turn to GM
    • this has been theorised about on the facebook page, an opportunity for uncondident GMs to try out safe

Autumn: Set up the GM workshop night for next week

Magic: The Gavining

  • Casual Commander Day
    • "dont minute anything i ever say ever - alistair langton" - taylor home
    • it was fun!!
    • fresher engagement was good, they were all bundled in the room with alistair


  • The wargamers are gone
  • The SPG was filed
  • Note that we still have $150 earmarked from uncharity for wargames

Fresher Campaigns

  • Alice is assembling them now!!
  • We're getting decent player signups


Halloween 2019:

  • halloween 2019 haunts jackie like a ghost
  • jarcus hasn't replied

Roleplay 4 Life [Sat 26/9 - Sun 27-9]:

  • make the poll, taylor

Taylor: Make the poll, taylor, for roleplay 4 life

  • oh hey, that's the day after guild ball

Relay [Saturday 10/10]:

  • autumn attended a team captains information meeting
  • no big news, have checked in about our getting placed with the other cam hall clubs

Autumn: Make a post about sponsoring laps and signups

Taylor: Check in with Autumn about 2019 relay feedback


  • meeting is coming up, hopefully meeting soon

Quiz Night [Thursday 22/10]:

  • everybody thanked taylor profusely for attending the meeting
  • concerns about the quiz currently being scheduled for thursday night - we traditionally prefer friday
  • proposal for a new earlybird pricing scheme - late table tickets will cost the same per-person as earlybird individual tickets
    • if we want earlybird deadline to be 9/10, we need to be selling tickets 2 weeks beforehand at least, preferably 4 weeks
    • this would account for the fact that we need to up revenues, with expenses going up

Taylor, Emerald, Kyle: Continue quiz planning

Joint REDACTED [20/11-23/11]:

  • should be meeting with leigh SOON
    • updates to follow

Taylor: Do the goddamn spreadsheet

Jackie: Get the link

Room Update:

  • Busy bee
    • We had a busy bee
    • Busy bees are weekly for the near future

Alistair: Plan for busy bees

  • Broken light
    • Taylor submitted a work order to fix our broken light
    • The skirting board has also been raised
    • Our hole has been inspected


  • Pending:
    • Autumn: -$34.79
    • Jackie: $366.40


  • Reopening of Cameron Hall

    • Reiterated in tenancy consultation that we need to prevent the doors from being propped open
    • People HAVE to tap in to contact trace
    • Due to a recent breach of the hard border, we should be extra careful
    • Do Not Get Lax
  • Tenancy Reallocations

    • Reallocations are unfreezing Monday
    • There was a bunch of conflicting information at the tenancy meeting - told different things by different people
    • Taylor asked many questions of clarification and received vague or unrelated answers
    • At the absolute earliest, no one will be moving clubroom until next December. They will be overseen by the next tenancy
    • When the process unpauses, we will return to the exact timing of the appeals process
    • Cannot confidently say that everything will be going back into full swing on the 24th due to various people waiting on others
    • One of the rooms in the top floor of guild has been requisitioned by guild to turn into a chapel.
    • Tenancy will be acquiring three rooms in Commercial (by the secondhand bookshop)
    • We have been told we are not allowed to adjust our appeals based on this new information. This new information will not be incorporated into the decision at all
    • Jameson confirmed that we will receive a full masterlist of which clubs have been placed where. This is a good outcome.

Alistair: Re-email our appeal to Amy, Jacob, etc

  • Grants
    • SPG has been submitted!!
    • Coming soon, if approved
    • Jameson encouraged us to get in touch about 2019sem2 semester grant
    • JustGuildThings

Jackie: Get in contact with Jameson about 2019sem2 semester grant

  • SOC Meeting
    • It happened on tuesday
    • There was information
    • An Enviro-grant will be made available for applications soon
    • We should investigate possibilities
    • The Guild will be recognising guild executive work as volunteering hours
    • Feasibility study for Cameron Hall will be coming out this month, including information about the possibility of getting a lift.
    • Again, do NOT prop the cam halls door open
    • Guild ball is on 25/9 (sold out lol)
    • The guild will be setting up some kind of system for welfare assistants
    • Protests on 28/8 about the govt's bullshit
    • $10k has been allocated for the first wave of SPGs, $25k for the second wave
    • Confirmation we should include all our summer and 2020sem1 expenses in our 2020sem2 semester grant
    • Guild is specifically calling for event/activities to happen at Spring Feast, as well as food.
      • Keeping games hygienic at this event would be highly difficult.

Emerald: Talk to leigh about the spring feast

General Business:


Taylor, Alistair: Do marking for websites

Autumn: Give Donald a new github password

Unigames Dice

  • We still owe chase two dice. Alistair sets them aside rn

Constitutional Changes

  • No update

Taylor: Constitutional Changes

First Aid Course

  • No udpate

Large Scale Borrowing

Alistair: Make a post in the presidents group about large scale borrowing

Book Buy

Alistair, Emerald: Set up a book buy

Meeting closed: 7:23pm