Unigames Committee Meeting #25 - 27/08/2024

by Chris Leak 27/08/24

Unigames Committee Meeting #25 - 27/08/2024

tags: committee meeting 2024


  • Josh
  • Connor
  • Jack
  • Chris
  • Gen
  • Cooper
  • Jeremy
  • Nene
  • Nix
  • Oscar
  • Jackie



Meeting scheduled: 5:00PM

Meeting open: 5:08PM


President's Report (Josh):

  • Came third at E-Sports Quiz Night
  • Posted some more Relay stuff
    • apparently there's another flash sale
  • Started working on Phoenix
  • Uploaded more minutes
  • Currently working on finding the one missing minutes from 2019
  • Very excited for Roleplay
    • Hatune Miku, is that you?!

Vice President's Report (Connor):

  • Still working on Joint [REDACTED]
  • Move over Viva Pinata, Marvel Ultimate Alliance is my new favourite child
  • Oh yeah also gonna be at SOCPAC

Treasurer's Report (Jack):

  • SPG Grant delivered
  • who up counting they coins rn Account Balance: 13,048.15 dola Commbank Acc Balance: 338.01 doler

Secretary's Report (Chris):

  • who up
    • not me i'm eepy
  • Newsletter
  • Also assignments

Librarian's Report (Gen):

  • Roleplay for life! Only ~~one week~~ four days away!
  • OGM! Only two days away!
  • Hounds trial! Only three days away!
  • i may or may not be at the meeting, and if I’m not it’s because I specifically hate Taylor Swift and don’t want to be in the same room as them

Fresher Rep's Report (Cooper):

  • went to E-sports Quiz
  • Also came late to the board games event and no one was here

OCMs' Reports (Jeremy, Nene, Nix, Oscar):

  • Jeremy:
    • Ran UWARC collab boardgame day - 13 people attended (fank you so much for helping, Nene)
    • Running UWAlt Collab on Thursday night, come along
    • Cosmere TTRPG ordered yayyyyyyyy now to wait patiently (i need it now)
  • Nene:
    • helped with uwarc collab :3c
    • started organising the monolith and cleaned the money box
    • i just need to do all my assignments and then its fine
    • won fortnite one time this week were so back
  • Nix:
    • Blood Bowl
  • Oscar:
    • flu :(
      • truly the worst week to be ill
      • aaaaaaa

Immediate Past President's Report (Jackie):

  • Jackie has attended: 22/23 (96%) Meetings
    • (through the clubroom window) jackie face down on the floor
    • semester is going fine
    • helped out with other people's phoenix submissions
    • doing strict budgeting so i have roleplay money
    • will help with getting our twitch up to date this week
    • there may have been other stuff. idr.
    • oh wait right i helped quiz night subcom a little

Past Action Items:


Ask magic players about pre-release events with more options (Not done)

Announcement for Access Deparment Collab (Done)

Poke people about impending Phoenix due date (Done)


Do another Newsletter (done)


Check/replace Club Deck Sleeves (not done)

Temporary Blood bowl miniature protection (in poggers)

Repair damaged games (in poggers)

Poke Blood Bowl Mat people about Blood Bowl Mat (done)

Print new PDF Games (donated to Josh)


EMP and advertising for UWAlternative Collab (done)


Organise Monolith and Kallax (in poggers)


Post Yu-Gi-Oh! EOI (not done)

Talk to the wargaming group chat about next tournament (not done)

EOI for TTS Wargames (done)

Usual Suspects

Board Games

UWA Rollerblading Club collab - 23/8 @ 7:30am (Week 5)

  • Attendance: 13
  • Alot of rollerbladers, a few Unigamers
    • Potentially too early for more Unigames attendees
    • On the other hand, some of the Unigamers who showed up don't show up as much to other events
    • We could also try having an earlier event on a day other than Friday, to see if it is due to Friday being quieter
  • Good feedback from UWARC committee

Chill Boardgames - 4/9 @ 12pm Study Week

  • boardgames, but chill

PCS Collab - Week 9 (Date TBC)

  • got a message from PCS, still discussing which games we would like to play
    • Coding Games/Team Games/Engine making Games
    • Codenames
    • Boss Monster
    • Banishment
    • Secret Hitler
    • Escape from the aliens in outer space
    • Colt Express
    • The Crew
  • Communicated what the event would look like
  • A little too close for study week, so pencilled in for Week 9

Monster Boardgames - Week 11

  • Games about monsters
    • Boss Monster
    • King of New York
    • Dungeon Mayhem (Monster Madness)
    • Flamecraft

      Gen: EMP and Advertising for Monster Boardgames

Card Games - Pre-exam Study Week

  • boardgames, but with cards
    • and possibly no board

      Nix: EMP and Advertising for Card Games

Possible Future Collaborations


UWAlternative Collab - 29/8 @ 4pm

  • "It's two days away" - Nene
  • GMs
    • Cass - Mork Borg
    • Jeremy - PAWs
    • Josh - TBA

      Jeremy: EMP and advertising for UWAlternative Collab

UniSFA RPG One-shot Night - Week 7

  • Planning on collaborating on a One-shot Night in week 7

    Gen: Talk with Angus UniSFA about One-shot Night

Anime One-Shot Night (Collab with UWAnime) - Week 8 @ CCZ

  • messaged Cherry
  • There is a group chat
  • rehashed which systems we are running
    • Girl by Moonlight
    • Maid
    • Adeptus Evangelion (maybe)
    • Golden Sky Stories
    • Fabula Ultima
  • GMs
    • Nene
    • Cherry
    • Gibbi - Fabula Ultima
    • Jack - Cowboy Bebop
  • Reservations
    • Will create a google form to post on both servers
  • They are good for free pizza at the event

    Nene: EMP and Advertising for Anime One-shot Night

d20 System One-shot Night - Week 10

  • Mani has suggested a one-shot night for d20 systems
  • Featuring D20 systems such as:
    • Pathfinder
    • Cipher Systems
    • That one RPG that Baldur's Gate is based on
      • i don't recall which one that is /j
  • Don't want to make it just a DnD night

    Connor, Jack: EMP and Advertising for d20 One-shot Night

One-page RPG one-shot night - Week 12

  • Featuring One-page RPG systems

    Nene: EMP and advertising for One-page RPG one-shot night

Paranoia one-shot night - semester break (date TBA)

  • Look behind you

    Jack: EMP and advertising for Paranoia one-shot night


Booster Box Buying Bhenanigans

  • Box alive
    • one box already half dead

Magic: The Gathering

MTG Club Deck Updates
  • No updates (Last Discussed: Meeting #24)
  • Wrong card sleeve fixed
  • Radha deck has broken sleeve
  • Old Club Deck still missing cards

    Gen: Check/replace Club Deck Sleeves

Discussion on future pre-release events
  • No updates (last discussed: meeting #20)
  • next pre-release, end of september

    Josh: Ask magic players about pre-release events with more options

Pokemon TCG

Future Pokemon events
  • EOI has been posted
  • 5 responses
    • Doesn't seem to be enough interest in Pokemon to run major events such as prereleases and tournaments
    • We may try to run a multi-TCG event at some point to see if there is interest, as well as introduce people to those games in a more casual environment
  • The Smaller events we have been running (casual pokemon days) haven't been getting enough attendance to warrant running them
  • Judging by the EOI and that attendance, it would be difficult to justify running larger events for the game
  • This shouldn't be an issue (in theory) for an event that feature's multiple TCGs, or it should less of a problem.
Pokemon Decks
  • Chris is picking up some of the decks
    • regi deck
    • Gardevoir deck
  • May eventually replace them, but don't have the time right now
  • Nene is possibly interested in switching out some of the proxies


Yu-Gi-Oh! discussion
  • last discussed: meeting #24
  • following from the Pokemon EOI results, should wait to see if there is interest in Yu-Gi-Oh! from its EOI to compare
  • EOI for interest in Yu-Gi-Oh! in the clubroom will be made

    Nix: Post Yu-Gi-Oh! EOI


Next Warhammer Tournament

  • last discussed: meeting #24
  • Postponed

    Nix: Talk to the wargaming group chat about next tournament

Warhammer Materials

  • going to build the second set of Terrain soon
  • Thought about tubes for the mats, but the bags stand up on their own so we've dropped that.
    • Update: Nene has investigated tubes, and the post office tubes aren't long enough.
  • Age of Sigmar deck is possibly going to be splat-bought
  • We can potentially fit some more of the terrain in the monolith

Blood Bowl

  • New Blood Bowl league is running
    • Update: Seems to be very successful, may run other league-type events for different games
      • potentially MTG Precon League (eyes emoji)
  • Some of the blood bowl miniatures have been being returned broken
    • Update: Finn has donated some foam things that we could use
    • appears to be people being careless when packing the game up
    • Gen has talked with Cam, who is trying to find a material for his own storage, will look into whether that'll work for the club

      Gen: Temporary Blood bowl miniature protection

Wargaming Budget

  • no updates (Last discussed: meeting #23)
  • Objective Markers
    • not quite in poggers
  • Commissioning Jackie to design objective markers
    • We are going to wait until Jackie is free to do this, so that it isn't rushed.

Casual Painting Day - Before Exams (Date TBC)

  • new painting day

    Nix: EMP and Advertising for Casual Painting Day

TTS Wargames event - after study week (Date TBC)

  • EOI was posted
    • 6 Responses
    • Generally positive
    • Systems
      • QUAR
      • Turnip28
      • Mobile Frame Zero
  • Plan is to run this a couple of weeks before the tournament

    Nix: EMP and Advertising for TTS Wargames Event

Fresher Campaigns

  • Running well
    • "They're gone" - gooper

Access Department Collab!! - Wednesday 28/8 @ 12pm

  • Next event: Wednesday 28/8
  • It's at 12pm ignore last week
  • It will be the last Wednesday of the month

NEW Laser Tag with eSports and UCC and CSSC - Thursday 5/9 @ 6pm @ Lazer Blaze Willetton

  • Advertising is out
  • Budget approved
  • Profit-split approved
  • 6 tickets sold 1 hour after the announcement
    • It's been a few more hours now
  • Tickets are $25

Cameron Hall Minecraft Factions Server

  • Reps are Connor, Chris
  • Wrap-up meeting THIS Friday
    • Chris will call it
      • (Post-meeting note: we are doing it next week during study week)
    • Planning on beginning preparation for new subcom post-meeting

Roleplay for Life - 31/8-1/9

  • Being Organised by Chris and Gen
  • Schedule is posted
  • Time to poke about it again
  • HYPE

    Chris: Poke about it again (by it, i mean Roleplay)

Relay for Life - 5/10-6/10

Cameron Hall Quiz Night - 12/9 @ The Tav

  • Reps are Jack (Dark) and Nix (Light)
  • Budget
    • Prize budget is now $80 per club
    • $20 is going to general prizes, remaining to club specific prizes
  • Table Ticket price is $50, single ticket is $10
    • Will go on sale tomorrow or thursday
    • Early bird will last until a week before the event
  • Advertising is done
  • Meeting on Saturday

    Josh: organise prizes from Tactics

Joint [Redacted]

  • Reps are Jack, Cooper, Connor
  • [Redacted] leaders: Connor, Finn, Gary
  • Superstock want to set up an account with UCC
  • some menu changes (in poggers)
  • Budget and EMP are being worked on in the next couple of days
  • some activity options:
    • Blood Bowl 7's tournament
      • Pending materials arriving
      • Cam is keen and willing to bring some terrain down
  • Confirmed attendance cap of 64
    • based on dorms and requirement for chill zones

Dice Bag Workshop - 15/9 at 1-5pm @ Ezone Central 207

  • Reps are Oscar and Gen
  • Advertising pretty much ready to go
  • Got the fabric
  • $5 for entry, $7 for the kit (Cash Only)
    • The kit contains all the stuff you need to make a dice bag, including choice from available fabrics
  • Venue: Ezone Central 207
  • Date: 15/9 @ 1pm-5pm

Far Future Events

Upcoming Subcommittees/Prospective Reps

  • Uncharity Vigil - Josh, Jeremy


  • Approved
  • Pending
  • Unsubmitted
    • $420 to Gibbi for Bloomburrow boxes
    • $52.09 to Gibbi for Club Deck cards


SOCPAC Meeting

  • Connor is SOCPACing


  • no updates on new tenancy policies (last discussed: meeting #20)
  • Tenancy meeting: 28/8
    • This is tomorrow

UWA CELT campus O-Day - Friday 30/8 @12:45 - 1:45pm

  • it's on Friday!
  • the UWA CELT campus (in Claremont) are organising an O-day style event and are interested in featuring a number of clubs
  • Joshua will message us to get on organising that
    • transporting the games
    • transporting the people

      Josh: organise transporting people and games to CELT campus

General Business


  • No new Gatekeepers


  • No new Webkeepers

Room Updates

  • Jackie has provided some chair research
    • To be discussed on post via circular
    • hopefully we can fit in an IKEA trip after discussion
  • Monolith is in the process of being organised
    • New Pallra draws are in there
  • The new Warhammer Terrain might not fit in the monolith as we originally intended

    Nene: Organise Monolith and Kallax everyone: Discuss chair research on facebook post


Book Buy

  • PDFs Bought:
    • Fabula Ultima
    • Alice is Missing
    • Printing Action item donated again to Josh
  • Blood Bowl Mat
    • update: they've been poked
    • have been bought, still being processed
    • they sure are taking a while to process with no contact
  • For next meeting: Proposed donation of Talisman 5e

    Gen: Repair damaged games Gen: Print new PDF Games

Food Runs

  • low on ice cream, but otherwise don't need to run for food
  • Milk run for Roleplay, ideally before Roleplay

Phoenix Revival - Due 21/8

  • Josh has started working on the PDF
  • Theme: Revival

Uploading Old Minutes

  • Josh has uploaded almost all of the 2019 minutes.
    • There was one missing o7

Organising Old Records

  • no updates (last discussed: 5000 BC)
  • Taking up a lot of space
  • Options
    • Digitise them
      • Me (Chris) can scan them


  • did that, will do it again

    Chris: Do the next newsletter

Committee Business

OGM - Thursday 29/8 @ 2pm

  • Should be a quick one
  • No major final agenda items

    everyone: Submit OGM report to Chris before the OGM Meeting closed: 7:42PM