Unigames Committee Meeting #26 - 25/08/2021
Unigames Committee Meeting #26 - 25/08/2021
- Alistair
- Emerald
- Gwen
- Jackie
- Ethan
- Amber
- Chris
- Nina
- Texas
- Vikrum
Meeting scheduled: 1:00pm
Meeting open: 1:00pm
President's Report (Alistair):
- I immediately forgot everything I've done
- Went to a doctor's appointment a week early
- New shirts arrived
- Cherish says fuck skub
- no she doesn't - jackie
- But it says it on the shirt
- Cherish says fuck skub
- stares into the abyss
- Freshers at a go at me for now combat last week
- There's old rule text for walkers now and it's fucking baller (Magic things)
Vice-President's Report (Emerald):
- Uhhhmmmmm
- Finished EMP for roleplay
- I am behind in my computer class please don't interact
- Wish my freshers luck as they enter their second combat in two weeks
- Thanks for reading the minutes
Treasurer's Report (Jackie):
- did the quiz night budget (lol)
- just did the emp meeting!
- smashed out a bunch of joint camp stuff over friday/weekend
- fixed up the event budget template too
- eunigames (for glory)
- people need to let cherish die SHE WANTS TO SEE HER FAMILY
- account balance: $7,852.32
Secretary's Report (Gwen):
- So quiz night is next week????
- I'm so sorry Jackie that you had to pick up after lightmittie
- Going to start the quiz night powerpoint tomorrow
- maybe
- hopefully
- I have a hip injury...
- Newsletter went out last week
Librarian's Report (Vikrum):
- Good afternoon gamers (big G gamers DNI)
- pause while Emerald gets a call from her Mum
- Please someone with a STEM degree explain why time moves exponentially faster as the semester progresses
- Mostly done reading Mouse Guard, think I can run it in Week 7, it's certainly a cool system if a lil more complex than my usual bread and butter
- Snide remarks from Alistair
- I'm just gonna start tagging things when I've got any downtime in the day, so if you would like to help with any game you think you know well, I'll make a spreadsheet for you to help out
- now the RPG classification system commenceth, it may take time but I'm pot committed to tagging this whole damn library before I graduate come hell, high water, or the [REDACTED]
- A lil addendum for the library, I mentioned WorldCat.org before, it's basically all the catalogues of almost all the libraries in the world, we can use that to do some of the heavy lifting of describing the box and/or contents, plus we can use that to check for missing pieces in the future if for some reason the manual doesn't mention it
Fresher Rep's Report (Ethan):
- Sure has been a week
- I think I've lived???
- First session of spire happened, vanishing stag, nothing else to say
- I finished my boy, my familiar has evolved
- I'm questioning Alistair's taste in magic cards
Reports de la OCM (Amber, Chris, Nina, Texas):
- Amber:
- Ascension 18+ in Slay the Spire
- Also Minimalist and Common Sense (at the same time because why not)
- I can't wait for not being around parents
- So busy
- Chris:
- i've decided to build a magic proxy deck (featuring squirrels)
- it sure has not felt like a week since the last meeting
- my firebrand spire character: riot when?
- Texas:
- good news! Stabby got a combat
- bad news! Texas wasnt there
- but tomorrow.... i hope
- i played dominion yesterday
- haven't done that much this week, but i hope everyone is well
- I realised I have a 9hr shift next Friday and the Friday after
- I have 4 dragons
- Nina:
- the sad music man was right, sometimes you do wake up at 11:30 feeling like a bag of shit...
- so I'm joining the meeting from the comfort of my own home
- DnD was extra phenomenal last week, we did combat for the first time in... now that I think about it it's really only been a couple of months, but it felt longer
- i goofed and brought a strixhaven quandrix booster thinking it would be a 50/50 split between green and blue for alex and i... it was mostly green+blue cards... it was a real "By Talos, this can't be happening!" moment
- the sad music man was right, sometimes you do wake up at 11:30 feeling like a bag of shit...
Past action Items:
Action Items: Alistair:
Organise Sealed League - not
Give table measurements to Taylor- not done
Large-scale borrowing regs - not done
Quiz night budget??? - done
Collab [REDACTED] Budget? - done
Work on Envirogrant - in progress
Make paint pricing edits (SPG) - done
Put Unigames on UWA discord hub - done
Buy prizes from tactics - not done
Quiz night ticket announcement - not done
Contact GMs - not done, F
(Everyone) Place self on roster - some
- No updates
- No updates
Usual Suspects
Board Games
Mystery Board Games [Week 4 5pm Friday 20/8]
- A few people came
- Was good
Board Games for Week 6
Nina: Board Game Week 6
Week 5 One Shot - Delta Green [CANCELLED]
- F
- It's not happening
- :(
- Oh no
Mouseguard One Shot [Week 7 Tuesday]
Vikrum: Mouseguard EMP
Magic: The Gavining
Sealed League
- Put off until Midnight Hunt
Midnight Hunt Prerelease
Alistair: Midnight Hunt stuff
- No updates
Fresher Campaigns
- Fresher campaigns are being put together
Quiz Night [Thursday 2/9 7pm]:
- It's next week!
- The budget:
- Jackie MVP
- Committie approves the budget
- Tickets: pcs.org.au/quiz
- Buy tickets!
OGM [Friday Week 6 1pm 3/9/21]
- Next week!
- You have 2 days to add things to the agenda
UWASCA collab:
- no updates
Roleplay for Life [Probably Sat 18/9 - Sun 19/9]
- We need to start getting things up soon!
- EMP is done
Emerald, Texas: Roleplay for Life
Relay for Life [Sat 02/10 - Sun 03/10]
- Signup: bit.ly/Unigains21
- We have people, and UniSFA people
Cameron Hall-o-ween @ ??? [Thursday 21/10/21]
- Vikrum and Nina are the subcom reps
- It's starting soon, get ready
Pyramid Camp 2021 [19/11/21 - 22/11/21]:
- EMP was just had and camp is approved!
- Leigh wasn't there though :(
- Going to try contacting St John's directly for first aid course
- Jackie smashed out the budget and it is to be approved by the subcom on Friday
- Posters are being worked on
Jackie: Contact St John's about first aid Jackie: Camp posters
- $486.15 to Jackie for Food Run (18/05/2021)
- $115.60 to Ethan for Paintbrushes
- $5.10 to Ethan for Card Sleeves
Semester Grants
- No breakdown yet
- Jackie nutted out some envirogrant stuff last night
- Can collection thing
- Planning to have the collection under the stairs near Leisure
- Jackie proposes expenses (not covered by the grant) and profit split evenly between Unigames, UniSFA and UCC
- Approved
Best Club award
- Due September 27th
- Aidan has been updated
General Business:
Room Update
- Table
- Alistair has vague tables measurements
- Thinking of a 1.5m square
- Emerald wants a square in the middle of the table for popping up into the middle of the table
- She will not get this wish
Alistair: Table things
- Classification system
- Vikrum is on it
Vikrum: Continue Classification System
Food runs
Everyone: Put yourself on food run roster
- UWA discord hub
- We're on the hub
Alistair: Large-scale borrowing regs
Westmarche Campaign
- Meeting is happening tomorrow
Board Games with Pride
- Pride wants to do board games next week Tuesday and wants our help organisin
Alistair: Email Pride about board games
Board Games with Multicultural Society
- Multicultural society wants to do a board game event with classic international board games
- Do they want like mahjong like classic games or those based around a multicultural theme?
Alistair: Email Multicultural Society about board games
Meeting closed: 1:41pm