Unigames Committee Meeting #26 - 27/08/2020

by Autumn Brough 27/08/20

Unigames Committee Meeting #26 - 27/08/2020


  • Alistair
  • Jackie
  • Autumn
  • Emerald
  • Alice
  • Ash
  • Josh
  • Gwen "the switcheroo"
  • Kyle


  • Taylor

Exiled :(((

  • Kyle

Meeting scheduled: 6:00pm

Meeting open: 6:06pm


President's Report (Alistair):

  • Did marking for Prof Comp
  • Organising ongoing meetings with the teams
  • Advertised the library to other clubs
  • Doing camp things, sent Leigh some extra things he needed
  • Finished LoU2 for the second time
    • why do they call it final fantasy if there's a second last of us

Vice-President's Report (Taylor):

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • WE RAN OUT OF PIES i'm sorry everyone
  • sent an email to jameson last night (at like 11 pm) about 2019 semester 2 grants and he sent me a reply in under 2 minutes (holy shit)
  • jameson got back to me about last year's grants: unigames should have received $1336.35 and only received $416
  • this means we're missing $920.35
  • account balance: $2,656.34
  • not part of the report: alistair i have Thots on the banner you chose this week

Secretary's Report (Autumn):

  • Organised the GM workshop
  • Posted relay posts

Librarian's Report (Emerald):

  • is universally shamed for her normie ringtone
    • it's opening
  • completed a survey about how much she loves mark mcgowan
  • big food run
  • like no really a big food run me and gwen got soo much snacks
  • talked to liam about quiz night
  • did not talk to leigh
  • post about book buy will be coming very soon

Fresher Rep's Report (Alice):

  • The freshers are alive. I had no action items this week so I did all my action items. Either fresher campaigns are firing or I dreamed that they were. Either way, I did the sorting people and contacting gms so the bit I'm responsible for is mostly over. I'm sorry if I'm dead this week I just clocked over eight hours at work, in constant motion bc you get fired if you sit down, for less than twenty dollars an hour. Anyways if you're looking for me I'm probably comatose (but not sleeping) on the couch. Bye.
  • Oh yeah. I also helped remind Autumn to plan her event and clicked some strange boxes on line for... Some reason that someone else knows.

Reports de la OCM (Ashleigh, Gwen, Josh, Kyle):

  • Ash:
    • :))™️
  • Gwen:
    • did a food run with Emerald today. Yay food.
    • the board game night I ran a couple of weeks was super good and I can’t wait for the next one
    • I’ll be playing some 40k this weekend, here’s hoping I become an expert at playing space marines soon
  • Josh:
    • UWASCA meeting went well. We’re currently looking into venues and gauging interest(I’ll probably post something on Facebook soon)
  • Kyle:
    • have a bunch of things to talk about re:quiz
    • let_me_in.gif
    • painted an entire 40k army since Monday

Past action Items:

Alistair Langton:

Plan for busy bees - done Re-email our appeal to Amy, Jacob, etc - done Do marking for websites (along with Taylor) - done Make a post in the presidents group about large scale borrowing - done Set up a book buy (along with Emerald) - not done

Taylor Home:

Make the poll, taylor, for roleplay 4 life - not done Check in with Autumn about 2019 relay feedback - done (thanks jackie) Continue quiz planning (along with Kyle, Emerald) - ongoing Do the goddamn spreadsheet - ongoing Do marking for websites (along with Alistair) - done Constitutional Changes - n/a

Jackie Shan:

Get the link - done (camp roles doc) Get in contact with Jameson about 2019sem2 semester grant - done


Set up the GM workshop night for next week - done Make a post about sponsoring laps and signups - done Give Donald a new github password - done

Emerald Aindow:

Continue quiz planning (along with Taylor, Kyle) - ongoing Talk to leigh about the spring feast - not done Set up a book buy (along with Alistair) - not done

Kyle Barrow:

Continue quiz planning (along with Taylor, Emerald) - ongoing


  • Vikrum is now a gatekeeper

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • Next week's board games

Ash: Organise next week board games


  • GM Workshop
    • it's happening!
    • EMP is approved
    • Have been talking to Ryan Nicholson about the format
    • We will be running in the ezone, so NONSTUDENTS CAN ATTEND
    • Autumn to source some solid scenarios

Autumn: Make GM Workshop happen

  • Primarchs
    • Cam crashed the meeting and let us know he will be orchestrating
    • We will learn more later

Magic: The Gavining

  • we should wait until the next set comes out before buying a booster box
  • that will be zendakar in a month
  • someone has requested another commander day
  • alistair is investigating options for nonstudents

Alistair: Run another casual commander day


  • kyle is eyeing up Gaslands as a fun new book to add to our library
    • it's a system you play with hot wheels

Fresher Campaigns

  • alice discovered the fatal mistakes she made in her spreadsheet
    • accidentally put a poor soul in his own campaign
    • also used the incorrect availabiility for said poor soul
  • autumn is going to be chucked a game

Alice: Do a round table checkin with the GMs to see if they're ok


Halloween 2019:

  • We tried to pen jarcus after last meeting
    • he says "I got some files"
    • alice alludes to downloading viruses off the darkweb??

UWASCA Collab [Sat 19/9]

  • Picked a soft date of "end of september but not roleplay 4 life"
  • Have completed some budgets and, with the original plan, would need 60 participants to break even
  • We're particularly looking at unigames/unisfa to provide people since they're larger
  • Will likely be an off-campus venue
  • Stay tuned for date, venue notes
  • Will be having another meeting next wednesday

Josh, Gwen: Keep organising UWASCA collab

Roleplay 4 Life [Sat 26/9 - Sun 27-9]:

Emerald: Complete a roleplay EMP this weeeeek

Relay [Saturday 10/10]:

  • Autumn posted about sponsors just before the meeting
  • Taylor and Alice have signed up this week

Quiz Night [Thursday 22/10]:

  • Darkmittie update
    • No solid meeting time yet but they're going to hang out
  • Lightmittie update
    • Realised they are required to budget for sanitisation if they are handling cash/door tickets
    • Kyle has a third draft of the budget
    • There is a question of whether we change the bundle ticket price to last year's door ticket price
    • Sanitising at the door can be simplified by saying no cash, we're just using the square reader
    • Looking at $18-$20 tickets. With $18 tickets, our breakeven is at 78 attendees (very achievable)
    • Discussion of snack platter catering vs chips + pizzas
    • Discussion of acquisition of a big box of pens

Emerald, Kyle: Keep pulling together quiz night

Joint REDACTED [20/11-23/11]:

  • leigh got back to us and requested a few items, which alistair sent through

Room Update:

  • Busy bee

    • A bee based business has been scheduled for 19/9
    • people can come help clean if they like 🥺🥺🥺
  • Broken light

    • We forgot to specifically point out the OTHER broken light when we ordered the repair

Alistair: Order a light repair


  • Pending:
    • Autumn: -$34.79
    • Emerald: $691.39
    • Jackie: $0 (she got paid back for $366.40)


  • Tenancy Reallocations

    • No updates
    • Alistair resent our appeal
  • 2019 Sem 2 Grant

    • Should be fixed SOOON
    • Jackie received some numbers from Jameson, we were underpaid by $920.35, so this will be corrected
  • 2020 Sem 2 Grant

    • Will be including all of 2020sem1

General Business:


  • Profcomp heroes are onto sprint 2
  • Theoretically in the next week or two we'll get a rudimentary model

  • Autumn finally let donald into the github

Unigames Dice

  • Chase has been given their two missing dice
  • Kyle just needs to deal with his extra dice

Constitutional Changes

  • no update

First Aid Course

  • lexi is going to inquire with UWA sport to see if they can get us a course organised

Large Scale Borrowing

  • Alistair advertised it to the presidents group
  • Jacob rewarded us with emogies

Book Buy

Alistair, Emerald: Booook buy

Meeting closed: 7:06pm

This Week's Action Items: Alistair:

Run another casual commander day

Order a light repair

Booook buy (along with Emerald)


Make GM Workshop happen


Complete a roleplay EMP this weeeeek

Keep pulling together quiz night (along with Kyle)

Booook buy (along with Alistair)


Do a round table checkin with the GMs to see if they're ok


Keep pulling together quiz night (along with Emerald)


Keep organising UWASCA collab (along with Gwen)


Keep organising UWASCA collab (along with Josh)


Organise next week board games