Unigames Committee Meeting #27 - 01/09/2021

by Guinevere Sellner 01/09/21

Unigames Committee Meeting #27 - 01/09/2021


  • Alistair
  • Emerald
  • Jackie
  • Gwen
  • Vikrum
  • Ethan
  • Amber
  • Chris
  • Nina
  • Texas


Meeting scheduled: 1:00pm

Meeting open: 1:06pm


President's Report (Alistair):

  • ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  • Got a bad grade in psych but she felt bad so I only got bulk billed which is good
  • Too many meetings and things happening
  • Tried to kill a girlboss dragon and it didnt happen
  • replied to many emails, multicultural week have no reading comprehension
  • went out and bought some green clothes this morning bc i had none
    • gee i wonder why

Vice-President's Report (Emerald):

  • Dear Guinevere
  • I am sorry
  • I was on a food run
  • I feel like that's at least medium valid for not doing my report
  • Congratulations to my freshers for saving Woman
  • Roleplay is on the way, though I might not be able to attend
  • I feel that's it
  • Did a food run, obviously
  • Good luck with all of you midsemester assignments and tests
  • Thank you so much for reading the minutes

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • (leaning head on poster like jason mendoza in the good place) oh ace attorney we’re really in it now
    • (my physical copy of dgs arrived)
  • helped buy quiz night prizes
  • been lurking in the quiz night subcom and helping there
  • working on joint camp advertising
  • thanks to the rain for putting off my hayfever for another day
  • see y’all at quiz night <33
  • account balance: $7825.47

Secretary's Report (Gwen):

  • This week started with a PC dying to a yeti in dnd and it's just been downhill from there
  • Newsletter will go out at some point this week theoretically
  • Quiz night is tomorrow!
  • Had a darkmittee meeting to go through questions together and discuss some logistics
  • Slides are almost done and AV checks will be done tomorrow morning
  • Double pinged lightmittee with Jackie to get them to have a meeting
  • Can't wait to see some of y'all tomorrow night with sexy 2000s costumes and bribes

Librarian's Report (Vikrum):

  • hyello
  • finally spoke to a real person in the grad program... who offered me a job :')
  • got my Mouse Guard one-shot mostly prepared, which is a new frontier for me you're welcome
  • uhhh wait until after my exam for EMP I guess lol
  • I'll make a spreadsheet to do some cataloguing over the break I guess

Fresher Rep's Report (Ethan):

  • Blew up my Aelfir's hourse and committed acts of terrorism potentially also killing all my coworkers.
  • Achieved the greatest lie.
  • Did fresher campaign things
  • Had a session of spire: battle royale
  • My K/D as a GM is currently sitting at a nice 1.0
  • Two players killed each other I am not responsible for peoples actions
  • In DOT hell. Thanks department of transport Mirrabooka.
  • Got cat ears in DND. Aesthetics are unimportant.
  • Running Bodangles later today.

Reports de la OCM (Amber, Chris, Nina, Texas):

  • Amber:
    • Sharkie does tappy tap.
    • High Advance in Spire campaign, our party got significantly better at lying.
    • Reached Ascension 19+ in Slay the Spire.
    • Psychologist approved e
    • Moving out soon, which me luck (I need it)
  • Chris:
    • Have tried the worldbuilding game Mappa Imperium (its actually really fun)
    • Aurelio the tiefling bard is ready to kill some Bodangles
    • quiz night hype??!?!?!
  • Texas:
    • did a damage in dnd!!!!! (2 whole attacks hit and then I was paralysed and very low on health)
    • made roleplay poster
    • quiz night!
    • I'm sure I did other things I can't think of
    • 2 dwagons
  • Nina:
  • holy shit did i forget about week 6 board games... it has been A Week
    • BUT i did a food run!! So it balances out... right??

Past action Items:


Midnight Hunt stuff - done

Table things - done

Large-scale borrowing regs - not done

Email Pride about board games - done

Email Multicultural Society about board games - done


Roleplay for Life (along with Texas) - done


Contact St John's about first aid - done

Camp posters - done


Mouseguard EMP - not done

Continue Classification System - done


Board Game Week 6 - not done


Roleplay for Life (along with Emerald) - done


(Everyone) Put yourself on food run roster - ongoing


  • An update?
  • Jazz is now a gatekeeper


  • No updates

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • Board Games for Week 8

Nina: Week 8 board game


  • Mouseguard One Shot [Week 7 Tuesday]

Vikrum: Mouseguard EMP and event

Magic: The Gavining

  • Sealed League

    • After prerelease
  • Midnight Hunt Prerelease

    • Is getting organised
    • Prizes will be set boosters
    • Prices for packs are getting raised (RRP has gone up)
      • Now will be $40 each, so the event will run at 0 profit


  • No updates

Fresher Campaigns

  • Chris now has a campaign
  • Unfortunately some people have missed out, but there is a possibility of putting freshers in existing campaign

Ethan: Ping Fresher GMs for if they have space


Quiz Night [Thursday 2/9 7pm]:

  • It's tomorrow!
  • Alistair is on the boomer table again
  • There will be tickets sold at the door
    • Need cash to buy
  • Can still buy tickets before the event!
  • Tickets: pcs.org.au/quiz

OGM [Friday Week 6 1pm 3/9/21]

  • This Friday!
  • The agenda is short
    • Chris vibes
  • If we are out of the meeting by 1:20pm Alistair will buy first round of jugs at the tav
  • Committee send reports to Gwen before the meeting
  • Come to the OGM!

Everyone: Send OGM reports to Gwen

UWASCA collab:

  • no updates

Roleplay for Life [Sat 25/9 - Sun 26/9]

  • It's been moved back a week!
  • Fun overnight event
  • You don't have to stay the whole thing
  • If you want to GM contact Emerald or Texas

Emerald, Texas: Roleplay posters and Facebook announcement

Relay for Life [Sat 02/10 - Sun 03/10]

  • Signup: bit.ly/Unigains21
  • We have a bunch of people!
  • Come sign up if you like charity and running a little bit

Chris: Relay hype post

Cameron Hall-o-ween @ ??? [Thursday 21/10/21]

  • Vikrum and Nina are the subcom reps

Alistair: Message ICON with Cameron Hall-o-ween reps

Pyramid Camp 2021 [19/11/21 - 22/11/21]:

  • We have a budget to approve
  • Texas sends us the budget
    • Texas MVP
    • Jackie fucked up the spreadsheet
    • The spreadsheet is broken
    • We need to send the budget back to the shop and get it refunded
  • Turns out we don't have a working budget spreadheet to approve
  • Rosters have been set up
    • 1 person is needed for first aid on Sunday
    • Nina will do it
    • Hooray



  • $486.15 to Jackie for Food Run (18/05/2021)
  • $115.60 to Ethan for Paintbrushes
  • $5.10 to Ethan for Card Sleeves


  • $277.85 to Emerald for Food Run (01/09/2021)


  • Semester Grants

    • No breakdown yet
  • Envirogrant

    • In progress
  • Best Club award

    • Due September 27th
    • Alistair is working on it
  • SPG

    • No updates
    • Just waiting

General Business:

Room Update

  • Table
    • Alistair talked with Taylor about the table


  • Classification system
    • In progress
    • There will be a spreadsheet available over the midsem break for committee to fill in stuff for boardgames

Food runs

  • Food run happened

Everyone: Put self on food run roster


  • Newsletter will go out this week


Alistair: Large-scale borrowing regs

Westmarche Campaign

  • No updates

Board Games with Pride

  • Didn't happen

Board Games with Multicultural Society

  • They don't have reading comprehension?

Meeting closed: 1:51pm