Unigames Committee Meeting #28 - 10/09/2020

by Autumn Brough 10/09/20

Unigames Committee Meeting #28 - 10/09/2020


  • Alistair
  • Taylor (discord) (snoozecord)
  • Jackie
  • Autumn
  • Emerald
  • Alice
  • Ash
  • Josh
  • Gwen
  • Kyle (discord)

Exyled :(((

  • Kyle

Meeting scheduled: 6:00pm

Meeting open: 6:09pm (hehehehe)


President's Report (Alistair):

  • I did email related things
  • Sent several of those bad boys
  • Had a fun meeting the other day.
  • It was great.

Vice-President's Report (Taylor):

  • Returns from snoozecord!!!
  • "are you fixed?" "(resounding silence)"
  • Gremlin mode activate
  • Extreme technical difficulties
  • Please vote in the Guild elections next week it's very important if you have any questions please hmu
  • gollars

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • my brother finished (autumn's copy of) paper mario before me. and i can't even do anything because i have a project due tomorrow
  • i've thought about who i need to invite to a halloween 2019 meeting and i will make it happen. after i finish my project
  • i think a creativity channel for the discord would be cute (kyle's idea)
  • was on the border of board games on friday but got bullied by alice so i just left /s (it looked good tho!!)
  • also started drafting a treasurer handover for fun
  • i had one more point but i forgot
    • uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
      • i'll do it for next meeting
        • WAIT IT WAS IT WAS
          • i learnt a cute anime girl dance
            • (demonstrates)
  • account balance: $1,964.99

Secretary's Report (Autumn):

  • sleepy bitch 24/7

Librarian's Report (Emerald):

  • suh im taking a new spin to my report this week poggers!
  • i'm ending every dotpoint with 'poggers!' like an animal crossing villager poggers!
  • so this week i finished the roleplay EMP poggers!
  • the guild website is still absolutely hellish to interact with poggers!
  • in an exciting turn of events we might be able to have non-students, keyword being 'might' poggers!
  • I sent some emails poggers!
  • I did some preemptive advertising stuff poggers!
  • Writers note: isn't it fun that at the start of the year I'm so deeply 'we can't put jokes in the minutes!!!' and now its turning into a weekly clown fest
  • if you're not committee and reading this you're a star

Fresher Rep's Report (Alice):

  • Friday was boardgames. I went to that.
  • I then proceeded to have a Hell Of A Week (midsems are over, yay!) aaand imma do my action items right now. 😁

Reports de la OCM (Ashleigh, Gwen, Josh, Kyle):

  • Ash:
    • "sorry still recovering from that poggers minutes"
    • thanks jackie for making the event uwu
    • completed first aid training whoop
    • board games happened on friday
    • did tap out at around 8~ish(was lil tired pls not @ me)
    • didn't get any complaints so assume it went ok (?)
    • very free for all, at height had two tables going
    • yeee
  • Gwen:
    • just chilling whilst spending all my money on magic (josh is to blame)
      • proud of u hun
    • still don’t super know how to 40k, but I’m still undefeated so far sooooo
  • Josh:
    • Both Jack and Ellie seem keen to do some paranoia
    • Fall guys is my new god
    • Lost draft to a completely new magic player
  • Kyle:
    • Quiz emp is done
    • I have officially fallen to the dark gods and am most of the way to completing my first chaos army
    • Been chatting with freshers on discord drumming up interest in playing wargames
    • letmein.gif
    • had the idea for the creativity channel

Past action Items:

This Week's Action Items: Alistair:

Contact gatekeeper applicants - done

Communicate via email - done

Organise a fix for the broken light - not done

Have a go at a best club application - not done (oh damn that's due tomorrow)

Respond to the post on the presidents group - not done


Send in an email clarification requesting to list what the errors are on the room master list and verify its accuracy - not done

Start planning out a procedural appeal - unsure


Organise a geniune proper with representatives from all clubs - not done


Ask venues about an all-weekend classroom booking - hopefully not relevant

Send a relay sponsorship reminder via discord and email - not done


Email Leigh and Jacob about ticketing Roleplay 4 Life to nonstudents - done


Follow up on Keifer and Valerie's fresher games - done

Do an across-the-board checkin with the sem 1 GMs - done


Make a dice bag EMP happen ASAP (along with Gwen) - dates have been reshuffled, not done


Make a dice bag EMP happen ASAP (along with Josh) - ditto


File an EMP for next board games night - done, waiting on loft booking


  • everyone misremembers song lyrics

  • Keifer is now a gatekeeper

Alistair: Get in touch w/ new gatekeeper

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • Mid semester board games
    • It happened!!!
  • Next board games [4pm Wed 16/9]

Alice, Gwen: Make wednesday board games happen

  • Board games 3 weeks from now
    • Alice would like to do a Monday, but that is the day after roleplay
    • That's study week! So we can do it at a noon if we like
    • Spooky study break board games for josh's birthday
    • [Noon thurs 1/10] (please note that this is not josh's birthday)


  • Primarchs

    • No udpates
    • "ow my hand" (jackie closes the big money box on her hand) (like a mimic)
  • Post-roleplay 4 life RPG night

    • Josh is running paranoia

Josh: Make paranoia happen 2 weeks after roleplay

Magic: The Gavining

  • The prerelease has been approved
  • Alistair has noticed interest, people asking about it
  • Yay :)
  • If we get 22 people to show, then we will make a $55 profit


  • There's freshers in the discord being lured by the siren song of wargames!!
  • Kyle would like to do a Learn To Play Warhammer
  • But he is exkyled :(

Fresher Campaigns

  • Alice has checked in with all the fresher campaigns
  • One GM has concerns about engagement
  • One game has dissolved
  • All other games seem pretty healthy

Alice: Check in with the orphaned freshers

Alice: Talk to Vikrum about fresher campaigns


Halloween 2019:

  • jackie special jackie special
    • jackie saw jarcus today leaving cameron hall and he was walking SO fast
    • has been planning who to gather for a meeting
    • "hey taylor do you want to be in a meeting" "FUCK yeah"
    • "matt preston? is he the italian guy?" are you talking about manu? he's FRENCH"

Jackie: Summon a meeting of the fellowship of halloween

Roleplay 4 Life [Sat 26/9 - Sun 27-9]:

  • EMP has been submitted
  • Emerald sent a really big cool email (we've all read it already) asking if we can have nonstudents. Guild replied saying can we please send every nonstudent's ID ahead of time. We replied saying can we please send them afterwards.
  • Emerald is planning her advertising, is waiting for confirmation about nonstudents
  • Alistair proposes getting advertising out ASAP, and then amending it
  • We will need to be getting in touch with our regular GMs to figure out timeslots
  • jackie quietly whispering "put griffin mcelroy on the poster"

Emerald: Get Roleplay 4 Life online advertising up ASAP

Emerald: Get Roleplay 4 Life physical advertising up ASAP

Emerald: Get Roleplay 4 Life technical people, inc donald

Emerald: Get Roleplay 4 Life GMs organised

Emerald: Get Roleplay 4 Life nonstudents contacted

Book Buy [1/10]

  • The book buy post is up and people are posting

Emerald: Crosspromote bookbuy to discord

UWASCA Collab [Weekend 3/10 or 4/10]:

  • Date has been revised to the week between roleplay and relay
  • Aiming for a saturday morning, or maybe sunday
  • Will be running at UWA
  • Entry will be approx $5, stay tuned
  • Everyone should come!!
  • Oh we might do a sausage sizzle

Josh, Gwen: Get UWASCA collab EMP done ASAPP

Relay [Saturday 10/10]:

  • Alice got a donation! Discussion of how to add a donation in your name
  • Baton - how are we going to keep it sanitary
    • "please dont put my potion bottle in your mouth"
    • sanitise before and after going on the track

Autumn: Bother previous signups about joining our team

Autumn: Advertise signups and sponsorships to discord and email

  • Everyone please sign up!!
  • "Guys, stop passing notes"
    • Alistair confiscates the note
    • "Alice writes, 'Jackie is the worst'"

Quiz Night [Thursday 22/10]:

  • Lightmittie update
    • Kyle will be attending a meeting this saturday
    • EMP has been done
    • Most stuff has been sorted!!
    • Once committee has approved a ticket design, we will be good to go
    • Kyle needs to contact our sponsor about prizes
    • Physical tickets will be sold for cash in clubrooms, only cashless on the ngiht

Kyle: Sort quiz night prizes

Kyle: Figure out how ASAP you can get quiz tickets on sale

  • Darkmittie update
    • Emerald: "We're well into it"
    • Alistair: "Have you started * the powerpoint * "
    • Emerald: (evasive)

OGM [1pm Friday 23/10]

  • We constitutionally must have one (thank you donald)
  • If we do it during regular hours, we can totally get 2 hours of a lecture theatre
  • Which would mean nonstudents, and lots of capacity
  • Pre-exam study break if 26/10-30/10, we would like to place it in the week before that, i.e. 19/10-23/10.
  • Josh cannot get out of work
  • OGM placed for 1pm Friday 23/10

Joint REDACTED [20/11-23/11]:

  • Alistair: "Aaaaaah"
  • So Leigh's on holiday!
  • Until next wednesday!
  • So we've done pretty much everything!
  • But we need him to approve the EMP
  • So that's a delay :////
  • We still need to confirm a budget

Taylor: Look over winslade's camp budget

  • Hopefully we can have at least 6 weeks of ticket sales
  • We didn't have a meeting yesterday bc a committee RPG got scheduled for that timeslot u_____u

Room Update:

  • Busy bee

    • Monday, question mark
    • We didn't have one this week, and they're supposed to be every second week
    • Omar has not put out a schedule
  • Broken light

Alistair: Broken light!!!!!


  • Pending:
    • Autumn: -$34.79
    • Alistair: $55 for moot court booking


  • Tenancy Reallocations

    • Our appeal has been UPHELD
    • HOORAY
    • WOOOOO
    • general whooping and celebration
    • This means Guild will not move us into 184b with unisfa
    • Theoretically they could try to put us somewhere else
    • They should republish the list of room allocations soon
  • 2019 Sem 2 Grant

    • No update
    • We are cheering for you Jameson
  • SPG

    • We will be getting an update soon
  • Best Club applications

    • That's due TOMOZ
    • "I guess I'll try to nut that out tomorrow"
    • What motivates scart

General Business:


  • Prof Comp

    • We have a meeting with one group this week
    • The other has been providing incremental udpates
    • Sprint 2 is due week after next so we should have a prototype to play with soon
  • Creativity channel

    • People have been supporting the implementation of a creativity channel in the discord
    • This would actively encourage people to post their random art
    • We will have multiple committee members driving activity, and can always delete it if we want

Unigames Dice

  • no udpate

First Aid Course

Alistair: Check in about first aid course

Meeting closed: 8:01pm