Unigames Committee Meeting #29 - 17/09/2020

by Autumn Brough 17/09/20

Unigames Committee Meeting #29 - 17/09/2020


  • Alistair
  • Taylor "the shadowmittee duplex"
  • Jackie
  • Autumn
  • Emerald
  • Alice
  • Ash (discord)
  • Josh
  • Gwen
  • Kyle (discord)


  • Emerald

Exyled :(((

  • Kyle

Meeting scheduled: 6:00pm

Meeting open: 6:10pm


President's Report (Alistair):

  • Went to UniSFAs OGM
  • Did emailing things
  • Picked up the prerelease packs
  • Organised a meeting with Leigh for camp purposes
  • Autumn didnt want to put my report in

Vice-President's Report (Taylor):

  • I don’t remember anything that’s happened in the last week except elections.
  • I hope everyone voted
  • If unigames gets shrecked next year as a result of the election, i will personally come and murder whoever didnt vote

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • did a $420 deposit today
  • also reimbursed kyle for wargaming terrain
  • received our wargaming spg wargamers rise up
  • the weeks go by too fast i have a report due sunday and MY COMPSCI PROJECT STILL
  • hope everyone voted in guild
  • i like playing among us
  • account balance: $2,888.99

Secretary's Report (Autumn):

  • met ash's clone at pole class
  • i sent out an email!!
  • and helped josh do an EMP

Librarian's Report (Emerald):

  • i am nearly a full week into having the flu, please pick a god and pay for me as i recover
  • i also enjoy playing among us
  • i did all sorts of roleplay 4 life prep
  • i have a schedule of all the games that will be overnight, and been figuring out who will be streaming
  • set up the event and the EMP
  • i've had SOUP
  • i went to the IGA, couldn't find soup, and then gozz and taylor went to the IGA and they could find soup
  • i have not gone to the gym but i have voted in guild elections
  • (confirms that Josh inherited her seat)

Fresher Rep's Report (Alice):

  • i went to the boardgames night
  • i ran the boardgames night
  • uh
    • uh
  • (alice is currently dictating this to me)
  • that's it
  • i now remember i voted in guild elections so taylor wouldn't murder me

Reports de la OCM (Ashleigh, Gwen, Josh, Kyle):

  • Ash:
    • we've really reverted back to COVIDmittee haven't we
    • uhh made fb event for boardgames after a poke
    • it happened i assume (was busy, couldn't go)
    • thats all folks
  • Gwen:
    • I also voted in guild elections and enjoy among us
    • I’m on discord tonight cuz I’m studying for my mid sem tomorrow
    • UWASCA Collab meeting will be next week, hopefully we’ll have advertising and an EMP done by then
    • didn’t get to go the board game night last night 😞
  • Josh:
    • UWASCA meeting was postponed to next week
    • Working out a date for both Ellie and Jack (for paranoia)
    • Learnt how to do an EMP
    • Keen for Zendikar
  • Kyle:
    • oh god oh fuck im looking at magic again
      • clarification: i remade my pirate commander deck
    • paid for the terrain
    • quizmittie is going good (got prizes from tactics!)
    • Team shirts should be here next week

Past action Items:


Get in touch w/ new gatekeeper - done Broken light!!!!! - not done Check in about first aid course - waiting on a response


Look over winslade's camp budget - not done (do it right now please)


Summon a meeting of the fellowship of halloween - going to do it rn


Bother previous signups about joining our team - not done Advertise signups and sponsorships to discord and email - have emailed


Get Roleplay 4 Life online advertising up ASAP - done Get Roleplay 4 Life physical advertising up ASAP - not done Get Roleplay 4 Life technical people, inc donald - in the works Get Roleplay 4 Life GMs organised - done Get Roleplay 4 Life nonstudents contacted - done Crosspromote bookbuy to discord - not done (doing it now)

  • emerald got sick (please get well soon <3 <3)


Make wednesday board games happen (along with Gwen) - done Check in with the orphaned freshers - not done Talk to Vikrum about fresher campaigns - done


Sort quiz night prizes - done Figure out how ASAP you can get quiz tickets on sale - should be happening this Saturday


Make paranoia happen 2 weeks after roleplay - started Get UWASCA collab EMP done ASAPP (along with Gwen) - not done


Make wednesday board games happen (along with Alice) - done Get UWASCA collab EMP done ASAPP (along with Josh) - not done


Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • Last board games [4pm Wed 16/9]

    • Alice ran it, it went well
    • 3 games running at the peak
    • Alice was relying for another committee member but that didn't happen
  • Next Board Games [Noon thurs 1/10]

    • EMP needs to be done today

Alistair, Alice: Organise study break board games


  • Primarchs

    • No udpates
  • Paranoia

    • Josh has started the EMP and has been in contact with Ellie and Jack

Magic: The Gavining

  • Zendikar Prerelease [11am Sunday 20/9]:
    • Josh is very hype, can walk people over from chall
    • It's in Moot Court

Alistair: Run Zendikar


  • Kyle has talked to one of the freshers about 40k and a game happened today!!!
  • Our SPG terrain is purchased
    • ty Jameson <3 ;o
    • $504 spent
    • This means we have money left over to spend
  • Kyle to bully people into helping paint the terrain

Kyle: Figure out how to spend the rest of the wargaming money

Fresher Campaigns

Alice: Get in touch with the orphaned freshers

  • Alice would like to push the still-online fresher campaigns to consider the ezone, she has had a positive experience

Alice: Talk to online fresher campaigns about the ezone


Halloween 2019:

  • At Symbol Jackie Shan
    • Jackie has messaged the halloween chat and hopefully a meeting will happen
    • Probably aiming for study break

Roleplay 4 Life [Sat 26/9 - Sun 27-9]:

  • EMP
    • EMP got rejected. Alistair will try to fix that tonight

Alistair: Look into the roleplay 4 life EMP

  • Online Adverstising
    • It's up! On Facebook, Discord and email
  • Physical Advertising
    • Still needs to be done
    • Emerald has produced a poster by editing griffin mcelroy into amelia's from last year
    • Emerald to upload the poster
  • Technical Stream Stuff

Emerald, Taylor: Talk to Gozz about roleplay stream babbysitting

  • GMs and Games
    • There have been plenty of GMs, both trusted and new, who have been in touch with Emerald
  • Nonstudents

    • No nonstudents are allowed to come if they have not RSVP'd by now
    • Emerald shares the list of nonstudents who have RSVP'd
      • And who could forget young Kyle :)
  • After hours access

    • Taylor points out that we will need an after hours access pass for the loft, and then pass that onto security so they can grant access to bathrooms

Alistair: File for an after hours access pass

Alistair: Book the loft for roleplay

Book Buy [Thursday 1/10]

  • It has been less than a year since we turned down Ludicrous COGZ so Ed legally cannot propose it again

UWASCA Collab [12pm Saturday 3/10]:

  • People are working on things this week
  • Josh and Gwen are working on an EMP
  • Other people have got advertising under control
  • Locked in Arts L Room 4 for 3/10
  • Jackie is prepared to provide a float, but UWASCA is looking to be the central money handler. If we do float, we will handle money.

Relay [Saturday 10/10]:

Autumn: Contact previous relay signups to see if they want to sign up

Autumn: Make a post about breakfast in the event

  • Communication we will need to do:

    • make a comprehensive what-to-bring list
    • make a thread about who's planning to be where/when
    • establish helpers (taylor uses the term "suckers") for setup and packup, including people who will be fresh for packup
  • As well as roleplay, we should get people hype for challenges and dumb

Autumn: Create a roleplay/relay Discord channel for promoting bullshit and sharing goofiness

Taylor: On 10/10, bring tiny table (littol lap table) for gaming purposes

Quiz Night [Thursday 22/10]:

  • Lightmittie update

Kyle: Make a FB event

  • Darkmittie update
    • "Lightmittie look like they're up to something" >> <<
    • Darkmittie are looking on from the shadows

OGM [1pm Friday 23/10]

  • Alistair has got in contact with venues to ask about possibilities
  • Venues asked us to be more specific

Alistair: Email back venues

  • Concerns have been raised about the tightness of constitutions and the powers we believe we have
  • Taylor is considering calling up legal aid to ask for advice

Alistair, Taylor: Review the constitution

Joint REDACTED [20/11-23/11]:

  • We had a meeting last night
    • Taylor: "MOTHERFUCKER"
    • Taylor: "I was asleep"
  • We have approved ticket prices (Alistair thought it had already happened, but it's happened for sure now)
  • Tickets will be $100 earlybird, $110 standard
  • Alistair has shared the budget with Taylor
  • Taylor trusts that Jackie can use the coles catalogue
  • The food budget is $18pp, with actual estimates coming up to just under $17pp. Doing part of the food buy at spudshed will give us even more breathing room.
  • Our maximum/expected income (assuming all 50 earlybird) will be $5000. $4050 of that will be accomodation costs (IF we get 50 attendees). If we budget $18pp for food, then that's $900. Leaving us $50 profit. Any late-bird buyers will be additional profit. Snack sales made during the event are also considered profit.
  • "Painkillers and cleaning products are the forbidden food items"
  • Alistair and merlin has a meeting with Leigh on Monday. (He got back from his holiday!)

Alistair: Attend a meeting with Leigh for camp

Room Update:

  • Busy bee

    • Saturday we have a big busy beeeeeee
    • Gatekeepers/committee please submit apologies if you are unable to make it
  • Broken light


  • Pending:
    • Autumn: -$34.79
    • Alistair: $55
    • Kyle: $504 for wargaming terrain purchase


  • Tenancy Reallocations

    • No udpate
    • Still waiting on re-reallocations following our appeal being upheld
  • 2019 Sem 2 Grant

    • It's looking like the money is going to get paid out at the same time as our combined 2020 Sem grant, at the end of the year
  • SPG

    • We got 100% of the money ($504 dollar put into our account, exactly what Kyle spent)

Jackie: Email our wargaming receipt to Jameson

  • SOC Meeting
    • 2020 semester 2 grants are open, due on 23/10
    • Jameson has requested we don't include food runs in our semester grants
    • And requested that we DO include the receipt for the Oday stall, which will let them add oday corrections to our semester grant
    • The thing from the last SOC meeting about getting volunteering credit has been revised, they will credit you for your position instead of your number of hours

Taylor, Jackie: Get on top of sem 2 grants

  • Best Club applications
    • Alistair submitted it!!
    • It's "not good"
    • We've grown despite the pandemic
    • here's some fun pictures
    • "No Limits"

General Business:


  • Prof Comp
    • Sprint 2 is done, we need to mark that at some point
    • Also donald showed off his own personal version, which is ticking along

Alistair, Taylor: Mark profcomp sprint 2

  • Renamed "Events" to "Announcements"
    • Alice has proposed we rename out #events channel to #announcements-and-events
    • Alistair has changed it

First Aid Course

  • No udpates

Meeting closed: 7:25pm

This Week's Action Items: Alistair:

Organise study break board games (along with Alice)

Run Zendikar

Look into the roleplay 4 life EMP

File for an after hours access pass

Book the loft for roleplay

Email back venues

Review the constitution (along with Taylor)

Attend a meeting with Leigh for camp

Mark profcomp sprint 2 (along with Taylor)


Talk to Gozz about roleplay stream babbysitting (along with Emerald)

On 10/10, bring tiny table (littol lap table) for gaming purposes

Review the constitution (along with Alistair)

Get on top of sem 2 grants (along with Jackie)

Mark profcomp sprint 2 (along with Alistair)


Email our wargaming receipt to Jameson

Get on top of sem 2 grants (along with Taylor)


Contact previous relay signups to see if they want to sign up

Make a post about breakfast in the event

Create a roleplay/relay Discord channel for promoting bullshit and sharing goofiness


Talk to Gozz about roleplay stream babbysitting (along with Taylor)


Organise study break board games (along with Alistair)

Get in touch with the orphaned freshers

Talk to online fresher campaigns about the ezone


Figure out how to spend the rest of the wargaming money

Make a FB event